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Test Coverage
# Install and run

This document shows you how to install EarlGrey and then how to set up and run your first

## Install EarlGrey

You can add EarlGrey to Xcode projects in three ways: using [CocoaPods](#cocoapods-installation), [Carthage](#carthage-installation) or [Manually](#github-installation) through the Xcode Project.

For EarlGrey, we highly recommend [CocoaPods](#cocoapods-installation) as the best way to get started
and that you keep your EarlGrey version synced to the latest.

### CocoaPods installation

#### Step 1: Set up a Unit Testing target

   1. To create a new Unit Test (XCTest) target, select your
      project in the Xcode Project Navigator,
      and then click **Editor → Add Target...** from the menu.
   2. In the **Add Target** window, select **iOS** → **Test**
      → **iOS Unit Testing Bundle**:

      <img src="images/image00.png" width="500">

      Click **Next** → **"Add a Test Target Name"** → **Finish**.

   3. The test target must have a Scheme associated with it.
      To add one, go to **Product** →
      **Scheme** → **Manage Schemes**, press the plus **(+)** sign, and then select the target from
      the dropdown menu. Ensure the **Container** is set to the app under test.

      <img src="images/image01.png" width="500">

      And click on **Close**.

#### Step 2: Add EarlGrey as a framework dependency

   1. Install the EarlGrey gem by doing `gem install earlgrey`.
      See the [installing Ruby section](#install-ruby) section
      if your Ruby isn't up to date.

   2. In the test target's section in your `Podfile`, add
      EarlGrey as a dependency.

      target TEST_TARGET do
        project PROJECT_NAME

        use_frameworks! # Required for Swift Test Targets only
        inherit! :search_paths # Required for not double-linking libraries in the app and test targets.
        pod 'EarlGrey'

      Once finished, do a `pod install`. For compatibility between different versions, please see [this doc]( To download a particular version of the gem, use `gem install earlgrey -v x.y.z`.

#### Step 3: Open the workspace and verify that you see EarlGrey.

   After you successfully run the `pod install` command, open the generated workspace and find EarlGrey
   installed in the `Pods/` directory. The generated `Pods/` project should look similar to:

   <img src="images/image02.png" width="250">

### Carthage Installation

#### Step 1: Set up a test target for Carthage

   See [Step 1 from the `CocoaPods installation`](#step-1:-set-up-a-unit-testing-target) detailed above.

#### Step 2: Configure carthage

   1. Install Carthage

      For Carthage, you need Homebrew installed which you can get from [here]( We recommend keeping your version updated.

      `brew update`

      To install Carthage, execute:

      `brew install carthage`

   2. Specify the version of EarlGrey to use in Cartfile.private.

      Note that you can also use "master" instead of a release tag.

      `echo 'github "google/EarlGrey" "1.16.0"' >> Cartfile.private`

   3. Update to latest EarlGrey revision and create Cartfile.resolved.

      `carthage update EarlGrey --platform ios`

#### Step 3: Use the EarlGrey gem

   1. Install the EarlGrey gem.

      `gem install earlgrey`

   2. Use the gem to install EarlGrey into the testing target.

      `earlgrey install -t EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests`

      Now you're ready to start testing with EarlGrey!
      If you need more control, review the available installation options in the earlgrey gem:

      `earlgrey help install`

### GitHub Installation

If CocoaPods or Carthage doesn't suit your use case, then you can add EarlGrey manually to your Xcode project.

#### Step 1: Generate EarlGrey.framework

   1. Download EarlGrey's source code from the
      [Latest Release](

   2. Unzip and go to the `EarlGrey-x.y.z/EarlGrey` directory
      that contains **EarlGrey.xcodeproj**.

   3. Open the **EarlGrey.xcodeproj** file.

   4. Build the EarlGrey scheme.

      **Note:** As part of the initial build step, a script [****](
      will be run to download all the required dependencies. Without it, you might find dependencies
      like `fishhook` and `OCHamcrest` shown as missing in the folder structure. Ensure that you are online for this step.

      Your EarlGrey folder structure should now look like this:

      <img src="images/image03.png" width="200">

      And your EarlGrey Project should look like this:

      <img src="images/image04.png" width="200">

#### Step 2: Add EarlGrey as a dependency of the project which contains your app under test

   1. Close **EarlGrey.xcodeproj** so that it is no longer open in any Xcode window.
      Once closed, drag **EarlGrey.xcodeproj** from its directory into your App’s project or workspace in Xcode. To verify this, you should find `EarlGrey` in the list of targets of your app in Xcode:

      <img src="images/image05.png" width="350">

   2. Add **EarlGrey.framework** as a dependency of your project’s Test Target:

      **Project** → **Test Target** → **Build Phases** → **Link Binary With Libraries** → **+ (Add Sign)** → **EarlGrey.framework**

   3. Add EarlGrey as a Target Dependency to the Test Target:

      **Project** → **Test Target** → **Build Phases** → **Target Dependencies** → **+ (Add Sign)** → **EarlGrey**

      The Test Target’s Build Phases should now look similar to this:

      <img src="images/image06.png" width="450">

      For Swift Users, download the correct
      file for your Swift version and include it in to your test bundle. EarlGrey
      currently supports Swift 3.0 and 2.3.
   4. Turn off Bitcode as it is not supported by EarlGrey
      (yet) by setting **Enable Bitcode** to **NO** in the Build Settings of the Test Target.

