

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package dep

import (


const (
    // Helper consts for common diff-checking patterns.
    anyExceptHash verify.DeltaDimension = verify.AnyChanged & ^verify.HashVersionChanged & ^verify.HashChanged

// Example string to be written to the manifest file
// if no dependencies are found in the project
// during `dep init`
var exampleTOML = []byte(`# Gopkg.toml example
# Refer to https://golang.github.io/dep/docs/Gopkg.toml.html
# for detailed Gopkg.toml documentation.
# required = ["github.com/user/thing/cmd/thing"]
# ignored = ["github.com/user/project/pkgX", "bitbucket.org/user/project/pkgA/pkgY"]
# [[constraint]]
#   name = "github.com/user/project"
#   version = "1.0.0"
# [[constraint]]
#   name = "github.com/user/project2"
#   branch = "dev"
#   source = "github.com/myfork/project2"
# [[override]]
#   name = "github.com/x/y"
#   version = "2.4.0"
# [prune]
#   non-go = false
#   go-tests = true
#   unused-packages = true


// String added on top of lock file
var lockFileComment = []byte(`# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.


// SafeWriter transactionalizes writes of manifest, lock, and vendor dir, both
// individually and in any combination, into a pseudo-atomic action with
// transactional rollback.
// It is not impervious to errors (writing to disk is hard), but it should
// guard against non-arcane failure conditions.
type SafeWriter struct {
    Manifest     *Manifest
    lock         *Lock
    lockDiff     verify.LockDelta
    writeVendor  bool
    writeLock    bool
    pruneOptions gps.CascadingPruneOptions

// NewSafeWriter sets up a SafeWriter to write a set of manifest, lock, and
// vendor tree.
// - If manifest is provided, it will be written to the standard manifest file
// name beneath root.
// - If newLock is provided, it will be written to the standard lock file
// name beneath root.
// - If vendor is VendorAlways, or is VendorOnChanged and the locks are different,
// the vendor directory will be written beneath root based on newLock.
// - If oldLock is provided without newLock, error.
// - If vendor is VendorAlways without a newLock, error.
func NewSafeWriter(manifest *Manifest, oldLock, newLock *Lock, vendor VendorBehavior, prune gps.CascadingPruneOptions, status map[string]verify.VendorStatus) (*SafeWriter, error) {
    sw := &SafeWriter{
        Manifest:     manifest,
        lock:         newLock,
        pruneOptions: prune,

    if oldLock != nil {
        if newLock == nil {
            return nil, errors.New("must provide newLock when oldLock is specified")

        sw.lockDiff = verify.DiffLocks(oldLock, newLock)
        if sw.lockDiff.Changed(anyExceptHash) {
            sw.writeLock = true
    } else if newLock != nil {
        sw.writeLock = true

    switch vendor {
    case VendorAlways:
        sw.writeVendor = true
    case VendorOnChanged:
        if newLock != nil && oldLock == nil {
            sw.writeVendor = true
        } else if sw.lockDiff.Changed(anyExceptHash & ^verify.InputImportsChanged) {
            sw.writeVendor = true
        } else {
            for _, stat := range status {
                if stat != verify.NoMismatch {
                    sw.writeVendor = true

    if sw.writeVendor && newLock == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("must provide newLock in order to write out vendor")

    return sw, nil

// HasLock checks if a Lock is present in the SafeWriter
func (sw *SafeWriter) HasLock() bool {
    return sw.lock != nil

// HasManifest checks if a Manifest is present in the SafeWriter
func (sw *SafeWriter) HasManifest() bool {
    return sw.Manifest != nil

// VendorBehavior defines when the vendor directory should be written.
type VendorBehavior int

const (
    // VendorOnChanged indicates that the vendor directory should be written
    // when the lock is new or changed, or a project in vendor differs from its
    // intended state.
    VendorOnChanged VendorBehavior = iota
    // VendorAlways forces the vendor directory to always be written.
    // VendorNever indicates the vendor directory should never be written.

