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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

## [0.71.0]( (2024-06-05)


* **design:** Previously, the `DaffModalService` required a `DaffModal` as an arg to `close` (the return type of `open`). This API was probably larger than it should have been, so I trimmed it down. Most consumers won't notice a return type change, but if you do, we can reconsider this change.

### Features

* **category:** add injectable fragments and transform support to magento driver ([#2828]( ([0968515](
* **core:** add `observe` util ([#2808]( ([1874709](
* **daffio,dgeni:** docsgen guides and move under `docs` namespace ([#2824]( ([47b7345](
* **design:** allow modal to be closed with ESC key ([#2812]( ([e121d40](
* **design:** clean up accordion component and update docs ([#2800]( ([66e9639](
* **router:** add `daffRouterComposeGuards` ([#2809]( ([075859b](

## [0.70.0]( (2024-05-15)


* **cart:** use operation entity state for item entities ([#2794](
* **cart,cart-store-credit:** `DaffCartShippingInformation` has been removed. Use `DaffCartShippingRate` instead
* **navigation:** `MagentoNavigationDriverConfiguration` -> `MagentoNavigationDriverConfig`

### Features

* **all:** simplify and remove redundant generics ([#2791]( ([40eee41](
* **cart,cart-store-credit:** remove `DaffCartShippingInformation` ([#2788]( ([b4cc19b](
* **cart,order:** set redirect token default value ([#2780]( ([207a75c](
* **cart:** add `daffCartGetItemTotalDiscount` ([#2797]( ([0c1edcc](
* **cart:** extract cart payment processor effect to reusable function ([#2790]( ([0e654a2](
* **cart:** use operation entity state for item entities ([#2794]( ([b2c1e90](
* **core:** add `DaffFailable` ([#2786]( ([4839705](
* **core:** add `identity` function ([#2785]( ([5c6aa86](
* **core:** add error to `DaffState` ([#2781]( ([bb715eb](
* **core:** add type for `Constructable` args ([#2783]( ([ba11f43](
* **core:** include ngrx entity selectors in operation entity selectors ([#2782]( ([3fe7c8c](
* **core:** make operation entity adapter extensible ([#2795]( ([589a06c](
* **core:** replace mutating with updating ([#2787]( ([cc8a00d](
* **core:** set state to error for operation failure ([#2796]( ([dc08afa](
* **design:** rename &lt;daff-progress-indicator&gt; to <daff-progress-bar> ([#2510]( ([bbc3904](
* **navigation:** add `getTree` method ([#2793]( ([e300d70](
* **navigation:** standardize magento driver config ([#2784]( ([0f20924](
* **router:** add service for observing route data ([#2778]( ([77d991f](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** item states get added for a cart retrieval actions ([#2799]( ([2a8c77f](
* **core:** `selectLoading` returns `true` for not loading state ([#2798]( ([c7f164e](
* **product:** get all products fails in magento driver ([#2789]( ([bdc59f0](

## [0.69.0]( (2024-04-30)


* **design:** Previously, the now-named renderMode "not-in-dom" was the default. This is no longer the case. If one was rendering immensely large trees and you now notice a significant slow-down, you can change the renderMode like:
* **design:** `DaffBackdropModule` code has been moved into `DaffSidebarModule`. It can no longer be used as a standalone component in `@daffodil/design`

### Features

* **core:** add subpackage for external scripts ([#2773]( ([53b0d65](
* **design:** add immutable tree transform ([#2776]( ([d2ce4fd](
* **design:** add tree renderMode ([#2777]( ([2d8ec58](
* **design:** implement article encapsulated mixin in DaffTreeComponent and add docs to design-land ([#2771]( ([baa150e](
* **design:** move `DaffBackdropModule` into `DaffSidebarModule` ([#2673]( ([01db447](
* **navigation:** add injectable transforms to magento driver ([#2774]( ([60bd6db](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** remove overflow style on destroy of sidebar-viewport ([#2779]( ([cadc240](

## [0.68.1]( (2024-03-20)

### Features

* **all:** include package names in action types ([#2749]( ([fe28294](
* **cart:** use product data to seed added cart item ([#2745]( ([65aa9bc](
* **checkout,order:** move placed order facade and selector to checkout ([#2750]( ([de45407](
* **core:** add injection token factories ([#2687]( ([8531484](
* **design:** add code block style to article headings ([#2766]( ([377c983](
* **design:** add toast component ([#2499]( ([3d960ef](
* **design:** update loading icon animation and style ([#2759]( ([9159554](
* **design:** update toast docs and import paths in specs ([#2770]( ([9b7cbeb](
* **driver:** store and set Magento cache ID header ([#2743]( ([d9f1704](

## [0.68.0]( (2024-02-01)


* **daffio:** use ng17 version of vercel build ([#2739](

### Features

* **daffio:** update `/guides` path to `/packages` ([#2738]( ([18565d2](

### Build System

* **daffio:** use ng17 version of vercel build ([#2739]( ([5097583](

## [0.67.0]( (2024-01-25)


* Angular has been upgraded to v17
* Angular has been upgraded to v16
* **design, daffio:** update `daff-gray` palette name to `daff-neutral` ([#2736](
* upgrade node to v18 ([#2732](
* **design:** The `DaffSizeable` interface has been renamed to `DaffSizable`
* **customer-store-credit:** `daffCustomerProvideExtraReducers` -> `daffCustomerStoreCreditProvideExtraReducers`
* **cart-store-credit:** `daffCustomerStoreCredit` -> `daffCartStoreCredit`
* **design:** `DaffPaginatorModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/paginator`
* **design:** `DaffNavbarModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/navbar`
* **design:** `DaffModalModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/modal`
* **design:** `DaffMenuModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/menu`
* **design:** `DaffMediaGalleryModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/media-gallery`
* **list:** `DaffListModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/list`
* **design:** `DaffLinkSetModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/link-set`
* **design:** `DaffHeroModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/hero`
* **design:** `DaffCardModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/card`
* **design:** `DaffSidebarModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/sidebar`
* **design:** `DaffCalloutModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/callout`
* **design:** `DaffLoadingIconModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/loading-icon`
* **design:** `DaffAccordionModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/accordion`
* **design:** `DaffImageModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/image`
* **design:** `DaffContainerModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/container`
* **design:** `DaffButtonModule` has moved to its own package. Update imports to `@daffodil/design/button`
* **design:** Article component has moved to its own package. Update imports to @daffodil/design/article

### Features

* **cart-store-credit:** fix copy/paste errors ([#2705]( ([20921d4](
* **daffio:** add packages overview page ([#2721]( ([10c1b79](
* **daffio:** clean up doc viewer UI ([#2722]( ([3966654](
* **daffio:** clean up docs and marketing header styles ([#2715]( ([9792701](
* **daffio:** clean up footer styles ([#2723]( ([2f550fc](
* **daffio:** create packages sidebar ([#2725]( ([e96e4cf](
* **daffio:** create separate footer for docs and add footer to named views enum ([#2733]( ([cfc2802](
* **daffio:** dynamic nav and sidebar content ([#2686]( ([4fe945c](
* **daffio:** revert to module bootstrap in server ([#2728]( ([9b07f7d](
* **daffio:** update api list item background color to animate via opacity ([#2734]( ([faacca5](
* **daffio:** update named views to specify sidebar header, content, and footer separately, and update usages ([#2724]( ([891a730](
* **design:** add DaffSizeable to design core's public api ([#2653]( ([776faa3](
* **design:** add word wrap style to article headings ([#2709]( ([5acb15c](
* **design:** clean up card styles ([#2720]( ([8399a1b](
* **design:** expose all functions and types of DaffTextAlignable to the public api ([#2650]( ([958dfa7](
* **design:** improve sidebar component ([#2569]( ([b2f1e3e](
* **design:** rename DaffSizeable interface to DaffSizable ([#2730]( ([ab3b70a](
* **design:** set sidebar header action's position to absolute ([#2702]( ([8eb5c67](
* **design:** shard accordion component ([#2664]( ([f5836a1](
* **design:** shard article component ([#2652]( ([6347315](
* **design:** shard button component ([#2654]( ([eba3142](
* **design:** shard callout component ([#2669]( ([e332b7c](
* **design:** shard card component ([#2674]( ([142e1c1](
* **design:** shard container component ([#2655]( ([ce5a331](
* **design:** shard hero component ([#2675]( ([bfd8cc5](
* **design:** shard image component ([#2656]( ([c8e376b](
* **design:** shard link set component ([#2677]( ([43edf2d](
* **design:** shard loading icon component ([#2668]( ([7434000](
* **design:** shard media gallery component ([#2679]( ([bf1a0f6](
* **design:** shard menu component ([#2698]( ([ab2836b](
* **design:** shard modal component ([#2699]( ([8b355a1](
* **design:** shard navbar component ([#2700]( ([de9ae3e](
* **design:** shard paginator component ([#2701]( ([b5338a0](
* **design:** shard sidebar component ([#2670]( ([88e31ed](
* **design:** update sidebar overflow styles so elements within the viewport content can be positioned sticky ([043b527](
* **design:** update sidebar viewport overflow style to change on animation start and done ([#2718]( ([2ec65c2](
* **eslint-config:** restore legacy lint rules ([#2728]( ([97e9203](
* **list:** shard list component ([#2678]( ([6d96924](
* **router:** add `@daffodil/router` ([#2708]( ([2b61dd8](
* upgrade Angular to v17 ([#2728]( ([afe4936](
* upgrade to Angular 16 ([#2728]( ([e607f8f](

### Bug Fixes

* **all:** ng packagr secondary entry points config ([#2728]( ([5dc1c85](
* **cart:** set item state meta reducer mutates action ([#2666]( ([0aa35b0](
* **customer-store-credit:** `daffCustomerProvideExtraReducers` -&gt; `daffCustomerStoreCreditProvideExtraReducers` ([#2706]( ([dc52f66](
* **daffio:** `/api` soft 404s on SSR ([#2712]( ([f58c266](
* **daffio:** add default export to `main.server.ts` ([#2728]( ([1e2174f](
* **daffio:** api paths have leading slash ([#2728]( ([312a91b](
* **daffio:** remove extraneous api call to guides list. ([#2735]( ([4b5acdd](
* **daffio:** replace `LetModule` imports with `LetDirective` ([#2728]( ([8ba65b3](
* **daffio:** use process.cwd for docs path on server ([57b30fc](
* **daffio:** wrong asset path on prod ([#2731]( ([def9f5a](
* **design:** fix sidebar positions in viewport template ([#2713]( ([80ef6ef](

### Miscellaneous Chores

* upgrade node to v18 ([#2732]( ([4d7498f](

### Code Refactoring

* **design, daffio:** update `daff-gray` palette name to `daff-neutral` ([#2736]( ([b219d31](

## [0.66.1]( (2023-12-12)

### Features

* **design:** expose skeletonable public_api to design core's public_api ([#2648]( ([4e0baf9](

## [0.66.0]( (2023-12-11)


* **search:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **reviews:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **product:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **paypal:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **payment:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **order:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **newsletter:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **navigation:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **geography:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **customer-store-credit:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **customer-payment-authorizenet:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **customer-payment:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **customer-order:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **customer:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **content:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **category:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **cart-store-credit:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **cart-customer:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **cart:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **authorizenet:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage
* **auth:** error matcher injection token has moved to state subpackage

### Features

* **auth:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([770718b](
* **authorizenet:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([53b788b](
* **cart-customer:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([7eb96a4](
* **cart-store-credit:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([9caf019](
* **cart:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([81ac05a](
* **category:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([9647c9c](
* **content:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([f8fc914](
* **customer-order:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([929e6ac](
* **customer-payment-authorizenet:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([3343af0](
* **customer-payment:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([25bd578](
* **customer-store-credit:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([5cacb5d](
* **customer:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([a6ecaea](
* **geography:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([d704e0b](
* **navigation:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([40a72e9](
* **newsletter:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([81a170e](
* **order:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([876d005](
* **payment:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([88bf320](
* **paypal:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([4b2b04e](
* **product:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([9ba661e](
* **reviews:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([ab2221a](
* **search:** move error matcher injection token to state subpackage ([#2645]( ([8be4957](

## [0.65.0]( (2023-12-08)


* **cart:** failure actions' payload type has changed from `DaffStateError` to `DaffStateError[]`
* **navigation,demo:** `DaffGenericNavigationTree#path` is removed in favor of `url`
* **category:** `DaffCategoryFactory` now requires `DaffCategoryBreadcrumbFactory` as a constructor argument. It is recommended to DI the factory
* **core,product,category:** partial arguments are now required to meet the model interfaces. Those that do not will cause a type check error
* **product:** `DaffDefaultProductFactory` now requires passing the image factory to construct. It is recommended to use DI to construct factories.
* **cart:** `DaffCart#totals` is now a dictionary
* **all:** changes the name of many state testing modules

### Features

* **all:** prefix state testing modules with `State` ([#2606]( ([f755ab8](
* **authorizenet:** remove cart payment update reducer cases ([#2635]( ([5a75c56](
* **branding:** update daffodil logo to the new version ([#2597]( ([8a2f596](
* **cart:** add cart retrieval action support ([#2557]( ([98301f8](
* **cart:** add retrieval action reducer factories ([#2633]( ([57c8f83](
* **cart:** change actions to implement `DaffCartRetrievalAction` and `DaffFailureAction` ([#2636]( ([bd968f7](
* **cart:** change cart totals to dict ([#2608]( ([a4f408f](
* **cart:** compute cart prices for in-memory driver ([#2614]( ([7a60ddb](
* **cart:** store cart in state with retrieval actions ([#2637]( ([a84491e](
* **category,demo:** add category view to demo ([#2620]( ([2149b99](
* **category:** create breadcrumbs and add `createTree` method ([#2629]( ([556e69c](
* **category:** create tree in in-memory driver ([#2631]( ([791cc7c](
* **core,product,category:** type model factory create partial and constructor args ([#1835]( ([6efc2c4](
* **core:** add `collect` ([#2626]( ([260332b](
* **core:** add `DaffFailureAction` ([#2634]( ([2a8cec3](
* **customer-payment-authorizenet:** export `magentoCustomerPaymentAnetCCTypeRequestTransform` ([#2642]( ([408921e](
* **daffio:** add sponsor link to nav and footer ([#2599]( ([80b8c9f](
* **daffio:** clean up why pwa page styles ([#2603]( ([4a90668](
* **daffio:** update home hero illustration and add discord link ([#2598]( ([5aec495](
* **demo:** add checkout form models and country field ([#2615]( ([b90454e](
* **demo:** add country form ([#2617]( ([da882b1](
* **demo:** add geography driver modules ([#2616]( ([2539cf6](
* **demo:** add product external resolution ([#1843]( ([669fe5a](
* **demo:** render cart totals from totals dict ([#2618]( ([2bafc50](
* **design,design-land:** add link support to paginator ([#2589]( ([57aa1b8](
* **design:** update card's border-radius styles and set wrapper height ([#2602]( ([6cec7e3](
* **docs:** remove title property from example viewer component ([#2625]( ([bcab5c9](
* **geography:** create subdivisions in country factory ([#2611]( ([92a734b](
* **navigation,demo:** pull navigation tree from category in-memory tree ([#2632]( ([40cf496](
* **navigation,demo:** remove deprecated `DaffGenericNavigationTree#path` field ([#2628]( ([7211acd](
* **navigation:** add token for providing navigation in-memory seed data ([#2627]( ([a033da4](
* **product,demo:** create all product types in demo ([#2622]( ([7893fcf](
* **product:** improve default product factory field generation ([#2609]( ([48f4ba0](

### Bug Fixes

* **authorizenet:** CC last 4 is too short ([#2639]( ([6ff51a6](
* **cart:** magento driver resolution fails for no discounts ([#2638]( ([1ea70a1](
* **core:** subsequent preadds don't update entity after initial preadd ([#2640]( ([92e06bb](
* **design:** remove bogus combinator from sidebar style ([#2601]( ([88205b7](
* **geography:** in-memory collection does not exist ([#2610]( ([d9bbcb6](
* **paypal:** browser specific `window` access ([#2605]( ([1eb1972](

## [0.64.2]( (2023-11-09)

### Features

* **customer-payment-authorizenet:** export all card type transforms ([#2592]( ([9ad7775](

## [0.64.1]( (2023-10-18)

### Features

* upgrade rxjs to `7.8.1` ([#2585]( ([1fffe84](

## [0.64.0]( (2023-10-18)


* Angular and associated deps have been upgraded to v15. TS has been upgraded to 4.8.

