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Test Coverage
An asynchronous Scala wrapper around the Apache Curator Framework.

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Getting Started:

*Note*: Use artifactId `scurator_2.10` if you want to use with Scala 2.10

// Add needed imports
import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFrameworkFactory
import org.apache.curator.retry.RetryOneTime
import org.scurator.SCuratorClient
import org.scurator.components._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

// Create and start a curator client
val curator = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient("localhost:2181", new RetryOneTime(1))

// Wrap the instance with SCuratorClient
val client = SCuratorClient(curator)

// Call create on the SCuratorClient
val create = client.create(CreateRequest(path = "/foo"))

// Handle the future response
create.onComplete {
  case Success(response) => println(s"Created node: ${response.path}")
  case Failure(ex) => println(s"Failed: ${ex.getMessage}")

How To Build:
>   This project uses [Gradle]( You must install [Gradle(2.8)](
>   If you would rather not install Gradle locally you can use the [Gradle Wrapper]( by replacing all references to ```gradle``` with ```gradlew```.

1. Execute ```gradle build```
2. Find the artifact jars in './<sub-project>/build/libs/'

Intellij Project Setup:
1. Execute ```gradle idea```
2. Open project folder in Intellij or open the generated .ipr file

>   If you have any issues in Intellij a good first troubleshooting step is to execute ```gradle cleanIdea idea```

Eclipse Project Setup:
1. Execute ```gradle eclipse```
2. Open the project folder in Eclipse

>   If you have any issues in Eclipse a good first troubleshooting step is to execute ```gradle cleanEclipse eclipse```

Functional Differences from Apache Curator:
- Creating nodes with no data does not utilize default data (curator defaults data to the local IP address).
- The relevant path is included in all responses

Notable Libraries/Frameworks Used
- [Bintray](
- [Curator](
- [Gradle](
- [Logback](
- [Scalariform](
- [ScalaTest](
- [Scoverage](