func (sw SafeWriter) validate(root string, sm gps.SourceManager) error {
    if root == "" {
        return errors.New("root path must be non-empty")
    if is, err := fs.IsDir(root); !is {
        if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
            return err
        return errors.Errorf("root path %q does not exist", root)

    if sw.writeVendor && sm == nil {
        return errors.New("must provide a SourceManager if writing out a vendor dir")

    return nil

// Write saves some combination of manifest, lock, and a vendor tree. root is
// the absolute path of root dir in which to write. sm is only required if
// vendor is being written.
// It first writes to a temp dir, then moves them in place if and only if all
// the write operations succeeded. It also does its best to roll back if any
// moves fail. This mostly guarantees that dep cannot exit with a partial write
// that would leave an undefined state on disk.
// If logger is not nil, progress will be logged after each project write.
func (sw *SafeWriter) Write(root string, sm gps.SourceManager, examples bool, logger *log.Logger) error {
    err := sw.validate(root, sm)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !sw.HasManifest() && !sw.writeLock && !sw.writeVendor {
        // nothing to do
        return nil

    mpath := filepath.Join(root, ManifestName)
    lpath := filepath.Join(root, LockName)
    vpath := filepath.Join(root, "vendor")

    td, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "dep")
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error while creating temp dir for writing manifest/lock/vendor")
    defer os.RemoveAll(td)

    if sw.HasManifest() {
        // Always write the example text to the bottom of the TOML file.
        tb, err := sw.Manifest.MarshalTOML()
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal manifest to TOML")

        var initOutput []byte

        // If examples are enabled, use the example text
        if examples {
            initOutput = exampleTOML

        if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(td, ManifestName), append(initOutput, tb...), 0666); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to write manifest file to temp dir")

    if sw.writeVendor {
        var onWrite func(gps.WriteProgress)
        if logger != nil {
            onWrite = func(progress gps.WriteProgress) {
        err = gps.WriteDepTree(filepath.Join(td, "vendor"), sw.lock, sm, sw.pruneOptions, onWrite)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "error while writing out vendor tree")

        for k, lp := range sw.lock.Projects() {
            vp := lp.(verify.VerifiableProject)
            vp.Digest, err = verify.DigestFromDirectory(filepath.Join(td, "vendor", string(lp.Ident().ProjectRoot)))
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrapf(err, "error while hashing tree of %s in vendor", lp.Ident().ProjectRoot)
            sw.lock.P[k] = vp

    if sw.writeLock {
        l, err := sw.lock.MarshalTOML()
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal lock to TOML")

        if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(td, LockName), append(lockFileComment, l...), 0666); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to write lock file to temp dir")

    // Ensure vendor/.git is preserved if present
    if hasDotGit(vpath) {
        err = fs.RenameWithFallback(filepath.Join(vpath, ".git"), filepath.Join(td, "vendor/.git"))
        if _, ok := err.(*os.LinkError); ok {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to preserve vendor/.git")

    // Move the existing files and dirs to the temp dir while we put the new
    // ones in, to provide insurance against errors for as long as possible.
    type pathpair struct {
        from, to string
    var restore []pathpair
    var failerr error
    var vendorbak string

    if sw.HasManifest() {
        if _, err := os.Stat(mpath); err == nil {
            // Move out the old one.
            tmploc := filepath.Join(td, ManifestName+".orig")
            failerr = fs.RenameWithFallback(mpath, tmploc)
            if failerr != nil {
                goto fail
            restore = append(restore, pathpair{from: tmploc, to: mpath})

        // Move in the new one.
        failerr = fs.RenameWithFallback(filepath.Join(td, ManifestName), mpath)
        if failerr != nil {
            goto fail

    if sw.writeLock {
        if _, err := os.Stat(lpath); err == nil {
            // Move out the old one.
            tmploc := filepath.Join(td, LockName+".orig")

            failerr = fs.RenameWithFallback(lpath, tmploc)
            if failerr != nil {
                goto fail
            restore = append(restore, pathpair{from: tmploc, to: lpath})