### Features

* **design-land:** add file tabs back to code preview and allow content to be hidden ([#2578]( ([37e02bd](
* **design:** add deprecation notice for DaffNavAccordionItemComponent ([#2582]( ([2059403](
* **design:** clean up &lt;pre&gt; styling and add margin styles to stop article cascade ([#2579]( ([540a550](
* **design:** focus stack pushes arg or the document's active element ([#2581]( ([189d132](
* **design:** update  nav list background color to animate via opacity for performance ([#2583]( ([bfccd2c](
* **design:** update linked card background color to animate via opacity ([#2584]( ([dca9b9b](
* upgrade angular to v15 ([#2564]( ([0742b01](

## [0.63.2]( (2023-09-29)

### Features

* **design:** add deprecation notice for DaffButtonSetComponent ([#2571]( ([1ef3e46](
* **design:** create focus stack service ([#2570]( ([68aeffc](
* **design:** deprecate theming option for paginators and update styles to work in both dark and light mode ([#2575]( ([ec50bcb](
* **design:** remove border transition from media gallery thumbnail ([#2573]( ([5814c62](

### Bug Fixes

* **reviews:** state errors are not reset upon success ([#2577]( ([9cf5f58](

## [0.63.1]( (2023-09-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart resolution effects unsafely call storage in SSR ([#2545]( ([d6e0468](

## [0.63.0]( (2023-08-31)


* **cart:** `MagentoMergeCartResponse` -> `MagentoMergeCartsResponse`

### Features

* **authorizenet:** export reducer initial state ([#2546]( ([e9ff895](
* **cart:** implement `CanActivateChild` in in stock items guard ([#2558]( ([669bef2](
* **cart:** type magento driver queries ([#2551]( ([4889b40](
* **core:** add `catchAndArrayifyErrors` pipe ([#2556]( ([9bc2359](
* **core:** export storage error codes ([#2555]( ([24d438f](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** `selectIsBillingSameAsShipping` does not respect IDs ([#2543]( ([bc63ae8](

## [0.62.4]( (2023-08-11)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add state config for accept retry backoff ([#2541]( ([9dd40b7](
* **cart:** handle create errors in Magento driver ([#2536]( ([4ead116](
* **design:** add focus trapping to modal component ([#2532]( ([1569d60](
* **design:** create notification component ([#2484]( ([e1f2574](
* **design:** use position fixed on sidebar nav ([1839a85](
* **driver:** add `DaffDriverNetworkError` ([#2534]( ([6e30ab1](

## [0.62.3]( (2023-08-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** Magento driver crashes while setting cart address by ID ([#2528]( ([9bbde26](

## [0.62.2]( (2023-07-31)

### Bug Fixes

* **auth:** guest guard always triggers logout for a guest user ([#2524]( ([6025568](

## [0.62.1]( (2023-07-31)

### Features

* **auth:** handle missing token errors by resetting to unauthenticated state ([#2518]( ([3655843](
* **auth:** remove auth token in unauthenticated hook ([#2523]( ([6472f8f](
* **cart:** rework resolve cart guard ([#2522]( ([f460cc8](

### Bug Fixes

* **search-product:** incremental search not limited ([#2519]( ([3dec63e](

## [0.62.0]( (2023-07-26)


* **auth:** `DAFF_AUTH_UNAUTHENTICATED_HOOKS` contains functions that now must return an observable
* **design:** The sidebar now holds the state of the sidebar (instead of the viewport), specifically "mode" and "open".

### Features

* **auth:** support asynchronous unauthenticated hooks ([#2513]( ([2100b24](
* **cart-customer:** check token for cart mutation failures ([#2450]( ([f14af85](
* **core:** add `allOf` operator ([#2517]( ([53c6bdc](
* **core:** add `anyOf` operator ([#2516]( ([a61dc02](
* **customer-payment:** add support for customer payments ([#2344]( ([49f6cf6](
* **customer:** correctly handle missing customer address ID ([#2515]( ([4761b9e](
* **daffio:** implement tree ([#1824]( ([e15b6a2](
* **design:** add tree component ([#1622]( ([f211e48](
* **design:** allow multiple sidebars of various modes and sides ([dd6bc28](
* **design:** implement tree in left nav ([#1824]( ([3aa4727](

### Bug Fixes

* **auth:** logout flow gets triggered for auth check network failures ([#2482]( ([7d6b62d](
* **daffio:** use new  sidebar implementation ([22d293c](
* **demo:** use new  sidebar implementation ([e1a6122](

## [0.61.0]( (2023-07-18)


* **cart:** `initialState` -> `daffCartReducerInitialState`
* **search*:** changes `DaffSearchDriverInterface#incremental` to return a `DaffSearchResultCollection`. changes `DaffSearchIncrementalSuccess#payload` to be a `DaffSearchResultCollection`
* **design:** rename native select sass and paths ([#2475](

### Features

* **auth:** add `DaffAuthResetToUnauthenticated` ([#2504]( ([57127d3](
* **auth:** add unauthenticated hook tokens ([#2503]( ([0f0d0c3](
* **auth:** call unauthenticated hooks before resetting client cache ([#2505]( ([a519413](
* **auth:** delay client cache reset ([#2495]( ([33c3c9b](
* **authorizenet:** reduce backoff timing for accept.js retry ([#2465]( ([62a16b0](
* **cart-customer:** only merge if a cart ID is in storage ([#2502]( ([11b1bb1](
* **cart-customer:** remove cart ID from storage when unauthenticated ([#2507]( ([e8fc2c4](
* **cart-customer:** reset cart state when the user is unauthenticated ([#2509]( ([e26ab24](
* **cart-customer:** set cart to mutating when the user is logged in ([#2508]( ([33d9c1a](
* **cart:** add `daffCartDriverHandleCartNotFound` ([#2489]( ([15cb6cd](
* **cart:** add `DaffCartDriverResolveService` ([#2490]( ([f691fd8](
* **cart:** add `DaffResolveCartGuard` ([#2506]( ([5da2cfc](
* **cart:** create cart automatically for add cart item ([#2493]( ([88e5ef9](
* **cart:** only initially resolve cart if ID is in storage ([#2492]( ([cc3db71](
* **cart:** package prefix reducer initial state exports ([#2501]( ([c7b85d7](
* **cart:** throw unrecoverable errors in magento driver ([#2488]( ([18bca84](
* **cart:** use `DaffCartDriverResolveService` for resolve effects ([#2491]( ([bbd939e](
* **design:** add hostbinding class to error message so the theming styles can be properly applied ([#2479]( ([80fe194](
* **design:** add loading, disabled, and tabindex properties to button component ([#2448]( ([678e8a9](
* **design:** create &lt;daff-flat-button&gt; variant ([#2448]( ([ed4a52d](
* **design:** expose colorable public_api to core's public_api ([#2487]( ([5c7669d](
* **design:** expose DaffStatusable to the public api ([#2485]( ([d82d703](
* **design:** expose form label to the public api ([#2478]( ([7661c57](
* **design:** remove default color on loading icon and update styles ([#2448]( ([2649337](
* **design:** remove focus style and optimize background color animations on buttons ([#2448]( ([9163a24](
* **design:** rename native select sass and paths ([#2475]( ([990919f](
* **design:** set the base stroked and flat button text color to currentColor ([#2500]( ([939a655](
* **design:** show the daff loading icon when loading is set to true on a button ([#2448]( ([6d6067f](
* **design:** update daff-green palette colors to be more aligned with the other decorative palettes ([#2486]( ([d9596a9](
* **paypal:** set payment loading for generate express token ([#2461]( ([4d9003f](
* **search*:** remove collection metadata request from incremental search ([#2494]( ([56f37a4](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** update skeleton screen positioning style ([1a5c02c](

## [0.60.0]( (2023-05-25)


* **search*:** `DaffSearchDriverInterface#incremental` was added
* **auth:** auth state structure and selectors have changed

### Features

* **auth:** add injectable reducers ([#2454]( ([c0fc259](
* **auth:** migrate auth state to operation state ([#2453]( ([9afcabd](
* **auth:** set and remove auth token immediately ([#2456]( ([fc6c85d](
* **cart:** transform Magento driver errors ([#2449]( ([229d4d0](
* **search*:** add `incremental` driver call ([#2455]( ([d112bcd](

## [0.59.2]( (2023-05-20)

### Features

* **cart:** change address update action payload to `Partial` ([#2443]( ([c5374c2](

## [0.59.1]( (2023-05-16)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** only dispatch success when accept.js actually loads ([#2436]( ([37e0548](
* **daffio:** update theming and utilities module implementation ([#2181]( ([0ef4921](
* **design-land:** update theming and utilities module implementation ([#2184]( ([fa594ca](
* **design:** create skeleton state UI ([#2206]( ([aceb06c](
* **design:** implement skeleton UI for DaffImageComponent ([#2207]( ([b430efa](
* **design:** implement skeleton UI for DaffMediaGalleryComponent ([#2208]( ([964d0ce](

### Bug Fixes

* **order:** order total factory creating mock objects with static `type` ([#2438]( ([d6bfc05](
* **product-composite:** fix and extract query param ([#2437]( ([98d5272](

## [0.59.0]( (2023-05-10)


* **cart,payment:** `DaffPaymentStateReducerAdapter#storeError` now accepts an array of errors

### Features

* **authorizenet,payment:** set anet errors for apply failure ([#2432]( ([f902c64](
* **cart,payment:** set payment errors instead of concating ([#2433]( ([130a9f9](
* **paypal:** shallow spread Magento driver config ([#2434]( ([56f474e](
* **product-composite:** add item and option factories ([#2429]( ([d70bf3d](
* **product-composite:** add service for generating share codes ([#2431]( ([cc00ed9](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** add a missing peer dep on payment ([#2419]( ([decf6fd](
* **product-composite:** preselect item options based on configurable query param ([#2001]( ([48514c4](

### [0.58.10]( (2023-05-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **cart-store-credit, magento:** handle guest store credit ([#2413]( ([8556e84](

### [0.58.9]( (2023-05-03)

### Features

* add `@daffodil/customer-store-credit` and `@daffodil/cart-store-credit`  ([#2395]( ([f86bfb3](
* **customer-order:** support injectable Magento fragments and transforms ([#2410]( ([8e3ecee](
* **order:** allow arbitrary total types ([#2409]( ([82b9c4b](
* **order:** reorder totals in Magento driver ([#2411]( ([2d271dc](

### [0.58.8]( (2023-05-02)

### Features

* **auth:** redirect to query param value when present ([#2408]( ([e57bcf0](
* **category:** add injectable reducer support ([#2404]( ([52b6412](
* **core,product:** support product filters in discrete query params ([#2407]( ([0b6b843](
* **product:** spread routing config ([#2405]( ([6883424](

### [0.58.7]( (2023-04-27)

### Features

* **cart,magento:** full cart on update coupon ([b62fea7](
* **paypal:** add `DaffPaypalApplyPayment` to `DaffPaypalActions` ([#2401]( ([34c2efe](

### [0.58.6]( (2023-04-27)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add injectable reducers ([#2400]( ([c086e6d](
* **cart, magento:** always load shipping methods on cart ([#2402]( ([9f1c4d8](
* **cart:** add free shipping payment method injection token ([#2398]( ([bcce413](

### [0.58.5]( (2023-04-25)

### Features

* **order:** add injectable reducers ([#2399]( ([cd9619e](

### [0.58.4]( (2023-04-14)

### Features

* **cart-customer, magento:** allow undefined billing address ([#2396]( ([c2fe6af](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart resolved state stuck on failed ([#2394]( ([935a627](
* **cart:** preventing ordering when grand total is 0 ([#2393]( ([8c0453a](

### [0.58.3]( (2023-04-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **cart-customer:** magento driver errors for address update ([#2392]( ([f3759f3](

### [0.58.2]( (2023-04-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **product*:** product extensions missing required fields in state ([#2391]( ([815311f](
* **product:** meta reducers not injecting into state ([#2389]( ([28245cc](
* **related,upsell:** dedupe meta reducers crashing product state ([#2390]( ([25dabd7](

### [0.58.1]( (2023-04-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **product*:** pieces of products in state get nulled when fields are missing ([#2388]( ([196200b](

## [0.58.0]( (2023-04-06)


* **auth,cart-customer,customer-auth:** `DaffAuthRevoke` and `DaffAuthComplete` have been removed
* **core:** `daffBuildFragmentNameSpread` now only uses the first fragment name from each passed definition

this is to allow additional fragments to be interpolated into injected fragments.

### Features

* **auth,cart-customer,customer-auth:** don't call driver for missing token ([#2387]( ([273b332](
* **cart:** add generics to magento cart transformer ([#2379]( ([72dfa99](
* **cart:** don't add contextual cart item errors to global state ([#2377]( ([c6db207](
* **cart:** export mock classes ([#2382]( ([84224e9](
* **cart:** use `user_errors` for Magento add to cart errors ([#2378]( ([41aa023](
* **core:** arithmetic corrections ([#2381]( ([61bd6ab](
* **core:** change fragment name spread to only get first fragment ([#2380]( ([95fa1dc](
* **driver,auth:** clear Apollo cache when customer is logged out ([#2385]( ([aad083d](
* **driver:** reload window to clear cache ([#2386]( ([75e7ada](

## [0.57.0]( (2023-03-24)


* **category:** removes `MagentoCategory#products`

### Features

* **category:** remove nested products query in Magento driver ([#2375]( ([fb8019a](

### [0.56.1]( (2023-03-22)

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** info persists when loading new category ([#2373]( ([bd166dd](

## [0.56.0]( (2023-03-22)


* **product:** product reducer state, selectors, and facade have been changed to `@daffodil/core/state`'s operation state interfaces
* **category:** category page reducer state, selectors, and facade have been changed to `@daffodil/core/state`'s operation state interfaces

### Features

* **category:** add injectable product reducer ([#2371]( ([8958c5d](
* **category:** use operation state ([#2369]( ([8dbfc3c](
* **product:** use operation state ([#2370]( ([816f186](

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** incorrect typing for injectable extra reducers ([#2372]( ([d0bc28b](

## [0.55.0]( (2023-03-22)


* **cart:** `DaffStatefulCartItem#errors` has been removed in favor of `DaffStatefulCartItem#daffErrors`
* **order:** order reducer state and selectors have been changed to `@daffodil/core/state`'s operation state interfaces
* **core, customer:** consolidate errors and loading in operation state (#2363)

### Features

* **cart:** use `DaffErrorable` in stateful cart item ([#2365]( ([fdf6fce](
* **category:** add service for build category URL requests ([#2368]( ([ddf6eab](
* **core, customer:** consolidate errors and loading in operation state ([#2363]( ([ccf8231](
* **customer:** don't store contextual entity errors in global state ([#2366]( ([36a9d3a](
* **driver:** handle network errors in Magento error transform ([#2367]( ([c566354](
* **order:** use operation state ([#2364]( ([b8abe38](

## [0.54.0]( (2023-03-17)


* **auth:** moves some state config to routing config

### Features

* **auth:** move redirect effects to routing ([#2362]( ([c618188](
* **core:** shallow-compare works with disjoint unions ([#2351]( ([e35d45a](
* **design:** UI updates to menu component ([#2360]( ([e37f6fa](

### Bug Fixes

* **customer:** magento driver not transforming `street2` ([#2361]( ([37036e9](

### [0.53.1]( (2023-03-11)

### Features

* **all:** upgrade to faker v7 ([#2358]( ([8f8e876](
* **design:** create menu component ([#2353]( ([264a4df](

## [0.53.0]( (2023-03-11)


* **paypal:** removes `DaffPaypalPaymentResponse` and `DaffPaypalPaymentRequest` types

### Features

* **paypal:** narrow paypal types to be specific to express ([#2357]( ([3558c7a](

## [0.52.0]( (2023-03-10)


* **cart,driver:** renamed `moneyFragment` to `magentoMoneyFragment` and moved export to `@daffodil/driver/magento`
* **customer-order,order:** `DaffOrder#email` is a new required field
* Previously, we compiled in partial mode. With the advent of Angular 13 (our specified peer dep), we no longer support the view engine, as a result we can fix many build errors caused by NGCC as we no longer need to ngcc!

