

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package gps

import (


// Used to compute a friendly filepath from a URL-shaped input.
var sanitizer = strings.NewReplacer("-", "--", ":", "-", "/", "-", "+", "-")

// A locker is responsible for preventing multiple instances of dep from
// interfering with one-another.
// Currently, anything that can either TryLock(), Unlock(), or GetOwner()
// satisfies that need.
type locker interface {
    TryLock() error
    Unlock() error
    GetOwner() (*os.Process, error)

// A falselocker adheres to the locker interface and its purpose is to quietly
// fail to lock when the DEPNOLOCK environment variable is set.
// This allows dep to run on systems where file locking doesn't work --
// particularly those that use union mount type filesystems that don't
// implement hard links or fnctl() style locking.
type falseLocker struct{}

// Always returns an error to indicate there's no current ower PID for our
// lock.
func (fl falseLocker) GetOwner() (*os.Process, error) {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("falseLocker always fails")

// Does nothing and returns a nil error so caller believes locking succeeded.
func (fl falseLocker) TryLock() error {
    return nil

// Does nothing and returns a nil error so caller believes unlocking succeeded.
func (fl falseLocker) Unlock() error {
    return nil

// A SourceManager is responsible for retrieving, managing, and interrogating
// source repositories. Its primary purpose is to serve the needs of a Solver,
// but it is handy for other purposes, as well.
// gps's built-in SourceManager, SourceMgr, is intended to be generic and
// sufficient for any purpose. It provides some additional semantics around the
// methods defined here.
type SourceManager interface {
    // SourceExists checks if a repository exists, either upstream or in the
    // SourceManager's central repository cache.
    SourceExists(ProjectIdentifier) (bool, error)

    // SyncSourceFor will attempt to bring all local information about a source
    // fully up to date.
    SyncSourceFor(ProjectIdentifier) error

    // ListVersions retrieves a list of the available versions for a given
    // repository name.
    ListVersions(ProjectIdentifier) ([]PairedVersion, error)

    // RevisionPresentIn indicates whether the provided Version is present in
    // the given repository.
    RevisionPresentIn(ProjectIdentifier, Revision) (bool, error)

    // ListPackages parses the tree of the Go packages at or below root of the
    // provided ProjectIdentifier, at the provided version.
    ListPackages(ProjectIdentifier, Version) (pkgtree.PackageTree, error)

    // GetManifestAndLock returns manifest and lock information for the provided
    // root import path.
    // gps currently requires that projects be rooted at their repository root,
    // necessitating that the ProjectIdentifier's ProjectRoot must also be a
    // repository root.
    GetManifestAndLock(ProjectIdentifier, Version, ProjectAnalyzer) (Manifest, Lock, error)

    // ExportProject writes out the tree of the provided import path, at the
    // provided version, to the provided directory.
    ExportProject(context.Context, ProjectIdentifier, Version, string) error

    // ExportPrunedProject writes out the tree corresponding to the provided
    // LockedProject, the provided version, to the provided directory, applying
    // the provided pruning options.
    // The first return value is the hex-encoded string representation of the
    // hash, including colon-separated leaders indicating the version of the
    // hashing function used, and the prune options that were applied.
    ExportPrunedProject(context.Context, LockedProject, PruneOptions, string) error

    // DeduceProjectRoot takes an import path and deduces the corresponding
    // project/source root.
    DeduceProjectRoot(ip string) (ProjectRoot, error)

    // SourceURLsForPath takes an import path and deduces the set of source URLs
    // that may refer to a canonical upstream source.
    // In general, these URLs differ only by protocol (e.g. https vs. ssh), not path
    SourceURLsForPath(ip string) ([]*url.URL, error)

    // Release lets go of any locks held by the SourceManager. Once called, it
    // is no longer allowed to call methods of that SourceManager; all
    // method calls will immediately result in errors.

    // InferConstraint tries to puzzle out what kind of version is given in a string -
    // semver, a revision, or as a fallback, a plain tag
    InferConstraint(s string, pi ProjectIdentifier) (Constraint, error)

// A ProjectAnalyzer is responsible for analyzing a given path for Manifest and
// Lock information. Tools relying on gps must implement one.
type ProjectAnalyzer interface {
    // Perform analysis of the filesystem tree rooted at path, with the
    // root import path importRoot, to determine the project's constraints, as
    // indicated by a Manifest and Lock.
    // Note that an error will typically cause the solver to treat the analyzed
    // version as unusable. As such, an error should generally only be returned
    // if the code tree is somehow malformed, but not if the implementor's
    // expected files containing Manifest and Lock data are merely absent.
    DeriveManifestAndLock(path string, importRoot ProjectRoot) (Manifest, Lock, error)