        // Move in the new one.
        failerr = fs.RenameWithFallback(filepath.Join(td, LockName), lpath)
        if failerr != nil {
            goto fail

    if sw.writeVendor {
        if _, err := os.Stat(vpath); err == nil {
            // Move out the old vendor dir. just do it into an adjacent dir, to
            // try to mitigate the possibility of a pointless cross-filesystem
            // move with a temp directory.
            vendorbak = vpath + ".orig"
            if _, err := os.Stat(vendorbak); err == nil {
                // If the adjacent dir already exists, bite the bullet and move
                // to a proper tempdir.
                vendorbak = filepath.Join(td, ".vendor.orig")

            failerr = fs.RenameWithFallback(vpath, vendorbak)
            if failerr != nil {
                goto fail
            restore = append(restore, pathpair{from: vendorbak, to: vpath})

        // Move in the new one.
        failerr = fs.RenameWithFallback(filepath.Join(td, "vendor"), vpath)
        if failerr != nil {
            goto fail

    // Renames all went smoothly. The deferred os.RemoveAll will get the temp
    // dir, but if we wrote vendor, we have to clean that up directly
    if sw.writeVendor {
        // Nothing we can really do about an error at this point, so ignore it

    return nil

    // If we failed at any point, move all the things back into place, then bail.
    for _, pair := range restore {
        // Nothing we can do on err here, as we're already in recovery mode.
        fs.RenameWithFallback(pair.from, pair.to)
    return failerr

// PrintPreparedActions logs the actions a call to Write would perform.
func (sw *SafeWriter) PrintPreparedActions(output *log.Logger, verbose bool) error {
    if output == nil {
        output = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
    if sw.HasManifest() {
        if verbose {
            m, err := sw.Manifest.MarshalTOML()
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "ensure DryRun cannot serialize manifest")
            output.Printf("Would have written the following %s:\n%s\n", ManifestName, string(m))
        } else {
            output.Printf("Would have written %s.\n", ManifestName)

    if sw.writeLock {
        if verbose {
            l, err := sw.lock.MarshalTOML()
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "ensure DryRun cannot serialize lock")
            output.Printf("Would have written the following %s:\n%s\n", LockName, string(l))
        } else {
            output.Printf("Would have written %s.\n", LockName)

    if sw.writeVendor {
        if verbose {
            output.Printf("Would have written the following %d projects to the vendor directory:\n", len(sw.lock.Projects()))
            lps := sw.lock.Projects()
            for i, p := range lps {
                output.Printf("(%d/%d) %s@%s\n", i+1, len(lps), p.Ident(), p.Version())
        } else {
            output.Printf("Would have written %d projects to the vendor directory.\n", len(sw.lock.Projects()))

    return nil

// hasDotGit checks if a given path has .git file or directory in it.
func hasDotGit(path string) bool {
    gitfilepath := filepath.Join(path, ".git")
    _, err := os.Stat(gitfilepath)
    return err == nil

// DeltaWriter manages batched writes to populate vendor/ and update Gopkg.lock.
// Its primary design goal is to minimize writes by only writing things that
// have changed.
type DeltaWriter struct {
    lock      *Lock
    lockDiff  verify.LockDelta
    vendorDir string
    changed   map[gps.ProjectRoot]changeType
    behavior  VendorBehavior

type changeType uint8

const (
    hashMismatch changeType = iota + 1

// NewDeltaWriter prepares a vendor writer that will construct a vendor
// directory by writing out only those projects that actually need to be written
// out - they have changed in some way, or they lack the necessary hash
// information to be verified.
func NewDeltaWriter(p *Project, newLock *Lock, behavior VendorBehavior) (TreeWriter, error) {
    dw := &DeltaWriter{
        lock:      newLock,
        vendorDir: filepath.Join(p.AbsRoot, "vendor"),
        changed:   make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]changeType),
        behavior:  behavior,