### Features

* **all:** upgrade faker to v6 ([#2339]( ([a88ddda](
* **authorizenet,payment:** allow for setting address by ID ([#2342]( ([edc4c12](
* **authorizenet:** export Magento driver services ([#2340]( ([428cf60](
* **auth:** redirect to logout path for `DaffAuthRevoke` ([#2347]( ([d696e73](
* **cart,driver:** move magento money fragment to driver ([#2354]( ([63541b2](
* **cart:** add support for extra cart transforms in Magento driver ([#2343]( ([3512894](
* compile in "full" mode ([9e0469a](
* **core:** add reducers for clearing error when navigation completes ([#2335]( ([ccd46cf](
* **customer-order,order:** add `email` to `DaffOrder` ([#2346]( ([8bc240f](
* **customer-order:** send requests as POST ([#2356]( ([91db7f7](
* **customer:** send magento queries as POST ([#2336]( ([d5eea7e](

### [0.51.1]( (2023-02-03)

### Features

* **customer:** add mock address facade and export testing helpers ([#2333]( ([2391938](

## [0.51.0]( (2023-02-01)


* **order:** orders are now stored as collections. driver responses and action payloads have been change accordingly
* `MagentoProductPageInfo` -> `MagentoSearchResultPageInfo`, `magentoProductPageInfoFragment` -> `magentoSearchResultPageInfoFragment`

### Features

* **cart:** add `customer_address_id` to Magento address ([#2330]( ([ec89214](
* **core:** add `shallowCompare` ([#2323]( ([cee9e8a](
* **core:** add operation entity state ([#2318]( ([83ebfcb](
* **customer-order:** add `@daffodil/customer-order/driver/magento/testing` ([#2328]( ([e4f15c5](
* **customer-order:** add `@daffodil/customer-order/driver/magento` ([#2328]( ([d911c69](
* **customer-order:** add `@daffodil/customer-order/driver` ([#2328]( ([fc64ede](
* **customer-order:** add `@daffodil/customer-order` ([#2328]( ([c60d484](
* **customer,customer-auth:** add address support ([#2319]( ([486e775](
* **driver:** add magento filter input model ([#2325]( ([722807b](
* **forms:** add `daffFormsPasswordValidator` ([#2313]( ([f944740](
* **geography:** implement comparators with `shallowCompare` ([#2324]( ([b206c26](
* move magento page info from product to driver ([#2320]( ([08e2b35](
* **order:** add support for order collection ([#2326]( ([2e6de81](

### Bug Fixes

* **customer-auth:** customer state persists after logout ([#2327]( ([b8f7e7b](

## [0.50.0]( (2023-01-24)


* **cart:** removes `DaffCartAddress#address_id` in favor of `DaffCartAddress#id`

### Features

* **authorizenet:** allow updating billing address by partial ([#2316]( ([4177f32](
* **auth:** set `loggedIn` state for auth check ([#2314]( ([51aed3b](
* **auth:** track logged in status in state ([#2306]( ([37efc65](
* **cart-customer:** add magento payment driver ([#2312]( ([6ad6497](
* **cart:** extend `DaffCartAddress` from `DaffIdentifiable` ([#2315]( ([eac86f9](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart,geography:** ambiguous regions in Magento driver ([#2293]( ([04282e2](
* **cart:** `street2` value not getting transformed in Magento driver ([#2302]( ([2536869](

## [0.49.0]( (2023-01-04)


* **auth:** adds required fields to `DaffAuthStateConfig`
* **customer:** changes the name of the publicly exported `DaffClearErrorsGuard`

### Features

* **auth:** add `DaffAuthRedirectEffects` ([#2288]( ([548be2e](
* **auth:** do not crash when token is inaccessible ([#2299]( ([4af5618](
* **cart,cart-customer:** fallback to loading cart on merge failure ([#2289]( ([6a14754](
* **customer:** `DaffClearErrorsGuard` -> `DaffCustomerClearErrorsGuard` ([#2286]( ([ec10abe](
* **geography:** send Magento driver calls as `GET` ([#2294]( ([1189eb2](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart-customer:** Magento driver always makes customer cart query ([#2290]( ([545e5e3](

### [0.48.2]( (2022-12-23)

### Features

* **core:** add `daffClearErrors` ([#2284]( ([2c1a95a](
* **core:** add operation state ([#2256]( ([cc25f3b](
* **customer:** add `@daffodil/customer/driver/in-memory` ([#2248]( ([1ad50aa](
* **customer:** add `@daffodil/customer/driver/magento` ([#2248]( ([a22d11b](
* **customer:** add `@daffodil/customer/driver/testing` ([#2248]( ([73597c4](
* **customer:** add `@daffodil/customer/driver` ([#2248]( ([00da76b](
* **customer:** add `@daffodil/customer/routing` ([#2248]( ([c5460d6](
* **customer:** add `@daffodil/customer/state` ([#2248]( ([ba0993e](
* **customer:** add `@daffodil/customer/testing` ([#2248]( ([6695ace](
* **customer:** add `@daffodil/customer` ([#2248]( ([b0df641](
* **customer:** add clear errors action and guard ([#2285]( ([d29b17a](
* **customer:** add newsletter subscription support ([#2283]( ([32289a2](
* **customer:** add update, change email, and change password ([#2282]( ([dbe65b8](
* **external-router:** improve the typing of `daffExtractDaffPathData` ([#2271]( ([63b5629](
* **forms:** add `@daffodil/forms` and `daffFormNotEmptyValidator` ([#2254]( ([a9ebada](

### Bug Fixes

* **auth:** SSR storage errors break apps ([#2250]( ([87dff58](
* **cart,cart-customer:** address update fails for logged-in customers ([#2274]( ([117adcd](
* **seo:** `DaffRestoreableMetaService#restore` not updating upsert cache ([#2264]( ([e1da365](

### [0.48.1]( (2022-12-12)

### Features

* **reviews:** export mock models and change private to protected ([#2262]( ([f570d32](

### Bug Fixes

* **driver:** incorrect Magento Breadcrumb type policy key field ([#2258]( ([f07377b](

## [0.48.0]( (2022-12-08)


* **product:** all filter related features have been moved to `@daffodil/core`
* **core:** add required filter fields to `DaffCollectionMetadata` and `DaffCollectionRequest`
* **category:** The `category` and `products` api calls made by this driver are now a single call. If you were previously leveraging fragments aggressively and relying on the queries to be split for query complexity reasons, you will need to revisit your queries.

Co-authored-by: Damien Retzinger <>

### Features

* **auth:** add `firstName` and `lastName` to `DaffAccountRegistration` ([#2249]( ([6449486](
* **authorizenet:** ensure config is present in Magento driver ([#2008]( ([5f2e64a](
* **category:** fix filter move breaking changes ([#2198]( ([2beacd0](
* **category:** use `route` query in Magento driver ([#2141]( ([fe8fa32](
* **core:** add filters to collection ([#2198]( ([2a4c2cc](
* **driver:** add type policies injection point for magento drivers ([#2255]( ([9e7a4ab](
* **product:** remove filter features ([#2198]( ([4abb68e](
* **reviews:** use `@daffodil/core` filters ([#2198]( ([3f8d17d](
* **search-product:** fix filter move breaking changes ([#2198]( ([454eadd](

### Bug Fixes

* **auth:** skip Apollo cache on Magento auth check ([#2260]( ([b6cdd68](

### [0.47.3]( (2022-11-04)

### Features

* **auth:** add newsletter subscription to account registration ([#2242]( ([3d12201](

### [0.47.2]( (2022-11-02)

### Features

* **auth:** reset errors after success ([#2240]( ([35cdbcc](
* **auth:** use `DaffQueuedApollo` in Magento driver ([#2239]( ([9781ec6](

### Bug Fixes

* **auth:** magento driver not throwing errors ([#2241]( ([a056010](

### [0.47.1]( (2022-11-01)

## [0.47.0]( (2022-11-01)


* **core,driver:** `DaffApolloCacheableOperationLinkGenerator` has been renamed to `DaffApolloLinkGenerator`
* **paypal:** - removes `DaffPaypalTokenResponse` and `DaffPaypalTokenRequest`
- `DaffPaypalServiceInterface` -> `DaffPaypalExpressServiceInterface`
- removes `DaffPaypalTransformerInterface`
- removes token storing from state and associated selectors/facade fields

### Features

* **all:** type action reducer maps ([#2220]( ([2691d6c](
* **auth,demo:** add non-login register driver call ([#2223]( ([8309f95](
* **auth:** add `MagentoAuthApolloBearerTokenLinkGenerator` ([#2227]( ([24c9077](
* **auth:** add redirect URLs for member and guest only guards ([#2233]( ([793344a](
* **auth:** add reset password feature ([#2225]( ([0d2ea8e](
* **auth:** dispatch auth complete when storing auth token ([#2232]( ([ae10429](
* **authorizenet:** add payment actions and reducer ([#2216]( ([0a6fe90](
* **authorizenet:** add payment driver ([#2215]( ([5a2ecea](
* **authorizenet:** add payment models ([#2214]( ([6e4bee0](
* **auth:** remove auth token from storage on logout ([#2231]( ([5b79c6d](
* **auth:** remove auth token from storage when check fails ([#2229]( ([42ccc40](
* **auth:** run auth check on a configurable interval ([#2236]( ([a3d4d14](
* **auth:** use customer email for auth check instead of ID ([#2230]( ([67494ef](
* **cart,cart-customer:** add `@daffodil/cart-customer` ([#2235]( ([af3f000](
* **cart:** add `@daffodil/payment` support ([#2212]( ([944b823](
* **cart:** add `DaffCartServiceInterface#merge` ([#2224]( ([bd6050f](
* **cart:** add optional `billingAddress` param to `DaffCartPaymentServiceInterface#update` ([#2213]( ([7831a16](
* **cart:** create cart when user is unauthorized ([#2234]( ([8e7242a](
* **cart:** handle auth flow ([#2226]( ([7917cc0](
* **core,driver:** rename `DaffApolloCacheableOperationLinkGenerator` -> `DaffApolloLinkGenerator` ([#2222]( ([979dc94](
* **demo:** prevent lib imports on demo ([#2202]( ([519393d](
* **design-land:** prevent lib imports ([#2209]( ([6dafaff](
* **payment:** add `@daffodil/payment` ([#2200]( ([3402649](
* **paypal:** add support for `@daffodil/payment` ([#2217]( ([c96251e](

## [0.46.0]( (2022-09-28)


* **product*,category,reviews:** `DaffMagentoProductPreviewExtraTransform` -> `DaffMagentoProductExtraTransform`, `DaffMagentoProductPreviewTransform` -> `DaffMagentoProductTransform`

### Features

* **core:** add collection filters ([#2197]( ([a2ee656](
* **product*,category,reviews:** rework product previews ([#2199]( ([716e340](

### Bug Fixes

* **order:** magento driver not setting `email` ([#2196]( ([e289a77](

### [0.45.1]( (2022-09-09)

### Features

* **design:** export typography classes for external usage and update usage documentation ([#2180]( ([ef4bb96](
* **reviews:** export testing module ([#2183]( ([0a4fa9a](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** remove double slash in card theme module imports ([#2185]( ([f14ff9e](

## [0.45.0]( (2022-09-08)


* **reviews:** `DaffProductReviews#metadata` has a new required field: `filter`
* We have upgraded our build deps to Node 16. This may
have downstream side-effects to consumers that we can't predict.

### Features

* **design:** add default theme and update getting started ([#2157]( ([db2d002](
* **design:** remove `daff-` prefix from main scss files ([#2175]( ([8d15b3b](
* **reviews:** add filter support ([#2171]( ([5dac268](
* **reviews:** export validators and errors from Magento driver ([#2182]( ([bd890ee](

### Bug Fixes

* **core:** change base64 type for Node 16 ([4cd0780](
* **design:** add exports for external usage ([#2173]( ([5e2700c](
* **design:** add missing peer dependencies ([#2174]( ([ba9c582](
* **design:** handle root theme variables ([#2179]( ([fb54393](
* **design:** remove tilde from cdk and modern normalize module imports ([#2178]( ([9c956c8](
* **reviews:** collection actions don't change loading state ([#2170]( ([5e15933](
* **reviews:** magento query not cacheable ([#2169]( ([bec37a0](

* feat!(deps): upgrade to node16 ([89fbede](

### [0.44.1]( (2022-09-01)

### Features

* **category:** remove old fields from  `MockDaffCategoryFacade` ([#2163]( ([df175b0](
* **design:** update root theme css variables implmentation ([#2164]( ([79ae505](
* **reviews:** provide `DaffReviewedProductFactory` in product factory ([#2165]( ([2ef135c](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** fix module path in theme-css-variables and update token mixin name ([#2167]( ([cccd94b](

## [0.44.0]( (2022-08-23)


* **category:** - `DaffCategoryPageFilterActionTypes` has been renamed to `DaffCategoryPageProductCollectionActionTypes`
- `CategoryPageChangeSizeAction`, `CategoryPageChangeCurrentPageAction`, and `CategoryPageChangeSortingOptionAction` have been moved to `DaffCategoryPageProductCollectionActionTypes`
- all product collection related selectors and facade fields have been moved to `DaffCategoryPageProductCollectionSelectors` and `DaffCategoryProductCollectionFacade` repsectively

### Features

* **category:** set applied sort option and direction ([#2160]( ([5ed70ae](
* **category:** use product collection routing ([#2162]( ([597ab41](
* **category:** use product collection state ([#2161]( ([9eb3089](
* **core:** ensure `currentPage` value is greater than 0 ([#2159]( ([0d8c4aa](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews/driver/in-memory` ([#2139]( ([1ca8e80](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews/driver/magento/testing` ([#2139]( ([89ea154](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews/driver/magento` ([#2139]( ([85d8eef](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews/driver/testing` ([#2139]( ([a2ce36b](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews/driver` ([#2139]( ([e8c2865](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews/state/testing` ([#2139]( ([3977744](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews/state` ([#2139]( ([0a201c5](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews/testing` ([#2139]( ([9b7d9cc](
* **reviews:** add `@daffodil/reviews` ([#2139]( ([bb95672](

### [0.43.1]( (2022-08-09)

### Features

* **search:** reset results state when a search begins ([#2155]( ([2394f16](

## [0.43.0]( (2022-08-06)


* **product:** removes `DaffProductCollectionResponse`
* **category,product:** `DaffProductCollectionRequest` and `DaffProductCollectionMetadata` now extend from collection interfaces in `@daffodil/core`. snake_cased keys have been changed to camelCase and `total_products` has been changed to `count`. A required `ids` field has been added to `DaffProductCollectionMetadata`. `DaffCategoryPageMetadata#product_ids` has been removed; use the extended `DaffCollectionMetadata#ids`.
* **core:** collection related fields have been changed from snake_case to camelCase
* **design:** dependents must use the new `@forward` and `@use` syntax of sass.