    // Info reports this project analyzer's info.
    Info() ProjectAnalyzerInfo

// ProjectAnalyzerInfo indicates a ProjectAnalyzer's name and version.
type ProjectAnalyzerInfo struct {
    Name    string
    Version int

// String returns a string like: "<name>.<decimal version>"
func (p ProjectAnalyzerInfo) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", p.Name, p.Version)

// SourceMgr is the default SourceManager for gps.
// There's no (planned) reason why it would need to be reimplemented by other
// tools; control via dependency injection is intended to be sufficient.
type SourceMgr struct {
    cachedir    string                // path to root of cache dir
    lf          locker                // handle for the sm lock file on disk
    suprvsr     *supervisor           // subsystem that supervises running calls/io
    cancelAll   context.CancelFunc    // cancel func to kill all running work
    deduceCoord *deductionCoordinator // subsystem that manages import path deduction
    srcCoord    *sourceCoordinator    // subsystem that manages sources
    sigmut      sync.Mutex            // mutex protecting signal handling setup/teardown
    qch         chan struct{}         // quit chan for signal handler
    relonce     sync.Once             // once-er to ensure we only release once
    releasing   int32                 // flag indicating release of sm has begun

var _ SourceManager = &SourceMgr{}

// ErrSourceManagerIsReleased is the error returned by any SourceManager method
// called after the SourceManager has been released, rendering its methods no
// longer safe to call.
var ErrSourceManagerIsReleased = fmt.Errorf("this SourceManager has been released, its methods can no longer be called")

// SourceManagerConfig holds configuration information for creating SourceMgrs.
type SourceManagerConfig struct {
    CacheAge       time.Duration // Maximum valid age of cached data. <=0: Don't cache.
    Cachedir       string        // Where to store local instances of upstream sources.
    Logger         *log.Logger   // Optional info/warn logger. Discards if nil.
    DisableLocking bool          // True if the SourceManager should NOT use a lock file to protect the Cachedir from multiple processes.

// NewSourceManager produces an instance of gps's built-in SourceManager.
// The returned SourceManager aggressively caches information wherever possible.
// If tools need to do preliminary work involving upstream repository analysis
// prior to invoking a solve run, it is recommended that they create this
// SourceManager as early as possible and use it to their ends. That way, the
// solver can benefit from any caches that may have already been warmed.
// A cacheEpoch is calculated from now()-cacheAge, and older persistent cache data
// is discarded. When cacheAge is <= 0, the persistent cache is
// not used.
// gps's SourceManager is intended to be threadsafe (if it's not, please file a
// bug!). It should be safe to reuse across concurrent solving runs, even on
// unrelated projects.
func NewSourceManager(c SourceManagerConfig) (*SourceMgr, error) {
    if c.Logger == nil {
        c.Logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)

    err := fs.EnsureDir(filepath.Join(c.Cachedir, "sources"), 0777)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Fix for #820
    // Consult for the lockfile
    // behaviour. It's magic. It deals with stale processes, and if there is
    // a process keeping the lock busy, it will pass back a temporary error that
    // we can spin on.

    glpath := filepath.Join(c.Cachedir, "sm.lock")

    lockfile, err := func() (locker, error) {
        if c.DisableLocking {
            return falseLocker{}, nil
        return lockfile.New(glpath)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, CouldNotCreateLockError{
            Path: glpath,
            Err:  errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to create lock %s", glpath),

    process, err := lockfile.GetOwner()
    if err == nil {
        // If we didn't get an error, then the lockfile exists already. We should
        // check to see if it's us already:
        if process.Pid == os.Getpid() {
            return nil, CouldNotCreateLockError{
                Path: glpath,
                Err:  fmt.Errorf("lockfile %s already locked by this process", glpath),

        // There is a lockfile, but it's owned by someone else. We'll try to lock
        // it anyway.

    // If it's a TemporaryError, we retry every second. Otherwise, we fail
    // permanently.
    // TODO: #534 needs to be implemented to provide a better way to log warnings,
    // but until then we will just use stderr.

