

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package main

import (

type graphviz struct {
    ps []*gvnode
    b  bytes.Buffer
    h  map[string]uint32
    // clusters is a map of project name and subgraph object. This can be used
    // to refer the subgraph by project name.
    clusters map[string]*gvsubgraph

type gvnode struct {
    project  string
    version  string
    children []string

// Sort gvnode(s).
type byGvnode []gvnode

func (n byGvnode) Len() int           { return len(n) }
func (n byGvnode) Swap(i, j int)      { n[i], n[j] = n[j], n[i] }
func (n byGvnode) Less(i, j int) bool { return n[i].project < n[j].project }

func (g graphviz) New() *graphviz {
    ga := &graphviz{
        ps:       []*gvnode{},
        h:        make(map[string]uint32),
        clusters: make(map[string]*gvsubgraph),
    return ga

func (g *graphviz) output(project string) bytes.Buffer {
    if project == "" {
        // Project relations graph.
        g.b.WriteString("digraph {\n\tnode [shape=box];")

        for _, gvp := range {
            // Create node string
            g.b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%d [label=\"%s\"];", gvp.hash(), gvp.label()))

    } else {
        // Project-Package relations graph.
        g.b.WriteString("digraph {\n\tnode [shape=box];\n\tcompound=true;\n\tedge [minlen=2];")

        // Declare all the nodes with labels.
        for _, gvp := range {
            g.b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%d [label=\"%s\"];", gvp.hash(), gvp.label()))

        // Sort the clusters for a consistent output.
        clusters := sortClusters(g.clusters)

        // Declare all the subgraphs with labels.
        for _, gsg := range clusters {
            g.b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\tsubgraph cluster_%d {", gsg.index))
            g.b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\tlabel = \"%s\";", gsg.project))

            nhashes := []string{}
            for _, pkg := range gsg.packages {
                nhashes = append(nhashes, fmt.Sprint(g.h[pkg]))

            g.b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\t%s;", strings.Join(nhashes, " ")))

        g.createProjectPackageRelations(project, clusters)

    return g.b

func (g *graphviz) createProjectRelations() {
    // Store relations to avoid duplication
    rels := make(map[string]bool)

    // Create relations
    for _, dp := range {
        for _, bsc := range dp.children {
            for pr, hsh := range g.h {
                if isPathPrefix(bsc, pr) {
                    r := fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%d -> %d", g.h[dp.project], hsh)

                    if _, ex := rels[r]; !ex {
                        g.b.WriteString(r + ";")
                        rels[r] = true


func (g *graphviz) createProjectPackageRelations(project string, clusters []*gvsubgraph) {
    // This function takes a child package/project, target project, subgraph meta, from
    // and to of the edge and write a relation.
    linkRelation := func(child, project string, meta []string, from, to uint32) {
        if child == project {
            // Check if it's a cluster.
            target, ok := g.clusters[project]
            if ok {
                // It's a cluster. Point to the Project Root. Use lhead.
                meta = append(meta, fmt.Sprintf("lhead=cluster_%d", target.index))
                // When the head points to a cluster root, use the first
                // node in the cluster as to.
                to = g.h[target.packages[0]]

        if len(meta) > 0 {
            g.b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%d -> %d [%s];", from, to, strings.Join(meta, " ")))
        } else {
            g.b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%d -> %d;", from, to))

    // Create relations from nodes.
    for _, node := range {
        for _, child := range node.children {
            // Only if it points to the target project, proceed further.
            if isPathPrefix(child, project) {
                meta := []string{}
                from := g.h[node.project]
                to := g.h[child]

                linkRelation(child, project, meta, from, to)

    // Create relations from clusters.
    for _, cluster := range clusters {
        for _, child := range cluster.children {
            // Only if it points to the target project, proceed further.
            if isPathPrefix(child, project) {
                meta := []string{fmt.Sprintf("ltail=cluster_%d", cluster.index)}
                // When the tail is from a cluster, use the first node in the
                // cluster as from.
                from := g.h[cluster.packages[0]]
                to := g.h[child]

                linkRelation(child, project, meta, from, to)

func (g *graphviz) createNode(project, version string, children []string) {
    pr := &gvnode{
        project:  project,
        version:  version,
        children: children,

    g.h[pr.project] = pr.hash() = append(, pr)

func (dp gvnode) hash() uint32 {
    h := fnv.New32a()
    return h.Sum32()

func (dp gvnode) label() string {
    label := []string{dp.project}

    if dp.version != "" {
        label = append(label, dp.version)

    return strings.Join(label, "\\n")

// isPathPrefix ensures that the literal string prefix is a path tree match and
// guards against possibilities like this:
// Verify that prefix is path match and either the input is the same length as
// the match (in which case we know they're equal), or that the next character
// is a "/". (Import paths are defined to always use "/", not the OS-specific
// path separator.)
func isPathPrefix(path, pre string) bool {
    pathlen, prflen := len(path), len(pre)
    if pathlen < prflen || path[0:prflen] != pre {
        return false

    return prflen == pathlen || strings.Index(path[prflen:], "/") == 0

// gvsubgraph is a graphviz subgraph with at least one node(package) in it.
type gvsubgraph struct {
    project  string   // Project root name of a project.
    packages []string // List of subpackages in the project.
    index    int      // Index of the subgraph cluster. This is used to refer the subgraph in the dot file.
    children []string // Dependencies of the project root package.

func (sg gvsubgraph) hash() uint32 {
    h := fnv.New32a()
    return h.Sum32()

// createSubgraph creates a graphviz subgraph with nodes in it. This should only
// be created when a project has more than one package. A single package project
// should be just a single node.
// First nodes are created using the provided packages and their imports. Then
// a subgraph is created with all the nodes in it.
func (g *graphviz) createSubgraph(project string, packages map[string][]string) {
    // If there's only a single package and that's the project root, do not
    // create a subgraph. Just create a node.
    if children, ok := packages[project]; ok && len(packages) == 1 {
        g.createNode(project, "", children)

    // Sort and use the packages for consistent output.
    pkgs := []gvnode{}

    for name, children := range packages {
        pkgs = append(pkgs, gvnode{project: name, children: children})


    subgraphPkgs := []string{}
    rootChildren := []string{}
    for _, p := range pkgs {
        if p.project == project {
            // Do not create a separate node for the root package.
            rootChildren = append(rootChildren, p.children...)
        g.createNode(p.project, "", p.children)
        subgraphPkgs = append(subgraphPkgs, p.project)

    sg := &gvsubgraph{
        project:  project,
        packages: subgraphPkgs,
        index:    len(g.clusters),
        children: rootChildren,

    g.h[project] = sg.hash()
    g.clusters[project] = sg

// sortCluster takes a map of all the clusters and returns a list of cluster
// names sorted by the cluster index.
func sortClusters(clusters map[string]*gvsubgraph) []*gvsubgraph {
    result := []*gvsubgraph{}
    for _, cluster := range clusters {
        result = append(result, cluster)
    sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
        return result[i].index < result[j].index
    return result