package main
import (
// This example simulates the usage of custom metrics for transactions of an ecommerce store.
const (
transactionSuccessful = "transaction_success"
transactionTime = "transaction_time"
totalCreditDaySales = "total_credit_day_sale"
productStock = "product_stock"
func main() {
// Create a new application
a := gofr.New()
a.Metrics().NewCounter(transactionSuccessful, "used to track the count of successful transactions")
a.Metrics().NewUpDownCounter(totalCreditDaySales, "used to track the total credit sales in a day")
a.Metrics().NewGauge(productStock, "used to track the number of products in stock")
a.Metrics().NewHistogram(transactionTime, "used to track the time taken by a transaction",
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35)
// Add all the routes
a.POST("/transaction", TransactionHandler)
a.POST("/return", ReturnHandler)
// Run the application
func TransactionHandler(c *gofr.Context) (interface{}, error) {
transactionStartTime := time.Now()
// transaction logic
c.Metrics().IncrementCounter(c, transactionSuccessful)
tranTime := time.Now().Sub(transactionStartTime).Milliseconds()
c.Metrics().RecordHistogram(c, transactionTime, float64(tranTime))
c.Metrics().DeltaUpDownCounter(c, totalCreditDaySales, 1000, "sale_type", "credit")
c.Metrics().SetGauge(productStock, 10)
return "Transaction Successful", nil
func ReturnHandler(c *gofr.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// logic to create a sales return
c.Metrics().DeltaUpDownCounter(c, totalCreditDaySales, -1000, "sale_type", "credit_return")
// Update the Gauge metric for product stock
c.Metrics().SetGauge(productStock, 50)
return "Return Successful", nil