

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package importertest

import (


// TestCase is a common set of validations applied to the result
// of an importer converting from an external config format to dep's.
type TestCase struct {
    DefaultConstraintFromLock bool
    WantSourceRepo            string
    WantConstraint            string
    WantRevision              gps.Revision
    WantVersion               string
    WantIgnored               []string
    WantRequired              []string
    WantWarning               string

// NewTestContext creates a unique context with its own GOPATH for a single test.
func NewTestContext(h *test.Helper) *dep.Ctx {
    pwd := h.Path(".")
    discardLogger := log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)

    return &dep.Ctx{
        GOPATH: pwd,
        Out:    discardLogger,
        Err:    discardLogger,

// Execute and validate the test case.
func (tc TestCase) Execute(t *testing.T, convert func(logger *log.Logger, sm gps.SourceManager) (*dep.Manifest, *dep.Lock)) error {
    h := test.NewHelper(t)
    defer h.Cleanup()
    // Disable parallel tests until we can resolve this error on the Windows builds:
    // "remote repository at does not exist, or is inaccessible"

    ctx := NewTestContext(h)
    sm, err := ctx.SourceManager()
    defer sm.Release()

    // Capture stderr so we can verify warnings
    output := &bytes.Buffer{}
    ctx.Err = log.New(output, "", 0)

    manifest, lock := convert(ctx.Err, sm)
    return tc.validate(manifest, lock, output)

// validate returns an error if any of the testcase validations failed.
func (tc TestCase) validate(manifest *dep.Manifest, lock *dep.Lock, output *bytes.Buffer) error {
    if !equalSlice(manifest.Ignored, tc.WantIgnored) {
        return errors.Errorf("unexpected set of ignored projects: \n\t(GOT) %#v \n\t(WNT) %#v",
            manifest.Ignored, tc.WantIgnored)

    if !equalSlice(manifest.Required, tc.WantRequired) {
        return errors.Errorf("unexpected set of required projects: \n\t(GOT) %#v \n\t(WNT) %#v",
            manifest.Required, tc.WantRequired)

    wantConstraintCount := 0
    if tc.WantConstraint != "" {
        wantConstraintCount = 1
    gotConstraintCount := len(manifest.Constraints)
    if gotConstraintCount != wantConstraintCount {
        return errors.Errorf("unexpected number of constraints: \n\t(GOT) %v \n\t(WNT) %v",
            gotConstraintCount, wantConstraintCount)

    if tc.WantConstraint != "" {
        d, ok := manifest.Constraints[Project]
        if !ok {
            return errors.Errorf("Expected the manifest to have a dependency for '%v'",

        gotConstraint := d.Constraint.String()
        if gotConstraint != tc.WantConstraint {
            return errors.Errorf("unexpected constraint: \n\t(GOT) %v \n\t(WNT) %v",
                gotConstraint, tc.WantConstraint)


    // Lock checks.
    wantLockCount := 0
    if tc.WantRevision != "" {
        wantLockCount = 1
    gotLockCount := 0
    if lock != nil {
        gotLockCount = len(lock.P)
    if gotLockCount != wantLockCount {
        return errors.Errorf("unexpected number of locked projects: \n\t(GOT) %v \n\t(WNT) %v",
            gotLockCount, wantLockCount)

    if tc.WantRevision != "" {
        lp := lock.P[0]

        gotProjectRoot := lp.Ident().ProjectRoot
        if gotProjectRoot != Project {
            return errors.Errorf("unexpected root project in lock: \n\t(GOT) %v \n\t(WNT) %v",
                gotProjectRoot, Project)

        gotSource := lp.Ident().Source
        if gotSource != tc.WantSourceRepo {
            return errors.Errorf("unexpected source repository: \n\t(GOT) %v \n\t(WNT) %v",
                gotSource, tc.WantSourceRepo)

        // Break down the locked "version" into a version (optional) and revision
        var gotVersion string
        var gotRevision gps.Revision
        if lpv, ok := lp.Version().(gps.PairedVersion); ok {
            gotVersion = lpv.String()
            gotRevision = lpv.Revision()
        } else if lr, ok := lp.Version().(gps.Revision); ok {
            gotRevision = lr
        } else {
            return errors.New("could not determine the type of the locked version")

        if gotRevision != tc.WantRevision {
            return errors.Errorf("unexpected locked revision: \n\t(GOT) %v \n\t(WNT) %v",
        if gotVersion != tc.WantVersion {
            return errors.Errorf("unexpected locked version: \n\t(GOT) %v \n\t(WNT) %v",

    if tc.WantWarning != "" {
        gotWarning := output.String()
        if !strings.Contains(gotWarning, tc.WantWarning) {
            return errors.Errorf("Expected the output to include the warning '%s' but got '%s'\n", tc.WantWarning, gotWarning)

    return nil

// equalSlice is comparing two string slices for equality.
func equalSlice(a, b []string) bool {
    if a == nil && b == nil {
        return true

    if a == nil || b == nil {
        return false

    if len(a) != len(b) {
        return false

    for i := range a {
        if a[i] != b[i] {
            return false

    return true