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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <EarlGrey/GREYIdlingResource.h>

@class GREYAppStateTrackerObject;


 * @file
 * @brief App state tracker header file.

 *  Non-idle states that the App can be at any given point in time.
 *  These states are not mutually exclusive and can be combined together using Bitwise-OR to
 *  represent multiple states.
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, GREYAppState) {
   *  Idle state implies App is not undergoing any state changes and it is OK to interact with it.
  kGREYIdle = 0,
   *  View is pending draw or layout pass.
  kGREYPendingDrawLayoutPass = (1UL << 0),
   *  Waiting for viewDidAppear: method invocation.
  kGREYPendingViewsToAppear = (1UL << 1),
   *  Waiting for viewDidDisappear: method invocation.
  kGREYPendingViewsToDisappear = (1UL << 2),
   *  Pending keyboard transition.
  kGREYPendingKeyboardTransition = (1UL << 3),
   *  Waiting for CA animation to complete.
  kGREYPendingCAAnimation = (1UL << 4),
   *  Waiting for a UIAnimation to be marked as stopped.
  kGREYPendingUIAnimation = (1UL << 5),
   *  Pending root view controller to be set.
  kGREYPendingRootViewControllerToAppear = (1UL << 6),
   *  Pending a UIWebView async load request
  kGREYPendingUIWebViewAsyncRequest = (1UL << 7),
   *  Pending a network request completion.
  kGREYPendingNetworkRequest = (1UL << 8),
   *  Pending gesture recognition.
  kGREYPendingGestureRecognition = (1UL << 9),
   *  Waiting for UIScrollView to finish scrolling.
  kGREYPendingUIScrollViewScrolling = (1UL << 10),
   *  [UIApplication beginIgnoringInteractionEvents] was called and all interaction events are
   *  being ignored.
  kGREYIgnoringSystemWideUserInteraction = (1UL << 11),

 *  Idling resource that tracks the application state.
@interface GREYAppStateTracker : NSObject<GREYIdlingResource>

 *  @return The unique shared instance of the GREYAppStateTracker.
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;

 *  @remark init is not an available initializer. Use the other initializers.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;

 *  @return The state that the App is in currently.
- (GREYAppState)currentState;

 *  Updates the state of the object, including the provided @c state and updating the overall state
 *  of the application. If @c object is already being tracked with for a different state, the
 *  object's state will be updated to a XOR of the current state and @c state.
 *  @param state  The state that should be tracked for the object.
 *  @param object The object that should have its tracked state updated.
 *  @return The GREYAppStateTracker that was assigned to the object by the state tracker, or @c nil
 *          if @c object is @c nil. Future calls for the same object will return the same
 *          identifier until the object is untracked.
- (GREYAppStateTrackerObject * _Nullable)trackState:(GREYAppState)state forObject:(id)object;

 *  Untracks the state for the object with the specified id. For untracking, it does not matter
 *  if the state has been added to being ignored.
 *  @param state  The state that should be untracked.
 *  @param object The GREYAppStateTrackerObject associated with the object whose state should be
 *                untracked.
- (void)untrackState:(GREYAppState)state forObject:(GREYAppStateTrackerObject *)object;

 *  Ignore any state changes made to the state(s) provided. To stop ignoring a state, set this
 *  to a @c GREYAppState value that does not contain that particular state or use
 *  @c GREYAppStateTracker::clearIgnoredStates.
 *  @remark This will not retroactively affect any currently tracked objects with the ignored app
 *          state(s). This only ensures that any further tracking of an object with an app state
 *          that is being ignored will be ignored. Untracking is not affected by this method.
 *  @param state The app state that should be ignored. This can be a bitwise-OR of multiple
 *               app states.
- (void)ignoreChangesToState:(GREYAppState)state;

 *  Removes any states that were being ignored.
- (void)clearIgnoredStates;

 *  Clears all states that are tracked by the GREYAppStateTracker singleton.
 *  @remark This is available only for internal testing purposes.
- (void)grey_clearState;


 *  Utility macro for tracking the state of an object.
 *  @param state  The state that should be tracked for the object.
 *  @param object The object that should have its tracked state updated.
 *  @return The GREYAppStateTracker that was assigned to the object by the state tracker, or @c nil
 *          if @c object is @c nil. Future calls for the same object will return the same
 *          identifier until the object is untracked.
#define TRACK_STATE_FOR_OBJECT(state_, object_) \
  [[GREYAppStateTracker sharedInstance] trackState:(state_) forObject:(object_)]

 *  Utility macro for untracking the state of an object.
 *  @param state  The state that should be untracked.
 *  @param object The GREYAppStateTrackerObject associated with the object whose state should be
 *                untracked.
#define UNTRACK_STATE_FOR_OBJECT(state_, object_) \
  [[GREYAppStateTracker sharedInstance] untrackState:(state_) forObject:(object_)]