

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package main

import (

    fb ""

// gopathScanner supplies manifest/lock data by scanning the contents of GOPATH
// It uses its results to fill-in any missing details left by the rootAnalyzer.
type gopathScanner struct {
    ctx        *dep.Ctx
    directDeps map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool
    sm         gps.SourceManager

    pd    projectData
    origM *dep.Manifest
    origL *dep.Lock

func newGopathScanner(ctx *dep.Ctx, directDeps map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool, sm gps.SourceManager) *gopathScanner {
    return &gopathScanner{
        ctx:        ctx,
        directDeps: directDeps,
        sm:         sm,

// InitializeRootManifestAndLock performs analysis of the filesystem tree rooted
// at path, with the root import path importRoot, to determine the project's
// constraints. Respect any initial constraints defined in the root manifest and
// lock.
func (g *gopathScanner) InitializeRootManifestAndLock(rootM *dep.Manifest, rootL *dep.Lock) error {
    var err error

    g.ctx.Err.Println("Searching GOPATH for projects...")
    g.pd, err = g.scanGopathForDependencies()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    g.origM = dep.NewManifest()
    g.origM.Constraints = g.pd.constraints

    g.origL = &dep.Lock{
        P: make([]gps.LockedProject, 0, len(g.pd.ondisk)),

    for pr, v := range g.pd.ondisk {
        // That we have to chop off these path prefixes is a symptom of
        // a problem in gps itself
        pkgs := make([]string, 0, len(g.pd.dependencies[pr]))
        prslash := string(pr) + "/"
        for _, pkg := range g.pd.dependencies[pr] {
            if pkg == string(pr) {
                pkgs = append(pkgs, ".")
            } else {
                pkgs = append(pkgs, trimPathPrefix(pkg, prslash))

        g.origL.P = append(g.origL.P, gps.NewLockedProject(
            gps.ProjectIdentifier{ProjectRoot: pr}, v, pkgs),

    g.overlay(rootM, rootL)

    return nil

// Fill in gaps in the root manifest/lock with data found from the GOPATH.
func (g *gopathScanner) overlay(rootM *dep.Manifest, rootL *dep.Lock) {
    for pkg, prj := range g.origM.Constraints {
        if _, has := rootM.Constraints[pkg]; has {
        rootM.Constraints[pkg] = prj
        v := g.pd.ondisk[pkg]

        pi := gps.ProjectIdentifier{ProjectRoot: pkg, Source: prj.Source}
        f := fb.NewConstraintFeedback(gps.ProjectConstraint{Ident: pi, Constraint: v}, fb.DepTypeDirect)
        f = fb.NewLockedProjectFeedback(gps.NewLockedProject(pi, v, nil), fb.DepTypeDirect)

    // Keep track of which projects have been locked
    lockedProjects := map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool{}
    for _, lp := range rootL.P {
        lockedProjects[lp.Ident().ProjectRoot] = true

    for _, lp := range g.origL.P {
        pkg := lp.Ident().ProjectRoot
        if _, isLocked := lockedProjects[pkg]; isLocked {
        rootL.P = append(rootL.P, lp)
        lockedProjects[pkg] = true

        if _, isDirect := g.directDeps[pkg]; !isDirect {
            f := fb.NewLockedProjectFeedback(lp, fb.DepTypeTransitive)

    // Identify projects whose version is unknown and will have to be solved for
    var missing []string    // all project roots missing from GOPATH
    var missingVCS []string // all project roots missing VCS information
    for pr := range g.pd.notondisk {
        if _, isLocked := lockedProjects[pr]; isLocked {
        if g.pd.invalidSVC[pr] {
            missingVCS = append(missingVCS, string(pr))
        } else {
            missing = append(missing, string(pr))

    missingStr := ""
    missingVCSStr := ""
    if len(missing) > 0 {
        missingStr = fmt.Sprintf("The following dependencies were not found in GOPATH:\n  %s\n\n",
            strings.Join(missing, "\n  "))
    if len(missingVCS) > 0 {
        missingVCSStr = fmt.Sprintf("The following dependencies found in GOPATH were missing VCS information (a remote source is required):\n  %s\n\n",
            strings.Join(missingVCS, "\n  "))
    if len(missingVCS)+len(missing) > 0 {
        g.ctx.Err.Printf("\n%s%sThe most recent version of these projects will be used.\n\n", missingStr, missingVCSStr)

func trimPathPrefix(p1, p2 string) string {
    if isPrefix, _ := fs.HasFilepathPrefix(p1, p2); isPrefix {
        return p1[len(p2):]
    return p1

// contains checks if a array of strings contains a value
func contains(a []string, b string) bool {
    for _, v := range a {
        if b == v {
            return true
    return false

// getProjectPropertiesFromVersion takes a Version and returns a proper
// ProjectProperties with Constraint value based on the provided version.
func getProjectPropertiesFromVersion(v gps.Version) gps.ProjectProperties {
    pp := gps.ProjectProperties{}

