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Test Coverage
package ast

import (

// A Visitor's Visit method is invoked for each node encountered by Walk.  If
// the result visitor w is not nil, Walk visits each of the children of node
// with the visitor w, followed by a call of w.Visit(nil).
type Visitor interface {
    Visit(node Node) (w Visitor)

// The VisitorFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary functions as
// AST Visitors. If f is a function with the appropriate signature,
// VisitorFunc(f) is a Visitor that calls f.
type VisitorFunc func(Node) Visitor

// Visit calls f(n)
func (f VisitorFunc) Visit(n Node) Visitor {
    return f(n)

// Parent returns the parent node of child. If child is not found within root,
// or child does not have a parent, i.e. equals root, the bool will be false
func Parent(root, child Node) (Node, bool) {
    if root == child {
        return nil, false
    if !Contains(root, child) {
        return nil, false
    path, ok := Path(root, child)
    if !ok {
        return nil, false
    parentElement := path.Back().Prev()
    if parentElement == nil {
        return nil, false
    parent, ok := parentElement.Value.(Node)
    if !ok {
        return nil, false
    return parent, true

// Path returns the path from the root of the AST till the child as a doubly
// linked list. If child is not found within root, the bool will be false and
// the list nil.
func Path(root, child Node) (*list.List, bool) {
    if !Contains(root, child) {
        return nil, false
    childTree := list.New()
    l := treeToLinkedList(root)
    for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        n, ok := e.Value.(Node)
        if !ok {
        if Contains(n, child) {
    return childTree, true

func treeToLinkedList(node Node) *list.List {
    list := list.New()
    for n := range WalkEmit(node) {
        if n != nil {
    return list

// Contains reports whether root contains child or not. It matches child via
// pointer equality.
func Contains(root Node, child Node) bool {
    var contains bool
    filter := func(n Node) bool {
        if n == child {
            contains = true
        return !contains
    Inspect(root, filter)
    return contains

// WalkEmit traverses node in depth-first order and emits each visited node
// into the channel
func WalkEmit(root Node) <-chan Node {
    out := make(chan Node)
    var visitor Visitor
    visitor = VisitorFunc(func(n Node) Visitor {
        out <- n
        return visitor
    go func() {
        defer close(out)
        Walk(visitor, root)
    return out

// Helper functions for common node lists. They may be empty.

func walkParameterList(v Visitor, list []*FunctionParameter) {
    for _, x := range list {
        Walk(v, x)

func walkIdentifierList(v Visitor, list []*Identifier) {
    for _, x := range list {
        Walk(v, x)

func walkExprList(v Visitor, list []Expression) {
    for _, x := range list {
        Walk(v, x)

func walkStmtList(v Visitor, list []Statement) {
    for _, x := range list {
        Walk(v, x)

// Walk traverses an AST in depth-first order: It starts by calling
// v.Visit(node); node must not be nil. If the visitor w returned by
// v.Visit(node) is not nil, Walk is invoked recursively with visitor
// w for each of the non-nil children of node, followed by a call of
// w.Visit(nil).
func Walk(v Visitor, node Node) {
    if v = v.Visit(node); v == nil {

    // walk children
    // (the order of the cases matches the order
    // of the corresponding node types in ast.go)
    switch n := node.(type) {
    // Expressions
    case *Identifier,
        // nothing to do

    case *BlockExpression:
        walkParameterList(v, n.Parameters)
        Walk(v, n.Body)

    case *ExceptionHandlingBlock:
        Walk(v, n.TryBody)
        for _, r := range n.Rescues {
            Walk(v, r)

    case *RescueBlock:
        if len(n.ExceptionClasses) != 0 {
            for _, e := range n.ExceptionClasses {
                Walk(v, e)
        if n.Exception != nil {
            Walk(v, n.Exception)
        Walk(v, n.Body)

    case *FunctionLiteral:
        if n.Receiver != nil {
            Walk(v, n.Receiver)
        Walk(v, n.Name)
        walkParameterList(v, n.Parameters)
        if n.CapturedBlock != nil {
            Walk(v, n.CapturedBlock)
        Walk(v, n.Body)
        for _, r := range n.Rescues {
            Walk(v, r)

    case *FunctionParameter:
        Walk(v, n.Name)
        Walk(v, n.Default)

    case *IndexExpression:
        Walk(v, n.Left)
        Walk(v, n.Index)
        if n.Length != nil {
            Walk(v, n.Length)

    case *ContextCallExpression:
        Walk(v, n.Context)
        Walk(v, n.Function)
        walkExprList(v, n.Arguments)
        // TODO: examine why it is not working
        // Walk(v, n.Block)

    case *ModuleExpression:
        Walk(v, n.Name)
        Walk(v, n.Body)

    case *ClassExpression:
        Walk(v, n.Name)
        if n.SuperClass != nil {
            Walk(v, n.SuperClass)
        Walk(v, n.Body)

    case *YieldExpression:
        walkExprList(v, n.Arguments)

    case *PrefixExpression:
        Walk(v, n.Right)

    case *InfixExpression:
        Walk(v, n.Left)
        Walk(v, n.Right)

    case *MultiAssignment:
        walkIdentifierList(v, n.Variables)
        walkExprList(v, n.Values)

    case ExpressionList:
        walkExprList(v, n)

    // Types
    case *ArrayLiteral:
        walkExprList(v, n.Elements)

    case *HashLiteral:
        for k, val := range n.Map {
            Walk(v, k)
            Walk(v, val)

    case *ExpressionStatement:
        Walk(v, n.Expression)

    case *InstanceVariable:
        Walk(v, n.Name)

    case *Assignment:
        Walk(v, n.Left)
        Walk(v, n.Right)

    case *ReturnStatement:
        Walk(v, n.ReturnValue)

    case *BlockStatement:
        walkStmtList(v, n.Statements)

    case *ScopedIdentifier:
        Walk(v, n.Outer)
        Walk(v, n.Inner)

    case *ConditionalExpression:
        Walk(v, n.Condition)
        Walk(v, n.Consequence)
        if n.Alternative != nil {
            Walk(v, n.Alternative)

    case *LoopExpression:
        Walk(v, n.Condition)
        Walk(v, n.Block)

    // Program
    case *Program:
        walkStmtList(v, n.Statements)

    case nil:
        // nothing to do

        panic(fmt.Sprintf("ast.Walk: unexpected node type %T", n))


type inspector func(Node) bool

func (f inspector) Visit(node Node) Visitor {
    if f(node) {
        return f
    return nil

// Inspect traverses an AST in depth-first order: It starts by calling
// f(node); node must not be nil. If f returns true, Inspect invokes f
// recursively for each of the non-nil children of node, followed by a
// call of f(nil).
func Inspect(node Node, f func(Node) bool) {
    Walk(inspector(f), node)