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Test Coverage
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#import "Common/GREYVisibilityChecker.h"

#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>

#import "Additions/CGGeometry+GREYAdditions.h"
#import "Additions/NSObject+GREYAdditions.h"
#import "Additions/UIView+GREYAdditions.h"
#import "Common/GREYConstants.h"
#import "Common/GREYFatalAsserts.h"
#import "Common/GREYLogger.h"
#import "Common/GREYScreenshotUtil+Internal.h"

static const NSUInteger kColorChannelsPerPixel = 4;

 *  The minimum number of points that must be visible along with the activation point to consider an
 *  element visible. It is non-static to make it visible in tests.
const NSUInteger kMinimumPointsVisibleForInteraction = 10;

 *  Last known original image used by the visibility checker is saved in this global for debugging
 *  purposes.
static UIImage *gLastActualBeforeImage;

 *  Last known color shifted image created by the visibility checker is saved in this global for
 *  debugging purposes.
static UIImage *gLastExceptedAfterImage;

 *  Last known actual color shifted image used by visibility checker is saved in this global for
 *  debugging purposes.
static UIImage *gLastActualAfterImage;

#pragma mark - Cache

 *  Cache to store information about element that has been evaluated by visibility checker.
@interface GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry : NSObject

 *  Cached value for percent visible area if it exists, @c nil otherwise.
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *visibleAreaPercent;
 *  Cached value for visible for interaction check if it exists, @c nil otherwise.
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSValue *visibleInteractionPoint;
 *  Cached value for visible area check if it exists, @c nil otherwise.
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSValue *rectEnclosingVisibleArea;


@implementation GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry

 *  Cache for storing recent visibility checks. This cache is invalidated on the next runloop drain.
static NSMapTable *gCache;

#pragma mark - GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer

GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer GREYVisibilityDiffBufferCreate(size_t width, size_t height) {
  GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer diffBuffer;
  diffBuffer.width = width;
  diffBuffer.height = height; = (BOOL *)malloc(sizeof(BOOL) * width * height);
  if ( == NULL) {
    NSLog(@" is NULL.");
  return diffBuffer;

void GREYVisibilityDiffBufferRelease(GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer buffer) {
  if ( == NULL) {
    NSLog(@" is NULL.");

BOOL GREYVisibilityDiffBufferIsVisible(GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer buffer, size_t x, size_t y) {
  if (x >= buffer.width || y >= buffer.height) {
    return NO;

  return[y * buffer.width + x];

inline void GREYVisibilityDiffBufferSetVisibility(GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer buffer,
                                                  size_t x,
                                                  size_t y,
                                                  BOOL value) {
  if (x >= buffer.width || y >= buffer.height) {
    NSLog(@"Warning: trying to access a point outside the diff buffer: {%zu, %zu}", x, y);
  }[y * buffer.width + x] = value;

#pragma mark - GREYVisibilityChecker

@implementation GREYVisibilityChecker

+ (BOOL)isNotVisible:(id)element {
  if (!element) {
    return YES;

  return [self percentVisibleAreaOfElement:element] == 0;

+ (CGFloat)percentVisibleAreaOfElement:(id)element {
  if (!element) {
    return 0;

  GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry *cache = [self grey_cacheForElementCreateIfNonExistent:element];
  NSNumber *percentVisible = [cache visibleAreaPercent];
  if (!percentVisible) {
    percentVisible = @([self grey_percentElementVisibleOnScreen:element]);
    GREYFatalAssertWithMessage([percentVisible floatValue] >= 0.0f &&
                               [percentVisible floatValue] <= 1.0f,
                               @"percentVisible(%f) must be in the range [0,1]",
                               [percentVisible floatValue]);
    [cache setVisibleAreaPercent:percentVisible];

  GREYLogVerbose(@"Visibility percent: %f for element: %@",
                 [percentVisible floatValue],
                 [element grey_description]);
  return [percentVisible floatValue];

+ (BOOL)isVisibleForInteraction:(id)element {
  CGPoint interactionPoint = [self visibleInteractionPointForElement:element];
  return !CGPointIsNull(interactionPoint);

+ (CGRect)rectEnclosingVisibleAreaOfElement:(id)element {
  // TODO: Add support for accessibility elements, if needed.
  GREYFatalAssertWithMessage([element isKindOfClass:[UIView class]],
                             @"Only elements of kind UIView are supported by this method.");

  GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry *cache = [self grey_cacheForElementCreateIfNonExistent:element];
  NSValue *rectValue = [cache rectEnclosingVisibleArea];
  if (rectValue) {
    return [rectValue CGRectValue];

