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Test Coverage
.. cryptocom-exchange documentation master file
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 3
    :caption: Contents:

    Home <self>

Welcome to cryptocom-exchange documentation!
This package provides interfaces to access a https://crypto.com/exchange API.
Supports only **Python 3.7+** versions.
You can find tests with examples of trading and exchange data usage at
`github <https://github.com/goincrypto/cryptocom-exchange/tree/master/tests>`_.
Full reference you can find in the API section.


Create virtual environment, activate, install

.. code-block:: bash

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install cryptocom-exchange

Useful examples

- To use pairs from server and have fresh data instead of constants from `pairs` use `sync_pairs`

.. testcode::

    import asyncio
    import cryptocom.exchange as cro

    async def main():
        exchange = cro.Exchange()
        # ensure pairs fresh from exchange
        await exchange.sync_pairs()

        account = cro.Account(api_key='test', api_secret='test')
        await account.sync_pairs()


- Get current price data for pair

.. testcode::

    import asyncio
    import cryptocom.exchange as cro

    async def main():
        exchange = cro.Exchange()
        price = await exchange.get_price(cro.pairs.CRO_USDT)
        print(f'CRO price {price}')


.. testoutput::


- Get account balance. You can provide env vars for auth keys.

.. code-block:: bash

    export CRYPTOCOM_API_KEY="***"
    export CRYPTOCOM_API_SECRET="***"

    python3 mybot.py

or by providing attributes to :code:`Account(api_key='***', api_secret='***')`

.. testcode::

    import asyncio
    import cryptocom.exchange as cro

    async def main():
        account = cro.Account(from_env=True)
        data = await account.get_balance()
        print(f'Account balance {data}')


.. testoutput::


Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`