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Test Coverage
package logger

import (

// FieldType represents the type of a logger context field
type FieldType uint8

// list of available field types
const (
    // UnknownType is the default field type.
    UnknownType FieldType = iota
    // SkipType indicates that the field is a no-op.
    // ReflectType indicates that the field carries an interface{}, which should be serialized using reflection.
    // @TODO ArrayMarshallerType
    // @TODO ObjectMarshallerType

// Field represents a contextual information
// this data was carry by Context struct
type Field struct {
    Name  string
    Type  FieldType
    Value interface{}

// String will return Field as string
func (f *Field) String() string {
    if f.Value == nil {
        return "<nil>"
    switch f.Type {
    case SkipType:
        return "<skipped>"
    case BoolType:
        if f.Value.(bool) {
            return "true"
        return "false"
    case Int8Type:
        return strconv.FormatInt(int64(f.Value.(int8)), 10)
    case Int16Type:
        return strconv.FormatInt(int64(f.Value.(int16)), 10)
    case Int32Type:
        return strconv.FormatInt(int64(f.Value.(int32)), 10)
    case Int64Type:
        return strconv.FormatInt(f.Value.(int64), 10)
    case Uint8Type:
        return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(f.Value.(uint8)), 10)
    case Uint16Type:
        return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(f.Value.(uint16)), 10)
    case Uint32Type:
        return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(f.Value.(uint32)), 10)
    case Uint64Type:
        return strconv.FormatUint(f.Value.(uint64), 10)
    case UintptrType:
        return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(f.Value.(uintptr)), 10)
    case Float32Type:
        return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(f.Value.(float32)), 'g', 10, 64)
    case Float64Type:
        return strconv.FormatFloat(f.Value.(float64), 'g', 10, 64)
    case Complex64Type:
        return fmt.Sprintf("%v", f.Value.(complex64))
    case Complex128Type:
        return fmt.Sprintf("%v", f.Value.(complex128))
    case StringType:
        return f.Value.(string)
    case BinaryType:
        return string(f.Value.([]byte)[:])
    case ByteStringType:
        return string(f.Value.([]byte)[:])
    case ErrorType:
        return f.Value.(error).Error()
    case TimeType:
        return f.Value.(time.Time).String()
    case DurationType:
        return f.Value.(time.Duration).String()
    case StringerType:
        return f.Value.(fmt.Stringer).String()
        return fmt.Sprintf("%v", f.Value)

// MarshalJSON was called by json.Marshal(field)
// json Marshaller interface
func (f *Field) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    if marshallable, ok := f.Value.(json.Marshaler); ok {
        return marshallable.MarshalJSON()
    if f.Type == ErrorType && f.Value == nil {
        return []byte("null"), nil
    switch f.Type {
    case BoolType, Int8Type, Int16Type, Int32Type, Int64Type, Uint8Type, Uint16Type, Uint32Type, Uint64Type, UintptrType, Float32Type, Float64Type:
        return []byte(f.String()), nil
    case SkipType, Complex64Type, Complex128Type, StringType, BinaryType, ByteStringType, ErrorType, TimeType, DurationType, StringerType:
        return strconv.AppendQuote([]byte{}, f.String()), nil
        return json.Marshal(f.Value)

// GoString was called by fmt.Printf("%#v", Fields)
// fmt GoStringer interface
func (f *Field) GoString() string {
    byteBuffer := bytebufferpool.Get()
    defer bytebufferpool.Put(byteBuffer)

    byteBuffer.WriteString("logger.Field{Name: ")
    byteBuffer.WriteString(", Value: ")
    byteBuffer.WriteString(", Type: ")
    byteBuffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(f.Type), 10))
    return byteBuffer.String()

// Skip will create Skip Field
func Skip(name string, value string) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: SkipType, Value: value}

// Bool will create Bool Field
func Bool(name string, value bool) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: BoolType, Value: value}

// Int8 will create Int8 Field
func Int8(name string, value int8) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Int8Type, Value: value}

// Int16 will create Int16 Field
func Int16(name string, value int16) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Int16Type, Value: value}

// Int32 will create Int32 Field
func Int32(name string, value int32) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Int32Type, Value: value}

// Int64 will create Int64 Field
func Int64(name string, value int64) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Int64Type, Value: value}

// Uint8 will create Uint8 Field
func Uint8(name string, value uint8) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Uint8Type, Value: value}

// Uint16 will create Uint16 Field
func Uint16(name string, value uint16) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Uint16Type, Value: value}

// Uint32 will create Uint32 Field
func Uint32(name string, value uint32) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Uint32Type, Value: value}

// Uint64 will create Uint64 Field
func Uint64(name string, value uint64) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Uint64Type, Value: value}

// Uintptr will create Uintptr Field
func Uintptr(name string, value uintptr) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: UintptrType, Value: value}

// Float32 will create Float32 Field
func Float32(name string, value float32) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Float32Type, Value: value}

// Float64 will create Float64 Field
func Float64(name string, value float64) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Float64Type, Value: value}

// Complex64 will create Complex64 Field
func Complex64(name string, value complex64) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Complex64Type, Value: value}

// Complex128 will create Complex128 Field
func Complex128(name string, value complex128) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: Complex128Type, Value: value}

// String will create String Field
func String(name string, value string) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: StringType, Value: value}

// Binary will create Binary Field
func Binary(name string, value []byte) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: BinaryType, Value: value}

// ByteString will create ByteString Field
func ByteString(name string, value []byte) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: ByteStringType, Value: value}

// Error will create Error Field
func Error(name string, value error) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: ErrorType, Value: value}

// Stringer will create Stringer Field
func Stringer(name string, value fmt.Stringer) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: StringerType, Value: value}

// Time will create Time Field
func Time(name string, value time.Time) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: TimeType, Value: value}

// Duration will create Duration Field
func Duration(name string, value time.Duration) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: DurationType, Value: value}

// Reflect will create Reflect Field
func Reflect(name string, value interface{}) Field {
    return Field{Name: name, Type: ReflectType, Value: value}

// Any will guess and create Field for given value
func Any(name string, value interface{}) Field {
    switch val := value.(type) {
    case bool:
        return Bool(name, val)
    case int:
        return Int64(name, int64(val))
    case int8:
        return Int8(name, val)
    case int16:
        return Int16(name, val)
    case int32:
        return Int32(name, val)
    case int64:
        return Int64(name, val)
    case uint8:
        return Uint8(name, val)
    case uint16:
        return Uint16(name, val)
    case uint32:
        return Uint32(name, val)
    case uint64:
        return Uint64(name, val)
    case uintptr:
        return Uintptr(name, val)
    case float32:
        return Float32(name, val)
    case float64:
        return Float64(name, val)
    case complex64:
        return Complex64(name, val)
    case complex128:
        return Complex128(name, val)
    case string:
        return String(name, val)
    case []byte:
        return Binary(name, val)
    case error:
        return Error(name, val)
    case time.Time:
        return Time(name, val)
    case time.Duration:
        return Duration(name, val)
    case fmt.Stringer:
        return Stringer(name, val)
        return Reflect(name, val)