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Test Coverage
"The query/queries to access data MUST extend the Query type."
type Query {
  "Load info about the most recent xkcd comic."
  getLatestComic: XKCD_Comic

  "Load info about the xkcd comic with a given ID."
    The ID of the given comic. The ID can be found using its URL.

    Example: has the ID of 619.
    id: ID!
  ): XKCD_Comic

"Details about an xkcd comic."
type XKCD_Comic {
  "The unique ID of the comic."
  num: ID!

  "The title of the comic."
  title: String!

  "As far as I can tell, this is always the same as the title field."
  safe_title: String!

  "Direct link to the comic image."
  img: String!

  "Alt text (this is what shows on hover in comics on the site)."
  alt: String!

  "A transcript of what’s happening in the comic."
  transcript: String

  "The year the comic was released."
  year: String

  "The month the comic was released."
  month: String

  "The day the comic was released."
  day: String

  "A link to the comic on"
  link: String

  "Additional info, shown on the xkcd website in the banner."
  news: String