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# Extending design styles
The easiest way to add a custom design style is to create a plugin with a function to add a new design style to Go, along with a corresponding stylesheet.

Then you'd be able to add all sorts of design styles to your site, instantly changing the look and feel of your site - without risking any compatibility/theme conflicts that arise when traditionally changing themes:

Note how the "Brutalist" style is added to the list of available design styles. 👆

## Registering a design style
Add a function to make the design styles available within the Customizer:

 * Add my Brutalist design style
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param array $default_design_styles Array containing the supported design styles,
 * where the index is the slug of design style and value an array of options that sets up the design styles.
function prefix_get_available_design_styles( $default_design_styles ) {

    $default_design_styles['brutalist'] = array(
        'slug'           => 'brutalist',
        'label'          => _x( 'Brutalist', 'design style name', 'go' ),
        'url'            => plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'style-brutalist.css',
        'editor_style'   => plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'style-brutalist.css',
        'color_schemes'  => array(
            'one' => array(
                'label'      => _x( 'Millennial', 'color palette name', 'go' ),
                'primary'    => '#0d00ff',
                'secondary'  => '#ccff04',
                'tertiary'   => '#f7ceff',
                'background' => '#ccff04',
            'two' => array(
                'label'      => _x( 'Blush', 'color palette name', 'go' ),
                'primary'    => '#5501e6',
                'secondary'  => '#00fc75',
                'tertiary'   => '#f6ffd8',
                'background' => '#00fc75',
        'fonts'          => array(
            'Bungee'        => array(
            'IBM Plex Mono' => array(
        'viewport_basis' => '950',

    return $default_design_styles;

add_filter( 'go_design_styles', 'prefix_get_available_design_styles' );

## Registering a stylesheet and modify CSS custom properties
2. Add a stylesheet to override any default CSS custom properties in Go, using any existing property throughout the theme's shared.css stylesheet. I go into detail how Go's CSS custom properties are formatted and compiled a non-exhaustive of properties [here](