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45 mins
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    chalk = require( 'chalk' ),
    inquirer = require( 'inquirer' ),
    semver = require( 'semver' ),
    { execSync, logResult } = require( '../../utils' );

 * Call the cli from within the cli.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @since 0.2.1 Account for spaces in the file paths.
 * @param {string}  cmd    CLI command and options.
 * @param {boolean} silent If `true`, silence STDOUT.
 * @return {?string} The STDOUT content if `silent` is `true`, otherwise `null`.
function callSelf( cmd, silent = true ) {
    const [ node, cli ] = process.argv;
    let ret = null;
    try {
        ret = execSync( `"${ node }" "${ cli }" ${ cmd }`, silent );
    } catch ( e ) {
        logResult( `${ e.type }: ${ e.message }.`, 'error' );
        console.error( e );
        process.exit( 1 );
    return ret;

 * Open a CLI prompt and await user confirmation.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string}  message Message to prompt for confirmation.
 * @param {boolean} skip    If true, the script is being run with `--yes` and no prompt should be made.
 * @return {Promise} Returns a promise from the inquirer prompt.
function prompt( message, skip = false ) {
    if ( skip ) {
        return true;

    const questions = [
            type: 'confirm',
            name: 'confirm',
            default: true,

    return inquirer.prompt( questions )
        .then( ( { confirm } ) => confirm );

module.exports = {
    command: 'prepare',
    description: 'Prepare and build a release.',
    options: [
        [ '-F, --force <version>', 'Specify a version to use. If not specified uses `changelog version next` to determine the version.' ],
        [ '-p, --preid <identifier>', 'Identifier to be used to prefix premajor, preminor, prepatch or prerelease version increments.' ],
        [ '-y, --yes', 'Specify no-interaction mode. Responds "yes" to all confirmation prompts.' ],
        [ '-b, --build <cmd>', 'Specify an npm script to use for the build command.', 'build' ],
        [ '-B, --no-build', 'Disabled build script.' ],
    action: async ( { force, preid, build, yes } ) => {
        preid = preid ? ` --preid ${ preid }` : '';

        // Prepare release version.
        const version = force ? force : callSelf( `changelog version next${ preid }` );

        if ( ! semver.valid( version ) ) {
            logResult( `The supplied version string ${ chalk.bold( version ) } is invalid.`, 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        // Confirm version.
        if ( ! await prompt( `Proceed using version ${ chalk.bold( version ) }?`, yes ) ) {
            process.exit( 1 );

        // Get the changelog.
        if ( ! yes ) {
            callSelf( `changelog write --dry-run --force ${ version }`, false );
            if ( ! await prompt( 'Use the above output for the changelog and build the release?' ) ) {
                process.exit( 1 );

        // Update files.
        callSelf( `changelog write --force ${ version }`, false );

        // Update version.
        callSelf( `update-version --force ${ version }` );

        // Build.
        if ( build ) {
            execSync( `npm run ${ build }` );

        logResult( `Release preparation for version ${ chalk.bold( version ) } complete.`, 'success' );