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Execute tasks asynchronous tasks without seperate files. In browsers without ```Worker``` support it fallbacks to ```iframe```.

In Nodejs it spawns a process using ```child_process```.

### Install

npm install async-task

Also support bower

bower install async-task

### Usage
var AsyncTask = require( 'async-task' )

var task = new AsyncTask((a, b) => a + b)

task.execute(1, 2)
  .then(function( result ) {
    result === 3
  .catch( handleException )

### API

#### AsyncTask( doInBackground, options )

Creates a new AsyncTask

##### options

* ```options.keepAlive``` Keep worker alive so ```.execute``` can be called multiple times.
* ```options.worker``` Supply worker if you want to share worker between tasks. **NB!: termination of worker is left to the user**

#### asyncTask.execute( args... ):Promise

Execute the ```doInBackground``` function with supplied args.

###### Sharing worker example

var AsyncTask = require( 'async-task' )
var BackgroundWorker = require( 'background-worker' )

var worker = new BackgroundWorker({})

var taskA = new AsyncTask(() => 'a', {worker})

var taskB = new AsyncTask(() => 'b', {worker})

]).then(function(result) {
  result == [ 'a', 'b' ]

#### Test

```npm run-script test```

### Roadmap

* ```doInBackground``` can return a promise or maybe even a ```generator*``` so you can iterate over ```asyncTask.execute```

### In the wild

If your using it in your very cool project please drop me a note on jornandretangen ```àt``` gmail.com

*Partially made, with <3 at:*
