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 * Docgen script.
 * After creating a temporary snapshot of the icon library React app, this script
 * parses the static HTML and adds the icon table to the README.md file in the
 * package root.

const cheerio = require( 'cheerio' ),
    { readFileSync, writeFileSync, rmSync, mkdirSync } = require( 'fs' ),
    BUILD_DIR = 'raw';

rmSync( BUILD_DIR, { force: true, recursive: true } );
mkdirSync( BUILD_DIR );

const $ = cheerio.load( readFileSync( 'docs/build/index.html', 'utf8' ) );

let docs = `<table>

$( '#app div' ).each( ( i, el ) => {
    const id = $( el ).attr( 'id' );
    writeFileSync( `${ BUILD_DIR }/${ id }.svg`, $( el ).html() );

    docs += `
            <td><img src="${ BUILD_DIR }/${ id }.svg" width="48" height="48" alt="${ id } icon" /></td>
            <td>${ id }</td>
            <td><code>&lt;Icon icon={ ${ id } } /&gt;</code></td>
} );

docs += `</tbody>

const readmeFile = 'README.md',
    readmeContents = readFileSync( readmeFile, 'utf8' ),
    startToken = '<!-- START TOKEN(Autogenerated Icon Gallery) -->',
    endToken = '<!-- END TOKEN(Autogenerated Icon Gallery) -->',
    docsToken = '<!-- DOCS TOKEN -->';

let newReadme = [],
    addLine = true;

readmeContents.split( '\n' ).forEach( ( line ) => {
    if ( line === startToken ) {
        newReadme.push( line );
        newReadme.push( docsToken );
        addLine = false;
    } else if ( line === endToken ) {
        addLine = true;

    if ( addLine ) {
        newReadme.push( line );
} );

newReadme = newReadme.join( '\n' );

writeFileSync( readmeFile, newReadme.replace( docsToken, `\n${ docs }\n` ) );