* **design:** sass import path has changed from @daffodil/design/* to @daffodil/design/scss/*
* **category,product:** all product filter, sorting, and pagination related features have been renamed and moved to `@daffodil/product`
* **core,category:** `DaffNumericallyPaginable`, `DaffSortable`, `DaffSortOption`, `DaffSortOptions`, and `DaffSortDirectionEnum` have all been moved to `@daffodil/core`

* feat(category): fix breaking changes

### Features

* **all:** remove `Dict` and replace with `Record` ([#2120]( ([590b5e1](
* **branding:** update  to sass module system ([#2117]( ([ddf8e78](
* **cart,product:** add `DaffProductNotFoundError` ([#2136]( ([ba56a15](
* **cart:** do not cache magento driver apollo queries ([#2099]( ([ab6bb46](
* **category,product:** add `total_products` to `DaffProductCollectionMetadata` ([#2107]( ([8f71ae8](
* **category,product:** move product collection to `@daffodil/product` ([#2053]( ([7a571b7](
* **category,product:** use collection models and fix breaking changes ([#2123]( ([04c9627](
* **category:** use parent factories ([#2134]( ([3caf02e](
* **core,category:** move collection models to root and add factories ([#2103]( ([5df3bb8](
* **core:** add `DaffCollectionPageOutOfBoundsError` ([#2118]( ([a6cba18](
* **core:** add `daffIdentifiableArrayToDict` ([#2119]( ([eba0ce7](
* **core:** add `daffIdentityReducer` ([#2100]( ([4459ea0](
* **core:** add additional collection interfaces and factories ([#2122]( ([d1bc9b3](
* **core:** add collection action interfaces ([#2133]( ([a6d1eb2](
* **core:** add collection facade ([#2142]( ([6a84c2b](
* **core:** add collection initial state and adapter ([#2137]( ([93a6757](
* **core:** add collection metadata and request builders ([#2135]( ([3033abd](
* **core:** add collection selector factory ([#2140]( ([23aa4ac](
* **core:** camelCase `DaffNumericallyPaginable` and `DaffSortable` fields ([#2123]( ([e429279](
* **daffio, design-land:** update and design-land to use the theme switch package ([#2073]( ([0956adc](
* **daffio:** update  to sass module system ([#2117]( ([1b38d66](
* **demo:** update  to sass module system ([#2117]( ([3142bea](
* **design-land:** update design land to sass module system ([#2117]( ([6436b2f](
* **design:** allow root css variables to be used with or without theme switching ([#2126]( ([a7c3493](
* **design:** change import path for daffodil sass files ([b79dfe1](
* **design:** update theming to sass module system ([#2117]( ([421288d](
* **design:** use sass module system ([#2113]( ([5dbec30](
* **product-composite,configurable:** change reducers to adapter pattern ([#2114]( ([35cb6e9](
* **product:** add `DaffProductCollectionRequestFactory` ([#2130]( ([a8d4ef6](
* **product:** add `DaffProductGetCollectionRequestFromRoute` ([#2106]( ([147142d](
* **product:** add `DaffProductRoutingCollectionEffects` ([#2147]( ([f836fb0](
* **product:** add `DaffProductRoutingModule` ([#2148]( ([0d5d06b](
* **product:** add collection metadata and request builders and organize ([#2138]( ([c684cc0](
* **product:** add collection metadata state ([#2105]( ([1c2205b](
* **product:** add support for injectable reducers ([#2116]( ([a18ae31](
* **product:** default filters to `{}` in collection adapter ([#2150]( ([1932bcf](
* **product:** move collection request fields to constant ([#2145]( ([ef1fadb](
* **product:** replace `DaffProductCollectionResponse` with `DaffProductCollection` ([#2132]( ([59f6f50](
* **product:** replace query param tokens with config ([#2144]( ([0003e65](
* **product:** transform sort option and direction in Magento driver ([#2108]( ([d33cf62](
* **product:** use `MockCollectionMetadata` in factory ([#2129]( ([59f1783](
* **release:** list remaining placeholder deps in leaf version error ([#2154]( ([c9097cd](
* **search-category:** add `@daffodil/search-category/driver/in-memory` ([#2149]( ([708348d](
* **search-category:** add `@daffodil/search-category/driver/magento` ([#2149]( ([50a6f8c](
* **search-category:** add `@daffodil/search-category/driver/testing` ([#2149]( ([6687a8d](
* **search-category:** add `@daffodil/search-category/driver` ([#2149]( ([7218809](
* **search-category:** add `@daffodil/search-category/testing` ([#2149]( ([498b3ff](
* **search-category:** add `@daffodil/search-category` ([#2149]( ([9e4eb3f](
* **search-product-composite:** add `@daffodil/search-product-composite/state` ([#2149]( ([43ea26f](
* **search-product-composite:** add `@daffodil/search-product-composite` ([#2149]( ([3e2b395](
* **search-product-configurable:** add `@daffodil/search-product-configurable/state` ([#2149]( ([93d9c20](
* **search-product-configurable:** add `@daffodil/search-product-configurable` ([#2149]( ([f17caad](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product/driver/in-memory` ([#2149]( ([212b3e6](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product/driver/magento` ([#2149]( ([0ab53dc](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product/driver/testing` ([#2149]( ([3612e99](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product/driver` ([#2149]( ([d995677](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product/routing` ([#2149]( ([9e549a8](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product/state/testing` ([#2149]( ([42b0cf8](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product/state` ([#2149]( ([a5a84ee](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product/testing` ([#2149]( ([5a837ca](
* **search-product:** add `@daffodil/search-product` ([#2149]( ([b3ec86d](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search/driver/federated` ([#2149]( ([703db7a](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search/driver/in-memory` ([#2149]( ([282d6e4](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search/driver/testing` ([#2149]( ([aba5790](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search/driver` ([#2149]( ([7b00ccc](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search/routing` ([#2149]( ([01652e3](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search/state/testing` ([#2149]( ([7f096b0](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search/state` ([#2149]( ([a4fb2a8](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search/testing` ([#2149]( ([b95f944](
* **search:** add `@daffodil/search` ([#2149]( ([021d74b](
* **theme-switch:** create theme switch package ([#2073]( ([db0e6aa](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** magento driver not passing street2 value ([#2127]( ([28da523](
* **category,product:** magento driver setting wrong collection count ([#2151]( ([231e33d](
* **design-land:** fix style file variable ([#2124]( ([aee9d2d](

### [0.42.4]( (2022-05-11)

### [0.42.3]( (2022-05-11)

### Features

* **content:** add `@daffodil/content` ([#2097]( ([d22e91c](
* **content:** send Magento blocks request as GET ([#2098]( ([89ee013](
* **design:** clean up button styles and update docs ([#2092]( ([18a5306](

### [0.42.2]( (2022-05-03)

### Features

* **analytics:** add cart pageview type ([#2094]( ([fb717ee](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart resolver not listening for new resolve actions ([#2093]( ([769c4fe](

### [0.42.1]( (2022-04-25)

### Features

* **cart:** reset order errors when cart is successfully mutated ([#2089]( ([18335e4](
* **demo:** add product ID resolver ([#2087]( ([0810ef5](
* **design-land:** update code preview UI ([#2072]( ([af8465b](
* **driver:** export error codes ([#2091]( ([4781400](

## [0.42.0]( (2022-04-18)


* **external-router:** previously, the value of an individual daffPath key was a string. This was nonsensical, so we broke it.

### Features

* **external-router:** add a new Magento v2.4.3 driver ([#2085]( ([802bb79](
* **external-router:** allow for additional data to be stored on daffPaths in externally routed Routes. ([#2084]( ([aecf893](
* **seo:** add a native @angular/router tracking layer ([#2083]( ([ae4e4a0](

## [0.41.0]( (2022-04-06)


* **all:** `apollo-angular` is now required for graphql drivers instead of `@damienwebdev/apollo-angular`
* rxjs v7 is now a peer dependency

### Features

* **analytics:** add `@daffodil/analytics` and `@daffodil/analytics-provider-data-layer` ([#2076]( ([ada398f](
* **daffio:** clean up 404 page ([#2060]( ([cf4c6a3](
* **design-land:** add highlight.js a11y themes to dark and light mode ([#2064]( ([4d20670](
* **design-land:** add theme switch functionality to design land ([#2059]( ([c51d9b4](
* **design:** clean up article styles ([#2062]( ([309e4c6](
* **design:** update disabled button colors to switch correctly in dark mode ([#2074]( ([49e4baf](
* **design:** update quantity field focus functionality ([#1716]( ([f312c35](
* **tools-dgeni:** add a markdown processor that highlights code blocks ([d1b442d](

### Bug Fixes

* **daffio:** update platform logos to work in dark mode ([#2054]( ([8a43fb8](

* **all:** use new `apollo-angular` version and replace workaround p… ([#2071]( ([f54d537](
* upgrade `rxjs` and `jasmine-marbles` ([#2065]( ([c0781be](, closes [/](

### [0.40.1]( (2022-03-23)

## [0.40.0]( (2022-03-23)


* dependents should upgrade to Angular 13, including ngrx 13 and TS 4.4

### Features

* **all:** @angular/cli migration - update-angular-config-v12 ([#2013]( ([6a9aa84](
* **all:** @angular/cli migration - update-zonejs ([#2013]( ([dcac357](, closes [/](
* **all:** Angular CLI update for packages - @angular/core@^12, @angular/cli@^12, @angular/cdk@^12, @ngrx/store@^12, @angular-devkit/build-angular@^12, @angular-eslint/builder@^12, @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome@^0.9.0, @nguniversal/express-engine@^12, @nguniversal/builders@^12 ([#2013]( ([50db140](
* **all:** replace `apollo-angular` with `@damienwebdev/apollo-angular` ([#2013]( ([700a53c](
* **all:** upgrade dependencies to Angular 13 ([#2013]( ([222b66a](
* **category,product,product-composite,product-configurable:** specify selectors type params ([#2013]( ([2589608](
* **core:** remove ref to `EmptyObject` ([#2030]( ([66a45f6](
* **daffio:** add theme switch functionality to ([#2016]( ([ef415fd](
* **daffio:** update footer UI ([#2020]( ([84dc80d](
* **demo:** default import possible types json ([#2013]( ([bd59a37](
* **demo:** import `ApolloModule` in Magento module ([#2013]( ([7093fdb](
* **design:** add Daffodil theming service ([#1967]( ([73658a2](
* **design:** export design example components ([#2036]( ([b427334](
* **design:** remove wcag requirements on button ([#2021]( ([c72a9a3](
* **design:** update icon button sizes to meet wcag touch target requirements ([#2019]( ([798453d](
* **design:** workaround decorator issue in mixins ([#2037]( ([07cfb33](
* **docs:** clean up api list page ([#1966]( ([bf0f68e](
* upgrade to Angular 13 ([a791b49](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** server side cart resolution completes cart loading ([#2027]( ([8c01f37](
* **daffio:** broken assets paths on server ([#2028]( ([c7c061b](
* **design-land:** fix paginator import path ([#2046]( ([8cb0325](
* **design:** DAFF_THEME_INITIALIZER not exported properly ([cb89c5a](
* **design:** NPE when input element cannot be found ([#2043]( ([2f7cf39](

### [0.39.13]( (2022-02-28)

### Features

* **core:** add server safe base64 service ([#2007]( ([afe000a](
* **order:** use Magento `region_code` for `region` ([#1995]( ([8812417](

### Bug Fixes

* **composite-product:** magento item options in wrong order ([#1997]( ([04b72fa](
* **contact, newsletter:** allow hubspot drivers to be used together ([#2002]( ([d97179e](
* **contact,newsletter:** correct dependency listings ([#2003]( ([736118e](
* **product-composite:** magento driver tries to sort immutable array ([#1999]( ([e79ccdf](

### [0.39.12]( (2022-02-16)

### Features

* **cart,demo:** use DaffDriverResponse for get call and handle partial success ([#1988]( ([6ce9b2f](
* **cart:** add remove out of stock state ([#1956]( ([5ac115f](
* **cart:** fix infinite recurse on subsequent delete OOS calls ([#1991]( ([e2751d1](
* **cart:** set recoverable on OOS error in Magento get call ([#1990]( ([c22f3b5](
* **core,driver:** return generic error as a fallback ([#1986]( ([9a36be1](
* **core:** add `recoverable` field to `DaffError` and `DaffStateError` ([#1982]( ([b7d39b7](
* **driver:** add `DaffDriverResponse` ([#1983]( ([ef7992c](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** items removed by delete oos not removed from entity state ([#1981]( ([4cfe920](
* **cart:** out of stock cart errors persist after successful delete oos ([#1980]( ([b064d33](

### [0.39.11]( (2022-02-06)

### Features

* **cart:** add `itemEntities$` field to the cart facade ([#1975]( ([9dc15af](
* **cart:** export magento mock model classes ([#1973]( ([c210584](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** creating a cart does not clear the cart in state ([#1972]( ([b282b34](
* **tools:** release script ignoring dep versions from root dev deps ([#1978]( ([86f6432](

### [0.39.10]( (2022-02-01)

### Features

* **cart:** add `DaffCartInStockItemsGuard` ([#1960]( ([9f21c97](
* **cart:** add `selectOutOfStockCartItems` and `selectInStockCartItems` ([#1959]( ([cb8d8c8](
* **cart:** add extra cart item transforms token ([#1965]( ([3a6f98e](
* **cart:** transform no source items Magento error as OOS error ([#1954]( ([2d5ac96](
* **category:** move magento category query fields to fragment ([#1936]( ([a1cbca4](
* **core:** add `DaffKindable` interface ([#1941]( ([46405fd](
* **core:** make the `type` param of `DaffModelFactory` optional ([#1942]( ([d0873aa](
* **daffio:** clean up support page UI ([#1938]( ([b4d970b](
* **design:** clean up color palettes ([#1964]( ([a8aa089](
* **design:** create daffArticleEncapsulatedMixin to prevent article styles from cascading down to nested @daffodil/design components ([#1917]( ([0e517ff](
* **design:** deprecate DaffFeatureComponent ([#1928]( ([9b398ad](
* **design:** implement daffArticleEncapsulatedMixin ([#1917]( ([cfa4718](
* **design:** update card title font size on mobile devices ([#1937]( ([68eebf3](
* **design:** update navbar component ([#1926]( ([640141d](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart,category,product:** unsafe chars in model factory URLs ([#1931]( ([753e272](
* **cart:** magento driver returns `null` cart items ([#1953]( ([ef0e2bc](
* **category:** magento driver misreferencing category products in response ([#1934]( ([f084cfa](
* **design:** add missing coma to icon button's theme contrast style ([#1957]( ([a330107](

### [0.39.9]( (2021-12-06)

### Features

* **cart:** add errors to cart item entity ([#1927]( ([3bb32b3](
* **cart:** persist driver error in resolver effects ([#1923]( ([34f7c25](
* **daffio:** update card usage in ([#1902]( ([0366757](
* **daffio:** update home page copy and UI ([#1918]( ([97005b8](
* **daffio:** update subfooter UI ([#1904]( ([e43164b](
* **daffio:** update why pwa page ([#1921]( ([334cffa](
* **design:** create manage container layout mixin ([#1906]( ([6aa51b0](
* **design:** implement manage container layout mixin in hero, callout, and navbar components ([#1906]( ([46f89dd](
* **design:** make image component lazy loaded by default ([13db3da](
* **design:** refactor card component ([#1902]( ([642c5ce](