  UIView *view = element;
  CGImageRef beforeImage = NULL;
  CGImageRef afterImage = NULL;
  CGPoint origin = CGPointZero;
  BOOL viewIntersectsScreen =
      [GREYVisibilityChecker grey_captureBeforeImage:&beforeImage
                                          withinRect:[view accessibilityFrame]];
  CGRect visibleAreaRect = CGRectZero;
  if (viewIntersectsScreen) {
    [GREYVisibilityChecker grey_countPixelsInImage:afterImage


  if (!CGRectIsEmpty(visibleAreaRect)) {
    // |visibleAreaRectInPoints| must be offset by its origin within the screenshot before we can
    // convert it to points coordinates.
    visibleAreaRect = CGRectOffset(visibleAreaRect, origin.x, origin.y);
    visibleAreaRect = CGRectPixelToPoint(visibleAreaRect);
    if (!iOS8_0_OR_ABOVE()) {
      visibleAreaRect = CGRectVariableToFixedScreenCoordinates(visibleAreaRect);
  // Cache result before returning.
  [cache setRectEnclosingVisibleArea:[NSValue valueWithCGRect:visibleAreaRect]];
  return visibleAreaRect;

+ (CGPoint)visibleInteractionPointForElement:(id)element {
  if (!element) {
    // Nil elements are not considered visible for interaction.
    return GREYCGPointNull;

  GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry *cache = [self grey_cacheForElementCreateIfNonExistent:element];
  NSValue *cachedPointValue = [cache visibleInteractionPoint];
  if (cachedPointValue) {
    return [cachedPointValue CGPointValue];

  UIView *view = [self grey_containingViewIfNonView:element];
  if (!view) {
    // Non-UIView elements without a container are considered NOT visible for interaction.
    [cache setVisibleInteractionPoint:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:GREYCGPointNull]];
    return GREYCGPointNull;

  // Interaction point to be calculated after peforming visibility checks.
  CGPoint interactionPointInFixedPoints = GREYCGPointNull;

  CGRect elementFrame = [element accessibilityFrame];
  CGImageRef beforeImage = NULL;
  CGImageRef afterImage = NULL;
  CGPoint intersectionPointInVariablePixels;

  BOOL viewIntersectsScreen =
      [GREYVisibilityChecker grey_captureBeforeImage:&beforeImage
  if (viewIntersectsScreen) {
    const CGFloat scale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];
    const size_t widthInPixels = (size_t)CGImageGetWidth(beforeImage);
    const size_t heightInPixels = (size_t)CGImageGetHeight(beforeImage);
    const size_t minimumPixelsVisibleForInteraction =
        (size_t)(kMinimumPointsVisibleForInteraction * scale);

    // If the element hasn't a minimum area in pixels, stop immediately.
    const size_t elementAreaInPixels = widthInPixels * heightInPixels;
    if (elementAreaInPixels < minimumPixelsVisibleForInteraction) {
      [cache setVisibleInteractionPoint:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:GREYCGPointNull]];
      return GREYCGPointNull;

    GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer diffBuffer =
        GREYVisibilityDiffBufferCreate(widthInPixels, heightInPixels);

    // visibleRectInVariablePixels will contain the minimum rect containing all visible pixels
    // and a sub-area of the diffBuffer rectangle, which is the intersection of the view and the
    // screen.
    CGRect visibleRectInVariablePixels;
    GREYVisiblePixelData visiblePixels = [self grey_countPixelsInImage:afterImage
    size_t visiblePixelCount = visiblePixels.visiblePixelCount;
    CGPoint interactionPointInVariablePixels = GREYCGPointNull;

    if (visiblePixelCount >= minimumPixelsVisibleForInteraction) {
      // If the activation point lies inside the screen, use it if it is visible.
      CGPoint activationPoint = [element accessibilityActivationPoint];

      if (CGRectContainsPoint([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds], activationPoint)) {
        CGPoint activationPointInVariablePixels = activationPoint;
        if (!iOS8_0_OR_ABOVE()) {
          activationPointInVariablePixels = CGPointFixedToVariable(activationPoint);
        activationPointInVariablePixels = CGPointToPixel(activationPointInVariablePixels);

        CGPoint relativeActivationPointInVariablePixels =
            CGPointMake(activationPointInVariablePixels.x - intersectionPointInVariablePixels.x,
                        activationPointInVariablePixels.y - intersectionPointInVariablePixels.y);

