

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package gps

import (

func TestLockedProjectSorting(t *testing.T) {
    // version doesn't matter here
    lps := []LockedProject{
        NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0"), nil),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI("foo"), NewVersion("nada"), nil),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI("bar"), NewVersion("zip"), nil),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI("qux"), NewVersion("zilch"), nil),
    lps2 := make([]LockedProject, len(lps))
    copy(lps2, lps)

    sort.SliceStable(lps2, func(i, j int) bool {
        return lps2[i].Ident().Less(lps2[j].Ident())

    // only the two should have switched positions
    lps[0], lps[2] = lps[2], lps[0]
    if !reflect.DeepEqual(lps, lps2) {
        t.Errorf("SortLockedProject did not sort as expected:\n\t(GOT) %s\n\t(WNT) %s", lps2, lps)

func TestLockedProjectsEq(t *testing.T) {
    lps := []LockedProject{
        NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0").Pair("REV"), []string{"gps"}),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0").Pair("REV"), nil),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0").Pair("REV"), []string{"gps", "flugle"}),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI("foo"), NewVersion("nada").Pair("OTHERREV"), []string{"foo"}),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0").Pair("REV"), []string{"flugle", "gps"}),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0").Pair("REV2"), []string{"gps"}),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.11.0").Pair("REV"), []string{"gps"}),
        NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), Revision("REV2"), []string{"gps"}),

    fix := map[string]struct {
        l1, l2   int
        shouldeq bool
        err      string
        "with self":               {0, 0, true, "lp does not eq self"},
        "with different revision": {0, 5, false, "should not eq with different rev"},
        "with different versions": {0, 6, false, "should not eq with different version"},
        "with same revsion":       {5, 5, true, "should eq with same rev"},
        "with empty pkg":          {0, 1, false, "should not eq when other pkg list is empty"},
        "with long pkg list":      {0, 2, false, "should not eq when other pkg list is longer"},
        "with different orders":   {2, 4, false, "should not eq when pkg lists are out of order"},
        "with different lp":       {0, 3, false, "should not eq totally different lp"},
        "with only rev":           {7, 7, true, "should eq with only rev"},
        "when only rev matches":   {5, 7, false, "should not eq when only rev matches"},

    for k, f := range fix {
        k, f := k, f
        t.Run(k, func(t *testing.T) {
            if f.shouldeq {
                if !lps[f.l1].Eq(lps[f.l2]) {
                if !lps[f.l2].Eq(lps[f.l1]) {
                    t.Error(f.err + (" (reversed)"))
            } else {
                if lps[f.l1].Eq(lps[f.l2]) {
                if lps[f.l2].Eq(lps[f.l1]) {
                    t.Error(f.err + (" (reversed)"))

func TestLockedProjectsString(t *testing.T) {
    tt := []struct {
        name string
        lp   LockedProject
        want string
            name: "full info",
            lp:   NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0"), []string{"gps"}),
            want: " with packages: [gps]",
            name: "empty package list",
            lp:   NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0"), []string{}),
            want: " with packages: []",
            name: "nil package",
            lp:   NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0"), nil),
            want: " with packages: []",
            name: "with source",
            lp: NewLockedProject(
                ProjectIdentifier{ProjectRoot: "", Source: ""},
                NewVersion("v0.10.0"), []string{"."}),
            want: " (from with packages: [.]",
            name: "version pair",
            lp:   NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), NewVersion("v0.10.0").Pair("278a227dfc3d595a33a77ff3f841fd8ca1bc8cd0"), []string{"gps"}),
            want: " with packages: [gps]",
            name: "revision only",
            lp:   NewLockedProject(mkPI(""), Revision("278a227dfc3d595a33a77ff3f841fd8ca1bc8cd0"), []string{"gps"}),
            want: " with packages: [gps]",

    for _, tc := range tt {
        t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
            s := tc.lp.String()
            if tc.want != s {
                t.Fatalf("want %s, got %s", tc.want, s)