   5. You must add environment variables in the Test Target's
      Scheme to inject the EarlGrey framework. To do so, go to **The Test Target → Edit Scheme → Test Action** and then deselect **Use the Run action's arguments and environment variables**. Add the following details in the `Environment Variables`:
      Value: @executable_path/EarlGrey.framework/EarlGrey
      Make sure the `Expand Variables Based On` value points to the app under test. The Scheme should now look like this:<a name="scheme-changes"></a>

      <img src="images/image07.png" width="500">

#### Step 3: Build the app under test

   In Xcode, build the app under test. It should build without any errors. After EarlGrey is built, see the [Final Test Configuration](#final-test-configuration) section for additional customizations.

#### Step 4: Final Test Configuration <a name="final-test-configuration"></a>

   The EarlGrey tests are hosted from the application being tested. Make sure the test target is setup correctly to launch the app under test:

   1. Under the **General** tab:
      * **Host Application** is set to the app under test.

   2. Under the **Build Settings** tab:
      * **Test Host** points to your application, for example:
        *<PRODUCT_NAME>* must be replaced by the name of the app under test.
      * **Bundle Loader** is set to *$(TEST_HOST)*.
      * **Wrapper Extension** is set to *xctest*.
   3. Add a **Copy Files** Build Phase to the Test Target to
      copy the EarlGrey framework to your app under test.
      To do this, choose **Project → Test Target → Build Phases → + (Add Sign) → New Copy Files Phase**, and then
      add the following details in the **Copy Files** phase:
      Destination: Absolute Path
      Path: $(TEST_HOST)/..
      Copy files only when installing: Deselect
      Name: "Path to EarlGrey.Framework" with "Code Sign on Copy" selected.
      The Build Phases should now include:<a name="build-phase-changes"></a>

      <img src="images/image08.png" width="450">

      After the app under test is set up, you can use the Xcode **Test Navigator** to add new test classes and run them selectively, or together.

      :sparkles:Hooray!!! You can now use EarlGrey in your tests!:sparkles:

## Set Up and run your first test

Because EarlGrey is based on XCTest, creating your first test in Xcode is as easy as creating a new
**Unit Test Case Class**. Be careful not to confuse **Unit Test Case Class** with **UI Test Case
Class**. **UI Test Case Class** uses the new UI Testing feature added to XCTest and isn’t yet
compatible with EarlGrey.

   1. **Ctrl+Click** the folder for your app's source files,
      and then select **New file...**. The
      following dialog will appear:

      <img src="images/image09.png" width="422">

   2. Select **Unit Test Case Class**, and then click
      **Next**. On the following screen, type the name
      of your test case. For this example, let’s leave it as **MyFirstEarlGreyTest**:

      <img src="images/image10.png" width="422">

   3. On the next screen, make sure that the test is
      associated with the Unit Test target. In this
      case, our target is **SimpleAppTests**:

      <img src="images/image11.png" width="422">

   4. Xcode will create a new test case for us but we won’t
      need much of it. Let’s change the code to
      leave just a single test method and include the EarlGrey framework, like this:

      For Swift Tests:

      import EarlGrey

      class MyFirstEarlGreyTest: XCTestCase {

        func testExample() {
          // Your test actions and assertions will go here.
      For Objective-C Tests:

      @import EarlGrey;

      @interface MyFirstEarlGreyTest : XCTestCase

      @implementation MyFirstEarlGreyTest

      - (void)testExample {
        // Your test actions and assertions will go here.


   5. Now let’s add a simple EarlGrey assertion that checks
      for the presence of a key window and
      asserts that it is displayed. Here’s what the resulting test would look like:

      For Swift Tests:

      func testPresenceOfKeyWindow() {
        EarlGrey.selectElement(with: grey_keyWindow())
      For Objective-C Tests:

      - (void)testPresenceOfKeyWindow {
        [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:grey_keyWindow()]


6. And that’s it! As with any other unit test, this test will show up in the test navigator, so you
can run it by just clicking on the **run** icon or by Ctrl+clicking the test name and then selecting
**Test "testPresenceOfKeyWindow"**. Because this is a regular unit test, you can place breakpoints in
your test and in your application code and use the built-in tools seamlessly.

### Install Ruby

If you already have a working Ruby install, skip this part.

1. Install rbenv

       $ brew update
       $ brew install rbenv

2. Load rbenv automatically by appending the following to `~/.bash_profile` or `~/.zshrc`

       export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
       eval "$(rbenv init -)"

3. Source bash profile or zshrc:

       $ source ~/.bash_profile
       $ source ~/.zshrc

4. Run the following commands:

       $ rbenv install 2.4.0
       $ rbenv global 2.4.0
       $ echo "gem: --no-document" >> ~/.gemrc
       $ gem update --system --no-document
       $ gem install --no-document bundler fastlane cocoapods

5. Now manually run `rbenv init`

6. If Ruby still isn't on your path, try reinstalling ruby:

       $ rbenv install 2.4.0