        BOOL isVisible = relativeActivationPointInVariablePixels.x >= 0 &&
            relativeActivationPointInVariablePixels.y >= 0 &&
        if (isVisible) {
          // So that it's relative to screen coordinates.
          interactionPointInVariablePixels = activationPointInVariablePixels;
      // If the activation point is not visible, try the center of visible rect.
      if (CGPointIsNull(interactionPointInVariablePixels)) {
        CGPoint centerOfVisibleAreaInVariablePixels = CGRectCenter(visibleRectInVariablePixels);
        if (GREYVisibilityDiffBufferIsVisible(diffBuffer,
                                              (size_t)centerOfVisibleAreaInVariablePixels.y)) {
          interactionPointInVariablePixels = centerOfVisibleAreaInVariablePixels;
          // Adjust offsets so it's relative to screen coordinates.
          interactionPointInVariablePixels.x += intersectionPointInVariablePixels.x;
          interactionPointInVariablePixels.y += intersectionPointInVariablePixels.y;
      // If the center of the visible rect isn't visible, get a default visible pixel.
      if (CGPointIsNull(interactionPointInVariablePixels)) {
        interactionPointInVariablePixels = visiblePixels.visiblePixel;
        // Adjust offsets so it's relative to screen coordinates.
        interactionPointInVariablePixels.x += intersectionPointInVariablePixels.x;
        interactionPointInVariablePixels.y += intersectionPointInVariablePixels.y;

      if (!CGPointIsNull(interactionPointInVariablePixels)) {
        // At this point the interaction point is in variable screen coordinates, but the expected
        // output is in fixed view coordinates so it needs to be converted.
        interactionPointInFixedPoints = CGPixelToPoint(interactionPointInVariablePixels);
        if (!iOS8_0_OR_ABOVE()) {
          interactionPointInFixedPoints = CGPointVariableToFixed(interactionPointInFixedPoints);
        interactionPointInFixedPoints = [view.window convertPoint:interactionPointInFixedPoints
        interactionPointInFixedPoints = [view convertPoint:interactionPointInFixedPoints
        // If the element is an accessibility view, the interaction point has to be further
        // converted into its coordinate system.
        if (element != view) {
          CGRect axFrameRelativeToView = [view.window convertRect:elementFrame
          axFrameRelativeToView = [view convertRect:axFrameRelativeToView fromView:nil];

          interactionPointInFixedPoints.x -= axFrameRelativeToView.origin.x;
          interactionPointInFixedPoints.y -= axFrameRelativeToView.origin.y;

  [cache setVisibleInteractionPoint:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:interactionPointInFixedPoints]];
  return interactionPointInFixedPoints;

#pragma mark - Private

 *  @return The cached key for an @c element.
+ (NSString *)grey_keyForElement:(id)element {
  return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%p", element];

 *  Saves a cache @c entry for an @c element and adds it for invalidation on the next runloop drain.
 *  @param entry   The cache entry to be saved.
 *  @param element The element to which the entry is associated.
+ (void)grey_addCache:(GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry *)entry forElement:(id)element {
  if (!gCache) {
    gCache = [NSMapTable strongToStrongObjectsMapTable];

  // Get the pointer value and store it as a string.
  NSString *elementKey = [self grey_keyForElement:element];
  [gCache setObject:entry forKey:elementKey];

  // Set us up for invalidation on the next runloop drain.
  static BOOL pendingInvalidation = NO;
  if (!pendingInvalidation) {
    pendingInvalidation = YES;
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
      pendingInvalidation = NO;
      [GREYVisibilityChecker grey_invalidateCache];

 *  Returns cached value for an @c element. Modifying the returned cache also modifies it in the
 *  backing store so any changes are visible next time cache is fetched for the same @c element,
 *  provided the cache is still valid.
 *  @param element The element whose cache is being queried.
 *  @return The cached stored under the given @c element.
+ (GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry *)grey_cacheForElementCreateIfNonExistent:(id)element {
  if (!element) {
    return nil;
  GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry *entry;
  if (gCache) {
    NSString *elementKey = [self grey_keyForElement:element];
    entry = [gCache objectForKey:elementKey];

  if (!entry) {
    entry = [[GREYVisibilityCheckerCacheEntry alloc] init];
    [self grey_addCache:entry forElement:element];
  return entry;

 *  Invalidates the global cache of visibility checks.
+ (void)grey_invalidateCache {
  [gCache removeAllObjects];

