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Test Coverage
 * Tests Bootstrap.
 * @since Unknown
 * @version 3.0.0

/* global jest, page, describe, test, beforeAll, expect  */
/* eslint-disable no-console */

/* eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
require( 'regenerator-runtime' );

const { existsSync } = require( 'fs' ),
    { execSync } = require( 'child_process' ),
    /* eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
    { diff } = require( 'jest-diff' );

// Load dotenv files.
const envFiles = [ '.llmsenv', '.llmsenv.dist' ];
envFiles.some( ( file ) => {
    const path = `${ process.cwd() }/${ file }`;
    if ( existsSync( file ) ) {
        require( 'dotenv' ).config( { path } );
        return true;
    return false;
} );

if ( ! process.env.WP_VERSION ) {
    try {
        const wpVersion = execSync( 'composer run env wp core version', { stdio: 'pipe' } ).toString();
        if ( wpVersion ) {
            process.env.WP_VERSION = wpVersion;
    } catch ( e ) {
        console.warn( 'Unable to automatically determine the WordPress Core Version. You can define the WP_VERSION as an environment variable. Otherwise "latest" is assumed as the WP_VERSION.' );
        process.env.WP_VERSION = 'latest';

// Setup the WP Base URL for e2e Tests.
if ( ! process.env.WORDPRESS_PORT ) {
    process.env.WORDPRESS_PORT = '8080';

// Allow easy override of the default base URL, for example if we want to point to a live URL.
if ( ! process.env.WP_BASE_URL ) {
    process.env.WP_BASE_URL = `http://localhost:${ process.env.WORDPRESS_PORT }`;

// Retry tests automatically to prevent against false positives.
// jest.retryTimes( 2 );

// The Jest timeout is increased because these tests are a bit slow.
jest.setTimeout( process.env.PUPPETEER_TIMEOUT || 100000 );

beforeAll( async () => {
    page.on( 'dialog', ( dialog ) => dialog.accept() );

    page.on( 'console', ( log ) => {
        const shouldLog = () => {
            // Skip logs by type.
            if ( [ 'info', 'log', 'endGroup' ].includes( log.type() ) ) {
                return false;

            const logText = log.text();

            // Skip 403s.
            if ( logText.includes( 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)' ) ) {
                return false;

            if ( logText.includes( 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)' ) ) {
                return false;

            // Skip core block update messages.
            if ( logText.includes( 'Updated Block: %s core/' ) ) {
                return false;

            return true;

        if ( ! shouldLog( log ) ) {

        console.log( `[${ log.type() }] ${ log.text() }` );
    } );

    page.on( 'pageerror', ( err ) => {
        console.log( `[pageerror] ${ err.message }` );
    } );

    page.on( 'error', ( err ) => {
        console.log( `[error] ${ err.message }`, err );
    } );
} );

expect.extend( {

     * A custom matcher for comparing strings that may or may not contain "smart" quotes.
     * This helps us test code on FSE (block themes) when `wp_texturize()` is run against the HTML template. In
     * LifterLMS we have quite a few notices that are run through the function on FSE themes but not on PHP themes.
     * This matcher allows us to check strings that have quotes in them that may or may not be texturized depending
     * on the theme being tested against.
     * @since 3.0.0
     * @see {@link https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/37754}
     * @param {string} received The received string. This string may or may not contain "smart" quotes.
     * @param {string} expected The expected string. This string should contain "dumb" quotes.
     * @return {Promise} Jest expect matcher return.
    async toMatchStringWithQuotes( received, expected ) {
        received = received.replace( /[“”]/g, '"' ).replace( /[‘’]/g, "'" );

        const options = {
            comment: 'String with quotes equality',
            isNot: this.isNot,
            promise: this.promise,

        const pass = received === expected;

        const message = pass
            ? () =>
                this.utils.matcherHint( 'toMatchStringWithQuotes', undefined, undefined, options ) +
                    '\n\n' +
                    `Expected: not ${ this.utils.printExpected( expected ) }\n` +
                    `Received: ${ this.utils.printReceived( received ) }`
            : () => {
                const diffString = diff( expected, received, {
                    expand: this.expand,
                } );
                return (
                    this.utils.matcherHint( 'toMatchStringWithQuotes', undefined, undefined, options ) +
                        '\n\n' +
                        ( diffString && diffString.includes( '- Expect' )
                            ? `Difference:\n\n${ diffString }`
                            : `Expected: ${ this.utils.printExpected( expected ) }\n` +
                                `Received: ${ this.utils.printReceived( received ) }` )

        return {
            actual: received,
} );

 * Global helper function that conditionally runs a describe() block if the condition is met.
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @example describeIf( true )( 'SuiteName', () => {} )
 * @param {boolean} condition If truthy, the suite runs as normal, otherwise it's skipped.
 * @return {Function} Returns either `describe()` or `describe.skip()` depending on the condition.
global.describeIf = ( condition ) => condition ? describe : describe.skip;

 * Global helper function that conditionally runs a test() if the condition is met.
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @example testIf( true )( 'SuiteName', () => {} )
 * @param {boolean} condition If truthy, the suite runs as normal, otherwise it's skipped.
 * @return {Function} Returns either `test()` or `test.skip()` depending on the condition.
global.testIf = ( condition ) => condition ? test : test.skip;