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package repository

import (

// NewRBACService creates new RBAC service
func NewRBACService(userRepo model.UserRepo) *RBACService {
    return &RBACService{
        userRepo: userRepo,

// RBACService is RBAC application service
type RBACService struct {
    userRepo model.UserRepo

// EnforceRole authorizes request by AccessRole
func (s *RBACService) EnforceRole(c *gin.Context, r model.AccessRole) bool {
    return !(c.MustGet("role").(int8) > int8(r))

// EnforceUser checks whether the request to change user data is done by the same user
func (s *RBACService) EnforceUser(c *gin.Context, ID int) bool {
    // TODO: Implement querying db and checking the requested user's company_id/location_id
    // to allow company/location admins to view the user
    return (c.GetInt("id") == ID) || s.isAdmin(c)

// EnforceCompany checks whether the request to apply change to company data
// is done by the user belonging to the that company and that the user has role CompanyAdmin.
// If user has admin role, the check for company doesnt need to pass.
func (s *RBACService) EnforceCompany(c *gin.Context, ID int) bool {
    return (c.GetInt("company_id") == ID && s.EnforceRole(c, model.CompanyAdminRole)) || s.isAdmin(c)

// EnforceLocation checks whether the request to change location data
// is done by the user belonging to the requested location
func (s *RBACService) EnforceLocation(c *gin.Context, ID int) bool {
    return ((c.GetInt("location_id") == ID) && s.EnforceRole(c, model.LocationAdminRole)) || s.isCompanyAdmin(c)

func (s *RBACService) isAdmin(c *gin.Context) bool {
    return !(c.MustGet("role").(int8) > int8(model.AdminRole))

func (s *RBACService) isCompanyAdmin(c *gin.Context) bool {
    // Must query company ID in database for the given user
    return !(c.MustGet("role").(int8) > int8(model.CompanyAdminRole))

// AccountCreate performs auth check when creating a new account
// Location admin cannot create accounts, needs to be fixed on EnforceLocation function
func (s *RBACService) AccountCreate(c *gin.Context, roleID, companyID, locationID int) bool {
    companyCheck := s.EnforceCompany(c, companyID)
    locationCheck := s.EnforceLocation(c, locationID)
    roleCheck := s.EnforceRole(c, model.AccessRole(roleID))
    return companyCheck && locationCheck && roleCheck && s.IsLowerRole(c, model.AccessRole(roleID))

// IsLowerRole checks whether the requesting user has higher role than the user it wants to change
// Used for account creation/deletion
func (s *RBACService) IsLowerRole(c *gin.Context, r model.AccessRole) bool {
    return !(c.MustGet("role").(int8) >= int8(r))