    if newLock == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("must provide a non-nil newlock")

    status, err := p.VerifyVendor()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = os.Stat(dw.vendorDir)
    if err != nil {
        if os.IsNotExist(err) {
            // Provided dir does not exist, so there's no disk contents to compare
            // against. Fall back to the old SafeWriter.
            return NewSafeWriter(nil, p.Lock, newLock, behavior, p.Manifest.PruneOptions, status)
        return nil, err

    dw.lockDiff = verify.DiffLocks(p.Lock, newLock)

    for pr, lpd := range dw.lockDiff.ProjectDeltas {
        // Hash changes aren't relevant at this point, as they could be empty
        // in the new lock, and therefore a symptom of a solver change.
        if lpd.Changed(anyExceptHash) {
            if lpd.WasAdded() {
                dw.changed[pr] = projectAdded
            } else if lpd.WasRemoved() {
                dw.changed[pr] = projectRemoved
            } else if lpd.PruneOptsChanged() {
                dw.changed[pr] = pruneOptsChanged
            } else {
                dw.changed[pr] = solveChanged

    for spr, stat := range status {
        pr := gps.ProjectRoot(spr)
        // These cases only matter if there was no change already recorded via
        // the differ.
        if _, has := dw.changed[pr]; !has {
            switch stat {
            case verify.NotInTree:
                dw.changed[pr] = missingFromTree
            case verify.NotInLock:
                dw.changed[pr] = projectRemoved
            case verify.DigestMismatchInLock:
                dw.changed[pr] = hashMismatch
            case verify.HashVersionMismatch:
                dw.changed[pr] = hashVersionMismatch
            case verify.EmptyDigestInLock:
                dw.changed[pr] = hashAbsent

    // Apply noverify last, as it should only supersede changeTypes with lower
    // values. It is NOT applied if no existing change is registered.
    for _, spr := range p.Manifest.NoVerify {
        pr := gps.ProjectRoot(spr)
        // We don't validate this field elsewhere as it can be difficult to know
        // at the beginning of a dep ensure command whether or not the noverify
        // project actually will exist as part of the Lock by the end of the
        // run. So, only apply if it's in the lockdiff.
        if _, has := dw.lockDiff.ProjectDeltas[pr]; has {
            if typ, has := dw.changed[pr]; has {
                if typ < noVerify {
                    // Avoid writing noverify projects at all for the lower change
                    // types.
                    delete(dw.changed, pr)

                    // Uncomment this if we want to switch to the safer behavior,
                    // where we ALWAYS write noverify projects.
                    //dw.changed[pr] = noVerify
                } else if typ == projectRemoved {
                    // noverify can also be used to preserve files that would
                    // otherwise be removed.
                    dw.changed[pr] = pathPreserved
            // It's also allowed to preserve entirely unknown paths using noverify.
        } else if _, has := status[spr]; has {
            dw.changed[pr] = pathPreserved

    return dw, nil

// Write executes the planned changes.
// This writes recreated projects to a new directory, then moves in existing,
// unchanged projects from the original vendor directory. If any failures occur,
// reasonable attempts are made to roll back the changes.
func (dw *DeltaWriter) Write(path string, sm gps.SourceManager, examples bool, logger *log.Logger) error {
    // TODO(sdboyer) remove path from the signature for this
    if path != filepath.Dir(dw.vendorDir) {
        return errors.Errorf("target path (%q) must be the parent of the original vendor path (%q)", path, dw.vendorDir)

    if logger == nil {
        logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)

    lpath := filepath.Join(path, LockName)
    vpath := dw.vendorDir

    // Write the modified projects to a new adjacent directory. We use an
    // adjacent directory to minimize the possibility of cross-filesystem renames
    // becoming expensive copies, and to make removal of unneeded projects implicit
    // and automatic.
    vnewpath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(vpath), ".vendor-new")
    if _, err := os.Stat(vnewpath); err == nil {
        return errors.Errorf("scratch directory %s already exists, please remove it", vnewpath)
    err := os.MkdirAll(vnewpath, os.FileMode(0777))
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(err, "error while creating scratch directory at %s", vnewpath)