 *  Returns fraction of the total area of @c element that is visible to the user. Any part of the
 *  element that is obscured or off-screen is considered not visible. Return value of 0 means that
 *  no part of the element is visible on screen. That might mean that element is off-screen, or it
 *  could be on-screen, but covered by another element. Return value of 1 means that the entire
 *  element is visible on screen, which means that the entire frame of the element is on-screen, and
 *  no part of the element is obscured by another element. If any part of the element is off-screen,
 *  the return value will be less than 1, even if this element is covering the entire screen and no
 *  part of it is obscured by another element.
 *  @param element The element whose percent area is being queried.
 *  @return The percent area in range [0,1], of the @c element that is visible on the screen.
+ (double)grey_percentElementVisibleOnScreen:(id)element {
  UIView *view = [self grey_containingViewIfNonView:element];
  return [self grey_percentViewVisibleOnScreen:view withinRect:[element accessibilityFrame]];

 *  Returns fraction of the total area of @c element that is visible to the user. Any part of the
 *  element that is obscured or off-screen is considered not visible. Return value of 0 means that
 *  no part of the element is visible on screen. That might mean that element is off-screen, or it
 *  could be on-screen, but covered by another element. Return value of 1 means that the entire
 *  element is visible on screen, which means that the entire frame of the element is on-screen, and
 *  no part of the element is obscured by another element. If any part of the element is off-screen,
 *  the return value will be less than 1, even if this element is covering the entire screen and no
 *  part of it is obscured by another element.
 *  @param element The non-view element whose percent area is being queried.
 *  @return The percent area in range [0,1], of the @c element that is visible on the screen.
+ (double)grey_percentNonViewVisibleOnScreen:(id)element {
  GREYFatalAssert(![element isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]);
  if (![element isKindOfClass:[NSObject class]] ||
      ![element respondsToSelector:@selector(accessibilityFrame)] ||
      CGRectIsEmpty([element accessibilityFrame])) {
    return 0;

  return [self grey_percentViewVisibleOnScreen:[self grey_containingViewIfNonView:element]
                                    withinRect:[element accessibilityFrame]];

 *  The logic behind the implementation is that it takes 2 screenshots, one before any modification
 *  and one after. The latter contains modification to UIView by adding an inverted image to it that
 *  is visible on top all subviews. The actual visibility check calculates how many pixels changed
 *  before and after the modification, and returns fraction of area of the element that changed out
 *  of the entire area of the element. This check is restricted to only consider a certain rectangle
 *  inside a view, in screen coordinates. This may naturally be set to the entire view.
 *  @param view                          The view whose percent visible area is being queried.
 *  @param searchRectInScreenCoordinates A rect in screen coordinates within which the visibility
 *                                       check is to be performed.
 *  @return The percent area in range [0,1], of the @c element that is visible within the search
 *          rect.
+ (double)grey_percentViewVisibleOnScreen:(UIView *)view
                               withinRect:(CGRect)searchRectInScreenCoordinates {
  CGImageRef beforeImage = NULL;
  CGImageRef afterImage = NULL;
  BOOL viewIntersectsScreen =
      [GREYVisibilityChecker grey_captureBeforeImage:&beforeImage
  double percentVisible = 0;
  if (viewIntersectsScreen) {
    // Count number of whole pixels in entire search area, including areas off screen or outside
    // view.
    CGRect searchRect_pixels = CGRectPointToPixel(searchRectInScreenCoordinates);
    double countTotalSearchRectPixels = CGRectArea(CGRectIntegralInside(searchRect_pixels));
    GREYFatalAssertWithMessage(countTotalSearchRectPixels >= 1,
                               @"countTotalSearchRectPixels should be at least 1");
    GREYVisiblePixelData visiblePixelData = [self grey_countPixelsInImage:afterImage
    percentVisible = visiblePixelData.visiblePixelCount / countTotalSearchRectPixels;


  GREYFatalAssertWithMessage(0 <= percentVisible,
                             @"percentVisible should not be negative. Current Percent: %0.1f%%",
                             (double)(percentVisible * 100.0));
  return percentVisible;

+ (UIView *)grey_containingViewIfNonView:(id)element {
  return ([element isKindOfClass:[UIView class]] ? element : [element grey_viewContainingSelf]);

 *  Captures the visibility check's before and after image for the given @c view and loads the pixel
 *  data into the given @c beforeImage and @c afterImage and returns @c YES if at least one pixel
 *  from the view intersects with the given @c searchRectInScreenCoordinates, @c NO otherwise.
 *  Optionally the method also stores the intersection point of the screen, view and search rect
 *  (in pixels) at @c outIntersectionOriginOrNull. The caller must release @c beforeImage and
 *  @c afterImage using CGImageRelease once done using them.
 *  @param[out] outBeforeImage                A reference to receive the before-check image.
 *  @param[out] outAfterImage                 A reference to receive the after-check image.
 *  @param[out] outIntersectionOriginOrNull   A reference to receive the origin of the view in
 *                                            the given search rect.
 *  @param      view                          The view whose visibility check is being performed.
 *  @param      searchRectInScreenCoordinates A rect in screen coordinates within which the
 *                                            visibility check is to be performed.
 *  @return @c YES if at least one pixel from the view intersects with the given
 *          @c searchRectInScreenCoordinates, @c NO otherwise.
+ (BOOL)grey_captureBeforeImage:(CGImageRef *)outBeforeImage
                  andAfterImage:(CGImageRef *)outAfterImage
       andGetIntersectionOrigin:(CGPoint *)outIntersectionOriginOrNull
                        forView:(UIView *)view
                     withinRect:(CGRect)searchRectInScreenCoordinates {