    // extract version and ignore if it's revision only
    switch tv := v.(type) {
    case gps.PairedVersion:
        v = tv.Unpair()
    case gps.Revision:
        return pp

    switch v.Type() {
    case gps.IsBranch, gps.IsVersion:
        pp.Constraint = v
    case gps.IsSemver:
        c, err := gps.NewSemverConstraintIC(v.String())
        if err != nil {
        pp.Constraint = c

    return pp

type projectData struct {
    constraints  gps.ProjectConstraints          // constraints that could be found
    dependencies map[gps.ProjectRoot][]string    // all dependencies (imports) found by project root
    notondisk    map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool        // projects that were not found on disk
    invalidSVC   map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool        // projects that were found on disk but SVC data could not be read
    ondisk       map[gps.ProjectRoot]gps.Version // projects that were found on disk

func (g *gopathScanner) scanGopathForDependencies() (projectData, error) {
    constraints := make(gps.ProjectConstraints)
    dependencies := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot][]string)
    packages := make(map[string]bool)
    notondisk := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool)
    invalidSVC := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool)
    ondisk := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]gps.Version)

    var syncDepGroup sync.WaitGroup
    syncDep := func(pr gps.ProjectRoot, sm gps.SourceManager) {
        if err := sm.SyncSourceFor(gps.ProjectIdentifier{ProjectRoot: pr}); err != nil {
            g.ctx.Err.Printf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to cache %s", pr))

    if len(g.directDeps) == 0 {
        return projectData{}, nil

    for ippr := range g.directDeps {
        // TODO(sdboyer) these are not import paths by this point, they've
        // already been worked down to project roots.
        ip := string(ippr)
        pr, err :=
        if err != nil {
            return projectData{}, errors.Wrap(err, "sm.DeduceProjectRoot")

        packages[ip] = true
        if _, has := dependencies[pr]; has {
            dependencies[pr] = append(dependencies[pr], ip)
        go syncDep(pr,

        dependencies[pr] = []string{ip}
        abs, err := g.ctx.AbsForImport(string(pr))
        if err != nil {
            notondisk[pr] = true
        v, err := gps.VCSVersion(abs)
        if err != nil {
            invalidSVC[pr] = true
            notondisk[pr] = true

        ondisk[pr] = v
        pp := getProjectPropertiesFromVersion(v)
        if pp.Constraint != nil || pp.Source != "" {
            constraints[pr] = pp

    // Explore the packages we've found for transitive deps, either
    // completing the lock or identifying (more) missing projects that we'll
    // need to ask gps to solve for us.
    colors := make(map[string]uint8)
    const (
        white uint8 = iota

    // cache of PackageTrees, so we don't parse projects more than once
    ptrees := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]pkgtree.PackageTree)

    // depth-first traverser
    var dft func(string) error
    dft = func(pkg string) error {
        switch colors[pkg] {
        case white:
            colors[pkg] = grey

            pr, err :=
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "could not deduce project root for "+pkg)

            // We already visited this project root earlier via some other
            // pkg within it, and made the decision that it's not on disk.
            // Respect that decision, and pop the stack.
            if notondisk[pr] {
                colors[pkg] = black
                return nil

            ptree, has := ptrees[pr]
            if !has {
                // It's fine if the root does not exist - it indicates that this
                // project is not present in the workspace, and so we need to
                // solve to deal with this dep.
                r := filepath.Join(g.ctx.GOPATH, "src", string(pr))
                fi, err := os.Stat(r)
                if os.IsNotExist(err) || !fi.IsDir() {
                    colors[pkg] = black
                    notondisk[pr] = true
                    return nil

                // We know the project is on disk; the question is whether we're
                // first seeing it here, in the transitive exploration, or if it
                // was found in the initial pass on direct imports. We know it's
                // the former if there's no entry for it in the ondisk map.
                if _, in := ondisk[pr]; !in {
                    abs, err := g.ctx.AbsForImport(string(pr))
                    if err != nil {
                        colors[pkg] = black
                        notondisk[pr] = true
                        return nil
                    v, err := gps.VCSVersion(abs)
                    if err != nil {
                        // Even if we know it's on disk, errors are still
                        // possible when trying to deduce version. If we
                        // encounter such an error, just treat the project as
                        // not being on disk; the solver will work it out.
                        colors[pkg] = black
                        notondisk[pr] = true
                        return nil
                    ondisk[pr] = v

                ptree, err = pkgtree.ListPackages(r, string(pr))
                if err != nil {
                    // Any error here other than an a nonexistent dir (which
                    // can't happen because we covered that case above) is
                    // probably critical, so bail out.
                    return errors.Wrap(err, "gps.ListPackages")
                ptrees[pr] = ptree

            // Get a reachmap that includes main pkgs (even though importing
            // them is an error, what we're checking right now is simply whether
            // there's a package with go code present on disk), and does not
            // backpropagate errors (again, because our only concern right now
            // is package existence).
            rm, errmap := ptree.ToReachMap(true, false, false, nil)
            reached, ok := rm[pkg]
            if !ok {
                colors[pkg] = black
                // not on disk...
                notondisk[pr] = true
                return nil
            if _, ok := errmap[pkg]; ok {
                // The package is on disk, but contains some errors.
                colors[pkg] = black
                return nil

            if deps, has := dependencies[pr]; has {
                if !contains(deps, pkg) {
                    dependencies[pr] = append(deps, pkg)
            } else {
                dependencies[pr] = []string{pkg}
                go syncDep(pr,

            // recurse
            for _, rpkg := range reached.External {
                if paths.IsStandardImportPath(rpkg) {

                err := dft(rpkg)
                if err != nil {
                    // Bubble up any errors we encounter
                    return err

            colors[pkg] = black
        case grey:
            return errors.Errorf("Import cycle detected on %s", pkg)
        return nil

    // run the depth-first traversal from the set of immediate external
    // package imports we found in the current project
    for pkg := range packages {
        err := dft(pkg)
        if err != nil {
            return projectData{}, err // already errors.Wrap()'d internally


    pd := projectData{
        constraints:  constraints,
        dependencies: dependencies,
        invalidSVC:   invalidSVC,
        notondisk:    notondisk,
        ondisk:       ondisk,
    return pd, nil