

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package base

import (

    fb ""

// Importer provides a common implementation for importing from other
// dependency managers.
type Importer struct {
    SourceManager gps.SourceManager
    Logger        *log.Logger
    Verbose       bool
    Manifest      *dep.Manifest
    Lock          *dep.Lock

// NewImporter creates a new Importer for embedding in an importer.
func NewImporter(logger *log.Logger, verbose bool, sm gps.SourceManager) *Importer {
    return &Importer{
        Logger:        logger,
        Verbose:       verbose,
        Manifest:      dep.NewManifest(),
        Lock:          &dep.Lock{},
        SourceManager: sm,

// isTag determines if the specified value is a tag (plain or semver).
func (i *Importer) isTag(pi gps.ProjectIdentifier, value string) (bool, gps.Version, error) {
    versions, err := i.SourceManager.ListVersions(pi)
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to list versions for %s(%s)", pi.ProjectRoot, pi.Source)

    for _, version := range versions {
        if version.Type() != gps.IsVersion && version.Type() != gps.IsSemver {

        if value == version.String() {
            return true, version, nil

    return false, nil, nil

// lookupVersionForLockedProject figures out the appropriate version for a locked
// project based on the locked revision and the constraint from the manifest.
// First try matching the revision to a version, then try the constraint from the
// manifest, then finally the revision.
func (i *Importer) lookupVersionForLockedProject(pi gps.ProjectIdentifier, c gps.Constraint, rev gps.Revision) (gps.Version, error) {
    // Find the version that goes with this revision, if any
    versions, err := i.SourceManager.ListVersions(pi)
    if err != nil {
        return rev, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to lookup the version represented by %s in %s(%s). Falling back to locking the revision only.", rev, pi.ProjectRoot, pi.Source)

    var branchConstraint gps.PairedVersion
    gps.SortPairedForUpgrade(versions) // Sort versions in asc order
    var matches []gps.Version
    for _, v := range versions {
        if v.Revision() == rev {
            matches = append(matches, v)
        if c != nil && v.Type() == gps.IsBranch && v.String() == c.String() {
            branchConstraint = v

    // Try to narrow down the matches with the constraint. Otherwise return the first match.
    if len(matches) > 0 {
        if c != nil {
            for _, v := range matches {
                if i.testConstraint(c, v) {
                    return v, nil
        return matches[0], nil

    // Use branch constraint from the manifest
    if branchConstraint != nil {
        return branchConstraint.Unpair().Pair(rev), nil

    // Give up and lock only to a revision
    return rev, nil

// ImportedPackage is a common intermediate representation of a package imported
// from an external tool's configuration.
type ImportedPackage struct {
    // Required. The package path, not necessarily the project root.
    Name string

    // Required. Text representing a revision or tag.
    LockHint string

    // Optional. Alternative source, or fork, for the project.
    Source string

    // Optional. Text representing a branch or version.
    ConstraintHint string

// importedProject is a consolidated representation of a set of imported packages
// for the same project root.
type importedProject struct {
    Root gps.ProjectRoot

// loadPackages consolidates all package references into a set of project roots.
func (i *Importer) loadPackages(packages []ImportedPackage) []importedProject {
    // preserve the original order of the packages so that messages that
    // are printed as they are processed are in a consistent order.
    orderedProjects := make([]importedProject, 0, len(packages))

    projects := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]*importedProject, len(packages))
    for _, pkg := range packages {
        pr, err := i.SourceManager.DeduceProjectRoot(pkg.Name)
        if err != nil {
                "  Warning: Skipping project. Cannot determine the project root for %s: %s\n",
                pkg.Name, err,
        pkg.Name = string(pr)

        prj, exists := projects[pr]
        if !exists {
            prj := importedProject{pr, pkg}
            orderedProjects = append(orderedProjects, prj)
            projects[pr] = &orderedProjects[len(orderedProjects)-1]

        // The config found first "wins", though we allow for incrementally
        // setting each field because some importers have a config and lock file.
        if prj.Source == "" && pkg.Source != "" {
            prj.Source = pkg.Source

        if prj.ConstraintHint == "" && pkg.ConstraintHint != "" {
            prj.ConstraintHint = pkg.ConstraintHint

        if prj.LockHint == "" && pkg.LockHint != "" {
            prj.LockHint = pkg.LockHint

    return orderedProjects

// ImportPackages loads imported packages into the manifest and lock.
// - defaultConstraintFromLock specifies if a constraint should be defaulted
//   based on the locked version when there wasn't a constraint hint.
// Rules:
// * When a constraint is ignored, default to *.
// * HEAD revisions default to the matching branch.
// * Semantic versions default to ^VERSION.
// * Revision constraints are ignored.
// * Versions that don't satisfy the constraint, drop the constraint.
// * Untagged revisions ignore non-branch constraint hints.
func (i *Importer) ImportPackages(packages []ImportedPackage, defaultConstraintFromLock bool) {
    projects := i.loadPackages(packages)

