

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package integration

import (


// TestCase manages a test case directory structure and content
type TestCase struct {
    t             *testing.T
    name          string
    rootPath      string
    initialPath   string
    finalPath     string
    Commands      [][]string        `json:"commands"`
    ShouldFail    bool              `json:"should-fail"`
    ErrorExpected string            `json:"error-expected"`
    GopathInitial map[string]string `json:"gopath-initial"`
    VendorInitial map[string]string `json:"vendor-initial"`
    VendorFinal   []string          `json:"vendor-final"`
    InitPath      string            `json:"init-path"`

    RequiredFeatureFlag string `json:"feature"`

// NewTestCase creates a new TestCase.
func NewTestCase(t *testing.T, dir, name string) *TestCase {
    rootPath := filepath.FromSlash(filepath.Join(dir, name))
    n := &TestCase{
        t:           t,
        name:        name,
        rootPath:    rootPath,
        initialPath: filepath.Join(rootPath, "initial"),
        finalPath:   filepath.Join(rootPath, "final"),
    j, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, "testcase.json"))
    if err != nil {
    err = json.Unmarshal(j, n)
    if err != nil {

    // Flip ShouldFail on if it's not set, but there's an expected error.
    if n.ErrorExpected != "" && !n.ShouldFail {
        n.ShouldFail = true
    return n

// InitialPath represents the initial set of files in a project.
func (tc *TestCase) InitialPath() string {
    return tc.initialPath

// UpdateFile updates the golden file with the working result.
func (tc *TestCase) UpdateFile(goldenPath, workingPath string) {
    exists, working, err := getFile(workingPath)
    if err != nil {
        tc.t.Fatalf("Error reading project file %s: %s", goldenPath, err)

    golden := filepath.Join(tc.finalPath, goldenPath)
    if exists {
        if err := tc.WriteFile(golden, working); err != nil {
    } else {
        err := os.Remove(golden)
        if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {

// CompareFile compares the golden file with the working result.
func (tc *TestCase) CompareFile(goldenPath, working string) {
    golden := filepath.Join(tc.finalPath, goldenPath)

    gotExists, got, err := getFile(working)
    if err != nil {
        tc.t.Fatalf("Error reading project file %q: %s", goldenPath, err)
    wantExists, want, err := getFile(golden)
    if err != nil {
        tc.t.Fatalf("Error reading testcase file %q: %s", goldenPath, err)

    if wantExists && gotExists {
        if want != got {
            tc.t.Errorf("%s was not as expected\n(WNT):\n%s\n(GOT):\n%s", filepath.Base(goldenPath), want, got)
    } else if !wantExists && gotExists {
        tc.t.Errorf("%q created where none was expected", goldenPath)
    } else if wantExists && !gotExists {
        tc.t.Errorf("%q not created where one was expected", goldenPath)

// UpdateOutput updates the golden file for stdout with the working result.
func (tc *TestCase) UpdateOutput(stdout string) {
    stdoutPath := filepath.Join(tc.rootPath, "stdout.txt")
    _, err := os.Stat(stdoutPath)
    if err != nil {
        if os.IsNotExist(err) {
            // Don't update the stdout.txt file if it doesn't exist.

    if err := tc.WriteFile(stdoutPath, stdout); err != nil {

// CompareOutput compares expected and actual stdout output.
func (tc *TestCase) CompareOutput(stdout string) {
    expected, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tc.rootPath, "stdout.txt"))
    if err != nil {
        if os.IsNotExist(err) {
            // Nothing to verify

    expStr := normalizeLines(string(expected))
    stdout = normalizeLines(stdout)

    if expStr != stdout {
        tc.t.Errorf("stdout was not as expected\n(WNT):\n%s\n(GOT):\n%s\n", expStr, stdout)

// normalizeLines returns a version with trailing whitespace stripped from each line.
func normalizeLines(s string) string {
    lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
    for i := range lines {
        lines[i] = strings.TrimRightFunc(lines[i], unicode.IsSpace)
    return strings.Join(lines, "\n")

// CompareError compares expected and actual stderr output.
func (tc *TestCase) CompareError(err error, stderr string) {
    wantExists, want := tc.ErrorExpected != "", tc.ErrorExpected
    gotExists, got := stderr != "" && err != nil, stderr

    if wantExists && gotExists {
        switch c := strings.Count(got, want); c {
        case 0:
            tc.t.Errorf("error did not contain expected string:\n\t(GOT): %s\n\t(WNT): %s", got, want)
        case 1:
            tc.t.Errorf("expected error %s matches %d times to actual error %s", want, c, got)
    } else if !wantExists && gotExists {
        tc.t.Fatalf("error raised where none was expected: \n%v", stderr)
    } else if wantExists && !gotExists {
        tc.t.Error("error not raised where one was expected:", want)

// CompareCmdFailure checks to see if the failure/success (in the sense of an
// exit code) was as expected by the test fixture.
func (tc *TestCase) CompareCmdFailure(gotFail bool) {
    if gotFail == tc.ShouldFail {

    if tc.ShouldFail {
        tc.t.Errorf("expected command to fail, but it did not")
    } else {
        tc.t.Errorf("expected command not to fail, but it did")

// CompareVendorPaths validates the vendor directory contents.
func (tc *TestCase) CompareVendorPaths(gotVendorPaths []string) {
    if *test.UpdateGolden {
        tc.VendorFinal = gotVendorPaths
    } else {
        wantVendorPaths := tc.VendorFinal
        if len(gotVendorPaths) != len(wantVendorPaths) {
            tc.t.Fatalf("Wrong number of vendor paths created: want %d got %d", len(wantVendorPaths), len(gotVendorPaths))
        for ind := range gotVendorPaths {
            if gotVendorPaths[ind] != wantVendorPaths[ind] {
                tc.t.Errorf("Mismatch in vendor paths created: want %s got %s", wantVendorPaths, gotVendorPaths)

// WriteFile writes a file using the default file permissions.
func (tc *TestCase) WriteFile(src string, content string) error {
    return ioutil.WriteFile(src, []byte(content), 0666)

func getFile(path string) (bool, string, error) {
    _, err := os.Stat(path)
    if err != nil {
        return false, "", nil
    f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
    if err != nil {
        return true, "", err
    return true, string(f), nil