### [0.39.8]( (2021-11-18)

### Features

* **cart:** add `DaffCartItemExceedsMaxQtyError` ([#1901]( ([94c7ef0](
* **cart:** add invalid email error ([#1905]( ([c149387](
* **cart:** transform expired payment token error in magento driver ([#1881]( ([03e9bbc](
* **daffio:** enforce ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush ([#1888]( ([d009695](
* **daffio:** update home page ([#1884]( ([41fd407](
* **design:** deprecate DaffImageGalleryComponent in favor of DaffMediaGalleryComponent ([#1893]( ([9b96cc1](
* **design:** deprecate DaffQtyDropdownComponent in favor of DaffQuantityFieldComponent ([#1897]( ([0811abc](
* **design:** enforce ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush ([#1888]( ([4f70378](
* **design:** update typography size mixins ([#1898]( ([20a48ea](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** allow media gallery to be registered when they are initialized ([#1668]( ([8fa58b8](

### [0.39.7]( (2021-10-26)

### Features

* **cart:** add action to clear coupon errors ([#1875]( ([7bcf190](
* **design:** add `daffCalloutBody` and `daffCalloutIcon` transcludables ([#1870]( ([f7c4318](
* **design:** add `daffHeroBody` and `daffHeroIcon` transcludables ([#1806]( ([e066eb6](
* **design:** create mixin for DaffCompactable interface ([#1874]( ([853546d](
* **design:** implement DaffCompactable interface for DaffCalloutComponent ([#1878]( ([8fbcff9](
* **design:** implement DaffCompactable interface for DaffHeroComponent ([#1877]( ([77a1157](
* **docs:** update design guides verbiage ([#1879]( ([e931718](

### [0.39.6]( (2021-10-14)

### Features

* **core:** only ensure uniqueness for GraphQL fragment names ([#1868]( ([379ca1f](

### [0.39.5]( (2021-10-14)

### Features

* **core:** filter duplicate fragments in GraphQL functions ([#1867]( ([50ecc50](

### [0.39.4]( (2021-10-14)

### Features

* **product,related-products,upsell-products:** add optional products to in-mem driver response ([#1864]( ([db4eb60](
* **product:** remove optional product features ([#1848]( ([3a42280](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** items persisting after order success ([#1866]( ([caaf77e](

### [0.39.3]( (2021-10-09)

### Bug Fixes

* **core:** `randomSlice` doesn't include the last element of the array ([#1857]( ([ed67972](
* **product:** extra extension factory fields overwritten ([#1859]( ([4ac753a](

### [0.39.2]( (2021-10-09)

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** in-memory driver can't get by URL ([#1856]( ([b15af9f](
* **external-router:** in-memory driver returns URLs with leading slashes ([#1854]( ([c7aee32](

### [0.39.1]( (2021-10-05)

### Features

* **category:** prefix category URLs with a leading slash ([#1850]( ([bc9ca11](
* **external-router:** don't truncate leading slash for in-memory driver resolution ([#1851]( ([94e3392](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** wrong configurable product import paths ([#1847]( ([91a24fe](

## [0.39.0]( (2021-10-03)


* **category:** removes the writable `category` field on `DaffInMemoryBackendCategoryService` and replaced it with readonly `categories`

* category protected

* overload category get with url check

* truncate leading slash from category request URL

* category  set total products on metadata

### Features

* **category:** create categories on init in in-memory backend ([#1842]( ([1e556c3](
* **category:** pull `current_page` request field from query params ([#1831]( ([8b12a4c](
* **design:** create theming CSS custom properties ([#1836]( ([1ee580e](
* **external-router:** add in-memory driver ([#1838]( ([9ec846c](
* **product:** expose products in in-memory backend ([#1841]( ([5118892](

### Bug Fixes

* **core:** guard against divide by 0, Infinity, and NaN in `daffDivide` ([#1845]( ([03aaca4](
* **product:** in-memory driver does not allow URLs beginning with slashes ([#1846]( ([3b62a26](
* **related-products,upsell-products:** mock facade field not initialized ([#1828]( ([ac68012](

### [0.38.9]( (2021-09-15)

### Features

* **cart:** throw out of stock error in the item update call ([#1791]( ([faf714b](
* **category:** add extra preview fragments to category products query ([#1747]( ([4b760e7](
* **category:** fix factory partial types ([#1792]( ([3499657](
* **composite-product:** copy composite product features into a new package ([#1690]( ([fe5b99d](
* **configurable-product:** copy configurable product features into a new package ([#1681]( ([0f11fa6](
* **core:** accept mock class instantiation args in constructor ([#1777]( ([04c0d37](
* **core:** add `sample` ([#1786]( ([69706a4](
* **core:** add length param to `randomSlice` ([#1789]( ([0465b21](
* **daffio:** update members table in docs to use article tables ([#1687]( ([09642d4](
* **design:** add article table styles ([#1686]( ([02a1f6f](
* **design:** make @daffodil/design compatible with typescript@^4.0.0 ([#1783]( ([7ef031e](
* **docs-gen:** compute the docGroup of an example from the folder path, not the filename ([#1711]( ([c4d2494](
* **external-router:** add `daffInsertDataPathStrategy` and `daffDataPathUrlMatcher` ([#1767]( ([d148a51](
* **product:** add kind and extension factories ([#1785]( ([0ac027b](
* **product:** add product factory tokens ([#1781]( ([f56e1e1](
* **product:** remove extraneous configurable product fields ([#1738]( ([adcb2ce](
* **product:** use random factory kind in in-memory and testing drivers ([#1811]( ([2a4c4ea](
* **product-composite:** add in-memory driver ([#1816]( ([84caaf0](
* **product-composite:** add testing driver package ([#1815]( ([fb2957b](
* **product-configurable:** add feature and all selector ([#1807]( ([9eee1d9](
* **product-configurable:** add in-memory driver ([#1817]( ([5734b91](
* **product-configurable:** add testing driver package ([#1818]( ([6538e52](
* **related-products:** add in-memory driver module ([#1813]( ([09d3d5e](
* **related-products:** add testing driver module ([#1821]( ([9112bfd](
* **related-products:** DI product kind factory into related products factory ([#1812]( ([998e3e0](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideCanonicalUrlUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_CANONICAL_URL_UPDATES` token ([#1762]( ([da5cb84](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideMetaUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_META_UPDATES` token ([#1757]( ([3354033](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoCanonicalUrlEffects` ([#1763]( ([04dd8f8](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoMetaEffects` ([#1761]( ([926008d](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoTitleEffects` ([#1759]( ([fd9f615](
* **seo:** add canonical URL update model ([#1742]( ([b24e110](
* **seo:** add meta definition models ([#1744]( ([5c1d735](
* **seo:** add meta update model ([#1739]( ([00c33a5](
* **seo:** add page hook effects abstract class ([#1740]( ([9c11f98](
* **seo:** add restoreable meta service ([#1749]( ([b66fe24](
* **seo:** add restoreable service interface ([#1736]( ([f624f00](
* **seo:** add restoreable title service ([#1743]( ([fde1635](
* **seo:** add seo/state and update action pair ([#1708]( ([9fb78cb](
* **seo:** add title update model ([#1741]( ([5fe73fb](
* **seo:** add title updates multi token and provider ([#1752]( ([333401a](
* **seo:** change canonical service to restoreable ([#1745]( ([2f3389d](
* **upsell-products:** add upsell products package ([#1820]( ([63448ad](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart item state prematurely resetting after update ([#1753]( ([160a7b2](
* **cart:** public class members in magento driver ([#1801]( ([e8dd8a1](
* **checkout:** improper creation of partial in testing driver ([#1776]( ([62cfc93](
* **design-land:** fix design-land tsconfig paths ([#1754]( ([8e68fd4](
* **product:** hardcoded search value for getAll query ([#1802]( ([e664dbb](
* **product-composite:** wrong imports and paths ([#1808]( ([e77d255](
* **product-configurable:** wrong imports and paths ([#1809]( ([3203297](
* **tools:** release build task fails ([#1766]( ([2766234](
* **tools-dgeni:** add devDependencies to package.json ([#1805]( ([a1bcbd8](

### [0.38.8]( (2021-09-15)

### Features

* **cart:** throw out of stock error in the item update call ([#1791]( ([faf714b](
* **category:** add extra preview fragments to category products query ([#1747]( ([4b760e7](
* **category:** fix factory partial types ([#1792]( ([3499657](
* **composite-product:** copy composite product features into a new package ([#1690]( ([fe5b99d](
* **configurable-product:** copy configurable product features into a new package ([#1681]( ([0f11fa6](
* **core:** accept mock class instantiation args in constructor ([#1777]( ([04c0d37](
* **core:** add `sample` ([#1786]( ([69706a4](
* **core:** add length param to `randomSlice` ([#1789]( ([0465b21](
* **daffio:** update members table in docs to use article tables ([#1687]( ([09642d4](
* **design:** add article table styles ([#1686]( ([02a1f6f](
* **design:** make @daffodil/design compatible with typescript@^4.0.0 ([#1783]( ([7ef031e](
* **docs-gen:** compute the docGroup of an example from the folder path, not the filename ([#1711]( ([c4d2494](
* **external-router:** add `daffInsertDataPathStrategy` and `daffDataPathUrlMatcher` ([#1767]( ([d148a51](
* **product:** add kind and extension factories ([#1785]( ([0ac027b](
* **product:** add product factory tokens ([#1781]( ([f56e1e1](
* **product:** remove extraneous configurable product fields ([#1738]( ([adcb2ce](
* **product:** use random factory kind in in-memory and testing drivers ([#1811]( ([2a4c4ea](
* **product-composite:** add in-memory driver ([#1816]( ([84caaf0](
* **product-composite:** add testing driver package ([#1815]( ([fb2957b](
* **product-configurable:** add feature and all selector ([#1807]( ([9eee1d9](
* **product-configurable:** add in-memory driver ([#1817]( ([5734b91](
* **product-configurable:** add testing driver package ([#1818]( ([6538e52](
* **related-products:** add in-memory driver module ([#1813]( ([09d3d5e](
* **related-products:** add testing driver module ([#1821]( ([9112bfd](
* **related-products:** DI product kind factory into related products factory ([#1812]( ([998e3e0](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideCanonicalUrlUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_CANONICAL_URL_UPDATES` token ([#1762]( ([da5cb84](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideMetaUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_META_UPDATES` token ([#1757]( ([3354033](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoCanonicalUrlEffects` ([#1763]( ([04dd8f8](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoMetaEffects` ([#1761]( ([926008d](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoTitleEffects` ([#1759]( ([fd9f615](
* **seo:** add canonical URL update model ([#1742]( ([b24e110](
* **seo:** add meta definition models ([#1744]( ([5c1d735](
* **seo:** add meta update model ([#1739]( ([00c33a5](
* **seo:** add page hook effects abstract class ([#1740]( ([9c11f98](
* **seo:** add restoreable meta service ([#1749]( ([b66fe24](
* **seo:** add restoreable service interface ([#1736]( ([f624f00](
* **seo:** add restoreable title service ([#1743]( ([fde1635](
* **seo:** add seo/state and update action pair ([#1708]( ([9fb78cb](
* **seo:** add title update model ([#1741]( ([5fe73fb](
* **seo:** add title updates multi token and provider ([#1752]( ([333401a](
* **seo:** change canonical service to restoreable ([#1745]( ([2f3389d](
* **upsell-products:** add upsell products package ([#1820]( ([63448ad](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart item state prematurely resetting after update ([#1753]( ([160a7b2](
* **cart:** public class members in magento driver ([#1801]( ([e8dd8a1](
* **checkout:** improper creation of partial in testing driver ([#1776]( ([62cfc93](
* **design-land:** fix design-land tsconfig paths ([#1754]( ([8e68fd4](
* **product:** hardcoded search value for getAll query ([#1802]( ([e664dbb](
* **product-composite:** wrong imports and paths ([#1808]( ([e77d255](
* **product-configurable:** wrong imports and paths ([#1809]( ([3203297](
* **tools:** release build task fails ([#1766]( ([2766234](
* **tools-dgeni:** add devDependencies to package.json ([#1805]( ([a1bcbd8](

### [0.38.7]( (2021-09-14)

### Features

* **cart:** throw out of stock error in the item update call ([#1791]( ([faf714b](
* **category:** add extra preview fragments to category products query ([#1747]( ([4b760e7](
* **category:** fix factory partial types ([#1792]( ([3499657](
* **composite-product:** copy composite product features into a new package ([#1690]( ([fe5b99d](
* **configurable-product:** copy configurable product features into a new package ([#1681]( ([0f11fa6](
* **core:** accept mock class instantiation args in constructor ([#1777]( ([04c0d37](
* **core:** add `sample` ([#1786]( ([69706a4](
* **core:** add length param to `randomSlice` ([#1789]( ([0465b21](
* **daffio:** update members table in docs to use article tables ([#1687]( ([09642d4](
* **design:** add article table styles ([#1686]( ([02a1f6f](
* **design:** make @daffodil/design compatible with typescript@^4.0.0 ([#1783]( ([7ef031e](
* **docs-gen:** compute the docGroup of an example from the folder path, not the filename ([#1711]( ([c4d2494](
* **external-router:** add `daffInsertDataPathStrategy` and `daffDataPathUrlMatcher` ([#1767]( ([d148a51](
* **product:** add kind and extension factories ([#1785]( ([0ac027b](
* **product:** add product factory tokens ([#1781]( ([f56e1e1](
* **product:** remove extraneous configurable product fields ([#1738]( ([adcb2ce](
* **product:** use random factory kind in in-memory and testing drivers ([#1811]( ([2a4c4ea](
* **product-composite:** add in-memory driver ([#1816]( ([84caaf0](
* **product-composite:** add testing driver package ([#1815]( ([fb2957b](
* **product-configurable:** add feature and all selector ([#1807]( ([9eee1d9](
* **product-configurable:** add in-memory driver ([#1817]( ([5734b91](
* **product-configurable:** add testing driver package ([#1818]( ([6538e52](
* **related-products:** add in-memory driver module ([#1813]( ([09d3d5e](
* **related-products:** add testing driver module ([#1821]( ([9112bfd](
* **related-products:** DI product kind factory into related products factory ([#1812]( ([998e3e0](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideCanonicalUrlUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_CANONICAL_URL_UPDATES` token ([#1762]( ([da5cb84](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideMetaUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_META_UPDATES` token ([#1757]( ([3354033](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoCanonicalUrlEffects` ([#1763]( ([04dd8f8](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoMetaEffects` ([#1761]( ([926008d](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoTitleEffects` ([#1759]( ([fd9f615](
* **seo:** add canonical URL update model ([#1742]( ([b24e110](
* **seo:** add meta definition models ([#1744]( ([5c1d735](
* **seo:** add meta update model ([#1739]( ([00c33a5](
* **seo:** add page hook effects abstract class ([#1740]( ([9c11f98](
* **seo:** add restoreable meta service ([#1749]( ([b66fe24](
* **seo:** add restoreable service interface ([#1736]( ([f624f00](
* **seo:** add restoreable title service ([#1743]( ([fde1635](
* **seo:** add seo/state and update action pair ([#1708]( ([9fb78cb](
* **seo:** add title update model ([#1741]( ([5fe73fb](
* **seo:** add title updates multi token and provider ([#1752]( ([333401a](
* **seo:** change canonical service to restoreable ([#1745]( ([2f3389d](
* **upsell-products:** add upsell products package ([#1820]( ([63448ad](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart item state prematurely resetting after update ([#1753]( ([160a7b2](
* **cart:** public class members in magento driver ([#1801]( ([e8dd8a1](
* **checkout:** improper creation of partial in testing driver ([#1776]( ([62cfc93](
* **design-land:** fix design-land tsconfig paths ([#1754]( ([8e68fd4](
* **product:** hardcoded search value for getAll query ([#1802]( ([e664dbb](
* **product-composite:** wrong imports and paths ([#1808]( ([e77d255](
* **product-configurable:** wrong imports and paths ([#1809]( ([3203297](
* **tools:** release build task fails ([#1766]( ([2766234](
* **tools-dgeni:** add devDependencies to package.json ([#1805]( ([a1bcbd8](

