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const arrLen = 2
const tardis = {
  name: 'TARDIS',
  class: 'Time and Relative Dimension in Space',
  modelType: 40,
  manufacturer: 'Gallifrey',
  features: [
    'Bigger on the inside',
    'Space Transport',
    'Time Travel'
  exterior: {
    policeBox: ['1963', '1966', '1976', '1980', '1996', '2005', '2010', '2014'],
    car: 'Bessie'
const serenity = {
  url: '',
  class: 'Firefly-Class Transport Ship',
  classCode: '03-K64',
  model: 'aught three',
  designDate: 'August 2459',
  technicalSpecifications: {
    lengthInMeters: 82,
    beamInMeters: 52,
    heightInMeters: 24,
    curbWeightInKg: 128100,
    cargoCapacityInKg: 748000,
    personnelCapacity: 18,
    maxAcceleration: '4.2g',
    rangeInAstronomicalUnits: 440
  interior: {
    upperDeck: [
      'Engine Room'
    lowerDeck: [
      'Main Airlock',
      'Cargo Bay',
      'Common Area',
      'Passenger Quarters'
  engine: 'Standard Radion-Accelerator Core',
  armament: null,
  defense: 'Crybabies - decoy buoys used to mimic other ships',
  primaryFeature: 'Fast'
const deathStar = {
  url: '',
  production: {
    model: 'DS-1 Orbital Battle Station',
    manufacturer: [
      'Advanced Weapons Researce',
      'Kuat Drive Yards',
      'Sienar Fleet Systems'
    designer: [
      'Stalgasin Hive',
      'Project Celestial Power',
      'Galen Walton Erso'
    class: 'Space Battle Station',
    cost: 1000000000000
  specifications: {
    widthInKm: '160',
    hyperdriveRating: [
      'Class 4',
      'Class 20 (backup)'
    powerPlant: 'Hpermatter Reactor',
    armament: [
      'Mk 1 Superlaser',
      'Tractor Beam Emplaceements',
      'Turbolaser Batteries (15,000)',
      'Super Blaster 920 Laser Cannons (2,500)',
      'Ion Cannons (2,500)'
    complement: 'TIE / In Space Superiority Starfighters (7,200)',
    crew: {
      personnel: '1,186,295 - 1,206,293',
      imperialNavyAndArmy: 342953,
      stormtroopers: 25984
    cargoCapacityInKilotons: 1000000,
    consumables: 'Three Standard Years',
    communicationSystems: 'Equipped',
    otherSystems: [
      'High-speed, officer-use shuttle system',
      'Emergency-use Life Support Modules'
  locationInformation: {
    planet: [
  usage: {
    roles: 'Planet-destroying Battle Station',
    affiliation: [
      'Confederacy of Independent Systems',
      'Galactic Republic',
      'Galactic Empire Imperial Navy'
    constructed: [
      'Phase one completed in 21 BBY',
      'Completed in 0 BBY'
    destroyed: '0 BBY during the Battle of Yarvin',
    battles: [
      'Destruction of Jedha City',
      'Battle of Scarif',
      'The Disaster',
      'Rescue of Princess Leia',
      'Battle of Yavin'
    crewmembers: [
      'Shann Childsen',
      'Thane Kyrell',
      'Conan Antonio Matti',
      'Pamel Poul',
      'Wullf Yularen'
    commanders: [
      'Director Orson Callan Krennic',
      'Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin'
    aliases: [
      'DS-1 Platform',
      'Sentinel Base',
      'Ultimate Weapon'
    pointsOfInterest: [
      'Death Star Bar',
      'Death Star City',
      'Death Star Conference Room',
      'Detention Level',
      'Equatorial Trench',
      'Garbage Masher',
      'Mid-Hemisphere Trench',
      'Polar Trench',
      'Northan Polar Command Sector',
module.exports = {
  msg: [
    'I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.',
    'Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.',
    'No! Try not! Do or do not, there is no try.',
    'Wibbly wobbly timy wimy.',
    'I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.',
    'My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.',
    'You shall not pass.',
    'I\'ll be back.',
    'Luke, I AM your father.',
    'It\'s only a flesh wound.',
    'E.T. phone home.',
    'Get away from her, you bitch!',
    'Speak Friend and Enter.',
    'That\'s no moon. It\'s a space station.',
  data: [
  dataSmall: tardis,
  dataMedium: serenity,
  dataLarge: deathStar,
  rndMsg () {
    return this.msg[getRndIndex(this.msg.length)]
  rndData () {

function getRndIndex (length) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * length)