  // A quick visibility check is done here to rule out any definitely hidden views.
  if (![view grey_isVisible] || CGRectIsEmpty(searchRectInScreenCoordinates)) {
    return NO;

  // Find portion of search rect that is on screen and in view.
  CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
  CGRect axFrame = [view accessibilityFrame];
  CGRect searchRectOnScreenInViewInScreenCoordinates =
                               CGRectIntersectionStrict(axFrame, screenBounds));
  if (CGRectIsEmpty(searchRectOnScreenInViewInScreenCoordinates)) {
    return NO;

  // Calculate the search rectangle for screenshot.
  CGRect screenshotSearchRect_pixel =
      iOS8_0_OR_ABOVE() ? searchRectOnScreenInViewInScreenCoordinates
      : CGRectFixedToVariableScreenCoordinates(searchRectOnScreenInViewInScreenCoordinates);
  screenshotSearchRect_pixel = CGRectPointToPixel(screenshotSearchRect_pixel);
  screenshotSearchRect_pixel = CGRectIntegralInside(screenshotSearchRect_pixel);

  // Set screenshot origin point.
  if (outIntersectionOriginOrNull) {
    *outIntersectionOriginOrNull = screenshotSearchRect_pixel.origin;

  if (screenshotSearchRect_pixel.size.width == 0 || screenshotSearchRect_pixel.size.height == 0) {
    return NO;

  // Take an image of what the view looks like before shifting pixel intensity.
  // Ensures that any implicit animations that might have taken place since the last runloop
  // run are committed to the presentation layer.
  // @see
  [CATransaction begin];
  [CATransaction flush];
  [CATransaction commit];
  UIImage *beforeScreenshot = [GREYScreenshotUtil grey_takeScreenshotAfterScreenUpdates:YES];
  CGImageRef beforeImage =
      CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(beforeScreenshot.CGImage, screenshotSearchRect_pixel);
  if (!beforeImage) {
    return NO;

  // View with shifted colors will be added on top of all the subviews of view. We offset the view
  // to make it appear in the correct location. If we are checking for visibility of a scroll view,
  // visibility checker will take a picture of the entire UIScrollView, and adjust the frame of
  // shiftedBeforeImageView to position it correctly within the UIScrollView.
  // In iOS 7, UIScrollViews are often full-screen, and a part of them is hidden behind the
  // navigation bar. ContentInsets are set automatically to make this happen seamlessly. In this
  // case, EarlGrey will take a picture of the entire UIScrollView, including the navigation bar,
  // to check visibility, but because navigation bar covers only a small portion of the scroll view,
  // it will still be above the visibility threshold.

  // Calculate the search rectangle in view coordinates.
  CGRect searchRectOnScreenInViewInWindowCoordinates =
      [view.window convertRect:searchRectOnScreenInViewInScreenCoordinates fromWindow:nil];
  CGRect searchRectOnScreenInViewInViewCoordinates =
      [view convertRect:searchRectOnScreenInViewInWindowCoordinates fromView:nil];

  CGRect rectAfterPixelAlignment = CGRectPixelToPoint(screenshotSearchRect_pixel);
  // Offset must be in variable screen coordinates.
  CGRect searchRectOnScreenInViewInVariableScreenCoordinates = iOS8_0_OR_ABOVE()
      ? searchRectOnScreenInViewInScreenCoordinates
      : CGRectFixedToVariableScreenCoordinates(searchRectOnScreenInViewInScreenCoordinates);
  CGFloat xPixelAlignmentDiff = CGRectGetMinX(rectAfterPixelAlignment) -
  CGFloat yPixelAlignmentDiff = CGRectGetMinY(rectAfterPixelAlignment) -

  CGFloat searchRectOffsetX =
      CGRectGetMinX(searchRectOnScreenInViewInViewCoordinates) + xPixelAlignmentDiff;
  CGFloat searchRectOffsetY =
      CGRectGetMinY(searchRectOnScreenInViewInViewCoordinates) + yPixelAlignmentDiff;