    for _, prj := range projects {
        source := prj.Source
        if len(source) > 0 {
            isDefault, err := i.isDefaultSource(prj.Root, source)
            if err != nil {
                i.Logger.Printf("  Ignoring imported source %s for %s: %s", source, prj.Root, err.Error())
                source = ""
            } else if isDefault {
                source = ""
            } else if strings.Contains(source, "/vendor/") {
                i.Logger.Printf("  Ignoring imported source %s for %s because vendored sources aren't supported", source, prj.Root)
                source = ""

        pc := gps.ProjectConstraint{
            Ident: gps.ProjectIdentifier{
                ProjectRoot: prj.Root,
                Source:      source,

        var err error
        pc.Constraint, err = i.SourceManager.InferConstraint(prj.ConstraintHint, pc.Ident)
        if err != nil {
            pc.Constraint = gps.Any()

        var version gps.Version
        if prj.LockHint != "" {
            var isTag bool
            // Determine if the lock hint is a revision or tag
            isTag, version, err = i.isTag(pc.Ident, prj.LockHint)
            if err != nil {
                    "  Warning: Skipping project. Unable to import lock %q for %v: %s\n",
                    prj.LockHint, pc.Ident, err,
            // If the hint is a revision, check if it is tagged
            if !isTag {
                revision := gps.Revision(prj.LockHint)
                version, err = i.lookupVersionForLockedProject(pc.Ident, pc.Constraint, revision)
                if err != nil {
                    version = nil

            // Default the constraint based on the locked version
            if defaultConstraintFromLock && prj.ConstraintHint == "" && version != nil {
                c := i.convertToConstraint(version)
                if c != nil {
                    pc.Constraint = c

        // Ignore pinned constraints
        if i.isConstraintPinned(pc.Constraint) {
            if i.Verbose {
                i.Logger.Printf("  Ignoring pinned constraint %v for %v.\n", pc.Constraint, pc.Ident)
            pc.Constraint = gps.Any()

        // Ignore constraints which conflict with the locked revision, so that
        // solve doesn't later change the revision to satisfy the constraint.
        if !i.testConstraint(pc.Constraint, version) {
            if i.Verbose {
                i.Logger.Printf("  Ignoring constraint %v for %v because it would invalidate the locked version %v.\n", pc.Constraint, pc.Ident, version)
            pc.Constraint = gps.Any()

        // Add constraint to manifest that is not empty (has a branch, version or source)
        if !gps.IsAny(pc.Constraint) || pc.Ident.Source != "" {
            i.Manifest.Constraints[pc.Ident.ProjectRoot] = gps.ProjectProperties{
                Source:     pc.Ident.Source,
                Constraint: pc.Constraint,
            fb.NewConstraintFeedback(pc, fb.DepTypeImported).LogFeedback(i.Logger)

        if version != nil {
            lp := gps.NewLockedProject(pc.Ident, version, nil)
            i.Lock.P = append(i.Lock.P, lp)
            fb.NewLockedProjectFeedback(lp, fb.DepTypeImported).LogFeedback(i.Logger)

// isConstraintPinned returns if a constraint is pinned to a specific revision.
func (i *Importer) isConstraintPinned(c gps.Constraint) bool {
    if version, isVersion := c.(gps.Version); isVersion {
        switch version.Type() {
        case gps.IsRevision, gps.IsVersion:
            return true
    return false

// testConstraint verifies that the constraint won't invalidate the locked version.
func (i *Importer) testConstraint(c gps.Constraint, v gps.Version) bool {
    // Assume branch constraints are satisfied
    if version, isVersion := c.(gps.Version); isVersion {
        if version.Type() == gps.IsBranch {

            return true

    return c.Matches(v)

// convertToConstraint turns a version into a constraint.
// Semver tags are converted to a range with the caret operator.
func (i *Importer) convertToConstraint(v gps.Version) gps.Constraint {
    if v.Type() == gps.IsSemver {
        c, err := gps.NewSemverConstraintIC(v.String())
        if err != nil {
            // This should never fail, because the type is semver.
            // If it does fail somehow, don't let that impact the import.
            return nil
        return c
    return v

func (i *Importer) isDefaultSource(projectRoot gps.ProjectRoot, sourceURL string) (bool, error) {
    // this condition is mainly for imports,
    // as some importers specify the repository url as,
    // but SourceManager.SourceURLsForPath() returns urls for
    if sourceURL == "https://"+string(projectRoot) {
        return true, nil

    sourceURLs, err := i.SourceManager.SourceURLsForPath(string(projectRoot))
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    // The first url in the slice will be the default one (usually https://...)
    if len(sourceURLs) > 0 && sourceURL == sourceURLs[0].String() {
        return true, nil

    return false, nil