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Test Coverage
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from .base import BaseOperator, Operator

# Little hack to extract the regexp object type
retype = type(re.compile(''))

class HeaderOperator(BaseOperator):
    Asserts HTTP response header(s).


        # Should style
        res | should.have.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        res | should.have.header('Content-Type')'application/json')

        # Should style - negation form
        res | should.not_have.header('Server', 'nginx')
        res | should.not_have.header('Server')'nginx')

        # Expect style
        res |'Server', 'nginx')
        res |'server')'nginx')

        # Expect style - negation form
        res | expect.to_not.have.header('Server', 'nginx')
        res | expect.to_not.have.header('server')'nginx')

    # Is the operator a keyword
    kind = Operator.Type.MATCHER

    # Operator keywords
    operators = ('header', 'headers')

    # Operator keywords
    aliases = ('of', 'to', 'be', 'equal')

    # Enable value diff
    show_diff = True

    # Error message templates
    expected_message = Operator.Dsl.Message(
        'a response that match header: "{value}"',
        'a response that does not match header: "{value}"',

    # Subject message template
    subject_message = Operator.Dsl.Message(
        'a header with value: {value}',

    def _on_access(self, res):
        if hasattr(res, 'headers'):
            self.ctx.subject = res.headers

    def match_header(self, headers, key, value, includes=False):
        if key not in headers:
            return False, 'headers "{}" is not present'.format(key)

        if isinstance(value, retype) and not value.match(headers[key]):
            return False, 'header "{}" does not matches: "{}" <> "{}"'.format(
                key, value.pattern, headers[key]

        if includes and value not in headers[key]:
            return False, 'header "{}" does not contain "{}" in "{}"'.format(
                key, value, headers[key]

        if not includes and value and str(headers[key]) != str(value):
            return False, 'header "{}" is not equal: "{}" != "{}"'.format(
                key, headers[key], value

        return True, None

    def _match(self, res, header, value=None, includes=False):
        # Set subject headers
        self.subject = res.headers.get(header)

        if not header:
            return False, ['header argument cannot be empty']

        if not isinstance(header, str):
            return False, ['header must be a string']

        # Set expected headers
        self.expected = value if value else header

        # Stores error reasons and header values
        values = []
        reasons = []

        matches, reason = self.match_header(res.headers, header,
                                            value, includes=includes)
        if not matches and reason:

        header = res.headers.get(header)
        if header:

        # Stores if the tests passed
        passed = len(reasons) == 0

        # Set headers
        self.header = header

        # If value is present, yield it as assertion subject
        if value is None:
            self.ctx.subject = values[0] if len(values) == 1 else values

        return passed, reasons