  CGPoint searchRectOffset = CGPointMake(searchRectOffsetX, searchRectOffsetY);
  UIView *shiftedView =
      [self grey_imageViewWithShiftedColorOfImage:beforeImage
  UIImage *afterScreenshot = [self grey_imageAfterAddingSubview:shiftedView toView:view];
  CGImageRef afterImage =
      CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(afterScreenshot.CGImage, screenshotSearchRect_pixel);
  if (!afterImage) {
    GREYFatalAssertWithMessage(NO, @"afterImage should not be null");
    return NO;
  *outBeforeImage = beforeImage;
  *outAfterImage = afterImage;

  gLastActualBeforeImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:beforeImage];
  gLastActualAfterImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:afterImage];

  return YES;

+ (UIImage *)grey_imageAfterAddingSubview:(UIView *)shiftedView toView:(UIView *)view {

  UIImage *screenshot = [self grey_prepareView:view forVisibilityCheckAndPerformBlock:^id {
    [CATransaction begin];
    [CATransaction setDisableActions:YES];
    [view addSubview:shiftedView];
    [view grey_keepSubviewOnTopAndFrameFixed:shiftedView];
    [CATransaction flush];
    [CATransaction commit];

    UIImage *shiftedImage = [GREYScreenshotUtil grey_takeScreenshotAfterScreenUpdates:YES];
    [shiftedView removeFromSuperview];
    return shiftedImage;
  return screenshot;

 *  Prepares @c view for visibility check by modifying visual aspects that interfere with
 *  pixel intensities. Then, executes block, restores view's properties and returns the result of
 *  executing the block to the caller.
+ (UIImage *)grey_prepareView:(UIView *)view forVisibilityCheckAndPerformBlock:(id (^)(void))block {
  BOOL disablingActions = [CATransaction disableActions];
  BOOL isRasterizingLayer = view.layer.shouldRasterize;

  [CATransaction begin];
  [CATransaction setDisableActions:YES];
  // Set the corner radius to zero. This is added to counter cases such as avatar screens where
  // the background in the rectangle adds noise since it's not actually being checked for
  // visibility.
  CGFloat originalCornerRadius = view.layer.cornerRadius;
  view.layer.cornerRadius = 0;
  // Rasterizing causes flakiness by re-drawing the view frame by frame for any layout change and
  // caching it for further use. This brings a delay in refreshing the layout for the shiftedView.
  view.layer.shouldRasterize = NO;

  // Views may be translucent and there have their alpha adjusted to 1.0 when taking the screenshot
  // because the shifted view, being a child of the view, will inherit its opacity. The problem
  // with that is that shifted view is created from a screenshot of the view with its original
  // opacity, so if we just add the shifted view as a subview of view the opacity change will be
  // applied once more. This may result on false negatives, specially on anti-aliased text. To make
  // sure the opacity won't affect the screenshot, we need to apply the change to the view and all
  // of its parents, then reset the changes when done.
  [view grey_recursivelyMakeOpaque];
  [CATransaction flush];
  [CATransaction commit];

  id retVal = block();

  [CATransaction begin];
  [CATransaction setDisableActions:YES];
  // Restore opacity back to what it was before.
  [view grey_restoreOpacity];
  view.layer.cornerRadius = originalCornerRadius;
  view.layer.shouldRasterize = isRasterizingLayer;
  [CATransaction setDisableActions:disablingActions];
  [CATransaction flush];
  [CATransaction commit];
  return retVal;

