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// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <EarlGrey/GREYDefines.h>

@protocol GREYInteractionDataSource;
@protocol GREYAction;
@protocol GREYAssertion;
@protocol GREYMatcher;


 *  Error domain for element interaction failures.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYInteractionErrorDomain;

 *  Error codes for element interaction failures.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, GREYInteractionErrorCode) {
   *  Element search has failed.
  kGREYInteractionElementNotFoundErrorCode = 0,
   *  Constraints failed for performing an interaction.
   *  Action execution has failed.
   *  Assertion execution has failed.
   *  Timeout reached before interaction could be performed.
   *  Single element search found multiple elements.
   *  Index provided for matching an element from multiple elements was over the number of elements
   *  found.

 *  Notification name for when an action will be performed. The action itself is contained in the
 *  @c userInfo object from the @c notification and can be obtained using the key
 *  @c kGREYActionUserInfoKey.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYWillPerformActionNotification;

 *  Notification name for when an action has been performed. The action itself is contained in the
 *  @c userInfo object from the @c notification and can be obtained using the key
 *  @c kGREYActionUserInfoKey.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYDidPerformActionNotification;

 *  Notification name for when an assertion will be checked. The assertion itself is contained in
 *  the @c userInfo object from the @c notification and can be obtained using the key
 *  @c kGREYAssertionUserInfoKey.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYWillPerformAssertionNotification;

 *  Notification name for when an assertion has been performed. The assertion itself is contained
 *  in the @c userInfo object from the @c notification and can be obtained using the key
 *  @c kGREYAssertionUserInfoKey.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYDidPerformAssertionNotification;

 *  User Info dictionary key for the action performed.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYActionUserInfoKey;

 *  User Info dictionary key for the element an action was performed on. The element for an
 *  assertion can be @c nil in case of an error.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYActionElementUserInfoKey;

 *  User Info dictionary key for any error populated on the action being performed.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYActionErrorUserInfoKey;

 *  User Info dictionary key for the assertion checked.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYAssertionUserInfoKey;

 *  User Info dictionary key for the element an assertion was checked on. The element for an
 *  assertion can be @c nil since assertions can be performed on @c nil elements.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYAssertionElementUserInfoKey;

 *  User Info dictionary key for any error populated on the assertion being checked.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYAssertionErrorUserInfoKey;

 *  Represents an interaction with a UI element.
@protocol GREYInteraction<NSObject>

 *  Data source for providing UI elements to interact with.
 *  The dataSource must adopt GREYInteractionDataSource protocol and a weak reference is held.
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<GREYInteractionDataSource> dataSource;

 *  Indicates that the current interaction should be performed on a UI element contained inside
 *  another UI element that is uniquely matched by @c rootMatcher.
 *  @param rootMatcher Matcher used to select the container of the element the interaction
 *                     will be performed on.
 *  @return The provided GREYInteraction instance, with an appropriate rootMatcher.
- (instancetype)inRoot:(id<GREYMatcher>)rootMatcher;

 *  Performs the @c action repeatedly on the element matching the @c matcher until the element
 *  to interact with (specified by GREYInteraction::selectElementWithMatcher:) is found or a
 *  timeout occurs. The search action is only performed when coupled with
 *  GREYInteraction::performAction:, GREYInteraction::assert:, or
 *  GREYInteraction::assertWithMatcher: APIs. This API only creates an interaction consisting of
 *  repeated executions of the search action provided. You need to call an action or assertion
 *  after this in order to interaction with the element being searched for.
 *  For example, this code will perform an upward scroll of 50 points until an element is found
 *  and then tap on it:
 *      @code
 *      [[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityID(@"elementToFind")]
 *          usingSearchAction:grey_scrollInDirection(kGREYDirectionUp, 50.0f)
 *       onElementWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityID(@"ScrollingWindow")]
 *          performAction:grey_tap()] // This should be separately called for the action.
 *      @endcode
 *  @param action  The action to be performed on the element.
 *  @param matcher The matcher that the element matches.
 *  @return The provided GREYInteraction instance, with an appropriate action and matcher.
- (instancetype)usingSearchAction:(id<GREYAction>)action

 *  Performs an @c action on the selected UI element.
 *  @param action The action to be performed on the @c element.
 *  @throws NSException if the action fails.
 *  @return The provided GREYInteraction instance with an appropriate action.
- (instancetype)performAction:(id<GREYAction>)action NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;

 *  Performs an @c action on the selected UI element with an error set on failure.
 *  @param action          The action to be performed on the @c element.
 *  @param[out] errorOrNil Error populated on failure.
 *  @throws NSException on action failure if @c errorOrNil is not set.
 *  @return The provided GREYInteraction instance, with an action and an error that will be
 *          populated on failure.
- (instancetype)performAction:(id<GREYAction>)action
                        error:(__strong NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)errorOrNil
                        NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;

 *  Performs an @c assertion on the selected UI element.
 *  @param assertion The assertion to be performed on the @c element.
 *  @throws NSException if the @c assertion fails.
 *  @return The provided GREYInteraction instance with a valid assertion.
- (instancetype)assert:(id<GREYAssertion>)assertion;

 *  Performs an @c assertion on the selected UI element with an error set on failure.
 *  @param assertion       The assertion to be performed on the @c element.
 *  @param[out] errorOrNil Error populated on failure.
 *  @throws NSException on assertion failure if @c errorOrNil is not set.
 *  @return The provided GREYInteraction instance with an assertion and an error that will be
 *          populated on failure.
- (instancetype)assert:(id<GREYAssertion>)assertion
                 error:(__strong NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)errorOrNil NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW;

 *  Performs an assertion that evaluates @c matcher on the selected UI element.
 *  @param matcher The matcher to be evaluated on the @c element.
 *  @return The provided GREYInteraction instance with a matcher to be evaluated on an element.
- (instancetype)assertWithMatcher:(id<GREYMatcher>)matcher NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;

 *  Performs an assertion that evaluates @c matcher on the selected UI element.
 *  @param matcher         The matcher to be evaluated on the @c element.
 *  @param[out] errorOrNil Error populated on failure.
 *  @throws NSException on assertion failure if @c errorOrNil is not set.
 *  @return The provided GREYInteraction instance, with a matcher to be evaluated on an element and
 *          an error that will be populated on failure.
- (instancetype)assertWithMatcher:(id<GREYMatcher>)matcher
                            error:(__strong NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)errorOrNil
                            NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;

 *  In case of multiple matches, selects the element at the specified index. In case of the
 *  index being over the number of matched elements, it throws an exception. Please make sure
 *  that this is used after you've created the matcher. For example, in case three elements are
 *  matched, and you wish to match with the second one, then @c atIndex would be used in this
 *  manner:
 *  @code
 *    [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityLabel(@"Generic Matcher")] atIndex:1];
 *  @endcode
 *  @param index        The zero-indexed position of the element in the list of matched elements
 *                      to be selected.
 *  @throws NSException if the @c index is more than the number of matched elements.
 *  @return An interaction (assertion or an action) to be performed on the element at the
 *          specified index in the list of matched elements.
- (instancetype)atIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
