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4 days
Test Coverage
const {
} = require( '../../src/utils' );

describe( 'isAttributionValid', () => {
    const testData = [
        // Valid data.
        [ 'Should accept a GitHub username', '@username', true ],
        [ 'Should accept a markdown link', '[username](https://fake.tld)', true ],
        // Invalid data.
        [ 'Should not accept a username without a leading @ symbol', 'username', false ],
        [ 'Should not accept a markdown link without a fully qualified URL', '[username](www.fake.tld)', false ],
        [ 'Should not accept a markdown reference link', '[username][link]', false ],
        // Weird types.
        [ 'Should not accept an integer', 123, false ],
        [ 'Should not accept an object', {}, false ],
        [ 'Should not accept an array', [], false ],
    it.each( testData )( '%s', ( name, input, expected ) => {
        expect( isAttributionValid( input ) ).toStrictEqual( expected );
    } );
} );

describe( 'isEntryValid', () => {
    describe( 'Single-line entries', () => {
        const testData = [
            // Valid.
            [ 'Should accept any capital letter and full stop at the end: A -> period', 'A valid line.', true ],
            [ 'Should accept any capital letter and full stop at the end: T -> period', 'This is also valid.', true ],
            [ 'Should accept any capital letter and full stop at the end: Z -> question mark', 'Z This is also valid?', true ],
            [ 'Should accept any capital letter and full stop at the end: P -> exclamation point', 'Plus this is too!', true ],
            [ 'Contains multiple sentences', 'Are multiple sentences okay? Yes, This is okay.', true ],
            // Invalid.
            [ 'Should not start with a plus bullet character', '+ The bullet is added automatically so this is invalid.', false ],
            [ 'Should not start with a minus bullet character', '- Other types of bullets are also invalid.', false ],
            [ 'Should not start with a lowercase letter', 'must be capital letter.', false ],
            [ 'Should not end without a full stop character', 'Must end in a fullstop', false ],
            [ 'Should not start with a number', '1 is numeric so it\'s invalid!', false ],
            [ 'Should not start with leading spaces', ' Leading spaces are invalid.', false ],
            [ 'Should not start with leading tabs', '    Leading tabs are invalid.', false ],
            [ 'Should not end with trailing new lines', 'Trailing tabs are invalid.\n', false ],
            [ 'Should not end with trailing tabs', 'Trailing tabs are invalid.    ', false ],
            [ 'Should not end with trailing space', 'Trailing spaces are invalid. ', false ],
            [ 'Should not end have multiple sentences without a full stop at the end', 'Trailing characters are invalid. Another', false ],
        it.each( testData )( '%s', ( name, input, expected ) => {
            expect( isEntryValid( input ) ).toStrictEqual( expected );
        } );
    } );
    describe( 'Multi-line entries', () => {
        const testData = [
            // Valid.
            [ 'Should accept a multi-line entry with only a single valid line', '+ A single valid line.\n', true ],
            [ 'Should accept any number of valid lines', '+ Multiple valid lines?\n+ Of course.\n+ They\'re okay!', true ],
            [ 'Should accept nested indented lines and lines ending in a colon', '+ Nested indentations are okay:\n  + Yes.\n  + Me 2.', true ],
            // Invalid.
            [ 'Should not allow the minus character to be used as a bullet', '- No minus signs allowed.\n', false ],
            [ 'Should not allow indentation greater than one level deep', '   + This has three spaces.\n', false ],
            [ 'Should not allow any lines missing a full stop', '+ Not okay\n+ Okay!', false ],
            [ 'Should not allow any lines with improper capitalization', '+ capitalization is still important.\n+ Okay!', false ],
        it.each( testData )( '%s', ( name, input, expected ) => {
            expect( isEntryValid( input ) ).toStrictEqual( expected );
        } );
    } );
} );

describe( 'isLinkValid', () => {
    const testData = [
        // Valid data.
        [ 'Should accept a reference to the current repo', '#123', true ],
        [ 'Should accept a reference to another repo', 'org/repo#123', true ],
        // Invalid data.
        [ 'Should not accept a local reference without a # symbol', '123', false ],
        [ 'Should not accept a reference to another repo without a # symbol', 'org/repo123', false ],
        [ 'Should not accept a reference to another repo without an organization', 'repo#123', false ],
        // Weird types.
        [ 'Should not accept an integer', 123, false ],
        [ 'Should not accept an object', {}, false ],
        [ 'Should not accept an array', [], false ],
    it.each( testData )( '%s', ( name, input, expected ) => {
        expect( isLinkValid( input ) ).toStrictEqual( expected );
    } );
} );

describe( 'getChangelogValidationIssues', () => {
    it( 'should return errors when missing required fields', () => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( {}, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [] );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [ 'Missing required field: "significance".', 'Missing required field: "type".', 'Missing required field: "entry".' ] );
    } );

    it( 'should return errors for invalid entry values', () => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( { significance: 'patch', type: 'changed', entry: 'invalid' }, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [] );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [ 'The submitted entry text did not pass validation.' ] );
    } );

    it( 'should return errors for invalid significance values', () => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( { significance: 'fake', type: 'changed', entry: 'Valid.' }, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [] );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [ 'Invalid value "fake" supplied for field: "significance".' ] );
    } );

    it( 'should return errors for invalid type values', () => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( { type: 'fake', significance: 'patch', entry: 'Valid.' }, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [] );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [ 'Invalid value "fake" supplied for field: "type".' ] );
    } );

    it( 'should return warnings when non-standard keys are found in the entry object', () => {
        const { valid, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( { extra: 1 }, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [ 'Unexpected key: "extra".' ] );
    } );

    it( 'should return errors when an array is not submitted for the attributions list', () => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( { attributions: 1, type: 'changed', significance: 'patch', entry: 'Valid.' }, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [] );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [ 'The "attributions" field must be an array.' ] );
    } );

    it( 'should return errors when an array is not submitted for the links list', () => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( { links: 1, type: 'changed', significance: 'patch', entry: 'Valid.' }, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [] );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [ 'The "links" field must be an array.' ] );
    } );

    it( 'should return errors when an invalid attribution is submitted', () => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( { attributions: [ 'abc' ], type: 'changed', significance: 'patch', entry: 'Valid.' }, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [] );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [ 'The attribution "abc" is invalid.' ] );
    } );

    it( 'should return errors when an invalid link is submitted', () => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( { links: [ 'abc' ], type: 'changed', significance: 'patch', entry: 'Valid.' }, false );

        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( false );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( [] );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [ 'The link "abc" is invalid.' ] );
    } );

    const testData = [
            'should validate a valid entry that is missing optional fields',
                significance: 'major',
                type: 'added',
                entry: 'Entry content.',
            'should validate a valid entry that includes valid optional fields',
                significance: 'major',
                type: 'added',
                entry: 'Entry content.',
                comment: 'A comment',
                title: 'title',
                attributions: [ '@username', '[user](https://fake.tld)' ],
                links: [ '#1234', 'org/repo#123' ],
            'should validate a valid entry that has warnings and no errors',
                significance: 'major',
                type: 'added',
                entry: 'Entry content.',
                fake: 'extra-field-generates-warning',
            [ 'Unexpected key: "fake".' ],
    it.each( testData )( '%s', ( name, entry, expectedWarnings ) => {
        const { valid, errors, warnings } = getChangelogValidationIssues( entry, false );
        expect( valid ).toStrictEqual( true );
        expect( warnings ).toStrictEqual( expectedWarnings );
        expect( errors ).toStrictEqual( [] );
    } );
} );