### [0.38.6]( (2021-09-14)

### Features

* **cart:** throw out of stock error in the item update call ([#1791]( ([faf714b](
* **category:** add extra preview fragments to category products query ([#1747]( ([4b760e7](
* **category:** fix factory partial types ([#1792]( ([3499657](
* **composite-product:** copy composite product features into a new package ([#1690]( ([fe5b99d](
* **configurable-product:** copy configurable product features into a new package ([#1681]( ([0f11fa6](
* **core:** accept mock class instantiation args in constructor ([#1777]( ([04c0d37](
* **core:** add `sample` ([#1786]( ([69706a4](
* **core:** add length param to `randomSlice` ([#1789]( ([0465b21](
* **daffio:** update members table in docs to use article tables ([#1687]( ([09642d4](
* **design:** add article table styles ([#1686]( ([02a1f6f](
* **design:** make @daffodil/design compatible with typescript@^4.0.0 ([#1783]( ([7ef031e](
* **docs-gen:** compute the docGroup of an example from the folder path, not the filename ([#1711]( ([c4d2494](
* **external-router:** add `daffInsertDataPathStrategy` and `daffDataPathUrlMatcher` ([#1767]( ([d148a51](
* **product:** add kind and extension factories ([#1785]( ([0ac027b](
* **product:** add product factory tokens ([#1781]( ([f56e1e1](
* **product:** remove extraneous configurable product fields ([#1738]( ([adcb2ce](
* **product:** use random factory kind in in-memory and testing drivers ([#1811]( ([2a4c4ea](
* **product-composite:** add in-memory driver ([#1816]( ([84caaf0](
* **product-composite:** add testing driver package ([#1815]( ([fb2957b](
* **product-configurable:** add feature and all selector ([#1807]( ([9eee1d9](
* **product-configurable:** add in-memory driver ([#1817]( ([5734b91](
* **product-configurable:** add testing driver package ([#1818]( ([6538e52](
* **related-products:** add in-memory driver module ([#1813]( ([09d3d5e](
* **related-products:** add testing driver module ([#1821]( ([9112bfd](
* **related-products:** DI product kind factory into related products factory ([#1812]( ([998e3e0](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideCanonicalUrlUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_CANONICAL_URL_UPDATES` token ([#1762]( ([da5cb84](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideMetaUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_META_UPDATES` token ([#1757]( ([3354033](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoCanonicalUrlEffects` ([#1763]( ([04dd8f8](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoMetaEffects` ([#1761]( ([926008d](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoTitleEffects` ([#1759]( ([fd9f615](
* **seo:** add canonical URL update model ([#1742]( ([b24e110](
* **seo:** add meta definition models ([#1744]( ([5c1d735](
* **seo:** add meta update model ([#1739]( ([00c33a5](
* **seo:** add page hook effects abstract class ([#1740]( ([9c11f98](
* **seo:** add restoreable meta service ([#1749]( ([b66fe24](
* **seo:** add restoreable service interface ([#1736]( ([f624f00](
* **seo:** add restoreable title service ([#1743]( ([fde1635](
* **seo:** add seo/state and update action pair ([#1708]( ([9fb78cb](
* **seo:** add title update model ([#1741]( ([5fe73fb](
* **seo:** add title updates multi token and provider ([#1752]( ([333401a](
* **seo:** change canonical service to restoreable ([#1745]( ([2f3389d](
* **upsell-products:** add upsell products package ([#1820]( ([63448ad](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart item state prematurely resetting after update ([#1753]( ([160a7b2](
* **cart:** public class members in magento driver ([#1801]( ([e8dd8a1](
* **checkout:** improper creation of partial in testing driver ([#1776]( ([62cfc93](
* **design-land:** fix design-land tsconfig paths ([#1754]( ([8e68fd4](
* **product:** hardcoded search value for getAll query ([#1802]( ([e664dbb](
* **product-composite:** wrong imports and paths ([#1808]( ([e77d255](
* **product-configurable:** wrong imports and paths ([#1809]( ([3203297](
* **tools:** release build task fails ([#1766]( ([2766234](
* **tools-dgeni:** add devDependencies to package.json ([#1805]( ([a1bcbd8](

### [0.38.5]( (2021-08-23)

### Features

* **category:** add extra preview fragments to category products query ([#1747]( ([4b760e7](
* **docs-gen:** compute the docGroup of an example from the folder path, not the filename ([#1711]( ([c4d2494](
* **external-router:** add `daffInsertDataPathStrategy` and `daffDataPathUrlMatcher` ([#1767]( ([d148a51](
* **product:** remove extraneous configurable product fields ([#1738]( ([adcb2ce](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideCanonicalUrlUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_CANONICAL_URL_UPDATES` token ([#1762]( ([da5cb84](
* **seo:** add `daffProvideMetaUpdates` and `DAFF_SEO_META_UPDATES` token ([#1757]( ([3354033](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoCanonicalUrlEffects` ([#1763]( ([04dd8f8](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoMetaEffects` ([#1761]( ([926008d](
* **seo:** add `DaffSeoTitleEffects` ([#1759]( ([fd9f615](
* **seo:** add canonical URL update model ([#1742]( ([b24e110](
* **seo:** add meta definition models ([#1744]( ([5c1d735](
* **seo:** add meta update model ([#1739]( ([00c33a5](
* **seo:** add page hook effects abstract class ([#1740]( ([9c11f98](
* **seo:** add restoreable meta service ([#1749]( ([b66fe24](
* **seo:** add restoreable service interface ([#1736]( ([f624f00](
* **seo:** add restoreable title service ([#1743]( ([fde1635](
* **seo:** add seo/state and update action pair ([#1708]( ([9fb78cb](
* **seo:** add title update model ([#1741]( ([5fe73fb](
* **seo:** add title updates multi token and provider ([#1752]( ([333401a](
* **seo:** change canonical service to restoreable ([#1745]( ([2f3389d](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart item state prematurely resetting after update ([#1753]( ([160a7b2](
* **design-land:** fix design-land tsconfig paths ([#1754]( ([8e68fd4](
* **tools:** release build task fails ([#1766]( ([2766234](

### [0.38.4]( (2021-08-06)

### Features

* **category:** add `canonicalUrl` to category ([#1718]( ([0ba26dd](
* **core:** add canonically locatable interface ([#1715]( ([a459492](
* **design:** add quantity field component ([#1307]( ([7cf1741](
* **design:** adds docs example for DaffModalComponent ([#1717]( ([7942f63](
* **design:** define a type for an exported component example ([#1712]( ([cecb833](
* **product:** add `canonicalUrl` to product ([#1719]( ([60162c1](
* **product:** DaffProduct.images is a required field ([#1713]( ([f7a7b8f](
* **product:** remove unused magento bundled product field ([#1705]( ([8bc77d0](
* **related-products:** add Magento driver ([#1700]( ([30294c3](
* **related-products:** add reducers and meta-reducers ([#1707]( ([ed363c9](
* **related-products:** add selectors and facade ([#1722]( ([b1d251b](
* **related-products:** cast main product from product response ([#1728]( ([ea26b4d](
* **seo:** cache upserted canonical URL and provide in root ([#1710]( ([42883b1](

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** magento product previews need to transform stock status ([#1733]( ([2c852ee](
* **related-products:** arrow functions in provider factory ([#1727]( ([72ea8a3](
* **related-products:** wrong mock class in factory ([#1729]( ([36a0a8b](

### [0.38.3]( (2021-07-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** add workaround for magento not returning bundled product items in related/upsell products ([#1706]( ([da5cc32](

### [0.38.2]( (2021-07-23)

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** Magento driver prefixing thumbnail URL ([#1703]( ([dc9bef0](

### [0.38.1]( (2021-07-23)

### Features

* **product:** add product page facade ([#1702]( ([3f62774](

## [0.38.0]( (2021-07-22)


* **product:** magento product transformers are no longer pure functions but are injectable services
* **core,cart:** daffCreateMetaReducer has changed to daffComposeReducers
* **category:** the api around the "selected" category has changed to "current" category.
* **product:** selectors and facade fields called selectedProduct* have changed or have been removed
* **cart:** DaffCartCoupon has a new required field, id.
* **category:** selector types have changed
* **demo,product:** selector types have changed

### Features

* **cart:** add dependency injectable reducers ([#1655]( ([e64422f](
* **cart:** deprecate DaffCartCoupon.coupon_id and extend the DaffIdentifiable interface ([#1659]( ([8f58d35](
* **cart:** deprecate DaffCompositeCartItemOption.option_id in favor of DaffIdentifiable ([#1635]( ([732a71a](
* **cart:** remove magento object spread in driver transforms ([#1674]( ([a51570c](
* **category:** add root state slice interface ([#1639]( ([c8e1fb5](
* **category:** change wording of selectedCategory to currentCategory ([#1658]( ([c39fd27](
* **core,cart:** daffCreateMetaReducer -> daffComposeReducers ([#1680]( ([6c15ef1](
* **daffio:** add table of contents for guide docs ([#1607]( ([86f644c](
* **demo,product:** add root state slice interface ([#1615]( ([3e227ac](
* **design:** add focus control to form-field ([#1647]( ([64f853e](
* **order:** add state root slice ([#1620]( ([d206b40](
* **order:** deprecate DaffOrderCreditCardPayment.payment_id in favor of DaffIdentifiable interface ([#1636]( ([aad131d](
* **order:** deprecate DaffOrderItem.item_id in favor of the DaffIdentifiable interface ([#1637]( ([db8d758](
* **product:** add dependency injectable meta-reducers ([#1671]( ([39c110c](
* **product:** add magento get product response model ([#1679]( ([37ae04d](
* **product:** add product preview fragment injection token to magento driver ([#1692]( ([03c293d](
* **product:** add support for extra product fragments for Magento ([#1665]( ([5223e8f](
* **product:** add upsell and related products ([#1626]( ([713701d](
* **product:** change instances of selectedProduct to currentProduct and remove instances of selectedProduct that are deprecated ([#1657]( ([3b346a0](
* **product:** enable injection of product preview transformers ([#1684]( ([21b217e](
* **product:** export magento preview fragment ([#1693]( ([91efecb](
* **product:** export mock models ([#1696]( ([0a926ef](
* **product:** inject extra product driver response transforms ([#1669]( ([d018425](
* **related-products:** add related product model ([#1699]( ([9a26c10](
* **related-products:** add related products package scaffold ([#1698]( ([d0e1b7b](
* **seo:** add canonical service ([#1643]( ([0ead503](
* **seo:** add initial package scaffold ([#1633]( ([36a01b8](

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** the DaffConfigurableProductFacade.hasDiscount test is incorrect ([#1641]( ([c7cea5a](
* **tools-dgeni:** the generated guide list should not include the toc ([#1640]( ([36219d9](

## [0.37.0]( (2021-06-25)


* **product:** changes the return type of get and getByUrl

### Features

* **all:** use identifiable interface ([#1625]( ([8924758](
* **cart:** deprecate DaffCartItem.item_id and extend DaffIdentifiabl… ([#1634]( ([370dd5d](
* **order:** fix parameterized selectors ([#1623]( ([b38f3df](
* **product:** add short_description to DaffProduct ([#1631]( ([c57c006](
* **product:** change driver interface to return response object ([#1618]( ([e0e8c33](

### Bug Fixes

* **daffio:** the routing around api and guide docs is not correct ([#1606]( ([f5af449](

### [0.36.1]( (2021-06-21)

### Features

* **core,cart:** add meta reducer factory and use it for cart ([#1605]( ([565f8ba](
* **navigation:** add root state slice interface ([#1612]( ([a8495aa](

### Bug Fixes

* **product, category:** product images from category calls have a bad url ([#1624]( ([8e7be90](

## [0.36.0]( (2021-06-21)


* **product:** type and name are required fields on DaffProduct

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add root state slice interface ([#1617]( ([bbd696a](
* **cart,demo:** add root state slice interface ([#1614]( ([5ea23eb](
* **category:** add meta_name and meta_description to DaffCategory ([#1609]( ([e18b9fa](
* **contact:** add root state slice interface ([#1616]( ([071b0d6](
* **core:** add DaffIdentifiable interface ([#1603]( ([21fac9c](
* **daffio:** update guides sidebar with nested accordions ([#1557]( ([210cde2](
* **geography:** add root state slice interface ([#1611]( ([31e83e8](
* **newsletter:** add root state slice interface ([#1610]( ([31651c8](
* **paypal:** add root state slice interface ([#1613]( ([37d813a](
* **product:** add driver response model ([#1604]( ([88ac1ae](
* **product:** add meta data fields for DaffProduct ([#1619]( ([e297d51](
* **product:** add thumbnail field ([#1599]( ([db49419](
* **product:** make type and name required on product model ([#1602]( ([94ad4e6](
* **tools-dgeni:** add table of contents array to guides list ([#1560]( ([9ed9bdf](

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** magento driver returning duplicate images ([#1598]( ([e607a1e](

## [0.35.0]( (2021-06-09)


* **order:** Guards and `DaffPlacedOrderGuardRedirectUrl` have moved to @daffodil/order/routing and 

### Features

* **all:** update all apps to use system fonts ([#1518]( ([86d42c0](
* **cart:** properly memoize parameterized selectors ([#1590]( ([61b2a2c](
* **core,category:** add array to dict function and use it for filters ([#1578]( ([a9ec23e](
* **demo,product:** properly memoize parameterized selectors ([#1588]( ([de89665](
* **design:** add nav-accordion-item component ([#1555]( ([1ac300f](
* **geography:** properly memoize parameterized selectors ([#1587]( ([125dcb3](
* **order:** add routing subpackage ([#1554]( ([62da8ba](
* **tools-dgeni:** add processor for the [@inheritdoc]( tag ([#1568]( ([a91bbdb](
* **tools-dgeni:** enable links generation for api docs ([#1550]( ([907fa86](

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** parameterized selectors not properly memoized ([#1589]( ([6cccc53](
* **tools-dgeni:** correct the processing of inherited docs ([#1584]( ([20e5cd3](

## [0.34.0]( (2021-05-19)


* **cart:** DaffCartItem#url is a new required field
* **category:** category config and default page size token have been removed
* **category,navigation:** DaffNavigationBreadcrumb field names have changed
* **product:** URI has been changed to URL
* **category:** Many new API member names have changed from URI to URL

### Features

* **cart:** locatable cart items ([#1545]( ([c38815d](
* **category:** remove category config and default page size token ([#1520]( ([8fa13b2](
* **category:** remove the category ID filter from response ([#1528]( ([0d75e75](
* **category:** reset category state ID on load, add LoadByUri state computation ([#1512]( ([e440a4e](
* **category:** use locatable interface and change URI to URL ([#1514]( ([bde7fad](
* **category,navigation:** use locatable and remove category prefix from breadcrumbs ([#1519]( ([dc500dc](
* **design:** add active style to stroked button ([#1521]( ([5a4767a](
* **design:** add embolden mixin to callout title ([#1546]( ([7cf1337](
* **design:** create DaffTextAlignable interface and implement DaffCalloutComponent ([#1502]( ([d0c8a53](
* **design:** implement DaffTextAlignable in DaffHeroComponent ([#1532]( ([db9787b](
* **design:** update daff-util paths in component files ([#1533]( ([77ea3d7](
* **external-router:** add HTTP code to resolvable route ([#1524]( ([1010a14](
* **external-router:** cache magento 2 urlResolver queries ([#1552]( ([8d552c7](
* **external-router:** export some models ([#1510]( ([800c00f](
* **external-router:** process redirects and errors ([#1516]( ([2d107c6](
* **external-router:** provide full type route in providers ([#1513]( ([156f3a4](
* **product:** add magento productByUri query to the cached query set ([#1551]( ([b453604](
* **product:** reset product ID on load and set on load success ([#1511]( ([8169a4e](
* **product:** use locatable interface and change URI to URL ([#1517]( ([9bf5593](
* **tools-dgeni:** generate documentation for subpackages ([#1548]( ([5825018](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cannot add composite products to cart ([#1540]( ([258e2a0](
* **cart:** faker method not called for URL ([#1547]( ([3c955ff](
* **category:** non-filter page effects not applying filters ([#1530]( ([53f709c](
* **category,navigation:** breadcrumb URL not locatable ([#1542]( ([6c32c54](
* **design:** media-gallery fails to render properly in aot compiled code ([#1508]( ([d8e7363](
* **product:** factory URLs not locatable ([#1549]( ([7c6ebd5](
* **product:** product URL not locatable ([#1541]( ([6d97cc9](

## [0.33.0]( (2021-05-06)


* **product:** product resolvers have moved to a new @daffodil/product/routing subpackage.

