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    path = require( 'path' ),
    { existsSync, writeFileSync } = require( 'fs' ),
    chalk = require( 'chalk' ),
    inquirer = require( 'inquirer' ),
    { getCurrentVersion, getChangelogForVersion, getArchiveFilename, logResult, pushDistFile, execSync } = require( '../../utils' );

 * Create a temporary changelog file used to add the changelog to the GitHub release.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string} version Semver string for the version being published.
 * @param {string} logfile Path to the the changelog file.
 * @return {string} Path to the temporary notes file.
function writeTempNotesFile( version, logfile ) {
    const { date, logs } = getChangelogForVersion( version, logfile ),
        tmpFile = path.join( process.cwd(), 'tmp', 'release-notes.txt' );

    let header = `v${ version } - ${ date }`;
    header = `${ header }\n${ '-'.repeat( header.length ) }`;

    writeFileSync( tmpFile, `${ header }\n\n${ logs }` );

    return tmpFile;

module.exports = {
    command: 'create',
    description: 'Create a GitHub release and tag from a specified file or branch.',
    options: [
        [ '-a, --archive <zip>', 'If specified, the zip file will be committed and force-pushed to the specified branch before creating the release. Pass --no-archive to skip this step.', getArchiveFilename() ],
        [ '-A, --no-archive', 'Skip creation from an archive file and use the target --branch for release creation.' ],
        [ '-c, --commit-message <message>', 'Customize the commit message used when pushing to the target branch. Used only when releasing from an archive. The placeholder "%s" is replaced with the release version.', 'Release v%s [ci skip]' ],
        [ '-d, --dir <directory>', 'Directory where distribution files are stored.', 'dist' ],
        [ '-b, --branch <branch>', 'Target branch to use when creating the release.', 'release' ],
        [ '-l, --logfile <file>', 'Specify the changelog file.', 'CHANGELOG.md' ],
        [ '-p, --prerelease', 'Mark the GitHub release as a prerelease and skip merging.' ],
        [ '-P, --prerelease-branch <branch>', 'When creating a prerelease, use this branch as the target branch in favor of the default branch specified via the --branch option.', 'prerelease' ],
        [ '-D, --draft', 'Create the release as an unpublished draft and skip merging.' ],
        [ '-M, --merge <branch>', 'Merge open PRs on the specified branch before creating the release. If publishing a prerelease, or draft merging is automatically disabled as if passing "--no-merge".', '' ],
        [ '-n, --no-merge', 'Disable merging before release creation. Automatically passed when publishing a prerelease.' ],
        [ '-Y, --yes', 'Skip confirmations.' ],
        [ '-v, --verbose', 'Output extra information with result messages.' ],
     * The `create` command.
     * @since 0.0.1
     * @since 0.2.1 Windows compatibility: account for spaces in file paths.
     * @return {void}
    action: async ( { archive, dir, commitMessage, branch, logfile, prerelease, prereleaseBranch, draft, merge, yes, verbose } ) => {
        // Ensure the CLI is installed before proceeding.
        try {
            execSync( 'which gh', true );
        } catch ( Error ) {
            logResult( 'The GitHub CLI client "gh" must be installed to use this command.', 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        // If there's untracked files or the working tree is dirty.
        if ( execSync( 'git status -s', true ) ) {
            logResult( 'The working tree must be clean before publishing.', 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        if ( archive ) {
            archive = path.join( dir, archive );

            if ( ! existsSync( archive ) ) {
                logResult( `The distribution file ${ chalk.bold( archive ) } doesn't exist.`, 'error' );
                process.exit( 1 );

        const version = getCurrentVersion();

        commitMessage = commitMessage.replace( '%s', version );

        // Use the prerelease branch when publishing a prerelease.
        if ( prerelease ) {
            branch = prereleaseBranch;
            merge = false;

        // Disable merging if publishing a draft.
        if ( draft ) {
            merge = false;

        // Output information and confirm the release (unless `--yes` is passed);
        if ( ! yes ) {
            logResult( `About to publish a new ${ prerelease ? 'prerelease' : 'release' }${ draft ? ' (draft)' : '' }:`, 'warning' );
            logResult( `${ chalk.bold( version ) }`, ' + Version' );
            if ( archive ) {
                logResult( `${ chalk.bold( archive ) }`, ' + Archive' );
            logResult( `${ chalk.bold( branch ) }`, ' + Branch' );
            if ( merge ) {
                logResult( `${ chalk.bold( merge ) }`, ' + Merge from branch' );

            yes = await inquirer.prompt( [ {
                type: 'expand',
                message: 'Are you sure you wish to proceed?',
                name: 'yes',
                choices: [
                        key: 'y',
                        name: 'Yes',
                        value: true,
                        key: 'n',
                        name: 'No',
                        value: false,
            } ] )
                .then( ( answers ) => answers.yes )
                .catch( ( err ) => console.log( err ) );

        if ( ! yes ) {
            logResult( 'Release aborted.', 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        logResult( `Releasing version ${ chalk.bold( version ) } to the ${ chalk.bold( branch ) } branch.` );

        // Push the distfile to the release branch.
        if ( archive ) {
            pushDistFile( archive, branch, commitMessage, ! verbose );

        // Merge open PRs against the specified branch.
        if ( merge ) {
            execSync( `gh pr merge ${ merge } --merge`, true );

        // Setup the release to pass to the GH CLI.
            notesFile = writeTempNotesFile( version, logfile ),
            createArgs = [];

        if ( archive ) {
            createArgs.push( archive );

        createArgs.push( `--title "Version ${ version }"` );
        createArgs.push( `--target ${ branch }` );
        createArgs.push( `--notes-file "${ notesFile }"` );

        if ( draft ) {
            createArgs.push( '--draft' );

        if ( prerelease ) {
            createArgs.push( '--prerelease' );

        // Create the release.
        const res = execSync( `gh release create ${ version } ${ createArgs.join( ' ' ) }`, true );
        logResult( `Release v${ chalk.bold( version ) } published. Permalink: ${ chalk.underline( res ) }.` );

        // Cleanup the tmp notesfile.
        execSync( `rm "${ notesFile }"` );