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# TableBeet

TableBeet is reference generator for [turnip](https://github.com/jnicklas/turnip) steps of existing.

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# Requirements

Ruby 2.0.0 or later

## Installation

### RubyGems

    $ gem install table_beet

### Bundler

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'table_beet'

And then execute:

    $ bundle install

## Usage

If you perform any of the following, reference page is generated under `--output DIRECTORY`.

### Command line

    $ table_beet -h
    Usage: table_beet [options]
            --output        Directory to output (default: ./stepdoc)
            --path          Directory that contains step file. (default: ./spec)
            --suffix        Suffix of step file  (default: _steps.rb)
        -n, --textmode      Display steps in plain text (No generate HTML)
        -v, --version       Print this version
        -h, --help          Display this help message.


    $ table_beet --path /path/to/example --suffix _example_steps.rb
        # => Check step for /path/to/example/**/*_example_steps.rb

### With the execution of turnip

Add `(1)` and `(2)` line to your application's `spec_helper` file.

require 'table_beet' # (1)

Dir.glob("spec/steps/**/*steps.rb") { |f| load f, true }

# (2)
# If not specify output directory, use './stepdoc'
TableBeet::Reporter.build(output: '/path/to/output')

Please describe the `(2)` after load the your application's steps.

## Example

The Example uses the [turnip examples](https://github.com/jnicklas/turnip/tree/master/examples).

    $ git clone git://github.com/jnicklas/turnip.git /tmp/turnip

### Command line version

    $ table_beet --path /tmp/turnip/examples/steps
    $ open ./stepdoc/index.html

The same page as the link below is generated.


### With the execution of turnip version.

    $ cd /tmp/turnip
    $ vim spec/spec_helper.rb

+require 'table_beet'
 Dir.glob("examples/**/*steps.rb") { |f| load f, true }

    $ rake test
    $ open ./stepdoc/index.html

### FYI

    $ table_beet --path /tmp/turnip/examples/steps --textmode

    - I run :cmd    file:///tmp/turnip/examples/steps/backtick_steps.rb:1
    - there are :count monkeys with :color hair    file:///tmp/turnip/examples/steps/more_steps.rb:1
    - there should be 3 monkeys with blue hair    file:///tmp/turnip/examples/steps/more_steps.rb:5

    - the monster has an alignment    file:///tmp/turnip/examples/steps/alignment_steps.rb:12
    - that alignment should be :alignment    file:///tmp/turnip/examples/steps/alignment_steps.rb:4


### License

see `LICENSE` .