    // Implicit Time of 0.
    var lasttime time.Time
    err = lockfile.TryLock()
    for err != nil {
        nowtime := time.Now()
        duration := nowtime.Sub(lasttime)

        // The first time this is evaluated, duration will be very large as lasttime is 0.
        // Unless time travel is invented and someone travels back to the year 1, we should
        // be ok.
        if duration > 15*time.Second {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "waiting for lockfile %s: %s\n", glpath, err.Error())
            lasttime = nowtime

        if t, ok := err.(interface {
            Temporary() bool
        }); ok && t.Temporary() {
            time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
        } else {
            return nil, CouldNotCreateLockError{
                Path: glpath,
                Err:  errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to lock %s", glpath),
        err = lockfile.TryLock()

    ctx, cf := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
    superv := newSupervisor(ctx)
    deducer := newDeductionCoordinator(superv)

    var sc sourceCache
    if c.CacheAge > 0 {
        // Try to open the BoltDB cache from disk.
        epoch := time.Now().Add(-c.CacheAge).Unix()
        boltCache, err := newBoltCache(c.Cachedir, epoch, c.Logger)
        if err != nil {
            c.Logger.Println(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open persistent cache %q", c.Cachedir))
        } else {
            sc = newMultiCache(memoryCache{}, boltCache)

    sm := &SourceMgr{
        cachedir:    c.Cachedir,
        lf:          lockfile,
        suprvsr:     superv,
        cancelAll:   cf,
        deduceCoord: deducer,
        srcCoord:    newSourceCoordinator(superv, deducer, c.Cachedir, sc, c.Logger),
        qch:         make(chan struct{}),

    return sm, nil

// Cachedir returns the location of the cache directory.
func (sm *SourceMgr) Cachedir() string {
    return sm.cachedir

// UseDefaultSignalHandling sets up typical os.Interrupt signal handling for a
// SourceMgr.
func (sm *SourceMgr) UseDefaultSignalHandling() {
    sigch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(sigch, os.Interrupt)

// HandleSignals sets up logic to handle incoming signals with the goal of
// shutting down the SourceMgr safely.
// Calling code must provide the signal channel, and is responsible for calling
// signal.Notify() on that channel.
// Successive calls to HandleSignals() will deregister the previous handler and
// set up a new one. It is not recommended that the same channel be passed
// multiple times to this method.
// SetUpSigHandling() will set up a handler that is appropriate for most
// use cases.
func (sm *SourceMgr) HandleSignals(sigch chan os.Signal) {
    // always start by closing the qch, which will lead to any existing signal
    // handler terminating, and deregistering its sigch.
    if sm.qch != nil {
    sm.qch = make(chan struct{})

    // Run a new goroutine with the input sigch and the fresh qch
    go func(sch chan os.Signal, qch <-chan struct{}) {
        defer signal.Stop(sch)
        select {
        case <-sch:
            // Set up a timer to uninstall the signal handler after three
            // seconds, so that the user can easily force termination with a
            // second ctrl-c
            time.AfterFunc(3*time.Second, func() {

            if opc := sm.suprvsr.count(); opc > 0 {
                fmt.Printf("Signal received: waiting for %v ops to complete...\n", opc)

        case <-qch:
            // quit channel triggered - deregister our sigch and return
    }(sigch, sm.qch)
    // Try to ensure handler is blocked in for-select before releasing the mutex


// StopSignalHandling deregisters any signal handler running on this SourceMgr.
// It's normally not necessary to call this directly; it will be called as
// needed by Release().
func (sm *SourceMgr) StopSignalHandling() {
    if sm.qch != nil {
        sm.qch = nil

// CouldNotCreateLockError describe failure modes in which creating a SourceMgr
// did not succeed because there was an error while attempting to create the
// on-disk lock file.
type CouldNotCreateLockError struct {
    Path string
    Err  error

func (e CouldNotCreateLockError) Error() string {
    return e.Err.Error()

// Release lets go of any locks held by the SourceManager. Once called, it is no
// longer allowed to call methods of that SourceManager; all method calls will
// immediately result in errors.
func (sm *SourceMgr) Release() {
    atomic.StoreInt32(&sm.releasing, 1)

    sm.relonce.Do(func() {
        // Send the signal to the supervisor to cancel all running calls.

        // Close the source coordinator.

