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# The query/queries for data access MUST extend the Query type.
extend type Query {
  # Search for a movie by its title and (optionally) release year.
    # Argument object with the title and year to search for.
    options: IMDB_MovieSearchInput
  ): [IMDB_Movie]

  # Get a given movie by its IMDB ID.
    # The IMDB ID of the movie to be loaded (e.g. “tt1677720”).
    movie_id: String!
  ): IMDB_Movie

  # Search for a person by name.
  # A quirk of the IMDB API is that it seems to only return a single result for
  # searches, so keep that in mind when using this query.
    # The name to search for (e.g. “Idris Elba”).
    name: String!
  ): [IMDB_Person]

  # Search for a person by their IMDB ID.
    # The IMDB ID to search for (e.g. “nm0252961”).
    person_id: String!
  ): IMDB_Person

input IMDB_MovieSearchInput {
  # The title of the movie to search for (e.g. “Ready Player One”).
  title: String!

  # (Optional) The year the movie was released.
  year: String

type IMDB_Movie {
  cast: [IMDB_Cast]!
  content_rating: String!
  description: String!
  director: String!
  genre: [String]!
  imdb_id: String!
  length: String!
  metadata: IMDB_Metadata!
  original_title: String!
  poster: IMDB_Poster!
  rating: String!
  rating_count: String!
  release_date: String!
  stars: [String]!
  storyline: String!
  title: String!
  trailer: [IMDB_Trailer]!
  url: IMDB_Url!
  writers: [String]!
  year: String!

type IMDB_Cast {
  character: String!
  image: String!
  link: String!
  name: String!

type IMDB_Metadata {
  also_known_as: [String]!
  # The aspect ratio of the film.
  # NOTE: This field has a typo on the API (`asp_retio`).
  asp_ratio: String!
  budget: String!
  countries: [String]!
  filming_locations: [String]!
  gross: String!
  languages: [String]!
  sound_mix: [String]!

type IMDB_Poster {
  large: String!
  thumb: String!

type IMDB_Trailer {
  definition: String!
  mimeType: String!
  videoUrl: String!

type IMDB_Url {
  title: String
  url: String!
  year: String

type IMDB_Person {
  birthday: String!
  birthplace: String!
  description: String!
  filmography(filter: String = "all"): [IMDB_Filmography]!
  image: IMDB_PersonImage!
  person_id: String!
  photos: [String]!
  title: String!
  type: [String]!

type IMDB_Filmography {
  position: String!
  imdb_id: String!
  title: String!
  type: String!
  url: String!
  year: String!

type IMDB_PersonImage {
  poster: String!
  thumb: String!