 *  Given a list of values representing a histogram (values are the heights of the bars), this
 *  method returns the largest contiguous rectangle in that histogram.
 *  @param histogram The array of values representing the histogram.
 *  @param length    The number of values in the histogram.
 *  @return A CGRect of the largest rectangle in the given histogram.
+ (CGRect)grey_largestRectInHistogram:(uint16_t *)histogram length:(uint16_t)length {
  uint16_t *leftNeighbors = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * length);
  uint16_t *rightNeighbors = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * length);
  uint16_t *leftStack = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * length);
  uint16_t *rightStack = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * length);
  // Index of the last element on the stack.
  NSInteger leftStackIdx = -1;
  NSInteger rightStackIdx = -1;
  CGRect largestRect = CGRectZero;
  CGFloat largestArea = 0;
  // We make two passes at once, one from left to right and one from right to left.
  for (uint16_t idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) {
    uint16_t tailIdx = (length - 1) - idx;
    // Find nearest column shorter than this one on either side.
    while (leftStackIdx >= 0 && histogram[leftStack[leftStackIdx]] >= histogram[idx]) {
    while (rightStackIdx >= 0 && histogram[rightStack[rightStackIdx]] >= histogram[tailIdx]) {
    // Set the number of columns at least as tall as this one on either side.
    if (leftStackIdx < 0) {
      leftNeighbors[idx] = idx;
    } else {
      leftNeighbors[idx] = idx - leftStack[leftStackIdx] - 1;
    if (rightStackIdx < 0) {
      rightNeighbors[tailIdx] = length - tailIdx - 1;
    } else {
      rightNeighbors[tailIdx] = rightStack[rightStackIdx] - tailIdx - 1;
    // Add the current index to the stack
    leftStack[++leftStackIdx] = idx;
    rightStack[++rightStackIdx] = tailIdx;
  // Now we have the number of histogram bars immediately left and right of each bar that are at
  // least as tall as the given bar. Now we can compute areas easily.
  for (NSUInteger idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) {
    CGFloat area = (leftNeighbors[idx] + rightNeighbors[idx] + 1) * histogram[idx];
    if (area > largestArea) {
      largestArea = area;
      largestRect.origin.x = idx - leftNeighbors[idx];
      largestRect.size.width = leftNeighbors[idx] + rightNeighbors[idx] + 1;
      largestRect.size.height = histogram[idx];
  leftStack = NULL;
  rightStack = NULL;
  leftNeighbors = NULL;
  rightNeighbors = NULL;
  return largestRect;

 *  Calculates the number of pixel in @c afterImage that have different pixel intensity in
 *  @c beforeImage.
 *  If @c visiblePixelRect is not NULL, stores the smallest rectangle enclosing all shifted pixels
 *  in @c visiblePixelRect. If no shifted pixels are found, @c visiblePixelRect will be CGRectZero.
 *  @todo Use a better image comparison library/tool for this stuff. For now, pixel-by-pixel
 *        comparison it is.
 *  @param      afterImage          The image containing view with shifted colors.
 *  @param      beforeImage         The original image of the view.
 *  @param[out] outVisiblePixelRect A reference for getting the largest
 *                                  rectangle enclosing only visible points in the view.
 *  @param[out] outDiffBufferOrNULL A reference for getting the GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer that was
 *                                  created to detect image diff.
 *  @return The number of pixels and a default pixel in @c afterImage that are shifted
 *          intensity of @c beforeImage.
+ (GREYVisiblePixelData)grey_countPixelsInImage:(CGImageRef)afterImage
                    storeVisiblePixelRectInRect:(CGRect *)outVisiblePixelRect
               andStoreComparisonResultInBuffer:(GREYVisibilityDiffBuffer *)outDiffBufferOrNULL {
  GREYFatalAssertWithMessage(CGImageGetWidth(beforeImage) == CGImageGetWidth(afterImage),
                             @"width must be the same");
  GREYFatalAssertWithMessage(CGImageGetHeight(beforeImage) == CGImageGetHeight(afterImage),
                             @"height must be the same");
  unsigned char *pixelBuffer = grey_createImagePixelDataFromCGImageRef(beforeImage, NULL);
  GREYFatalAssertWithMessage(pixelBuffer, @"pixelBuffer must not be null");
  unsigned char *shiftedPixelBuffer = grey_createImagePixelDataFromCGImageRef(afterImage, NULL);
  GREYFatalAssertWithMessage(shiftedPixelBuffer, @"shiftedPixelBuffer must not be null");
  NSUInteger width = CGImageGetWidth(beforeImage);
  NSUInteger height = CGImageGetHeight(beforeImage);
  uint16_t *histograms = NULL;
  // We only want to perform the relatively expensive rect computation if we've actually
  // been asked for it.
  if (outVisiblePixelRect) {
    histograms = calloc((size_t)(width * height), sizeof(uint16_t));
  GREYVisiblePixelData visiblePixelData = {0, GREYCGPointNull};
  // Make sure we go row-order to take advantage of data locality (cuts runtime in half).
  for (NSUInteger y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (NSUInteger x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      NSUInteger currentPixelIndex = (y * width + x) * kColorChannelsPerPixel;
      // We don't care about the first byte because we are dealing with XRGB format.
      BOOL pixelHasDiff = grey_isPixelDifferent(&pixelBuffer[currentPixelIndex + 1],
                                                &shiftedPixelBuffer[currentPixelIndex + 1]);
      if (pixelHasDiff) {
        // Always pick the bottom and right-most pixel. We may want to consider using tax-cab
        // formula to find a pixel that's closest to the center if we encounter problems with this
        // approach.
        visiblePixelData.visiblePixel.x = x;
        visiblePixelData.visiblePixel.y = y;
      if (outVisiblePixelRect) {
        if (y == 0) {
          histograms[x] = pixelHasDiff ? 1 : 0;
        } else {
          histograms[y * width + x] = pixelHasDiff ? (histograms[(y - 1) * width + x] + 1) : 0;
      if (outDiffBufferOrNULL) {
        GREYVisibilityDiffBufferSetVisibility(*outDiffBufferOrNULL, x, y, pixelHasDiff);
  if (outVisiblePixelRect) {
    CGRect largestRect = CGRectZero;
    for (NSUInteger idx = 0; idx < height; idx++) {
      CGRect thisLargest =
          [GREYVisibilityChecker grey_largestRectInHistogram:&histograms[idx * width]
      if (CGRectArea(thisLargest) > CGRectArea(largestRect)) {
        // Because our histograms point up, not down.
        thisLargest.origin.y = idx - thisLargest.size.height + 1;
        largestRect = thisLargest;
    *outVisiblePixelRect = largestRect;
    histograms = NULL;
  pixelBuffer = NULL;
  shiftedPixelBuffer = NULL;
  return visiblePixelData;