        // Close the file handle for the lock file and remove it from disk
        os.Remove(filepath.Join(sm.cachedir, "sm.lock"))

        // Close the qch, if non-nil, so the signal handlers run out. This will
        // also deregister the sig channel, if any has been set up.
        if sm.qch != nil {

// GetManifestAndLock returns manifest and lock information for the provided
// ProjectIdentifier, at the provided Version. The work of producing the
// manifest and lock is delegated to the provided ProjectAnalyzer's
// DeriveManifestAndLock() method.
func (sm *SourceMgr) GetManifestAndLock(id ProjectIdentifier, v Version, an ProjectAnalyzer) (Manifest, Lock, error) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return nil, nil, ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(context.TODO(), id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return srcg.getManifestAndLock(context.TODO(), id.ProjectRoot, v, an)

// ListPackages parses the tree of the Go packages at and below the ProjectRoot
// of the given ProjectIdentifier, at the given version.
func (sm *SourceMgr) ListPackages(id ProjectIdentifier, v Version) (pkgtree.PackageTree, error) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return pkgtree.PackageTree{}, ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(context.TODO(), id)
    if err != nil {
        return pkgtree.PackageTree{}, err

    return srcg.listPackages(context.TODO(), id.ProjectRoot, v)

// ListVersions retrieves a list of the available versions for a given
// repository name.
// The list is not sorted; while it may be returned in the order that the
// underlying VCS reports version information, no guarantee is made. It is
// expected that the caller either not care about order, or sort the result
// themselves.
// This list is always retrieved from upstream on the first call. Subsequent
// calls will return a cached version of the first call's results. if upstream
// is not accessible (network outage, access issues, or the resource actually
// went away), an error will be returned.
func (sm *SourceMgr) ListVersions(id ProjectIdentifier) ([]PairedVersion, error) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return nil, ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(context.TODO(), id)
    if err != nil {
        // TODO(sdboyer) More-er proper-er errors
        return nil, err

    return srcg.listVersions(context.TODO())

// RevisionPresentIn indicates whether the provided Revision is present in the given
// repository.
func (sm *SourceMgr) RevisionPresentIn(id ProjectIdentifier, r Revision) (bool, error) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return false, ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(context.TODO(), id)
    if err != nil {
        // TODO(sdboyer) More-er proper-er errors
        return false, err

    return srcg.revisionPresentIn(context.TODO(), r)

// SourceExists checks if a repository exists, either upstream or in the cache,
// for the provided ProjectIdentifier.
func (sm *SourceMgr) SourceExists(id ProjectIdentifier) (bool, error) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return false, ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(context.TODO(), id)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    ctx := context.TODO()
    if err := srcg.existsInCache(ctx); err == nil {
        return true, nil
    if err := srcg.existsUpstream(ctx); err != nil {
        return false, err
    return true, nil

// SyncSourceFor will ensure that all local caches and information about a
// source are up to date with any network-acccesible information.
// The primary use case for this is prefetching.
func (sm *SourceMgr) SyncSourceFor(id ProjectIdentifier) error {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(context.TODO(), id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return srcg.syncLocal(context.TODO())

// ExportProject writes out the tree of the provided ProjectIdentifier's
// ProjectRoot, at the provided version, to the provided directory.
func (sm *SourceMgr) ExportProject(ctx context.Context, id ProjectIdentifier, v Version, to string) error {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(ctx, id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return srcg.exportVersionTo(ctx, v, to)

// ExportPrunedProject writes out a tree of the provided LockedProject, applying
// provided pruning rules as appropriate.
func (sm *SourceMgr) ExportPrunedProject(ctx context.Context, lp LockedProject, prune PruneOptions, to string) error {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(ctx, lp.Ident())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return srcg.exportPrunedVersionTo(ctx, lp, prune, to)

// DeduceProjectRoot takes an import path and deduces the corresponding
// project/source root.
// Note that some import paths may require network activity to correctly
// determine the root of the path, such as, but not limited to, vanity import
// paths. (A special exception is written for to minimize network
// activity, as its behavior is well-structured)
func (sm *SourceMgr) DeduceProjectRoot(ip string) (ProjectRoot, error) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&sm.releasing) == 1 {
        return "", ErrSourceManagerIsReleased

    // TODO(sdboyer) refactor deduceRootPath() so that this validation can move
    // back down below a cache point, rather than executing on every call.
    if !pathvld.MatchString(ip) {
        return "", errors.Errorf("%q is not a valid import path", ip)

    pd, err := sm.deduceCoord.deduceRootPath(context.TODO(), ip)
    return ProjectRoot(pd.root), err

// InferConstraint tries to puzzle out what kind of version is given in a
// string. Preference is given first for branches, then semver constraints, then
// plain tags, and then revisions.
func (sm *SourceMgr) InferConstraint(s string, pi ProjectIdentifier) (Constraint, error) {
    if s == "" {
        return Any(), nil

    // Lookup the string in the repository
    var version PairedVersion
    versions, err := sm.ListVersions(pi)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "list versions for %s", pi) // means repo does not exist
    for _, v := range versions {
        if s == v.String() {
            version = v

    // Branch
    if version != nil && version.Type() == IsBranch {
        return version.Unpair(), nil