    // Write out all the deltas to the newpath
    projs := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]gps.LockedProject)
    for _, lp := range dw.lock.Projects() {
        projs[lp.Ident().ProjectRoot] = lp

    var dropped, preserved []gps.ProjectRoot
    i := 0
    tot := len(dw.changed)
    for _, reason := range dw.changed {
        if reason != pathPreserved {
            logger.Println("# Bringing vendor into sync")

    for pr, reason := range dw.changed {
        switch reason {
        case projectRemoved:
            dropped = append(dropped, pr)
        case pathPreserved:
            preserved = append(preserved, pr)

        to := filepath.FromSlash(filepath.Join(vnewpath, string(pr)))
        po := projs[pr].(verify.VerifiableProject).PruneOpts
        if err := sm.ExportPrunedProject(context.TODO(), projs[pr], po, to); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to export %s", pr)

        lpd := dw.lockDiff.ProjectDeltas[pr]
        v, id := projs[pr].Version(), projs[pr].Ident()

        // Only print things if we're actually going to leave behind a new
        // vendor dir.
        if dw.behavior != VendorNever {
            logger.Printf("(%d/%d) Wrote %s@%s: %s", i, tot, id, v, changeExplanation(reason, lpd))

        digest, err := verify.DigestFromDirectory(to)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to hash %s", pr)

        // Update the new Lock with verification information.
        for k, lp := range dw.lock.P {
            if lp.Ident().ProjectRoot == pr {
                vp := lp.(verify.VerifiableProject)
                vp.Digest = digest
                dw.lock.P[k] = verify.VerifiableProject{
                    LockedProject: lp,
                    PruneOpts:     po,
                    Digest:        digest,

    // Write out the lock, now that it's fully updated with digests.
    l, err := dw.lock.MarshalTOML()
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal lock to TOML")

    if err = ioutil.WriteFile(lpath, append(lockFileComment, l...), 0666); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to write new lock file")

    if dw.behavior == VendorNever {
        return os.RemoveAll(vnewpath)

    // Changed projects are fully populated. Now, iterate over the lock's
    // projects and move any remaining ones not in the changed list to vnewpath.
    for _, lp := range dw.lock.Projects() {
        pr := lp.Ident().ProjectRoot
        tgt := filepath.Join(vnewpath, string(pr))
        err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(tgt), os.FileMode(0777))
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating parent directory in vendor for %s", tgt)

        if _, has := dw.changed[pr]; !has {
            err = fs.RenameWithFallback(filepath.Join(vpath, string(pr)), tgt)
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrapf(err, "error moving unchanged project %s into scratch vendor dir", pr)

    for i, pr := range dropped {
        // Kind of a lie to print this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
        fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(vpath, string(pr)))
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "could not stat file that VerifyVendor claimed existed")

        if fi.IsDir() {
            logger.Printf("(%d/%d) Removed unused project %s", tot-(len(dropped)-i-1), tot, pr)
        } else {
            logger.Printf("(%d/%d) Removed orphaned file %s", tot-(len(dropped)-i-1), tot, pr)