### Features

* **core:** add locatable interface ([#1501]( ([3487233](
* **navigation:** add url to DaffGenericNavigationTree ([#1503]( ([d1f5abf](
* **product:** add routing subpackage ([#1504]( ([0d904a5](

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** magento driver setting wrong ID filter key ([#1500]( ([d559bfe](

## [0.32.0]( (2021-05-05)


* **category:** The `DaffCategoryMagentoDriverConfig#uriTruncationStrategy` now uses a function instead of a regex. 
* **category:** The `DaffCategoryPageConfigurationState` was changed to `DaffCategoryPageMetadata`, and many models around category filtering have changed.

Co-authored-by: Damien Retzinger <>
Co-authored-by: Peter Lauck <>
* **design:** A default color from DaffPalette is no longer enforced on hero
* **design:** Errors will be shown if user updates palettes that don't pass WCAG accessibility guidelines
* **design:** base UI of buttons is gray set by base styles instead of the theme-contrast color
* **design:** The icon button's hover and focus state colors have been updated so they only increment by one step
* **design:** color has been added to the focus and active state UI
* **design:** A default color from DaffPalette is no longer enforced on callout
* **design:** The basic button's hover and focus state colors have been updated so they only increment by one step
* **category,navigation:** DaffCategoryBreadcrumb#categoryId is now a string
* **design:** Daffodil's original "green" palette is changed to `turquoise` to accommodate a more common green palette.
* **category:** URI is now a required field on DaffCategory
* DaffCategoryRequest is now a union. The old DaffCategoryRequest is now DaffCategoryIdRequest. This change impacts the `DaffCategoryServiceInterface` as well.
* **category:** Many model names around category filters have changed.
* **design:** stroked button's hover UI now has an opaque background

### Features

* **cart:** move guards and resolvers to a new routing subpackage ([#1497]( ([be8d9e8](
* **category:** add category filter models, category page metadata model, errors, and factories ([#1448]( ([bbf62f1](
* **category:** add filter type field query to replacement driver ([#1454]( ([9f75983](
* **category:** add functions to manage category filters ([#1449]( ([9d1478b](
* **category:** add get by URI action and effect ([#1469]( ([4934357](
* **category:** add getByUri driver call ([#1461]( ([60d58b0](
* **category:** add URI field to category model ([#1462]( ([e1a8799](
* **category:** add URI resolver ([#1477]( ([a8ede25](
* **category:** add url suffix and URI truncation to Magento driver ([#1468]( ([df57ddd](
* **category:** append url_suffix to category url key ([#1464]( ([6f99abd](
* **category:** change driver and state subpackages to use the new category filter changes ([#1451]( ([a706ffc](
* **category:** normalize URI in resolver before dispatching ([#1490]( ([edd02cb](
* **category:** remove 'Replacement' suffix from any category models … ([#1457]( ([e5472d7](
* **category:** truncate URI with function ([#1489]( ([ebd0446](
* **category,navigation:** replace category ID with UID in magento driver ([#1475]( ([90455aa](
* **core:** add URI truncation functions and normalizer service ([#1488]( ([bd07f7a](
* **core:** handle missing leading slash in query fragment truncation ([#1493]( ([411c3ff](
* **daffio, branding:** update daffio to use discord information ([#1445]( ([64928fb](
* **design:** add a media-gallery component ([#1206]( ([a131764](
* **design:** add statusable interface to button ([#1478]( ([f0dd613](
* **design:** adjust primary palette to scale the same way as rest of palettes ([#1480]( ([bf1304f](
* **design:** enforce WCAG accessibility guidelines for buttons ([#1478]( ([9e6101a](
* **design:** remove animation on raised button and update state UI ([#1478]( ([fb08aa2](
* **design:** remove default theme and template file on callout component ([#1486]( ([9bef4cc](
* **design:** remove default theme and template file on hero component ([#1463]( ([70ef58b](
* **design:** remove enforcement of default color and add styles to base button styles ([#1478]( ([63d0768](
* **design:** update DaffCardComponent ([#1420]( ([8ea9f2e](
* **design:** update daffodil's "green" palette to turqoise and create green palette ([#1460]( ([b42e2d2](
* **design:** update default card theme to a gray rather than 'theme' ([#1467]( ([7558fb8](
* **design:** update error status to danger ([#1481]( ([98254e8](
* **design:** update gray palette ([#1479]( ([ee0c8ce](
* **design:** update stroked button's background to be fully opaque ([#1478]( ([d7b82d3](
* **design:** update the basic button's UI ([#1478]( ([a5068a0](
* **design:** update the icon button's UI ([#1478]( ([0f0b5f4](
* **design:** update underline button's UI for theme-contrast and disabled to ensure they work in dark mode ([#1478]( ([fd52572](
* **external-router:** truncate driver request and response per driver ([#1495]( ([5f228ab](
* **product:** add uri resolver ([#1472]( ([555d911](
* **product:** add url suffix and URI truncation to Magento driver ([#1466]( ([f0da6ee](
* **product:** normalize URI in resolver before dispatching ([#1492]( ([465176d](
* **product:** truncate URI with function in Magento driver ([#1491]( ([3d20145](
* **tools-jasmine:** add a new jasmine tool with idempotence matchers ([#1438]( ([3a3f8f3](

### Bug Fixes

* **daffio:** widens the api doc name and ellipsis the ref, instead of squishing the label ([#1444]( ([2eb1d59](

*  feat(category): add kinded category requests (#1459) ([c820965](, closes [#1459](

### [0.31.1]( (2021-04-02)

### Features

* **core:** add dictionary type ([#1396]( ([1f95c6e](
* **product:** add getByUrl actions and effects ([#1400]( ([163f761](
* **product:** add getByUrl to drivers ([#1397]( ([ae12e7d](
* **product:** add selector and facade field for composite product di… ([#1398]( ([c2b0716](

## [0.31.0]( (2021-03-26)


* **category:** Category filter action types are now contained in the DaffCategoryPageFilterActionTypes object.
* **auth,demo:** Many imports have moved to various subpackages.

### Features

* **auth,demo:** shard auth package ([#1387]( ([f604158](
* **category:** add additional filter actions ([#1393]( ([8eeb4cd](
* **category:** separate filter actions and effects ([#1389]( ([c49033f](
* **design:** add support for `daffCalloutTagline` in Callout ([#1351]( ([184eb0e](
* **design:** create disableable and focusable interfaces for form field behaviors ([#1308]( ([4d0e4e6](
* **external-router:** add route insertionStrategy ([#1390]( ([50db98d](
* **product:** add a selector and facade field for composite product … ([#1392]( ([18b8a88](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** fix linting errors ([#1391]( ([6a8f10e](

## [0.30.0]( (2021-03-24)


* **paypal:** Many imports have moved to various subpackages.
* **geography:** Errors in state have changed type from `string[]` to `DaffStateError[]`
* **category:** The error type in state has changed from `string` to `DaffStateError`
* **auth:** error types in state have changed from `string` to `DaffStateError`
* **product:** Errors in state have changed type from `string` to `DaffStateError`
* **demo,newsletter:** Many imports have moved to various subpackages. The DaffNewsletterModule has been renamed to DaffNewsletterStateModule
* **contact:** Errors in state have changed type from `string[]` to `DaffStateError[]`
* **navigation:** Errors in state have changed type from `string[]` to `DaffStateError[]`
* **newsletter:** The error type in state has changed from `string` to `DaffStateError`
* **order:** Errors in state have changed type from `string[]` to `DaffStateError[]`
* **paypal:** An error in state has changed type from `string` to `DaffStateError`

### Features

* **auth:** use daff state error ([#1374]( ([baa1985](
* **cart:** set coupon code on invalid coupon error ([#1364]( ([608374a](
* **category:** introduce DaffCategoryPageMetadata ([#1372]( ([6e23c66](
* **category:** replace DaffCategorySortOption with DaffSortOption from core. ([#1363]( ([e74b3d6](
* **category:** use daff state error ([#1378]( ([95489b0](
* **contact:** use daff state error ([#1369]( ([07d08da](
* **core:** use DaffSortOptions in DaffSortable ([#1384]( ([a57f4a1](
* **demo,newsletter:** shard newsletter package ([#1385]( ([93c0669](
* **design:** add support for `daffHeroTagline` in Hero ([#1256]( ([6628584](
* **external-router:** add a magento driver ([#1278]( ([6a782ec](
* **external-router:** add id to resolvable route ([#1379]( ([d0a8bc5](
* **geography:** use daff state errors from failure actions ([#1365]( ([8144a39](
* **navigation:** use daff state error ([#1368]( ([805a90f](
* **newsletter:** use daff state error ([#1367]( ([945167c](
* **order:** use daff state error ([#1366]( ([cc87e4b](
* **paypal:** shard package ([#1386]( ([f2d6bcb](
* **paypal:** use daff state error ([#1370]( ([f15eb24](
* **product:** move base media URL to driver config ([#1377]( ([982fb86](
* **product:** use daff state error ([#1373]( ([4a9e48b](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** fix linting warnings in design package ([#1357]( ([5ecf903](

## [0.29.0]( (2021-03-17)


* **category:** The DaffCategoryPageConfigurationState.sort_options model has changed to include a default option field.

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add in-memory backend ([#1358]( ([1cb377b](
* **cart:** add in-memory extra_attributes hook token ([#1360]( ([a8a3859](
* **cart:** init available shipping methods in in-memory driver ([#1356]( ([98079ff](
* **cart,demo,order:** add cart store feature key ([#1334]( ([3f72365](
* **category:** add stateful category page configuration state model ([#1362]( ([c4e346d](
* **category:** add store feature key ([#1346]( ([f34da80](
* **category:** expose a configuration object for `@daffodil/category/state` ([#1353]( ([1adcc16](
* **category:** remove generics on PageConfiguration and Request ([#1347]( ([0639052](
* **core,cart:** extend and clarify DaffStates and DaffStateable ([#1302]( ([a1567c0](
* **design:** create skeleton mixin ([#1354]( ([11ad6ab](
* **tools:** add eslint shareable config ([#1359]( ([843827e](

### Bug Fixes

* **authorizenet:** null injector error when using in-memory api ([#1355]( ([140eb22](
* **category:** the applied_sort_option is not being set to the defaul… ([#1352]( ([0cef523](
* **design-land:** fix example viewers not using the container ([#1350]( ([f701100](
* **design-land:** fix merge conflict in design-land app routing ([#1348]( ([c9612db](

### [0.28.1]( (2021-03-10)

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** export DaffCategoryStateModule ([#1345]( ([f4b786e](

## [0.28.0]( (2021-03-10)


* **category:** many imports have moved and DaffCategoryModule has been removed.
Use DaffCategoryRoutingModule and DaffCategoryStateModule for the previous behavior.

### Features

* **category:** shard category package ([#1333]( ([1643d18](
* **category,demo,product:** add product store feature key ([#1338]( ([3e8571c](
* **contact:** add store feature key ([#1335]( ([18ebe25](
* **core, category:** introduce DaffSortable for collections of elements ([#1325]( ([accf735](
* **newsletter:** add store feature key ([#1336]( ([c79a611](
* **paypal:** add store feature key ([#1337]( ([0dded9e](

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** product page actions do not initialize composite and configurable product state ([#1330]( ([4d0bed4](

## [0.27.0]( (2021-03-09)


* **core, product:** the interface name changed, the above swap is sufficient to breakfix.
* **category:** In an attempt to improve legibility, we've migrated the action names to begin with the prefix "CategoryPage". Users will need to update their types.
* **product:** many references to @daffodil/product have changed to various subpackages
* **category:** The types related to category page actions have been moved to "DaffCategoryPageActions" and "DaffCategoryPageActionTypes"
* **cart:** The DaffResolveCartServerSide action now requires an argument to its constructor

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add driver error code enum ([#1190]( ([740be99](
* **cart:** set an error cart-item daffState on failure ([#1321]( ([903f803](
* **cart:** use cart resolution specific error in resolve effect ([#1306]( ([b1d8695](
* **category:** move page actions to "DaffCategoryPageActions" and "DaffCategoryPageActionTypes" ([#1310]( ([32fcb7c](
* **category:** rename category actions ([#1315]( ([5504fcc](
* **core:** introduce DaffNumericallyPaginable for collections ([#1324]( ([91e0af2](
* **core, product:** rename DaffSortable to DaffOrderable ([#1323]( ([d2afe9a](
* **product:** split package into more specific subpackages ([#1145]( ([b7e353f](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** fix article directive file names ([#1265]( ([facf7cc](
* **navigation:** magento sometimes returns null in place of arrays ([#1312]( ([7df43c5](

## [0.26.0]( (2021-02-25)


* **product:** the actions for product pages have changed type. They are now held on the DaffProductPageActionTypes.

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** add DaffProductPageEffects in the DaffProductStateModule ([#1305]( ([a766c8e](

### [0.25.2]( (2021-02-25)

### Features

* **design:** create DaffMutatable interface ([#1301]( ([2bbe805](
* **design:** make DaffSkeletonable interface public ([#1300]( ([6e2cfa2](
* **design:** update mutable interface name ([#1304]( ([6eb4ed4](
* **external-router:** add external-router ([#1240]( ([afa92fd](
* **product:** add product page actions and effects ([#1303]( ([0d1c0ff](

### [0.25.1]( (2021-02-18)

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** magento cart item transformer crashes when discounts is null ([#1297]( ([5976e5e](
* **category:** magento cacheable queries are not being added to the list of cacheable queries ([#1296]( ([5e3a3cd](

## [0.25.0]( (2021-02-18)


* **design:** this drops support for the old heading-* verions and additionally drops the support for the -xs variant. We've determined that attempting to make text smaller tends to lead to illeginle text, and as such we've shifted all the text flavors up from xs -> sm ... and added a new -xl variant.