    // Semver Constraint
    c, err := NewSemverConstraintIC(s)
    if c != nil && err == nil {
        return c, nil

    // Tag
    if version != nil {
        return version.Unpair(), nil

    // Revision, possibly abbreviated
    r, err := sm.disambiguateRevision(context.TODO(), pi, Revision(s))
    if err == nil {
        return r, nil

    return nil, errors.Errorf("%s is not a valid version for the package %s(%s)", s, pi.ProjectRoot, pi.Source)

// SourceURLsForPath takes an import path and deduces the set of source URLs
// that may refer to a canonical upstream source.
// In general, these URLs differ only by protocol (e.g. https vs. ssh), not path
func (sm *SourceMgr) SourceURLsForPath(ip string) ([]*url.URL, error) {
    deduced, err := sm.deduceCoord.deduceRootPath(context.TODO(), ip)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return deduced.mb.possibleURLs(), nil

// disambiguateRevision looks up a revision in the underlying source, spitting
// it back out in an unabbreviated, disambiguated form.
// For example, if pi refers to a git-based project, then rev could be an
// abbreviated git commit hash. disambiguateRevision would return the complete
// hash.
func (sm *SourceMgr) disambiguateRevision(ctx context.Context, pi ProjectIdentifier, rev Revision) (Revision, error) {
    srcg, err := sm.srcCoord.getSourceGatewayFor(context.TODO(), pi)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return srcg.disambiguateRevision(ctx, rev)

type timeCount struct {
    count int
    start time.Time

type durCount struct {
    count int
    dur   time.Duration

type supervisor struct {
    ctx     context.Context
    mu      sync.Mutex // Guards all maps
    cond    sync.Cond  // Wraps mu so callers can wait until all calls end
    running map[callInfo]timeCount
    ran     map[callType]durCount

func newSupervisor(ctx context.Context) *supervisor {
    supv := &supervisor{
        ctx:     ctx,
        running: make(map[callInfo]timeCount),
        ran:     make(map[callType]durCount),

    supv.cond = sync.Cond{L: &}
    return supv

// do executes the incoming closure using a conjoined context, and keeps
// counters to ensure the sourceMgr can't finish Release()ing until after all
// calls have returned.
func (sup *supervisor) do(inctx context.Context, name string, typ callType, f func(context.Context) error) error {
    ci := callInfo{
        name: name,
        typ:  typ,

    octx, err := sup.start(ci)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    cctx, cancelFunc := constext.Cons(inctx, octx)
    err = f(cctx)
    return err

func (sup *supervisor) start(ci callInfo) (context.Context, error) {
    if err := sup.ctx.Err(); err != nil {
        // We've already been canceled; error out.
        return nil, err

    if existingInfo, has := sup.running[ci]; has {
        sup.running[ci] = existingInfo
    } else {
        sup.running[ci] = timeCount{
            count: 1,
            start: time.Now(),

    return sup.ctx, nil

func (sup *supervisor) count() int {
    return len(sup.running)

func (sup *supervisor) done(ci callInfo) {

    existingInfo, has := sup.running[ci]
    if !has {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("sourceMgr: tried to complete a call that had not registered via run()"))

    if existingInfo.count > 1 {
        // If more than one is pending, don't stop the clock yet.
        sup.running[ci] = existingInfo
    } else {
        // Last one for this particular key; update metrics with info.
        durCnt := sup.ran[ci.typ]
        durCnt.dur += time.Since(existingInfo.start)
        sup.ran[ci.typ] = durCnt
        delete(sup.running, ci)

        if len(sup.running) == 0 {
            // This is the only place where we signal the cond, as it's the only
            // time that the number of running calls could become zero.

// wait until all active calls have terminated.
// Assumes something else has already canceled the supervisor via its context.
func (sup *supervisor) wait() {
    for len(sup.running) > 0 {

type callType uint

const (
    ctHTTPMetadata callType = iota

func (ct callType) String() string {
    switch ct {
    case ctHTTPMetadata:
        return "Retrieving go get metadata"
    case ctListVersions:
        return "Retrieving latest version list"
    case ctGetManifestAndLock:
        return "Reading manifest and lock data"
    case ctListPackages:
        return "Parsing PackageTree"
    case ctSourcePing:
        return "Checking for upstream existence"
    case ctSourceInit:
        return "Initializing local source cache"
    case ctSourceFetch:
        return "Fetching latest data into local source cache"
    case ctExportTree:
        return "Writing code tree out to disk"
        panic("unknown calltype")

// callInfo provides metadata about an ongoing call.
type callInfo struct {
    name string
    typ  callType