 *  Creates a UIImageView and adds a shifted color image of @c imageRef to it, in addition
 *  view.frame is offset by @c offset and image orientation set to @c orientation. There are 256
 *  possible values for a color component, from 0 to 255. Each color component will be shifted by
 *  exactly 128, examples: 0 => 128, 64 => 192, 128 => 0, 255 => 127.
 *  @param imageRef The image whose colors are to be shifted.
 *  @param offset The frame offset to be applied to resulting view.
 *  @param orientation The target orientation of the image added to the resulting view.
 *  @return A view containing shifted color image of @c imageRef with view.frame offset by
 *          @c offset and orientation set to @c orientation.
+ (UIView *)grey_imageViewWithShiftedColorOfImage:(CGImageRef)imageRef
                                    orientation:(UIImageOrientation)orientation {

  size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(imageRef);
  size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(imageRef);
  // TODO: Find a good way to compute imagePixelData of before image only once without
  // negatively impacting the readability of code in visibility checker.
  unsigned char *shiftedImagePixels = grey_createImagePixelDataFromCGImageRef(imageRef, NULL);

  for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < height * width; i++) {
    NSUInteger currentPixelIndex = kColorChannelsPerPixel * i;
    // We don't care about the [first] byte of the [X]RGB format.
    for (unsigned char j = 1; j <= 2; j++) {
      static const unsigned char kShiftIntensityAmount[] = {0, 10, 10, 10}; // Shift for X, R, G, B
      unsigned char pixelIntensity = shiftedImagePixels[currentPixelIndex + j];
      if (pixelIntensity >= kShiftIntensityAmount[j]) {
        pixelIntensity = pixelIntensity - kShiftIntensityAmount[j];
      } else {
        pixelIntensity = pixelIntensity + kShiftIntensityAmount[j];
      shiftedImagePixels[currentPixelIndex + j] = pixelIntensity;

  CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
  CGContextRef bitmapContext =
                            kColorChannelsPerPixel * width,
                            kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big);


  CGImageRef bitmapImageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bitmapContext);
  UIImage *shiftedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:bitmapImageRef
                                              scale:[[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]


  gLastExceptedAfterImage = shiftedImage;

  UIImageView *shiftedImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:shiftedImage];
  shiftedImageView.frame = CGRectOffset(shiftedImageView.frame, offset.x, offset.y);
  shiftedImageView.opaque = YES;
  return shiftedImageView;

 *  @return @c true if the encoded rgb1[R, G, B] color values are different from rbg2[R, G, B]
 *          values, @c false otherwise.
 *  @todo Ideally, we should be testing that pixel colors are shifted by a certain amount instead of
 *        checking if they are simply different. However, the naive check for shifted colors doesn't
 *        work if pixels are overlapped by a translucent mask or have special layer effects applied
 *        to it. Because they are still visible to user and we want to avoid false-negatives that
 *        would cause the test to fail, we resort to a naive check that rbg1 and rgb2 are not the
 *        same without specifying the exact delta between them.
static inline bool grey_isPixelDifferent(unsigned char rgb1[], unsigned char rgb2[]) {
  return abs(rgb1[0] - rgb2[0]) > 2 || abs(rgb1[1] - rgb2[1]) > 2 || abs(rgb1[2] - rgb2[2]) > 2;

#pragma mark - Package Internal

+ (UIImage *)grey_lastActualBeforeImage {
  return gLastActualBeforeImage;

+ (UIImage *)grey_lastActualAfterImage {
  return gLastActualAfterImage;

+ (UIImage *)grey_lastExpectedAfterImage {
  return gLastExceptedAfterImage;
