# Discourse
This is a purely optional guide and serves only for reference. Please have a look at the [official discourse documentation](
## Install Docker
!!! info "Not necessarily for SeAT-Docker Installations"
If you are running a dockerized SeAT Instance you do not need to do this step
wget -qO- | sh
## Install Discourse
### Download Discourse
mkdir /opt/discourse
git clone /opt/discourse
### Configure
Copy the sample configuration into the `/containers` folder
cd /opt/discourse
cp samples/standalone.yml containers/app.yml
then edit the `app.yml` with a text editor (`nano`, `vi`, etc.)
nano containers/app.yml
Change the following:
!!! warning
Warning Discourse will not work from an IP address, you must own a domain name such as `` to proceed.
* `DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME` should be `` or something similar.
!!! warning
**Email is CRITICAL for account creation and notifications in Discourse.** If you do not properly configure email before bootstrapping YOU WILL HAVE A BROKEN SITE!
* `DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS` should be a list of admin account email addresses separated by commas.
!!! hint
No existing mail server? Checkout discourse's [Recommended Email Providers for Discourse](
### Build and launch
./launcher bootstrap app
./launcher start app
!!! success
Your discourse instance is now available at ``
!!! hint
After every change to the `app.yml` you need to rebuild your discourse application: `./launcher rebuild app`