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import { clickAndWait } from './click-and-wait';
import { clickElementByText } from './click-element-by-text';
import { findElementByText } from './find-element-by-text';
import { wpVersionCompare } from './wp-version-compare';
import { dismissEditorWelcomeGuide } from './dismiss-editor-welcome-guide';

import { visitAdminPage } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils';

 * Retrieve the Setup Wizard Page Title.
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @return {string} Content of the title element.
const getTitle = async function() {
    return await page.$eval(
        '.llms-setup-content > form > h1',
        ( txt ) => txt.textContent

 * Run (and test) the LifterLMS Setup Wizard
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @since 2.2.0 Rework to accommodate setup wizard changes in LifterLMS core.
 * @since 3.2.0 Fix title assertion on WordPress >= v5.9.
 * @param {Object}   options                 Options object.
 * @param {string[]} options.coursesToImport Titles of the course(s) to import through the setup wizard. Pass a falsy to skip import and "Start from Scratch".
 * @param {boolean}  options.exit            Whether or not to exit the setup wizard at the conclusion of setup. If `true`, uses the "Exit" link to leave setup.`
 * @return {void}
export async function runSetupWizard( {
    coursesToImport = [ 'LifterLMS Quickstart Course' ],
    exit = false,
} = {} ) {
    // Launch the Setup Wizard.
    await visitAdminPage( 'admin.php', 'page=llms-setup' );

    // Step One.
    expect( await getTitle() ).toBe( 'Welcome to LifterLMS!' );

    // Move to Step Two.
    await clickAndWait( '.llms-setup-actions .llms-button-primary' );
    expect( await getTitle() ).toBe( 'Page Setup' );

    // Move to Step Three.
    await clickAndWait( '.llms-setup-actions .llms-button-primary' );
    expect( await getTitle() ).toBe( 'Payments' );

    // Move to Step Four.
    await clickAndWait( '.llms-setup-actions .llms-button-primary' );
    expect( await getTitle() ).toBe( 'Help Improve LifterLMS & Get a Coupon' );

    // Move to Step Five.
    await clickAndWait( '.llms-setup-actions .llms-button-secondary' ); // Skip the coupon.
    expect( await getTitle() ).toBe( 'Setup Complete!' );

    // Import button should be disabled.
        await page.$eval( '#llms-setup-submit', ( el ) => el.disabled )
    ).toBe( true );

    if ( exit ) {
        // Exit the wizard.

        await clickAndWait( '.llms-exit-setup' );
            await page.url().includes( '/admin.php?page=llms-settings' )
        ).toBe( true );
    } else if ( ! coursesToImport ) {
        // Start from scratch.

        await clickAndWait( '.llms-setup-actions .llms-button-secondary' );
        await dismissEditorWelcomeGuide();
    } else if ( coursesToImport ) {
        // Import courses.

        // Select specified courses.
        for ( const courseTitle of coursesToImport ) {
            await clickElementByText( courseTitle, 'h3' );

        await clickAndWait( '.llms-setup-actions .llms-button-primary' );

        if ( 1 === coursesToImport.length ) {
            // Single course imported.

                await page.$eval(
                    '.block-editor h1.screen-reader-text',
                    ( txt ) => txt.textContent
            ).toBe( 'Edit Course' );

            await dismissEditorWelcomeGuide();

                await page.$eval(
                    // On >= WP 5.9, this is an <h1>, earlier is a <textarea>.
                    ( txt, isTextNode ) => isTextNode ? txt.textContent : txt.value,
                    wpVersionCompare( '5.9' )
            ).toBe( coursesToImport[ 0 ] );
        } else {
                await page.url().includes( '/edit.php?post_type=course' )
            ).toBe( true );

            // All courses should be present in the post table list.
            for ( const courseTitle of coursesToImport ) {
                await findElementByText( courseTitle, '#the-list a.row-title' );