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# Add FileStore Example

This GoFr example demonstrates a CMD application that can be used to interact with a remote file server using FTP or SFTP protocol

### Setting up an FTP server in local machine
- https://security.appspot.com/vsftpd.html
- https://pypi.org/project/pyftpdlib/

Choose a library listed above and follow their respective documentation to configure an FTP server in your local machine and replace the configs/env file with correct HOST,USER_NAME,PASSWORD,PORT and REMOTE_DIR_PATH details.

### To run the example use the commands below:
To print the current working directory of the configured remote file server
go run main.go pwd
To get the list of all directories or files in the given path of the configured remote file server

 go run main.go ls -path=/
To grep the list of all files and directories in the given path that is matching with the keyword provided

go run main.go grep -keyword=fi -path=/

To create a file in the current working directory with the provided filename 
 go run main.go createfile -filename=file.txt

To remove the file with the provided filename from the current working directory
 go run main.go rm -filename=file.txt