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35 mins
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    path = require( 'path' ),
    chalk = require( 'chalk' ),
    semver = require( 'semver' ),
    { readdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require( 'fs' ),
    { parseChangelogFile, parseMainFileMetadata, getCurrentVersion, logResult, getProjectSlug } = require( '../utils' );

 * Generate the truncated changelog section content.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string} file   Changelog file.
 * @param {number} length Number of versions to include.
 * @return {string} The truncated changelog section content.
function getChangelogSection( file, length ) {
    const entries = parseChangelogFile( file ),
        total = entries.length,
        lines = [];

    let i = 0,
        added = 0;

    while ( added < length && i < total ) {
        const currLog = entries[ i ];

        // Don't add prereleases.
        if ( ! semver.prerelease( currLog.version ) ) {
            lines.push( `= v${ currLog.version } - ${ currLog.date } =\n\n` );
            lines.push( currLog.logs );


            if ( added < length ) {
                lines.push( '\n\n\n' );


    return lines.join( '' );

 * Generates the merge code help text.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @return {string} Help text.
function getMergeCodeHelp() {

    return `
Merge codes:
  The following merge codes can be used in any of the readme part markdown files.

  | Merge Code                    | Description                                                            | Source       |
  | ----------------------------- | -----------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------ |
  | {{__CHANGELOG_ENTRIES__}}     | The most recent 10 changelog entries.                                  | --input-file |
  | {{__LICENSE__}}               | The project's license (GPLv3).                                         | --main-file  |
  | {{__LICENSE_URI__}}           | The URI to the project's license.                                      | --main-file  |
  | {{__MIN_WP_VERSION__}}        | The minimum required WordPress core version.                           | --main-file  |
  | {{__MIN_LLMS_VERSION__}}      | The minimum required LifterLMS version.                                | --main-file  |
  | {{__MIN_PHP_VERSION__}}       | The minimum required PHP version.                                      | --main-file  |
  | {{__PROJECT_URI__}}           | The project's URI.                                                     | --main-file  |
  | {{__READ_MORE_LINK__}}        | A link to the full project changelog.                                  | --main-file  |
  | {{__SHORT_DESCRIPTION__}}     | A short description of the project.                                    | --main-file  |
  | {{__TESTED_LLMS_VERSION__}}   | The latest LifterLMS version the project has been tested against.      | --main-file  |
  | {{__TESTED_WP_VERSION__}}     | The latest WordPress core version the project has been tested against. | --main-file  |
  | {{__VERSION__}}               | The current project version.                                           | package.json |

 * Command: readme
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @since 0.1.0 Added the `--main-file` option as well as additional merge codes derived from metadata found in the main file's header comment.
 *              Exits with a warning and exit code `0` (instead of an error and exit code `1`) when running this command against a prerelease. 
 * @type {Object}
module.exports = {
    command: 'readme',
    description: 'Create a readme.txt file suitable for the WordPress.org plugin repository.',
    options: [
        [ '-o, --output-file <filename>', 'Specify the output readme file name.', 'readme.txt' ],
        [ '-i, --input-file <filename>', 'Specify the input changelog file name.', 'CHANGELOG.md' ],
        [ '-m, --main-file <filename>', 'Specify the project main file name where metadata is stored.', `${ getProjectSlug() }.php` ],
        [ '-d, --dir <directory>', 'Directory where the readme part files are stored', '.wordpress-org/readme' ],
        [ '-l, --changelog-length <number>', 'Specify the number of versions to display before truncating the changelog.', 10 ],
        [ '-r, --read-more <url>', 'Specify the "Read More" url where changelogs are published.', `https://make.lifterlms.com/tag/${ getProjectSlug() }` ],
    help: [
        [ 'after', getMergeCodeHelp() ]
    action: ( { outputFile, inputFile, mainFile, dir, readMore, changelogLength } ) => {
        const version = getCurrentVersion();

        // Don't generate readme files for pre-releases.
        if ( semver.prerelease( version ) ) {
            logResult( 'Cannot generate a readme for prereleases.', 'warning' );
            process.exit( 0 );

        const metas = parseMainFileMetadata( mainFile );

        const replacements = {
                PROJECT_URI: metas['Plugin URI'] ?? '',
                LICENSE: metas['License'] ?? '',
                LICENSE_URI: metas['License URI'] ?? '',
                MIN_WP_VERSION: metas['Requires at least'] ?? '',
                TESTED_WP_VERSION: metas['Tested up to'] ?? '',
                MIN_LLMS_VERSION: metas['LLMS requires at least'] ?? '',
                TESTED_LLMS_VERSION: metas['LLMS tested up to'] ?? '',
                MIN_PHP_VERSION: metas['Requires PHP'] ?? '',
                SHORT_DESCRIPTION: metas['Description'] ?? '',
                VERSION: version,
                CHANGELOG_ENTRIES: getChangelogSection( inputFile, changelogLength ),
                READ_MORE_LINK: readMore,
            files = readdirSync( dir );

        let readme = '';

        files.forEach( ( filename, i ) => {
            const file = readFileSync( path.join( dir, filename ), 'utf8' );

            readme += file;

            // Add newlines if it's not the last section.
            if ( files.length - 1 !== i ) {
                readme += '\n\n';
        } );

        // Replace variables.
        Object.keys( replacements ).forEach( ( varname ) => {
            readme = readme.replace( new RegExp( `{{__${ varname }__}}`, 'g' ), replacements[ varname ] );
        } );

        writeFileSync( outputFile, readme );

        logResult( `Generated ${ chalk.bold( outputFile ) } for version ${ chalk.bold( version ) }.`, 'success' );