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## 2.6.2

* Stop using connection pool wrapper as per the documentation [](

## 2.6.1

* Revert gridster dashing to a newer version

## 2.6.0

* Upgrade assets based on [Dashing]( repo
* Upgrade gems

## 2.5.0

* Saves last event on redis to be sent on first connection (@scambra)
* Upgrades rufus-scheduler
* Specifies bundler minimum version
* Moves sqlite3 deps in test/development group only

## 2.4.5

* Fix js lib require order issue [](

## 2.4.4

* Upgrade jquery.gridster to 0.5.6
* Upgrade Rickshaw to 1.5.1
* Cherry pick
* Cherry pick

## 2.4.3

* Fix bugs in `2.4.2` related to upgrades on graph widget without upgrading dashing-src and downgrading batman.js
* Revert rails lock version to be `~> 4.1`

## 2.4.2

**Buggy version, please upgrade to 2.4.3**

* Update dashing js src file from dashing sinatra version
* Update dashing css src file from dashing sinatra version
* Update gem dependencies
* Fix rails lock versioning to allow `>= 4.0`
* Remove `respond_to` reference in events controller

## 2.4.1

**Buggy version, please upgrade to 2.4.3**

* Update graph widget coffee code

## 2.4.0

* Update Batman.js using `batman-rails` gem
* Fixes [#41]( for good. We now don't have to use proc or lambdas anymore.

## 2.3.2

* Fixes [#46](

## 2.3.1

* Patch redis child connection when using passenger

## 2.3.0

* Remove all `Rails.root` occurance and move them to configuration file. Please use a proc or a lambda in the configuration since `Rails` module might not be defined when configuration file is required.

## 2.2.0

* Add dashing layout to the installer (re run `rails g dashing:install` if you want to have the dashing default layout file)

## 2.1.1

* Fix font awesome not included in the asset pipeline

## 2.1.0

* Upgrade font awesome to use the 4.0.x version

## 2.0.2

* Fix bin rails polution
* Improve rails engine and railtie

## 2.0.1

* Fix default widgets javascript files not required

## 2.0.0

* Refactor assets management. Now they all live in `vendor` directory.
* Introduce a widget generator to build custom widget in a few seconds (`rails g dashing:widget my_widget`).
* Rename configuration attributes (you need to regenerate the initializer config file with `rails g dashing:install`)
* Simplify widget view path
* Bug fixes

## 1.0.3

* cherrypick
* cherrypick
* cherrypick
* cherrypick
* cherrypick
* cherrypick
* cherrypick

## 1.0.2

* Fix redis connection. Now using connection pool
* Allow redis custom connection using custom redis host, port and password.