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import { hexToHSL } from '../util';

const $ = jQuery;

export default () => {
    wp.customize( 'header_variation', ( value ) => {
        value.bind( ( to ) => {
            $( 'body' )
                .removeClass( 'has-header-1 has-header-2 has-header-3 has-header-4 has-header-5 has-header-6 has-header-7' )
                .addClass( 'has-' + to );
        } );
    } );

    wp.customize( 'header_background_color', ( value ) => {
        value.bind( ( to ) => {
            const hsl = hexToHSL( to );
            const setTo = to ? `hsl(${ hsl[ 0 ] }, ${ hsl[ 1 ] }%, ${ hsl[ 2 ] }%)` : undefined;
            document.querySelector( ':root' ).style.setProperty( '--go-header--color--background', setTo );

            // Add class if a background color is applied.
            if ( to ) {
                $( '.header' ).addClass( 'has-background' );
            } else {
                $( '.header' ).removeClass( 'has-background' );
        } );
    } );

    wp.customize( 'header_text_color', ( value ) => {
        value.bind( ( to ) => {
            const hsl = hexToHSL( to );
            const setTo = to ? `hsl(${ hsl[ 0 ] }, ${ hsl[ 1 ] }%, ${ hsl[ 2 ] }%)` : undefined;
            document.querySelector( ':root' ).style.setProperty( '--go-navigation--color--text', setTo );
            document.querySelector( ':root' ).style.setProperty( '--go-site-description--color--text', setTo );
            document.querySelector( ':root' ).style.setProperty( '--go-search-button--color--text', setTo );
            document.querySelector( ':root' ).style.setProperty( '--go-site-title--color--text', setTo );
        } );
    } );