    // Special case: ensure vendor/.git is preserved if present
    if hasDotGit(vpath) {
        preserved = append(preserved, ".git")

    for _, path := range preserved {
        err = fs.RenameWithFallback(filepath.Join(vpath, string(path)), filepath.Join(vnewpath, string(path)))
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to preserve vendor/%s", path)

    err = os.RemoveAll(vpath)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to remove original vendor directory")
    err = fs.RenameWithFallback(vnewpath, vpath)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to put new vendor directory into place")

    return nil

// changeExplanation outputs a string explaining what changed for each different
// possible changeType.
func changeExplanation(c changeType, lpd verify.LockedProjectDelta) string {
    switch c {
    case noVerify:
        return "verification is disabled"
    case solveChanged:
        if lpd.SourceChanged() {
            return fmt.Sprintf("source changed (%s -> %s)", lpd.SourceBefore, lpd.SourceAfter)
        } else if lpd.VersionChanged() {
            if lpd.VersionBefore == nil {
                return fmt.Sprintf("version changed (was a bare revision)")
            return fmt.Sprintf("version changed (was %s)", lpd.VersionBefore.String())
        } else if lpd.RevisionChanged() {
            return fmt.Sprintf("revision changed (%s -> %s)", trimSHA(lpd.RevisionBefore), trimSHA(lpd.RevisionAfter))
        } else if lpd.PackagesChanged() {
            la, lr := len(lpd.PackagesAdded), len(lpd.PackagesRemoved)
            if la > 0 && lr > 0 {
                return fmt.Sprintf("packages changed (%v added, %v removed)", la, lr)
            } else if la > 0 {
                return fmt.Sprintf("packages changed (%v added)", la)
            return fmt.Sprintf("packages changed (%v removed)", lr)
    case pruneOptsChanged:
        // Override what's on the lockdiff with the extra info we have;
        // this lets us excise PruneNestedVendorDirs and get the real
        // value from the input param in place.
        old := lpd.PruneOptsBefore & ^gps.PruneNestedVendorDirs
        new := lpd.PruneOptsAfter & ^gps.PruneNestedVendorDirs
        return fmt.Sprintf("prune options changed (%s -> %s)", old, new)
    case hashMismatch:
        return "hash of vendored tree didn't match digest in Gopkg.lock"
    case hashVersionMismatch:
        return "hashing algorithm mismatch"
    case hashAbsent:
        return "hash digest absent from lock"
    case projectAdded:
        return "new project"
    case missingFromTree:
        return "missing from vendor"
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized changeType value %v", c))

    return ""

// PrintPreparedActions indicates what changes the DeltaWriter plans to make.
func (dw *DeltaWriter) PrintPreparedActions(output *log.Logger, verbose bool) error {
    if verbose {
        l, err := dw.lock.MarshalTOML()
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "ensure DryRun cannot serialize lock")
        output.Printf("Would have written the following %s (hash digests may be incorrect):\n%s\n", LockName, string(l))
    } else {
        output.Printf("Would have written %s.\n", LockName)

    projs := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]gps.LockedProject)
    for _, lp := range dw.lock.Projects() {
        projs[lp.Ident().ProjectRoot] = lp

    tot := len(dw.changed)
    if tot > 0 {
        output.Print("Would have updated the following projects in the vendor directory:\n\n")
        i := 0
        for pr, reason := range dw.changed {
            lpd := dw.lockDiff.ProjectDeltas[pr]
            if reason == projectRemoved {
                output.Printf("(%d/%d) Would have removed %s", i, tot, pr)
            } else {
                output.Printf("(%d/%d) Would have written %s@%s: %s", i, tot, projs[pr].Ident(), projs[pr].Version(), changeExplanation(reason, lpd))

    return nil

// A TreeWriter is responsible for writing important dep states to disk -
// Gopkg.lock, vendor, and possibly Gopkg.toml.
type TreeWriter interface {
    PrintPreparedActions(output *log.Logger, verbose bool) error
    Write(path string, sm gps.SourceManager, examples bool, logger *log.Logger) error

// trimSHA checks if revision is a valid SHA1 digest and trims to 10 characters.
func trimSHA(revision gps.Revision) string {
    if len(revision) == 40 {
        if _, err := hex.DecodeString(string(revision)); err == nil {
            // Valid SHA1 digest
            revision = revision[0:10]

    return string(revision)