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Test Coverage
package object

import (

var classes = NewEnvironment()
var mainObj = &Object{}
var mainObject = &extendedObject{
    RubyObject:  mainObj,
    class:       newEigenclass(mainObj.Class().(RubyClassObject), map[string]RubyMethod{}),
    Environment: NewEnvironment(),

// NewMainEnvironment returns a new Environment populated with all Ruby classes
// and the Kernel functions
func NewMainEnvironment() Environment {
    loadPath := NewArray()
    env := classes.Clone()
    env.Set("self", &Self{RubyObject: mainObject, Name: "main"})
    env.SetGlobal("$LOADED_FEATURES", NewArray())
    env.SetGlobal("$:", loadPath)
    env.SetGlobal("$LOAD_PATH", loadPath)
    return env

// NewEnclosedEnvironment returns an Environment wrapped by outer
func NewEnclosedEnvironment(outer Environment) Environment {
    s := make(map[string]RubyObject)
    env := &environment{store: s, outer: nil}
    env.outer = outer
    return env

// NewEnvironment returns a new Environment ready to use
func NewEnvironment() Environment {
    s := make(map[string]RubyObject)
    return &environment{store: s, outer: nil}

// WithScopedLocalVariables returns an Environment which scopes the local variables
// within another env so they cannot leak out
func WithScopedLocalVariables(e Environment) Environment {
    return &localVariableGuard{
        Environment:    e,
        localVariables: &environment{store: make(map[string]RubyObject)},

// Environment holds Ruby object referenced by strings
type Environment interface {
    // Get returns the RubyObject found for this key. If it is not found,
    // ok  will be false
    Get(key string) (object RubyObject, ok bool)
    // GetAll returns all values for the current env as a map of string to RubyObject
    GetAll() map[string]RubyObject
    // Set sets the RubyObject for the given key. If there is already an
    // object with that key it will be overridden by object
    Set(key string, object RubyObject) RubyObject
    // Unset removes the entry for the given key. It returns the removed entry
    Unset(key string) RubyObject
    // SetGlobal sets val under name at the root of the environment
    SetGlobal(name string, val RubyObject) RubyObject
    // Outer returns the parent environment
    Outer() Environment
    // Clone returns a copy of the environment. It will shallow copy its values
    // Note that clone will not set its outer env, so calls to Outer will
    // return nil on cloned Environments
    Clone() Environment

// EnvEntryInfo describes an entry in an Environment and is returned by EnvStat
type EnvEntryInfo interface {
    Name() string
    Env() Environment

type envEntryInfo struct {
    name string
    env  Environment

func (e *envEntryInfo) Name() string     { return e.name }
func (e *envEntryInfo) Env() Environment { return e.env }

// EnvStat returns the EnvEntryInfo for obj. If obj is not found in the hierarchy
// of env, the bool will be false.
func EnvStat(env Environment, obj RubyObject) (EnvEntryInfo, bool) {
    var info envEntryInfo
    for key, value := range env.GetAll() {
        if value == obj {
            info.name = key
            info.env = env
            return &info, true

    outer := env.Outer()
    if outer == nil {
        return &info, false

    return EnvStat(outer, obj)

type localVariableGuard struct {
    localVariables *environment

func (l *localVariableGuard) isLocalVariable(name string) bool {
    firstChar := bytes.Runes([]byte(name))[0]
    // TODO: encapsulate this logic somewhere where the choice is first done, e.g. parser
    return unicode.IsLower(firstChar) && firstChar != '@' && name != "self"

func (l *localVariableGuard) Set(name string, value RubyObject) RubyObject {
    if l.isLocalVariable(name) {
        return l.localVariables.Set(name, value)
    return l.Environment.Set(name, value)

func (l *localVariableGuard) Get(name string) (RubyObject, bool) {
    if l.isLocalVariable(name) {
        return l.localVariables.Get(name)
    return l.Environment.Get(name)

func (l *localVariableGuard) GetAll() map[string]RubyObject {
    store := l.Environment.Clone().GetAll()
    for k, v := range l.localVariables.clone().store {
        store[k] = v
    return store

func (l *localVariableGuard) Unset(key string) RubyObject {
    if l.isLocalVariable(key) {
        return l.localVariables.Unset(key)
    return l.Environment.Unset(key)

func (l *localVariableGuard) Clone() Environment {
    return &localVariableGuard{
        Environment:    l.Environment.Clone(),
        localVariables: l.localVariables.clone(),

type environment struct {
    store map[string]RubyObject
    outer Environment

// Get returns the RubyObject found for this key. If it is not found,
// ok  will be false
func (e *environment) Get(name string) (RubyObject, bool) {
    obj, ok := e.store[name]
    if !ok && e.outer != nil {
        obj, ok = e.outer.Get(name)
    return obj, ok

func (e *environment) GetAll() map[string]RubyObject {
    return e.clone().store

// Set sets the RubyObject for the given key. If there is already an
// object with that key it will be overridden by object
func (e *environment) Set(name string, val RubyObject) RubyObject {
    e.store[name] = val
    return val

// SetGlobal sets val under name at the root of the environment
func (e *environment) SetGlobal(name string, val RubyObject) RubyObject {
    var env Environment = e
    for env.Outer() != nil {
        env = env.Outer()
    env.Set(name, val)
    return val

func (e *environment) Unset(key string) RubyObject {
    val := e.store[key]
    delete(e.store, key)
    return val

// Outer returns the parent environment
func (e *environment) Outer() Environment {
    return e.outer

// Enclose encloses the environment and returns a new one wrapped by outer
func (e *environment) Enclose(outer Environment) Environment {
    env := e.clone()
    env.outer = outer
    return env

func (e *environment) Clone() Environment {
    return e.clone()

func (e *environment) clone() *environment {
    s := make(map[string]RubyObject)
    env := &environment{store: s, outer: nil}
    for k, v := range e.store {
        env.store[k] = v
    return env

func (e *environment) String() string {
    var out bytes.Buffer
    fmt.Fprintf(&out, "%v", e.store)
    return out.String()