### Features

* **all:** add cacheable queries to the magento cacheable queries list ([#1270]( ([f86eb48](
* **all:** use optional chaining ([#1263]( ([b92039f](
* **cart:** add cart item price selectors ([#1283]( ([45739b6](
* **cart:** remove cart item discount fields ([#1280]( ([c343680](
* **core, driver:** add infrastructure for making cacheable apollo queries per platform ([#1264]( ([233f42b](
* **demo:** init ngrx booleans to false ([#1261]( ([3846ff3](
* **design:** add caption mixin from daff-typography ([#1186]( ([3237df1](
* **design:** add new body mixin to daff-typography ([#1186]( ([bc5d9b1](
* **design:** create compactable interface ([#1258]( ([db6b0bc](
* **design:** create DaffSkeletonable interface ([#1285]( ([eccd790](
* **design:** provide Radio Registry at the root ([#1252]( ([740ea7d](
* **design:** rename heading-* mixins to headline-* ([#1186]( ([aa003b8](
* **design:** updates the font sizes on typography mixins ([#1186]( ([2daf9c9](
* **navigation:** sort magento navigation categories by position ([#1254]( ([441fbca](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** in-memory api does not update collection of carts as expected ([#1255]( ([6ac660e](
* **category:** multiple category load requests are no longer canceled ([#1287]( ([d7aceef](

## [0.24.0]( (2021-01-26)


* **all:** The types of all ID-related fields are now type string
* **all:** Dropped support for Angular v8 and v9

### Features

* **all:** change ID type to string and generate IDs with uuid ([#1245]( ([362f6e1](
* **all:** pass generic type to ModuleWithProviders ([#1229]( ([d958ee4](
* **all:** provide mock facade in root and with useExisting ([#1217]( ([90db80c](
* **auth:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([f8f8756](
* **authorizenet:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([ebec1bc](
* **cart:** add default value for extra cart fragments token ([#1239]( ([c6a1de1](
* **cart:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([9e7289e](
* **cart:** add typename on all Magento responses ([#1229]( ([a9b01b8](
* **cart:** provide cart item testing driver service ([#1218]( ([07a6a10](
* **cart:** provide magento transformers in root ([#1229]( ([b2187dc](
* **cart:** transform invalid coupon code error from message ([#1199]( ([2e59eeb](
* **cart:** update to support @apollo/client 3 and apollo-angular ([#1229]( ([7837d80](
* **category:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([3fd50a3](
* **checkout:** add export ([#1229]( ([cf4e942](
* **contact:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([f8c313b](
* **core:** add scan generic in substream ([#1229]( ([2759927](
* **core:** update to support @apollo/client 3 and apollo-angular 2 ([#1229]( ([8bbf1fe](
* **demo:** update to support @apollo/client 3 and apollo-angular 2 ([#1229]( ([578476c](
* **design:** add checkbox CVA export ([#1229]( ([0e32e9a](
* **design:** add Directive decorator to mixin ([#1229]( ([01e1ef6](
* **design:** add form error messages export ([#1229]( ([a8922d1](
* **design:** add modal exports ([#1229]( ([a78a8d5](
* **design:** add radio CVA export ([#1229]( ([9720278](
* **design-land:** remove unused entryComponents ([#1229]( ([c874fba](
* **driver:** add typename to Magento models ([#1229]( ([1f81c64](
* **external-router:** add new external routing package scaffold ([#1216]( ([de7af27](
* **geography:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([08010e9](
* **geography:** add typename to Magento models ([#1229]( ([2adbdc3](
* **geography:** update to support @apollo/client 3 and apollo-angular 2 ([#1229]( ([f7717ad](
* **navigation:** update to support @apollo/client 3 and apollo-angular 2 ([#1229]( ([6d00c08](
* **newsletter:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([525434f](
* **order:** add default value for extra order fragments token ([#1238]( ([c1409af](
* **order:** add order payment to invoice fragment ([#1234]( ([62375cd](
* **order:** add typename to driver response models ([#1229]( ([86dfb7f](
* **order:** randomly generate product name and SKU in order item fac… ([#1222]( ([0b7de2c](
* **order:** update to support @apollo/client 3 and apollo-angular 2 ([#1229]( ([64a941d](
* **paypal:** add default generic types to transformer interface ([#1229]( ([a94557f](
* **paypal:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([043a8db](
* **paypal:** update to support @apollo/client 3 and apollo-angular 2 ([#1229]( ([81c605d](
* **product:** add injection token types ([#1229]( ([8e0e776](
* **product:** add typename to driver response models ([#1229]( ([7a7c2c6](
* **product:** update to support @apollo/client 3 and apollo-angular 2 ([#1229]( ([714f63c](

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** default sort option transformer cannot set read only property '0' ([#1237]( ([38b9959](
* **demo:** aot compatible driver map ([#1229]( ([6f20d90](
* **design:** handle edge case with [@self]( injected control ([#1229]( ([81b245b](

* **all:** upgrade Angular to v10 package and dependencies ([#1229]( ([7e15e0a](

### [0.23.1]( (2021-01-11)

### Features

* **navigation:** export the MagentoBreadcrumb interface ([#1215]( ([5fddf83](

## [0.23.0]( (2021-01-11)


* **cart:** this token has been renamed to `DAFF_CART_MAGENTO_EXTRA_CART_FRAGMENTS`, simply swap your existing token with the new one.

### Features

* **cart:** rename extra cart fragments token ([#1208]( ([83c87fd](
* **navigation:** get breadcrumbs with navigation queries ([#1210]( ([00542a7](

### [0.22.1]( (2021-01-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart item states get reset when DaffCartItemUpdateSuccess actions are dispatched ([#1205]( ([f4a7ea4](

## [0.22.0]( (2021-01-05)


* **cart:** The selectItemMutating selector is now a derived selector of all cart item states and is called selectCartItemMutating

### Features

* **cart:** add more driver errors ([#1198]( ([05a0a15](
* **cart/state:** add specification for server-side cart resolution ([#1193]( ([e21f1cd](
* **core:** swap persistence to server error on server by default ([#1200]( ([9184640](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** fix bug where concurrent cart item updates would result in… ([#1203]( ([486dda7](
* **core:** queued apollo mutation errors prevent subsequent requests ([#1196]( ([cc43940](

### [0.21.3]( (2020-12-22)

### Features

* **cart:** transform cart errors with injectable error matcher ([#1147]( ([98f894d](
* **product:** make DaffProduct.images a required field ([#1195]( ([d4b5e43](

### [0.21.2]( (2020-12-18)

### Features

* **cart:** queue mutations in magento driver ([#1191]( ([100bbc0](
* **core:** add queued apollo service ([#1187]( ([c125b7c](

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** category breadcrumbs return from magento in alphabetic… ([#1188]( ([4eeb037](
* **product:** configurable product selectable attributes include out of stock variants ([#1189]( ([2248754](

### [0.21.1]( (2020-12-16)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add driver errors ([#1171]( ([bf893f4](
* **authorizenet:** map errors in magento driver ([#1183]( ([64882a1](
* **authorizenet:** transform errors to state with injected error matcher ([#1182]( ([d305410](
* **core:** add storage service that errors on the server ([#1180]( ([3f47e76](
* **navigation:** shard packages ([#1181]( ([05d67e7](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** some cart fields disappear during mutations that do not retrieve the entire cart ([#1184]( ([1c9e0e5](

## [0.21.0]( (2020-12-07)


* **cart:** The type of the `selectCartResolved` has changed to `DaffCartResolvedState` enum. The type of the `resolved$` facade field has changed in the same way

### Features

* **cart:** add selector for total cart items ([#1178]( ([b1d3d69](
* **cart:** improve CartResolution action hygiene, change resolved state to enum ([#1176]( ([d0cbf78](
* **product:** add selectors for product prices and discounted prices ([#1177]( ([f966124](

### [0.20.3]( (2020-12-02)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add error matcher injection token ([#1172]( ([56baf73](
* **product:** add a selector for getting all variants of a configurable product ([#1174]( ([429d7a2](

### [0.20.2]( (2020-11-30)

### Features

* **cart:** add resolved cart guard ([#1170]( ([7e747af](
* **order:** add a selector for whether an order has a discount ([#1169]( ([818d919](

### Bug Fixes

* **navigation:** the getCategoryNodeFragment magento query does not work ([#1168]( ([0b44bd6](

### [0.20.1]( (2020-11-28)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** shard packages and add store feature key ([#1160]( ([2919188](
* **cart:** add cart item guard ([#1164]( ([d4237a4](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** cart item state is set incorrectly in cart item reducers ([#1165]( ([9789d92](

## [0.20.0]( (2020-11-25)


* **authorizenet:** This used to depend on a configuration setting in the driver. This didn't make sense and was widely regarded as a bad move. Instead, we've shifted the configuration setting to its own token that you can toggle at the root as you'd like.

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add new production token to authorizenet package  ([#1161]( ([2cd04c2](
* **cart:** add state to each cart item to indicate if it is new, mutating, etc ([#1126]( ([e65ec68](
* **navigation:** injectable category tree query depth in magento driver ([#1150]( ([a2ce44d](

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** out of stock item options result in a price bug for non… ([#1158]( ([a3dd189](

### [0.19.2]( (2020-11-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** add category page effects to DaffCategoryStateModule ([#1157]( ([79ce0cb](

### [0.19.1]( (2020-11-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** stop category load on DaffCategoryLoadSuccess ([#1156]( ([24bbcce](

## [0.19.0]( (2020-11-20)


* **product:** The selectCompositeProductPricesForConfiguration selector is now selectCompositeProductRequiredItemPricesForConfiguration, and selectCompositeProductPrices is now selectCompositeProductOptionalItemPricesForConfiguration

### Features

* **category:** add page load action ([#1151]( ([4c726b2](
* **product:** allow selectCompositeProductPricesForConfiguration tak… ([#1153]( ([bfa55c6](

## [0.18.0]( (2020-11-18)


* **geography:** DaffGeographyModule is removed. Use DaffGeographyStateModule instead.
* **order:** The order testing package has been split into @daffodil/order/state/testing, @daffodil/order/driver/testing, and @daffodil/order/driver/in-memory

### Features

* **cart:** add error matcher injection token ([#1132]( ([00c9fe6](
* **cart:** cart items now have an Adding state ([#1140]( ([86af522](
* **order:** shard testing packages ([#1138]( ([9794c70](

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** category page resolver should dispatch a category load action regardless of environment ([#1148]( ([565cd96](
* **product:** product page resolver should dispatch a product load regardless of environment ([#1149]( ([a434df3](

* **geography:** remove useless DaffGeographyModule ([#1146]( ([1ff48f2](

### [0.17.2]( (2020-11-15)

### Features

* **cart:** add invalid API response error ([#1133]( ([d572f46](
* **cart:** shard packages  ([#1137]( ([463c9bc](
* **category:** add resolvers for category page server-side rendering ([#1142]( ([42c31cf](
* **geography:** shard packages ([#1113]( ([cfefedc](
* **product:** add resolvers for product page server-side rendering ([#1143]( ([bd8cbb6](

### Bug Fixes

* **builders:** generate-fragment-types builder was built into the wrong directory for demo ([#1136]( ([48c4bad](
* **order:** using wrong item quantity ([#1144]( ([a2f79fa](
* **product:** fix some return types in the MockDaffCompositeProductFacade ([#1134]( ([dde203e](

### [0.17.1]( (2020-11-09)

### Bug Fixes

* **order:** bad bundle item fragments and query field ([#1119]( ([a42b561](

## [0.17.0]( (2020-11-09)


* **product:** The composite product selectors are now replaced with

### Features

* **all:** swap error names to compile-safe static codes ([#1127]( ([58185af](
* **core:** add error models and transform ([#1125]( ([ede2170](
* **product:** change the api for composite product facade and selectors ([#1120]( ([516b541](

### Bug Fixes

* **core:** null or undefined values cause an infinite loop in arithmetic functions ([#1128]( ([65724c2](

### [0.16.1]( (2020-11-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** composite cart item option id points to the wrong field in… ([#1124]( ([ec7a3ae](

## [0.16.0]( (2020-11-02)


* **cart:** The DaffCartFacade.totalDiscount is now DaffCartFacade.discountTotals and is an array of DaffCartTotal instead of a single number. Similarly the getDaffCartSelectors.selectCartTotalDiscount is now selectCartDiscountTotals.

### Features

* **cart:** add option_id to the DaffCompositeCartItemOption ([#1123]( ([f3d37b5](
* **cart:** make cart discounts separate ([#1121]( ([2b7ecbf](
* **order:** add extra order fragment extensions ([#1117]( ([e3dcbb7](
* **order:** add magento 2.4.1 driver models and transforms ([#1112]( ([26dca6f](
* **order:** add magento 2.4.1 driver queries ([#1114]( ([0ac5fc0](
* **order:** add magento 2.4.1 driver service ([#1116]( ([0a6053e](
* **order:** add order item types ([#1110]( ([24c8cbb](

### Bug Fixes

* **demo:** update tsconfig with core subpackages ([#1122]( ([0abbda7](
* **order:** email field present on order ([#1118]( ([ac7e306](

## [0.15.0]( (2020-10-23)


* **order:** this requires dependents to use the new entry points as old entry points are removed.
* **all:** @daffodil/core package import paths changed, you will need to update imports.

### Features

* **all:** split core into graphql and state packages ([#1091]( ([bf689e1](
* **cart, magento:** removes shipping methods from main cart fragement ([#1080]( ([f9743a7](
* **design:** update color palettes ([#1054]( ([4e91d60](
* **order:** define image in order item factory ([#1101]( ([f79eedb](
* **order:** fragement package into separate entrypoints ([#1105]( ([4790c80](
* **tools-dgeni:** remove internal properties from generated docs ([#1098]( ([7a3e14a](
* **tools, daffio:** generate interface docs with dgeni; generate docs for all public fields ([#1094]( ([5dd6239](

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** make any product percentages a whole number to avoid re… ([#1108]( ([e89ee4d](
* **product:** set the price and discount of the primary product of magento composite products to zero ([#1109]( ([f8ba0cb](
* **tools-dgeni:** make types for properties HTML compatible ([#1097]( ([d09b2aa](

## [0.14.0]( (2020-10-13)


* **cart:** creates no longer store the original cart state, but instead reset it, you may need to reload your cart data.

### Features

* **cart:** cart create success action should reset the cart state ([#1089]( ([c2172bc](
* **order:** add all invoice and order totals ([#1087]( ([92e96f9](
* **order:** add order total selectors ([#1090]( ([de8724e](

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** the min possible composite product price should not include prices for optional items ([#1086]( ([13bb953](

## [0.13.0]( (2020-10-06)


* **product:** Some of the composite product price selectors have been renamed, because they were incorrect/misleading.

* **product:** fix the facade and selector names for composite product prices ([#1085]( ([5766ad9](

### [0.12.1]( (2020-10-06)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** remove name as type from DaffAuthorizeNetCreditCard interface ([#1081]( ([a7931df](

## [0.12.0]( (2020-10-06)


* **product:** nearly all of the DaffCompositeProductFacade fields and the DaffCompositeProductMemoizedSelectors have changed
* **core, cart:** The loading$ facade field is now called featureLoading$, and the selectCartLoading selector is now selectCartFeatureLoading

### Features

* **core, cart:** segregate loading state into cart subfields ([#1084]( ([daabdb8](
* **product:** finalize the composite product price selectors and fac… ([#1083]( ([f7fcddf](

### [0.11.3]( (2020-10-01)

### Features

* **product:** add min and max discounted price selectors for composi… ([#1079]( ([e0310f4](
* **product:** add selectors for configurable and simple product perc… ([#1078]( ([c16b153](

### Bug Fixes

* **authorizenet:** incorrectly passing error message to failure action ([#1076]( ([82b9290](

### [0.11.2]( (2020-09-22)

### Features

* **cart:** add platform agnostic payment method ID facade field ([#1065]( ([dbd9463](
* **cart:** export order result guard ([#1073]( ([cc697c8](
* **product:** update the composite product option price and add disc… ([#1070]( ([6cdf80e](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** a null shipping total should be null instead of zero ([#1071]( ([1656271](
* **cart:** cart totals transformer crashes for no shipping addresses ([#1066]( ([c1582ce](
* **order:** driver errors cause effect observables to complete ([#1072]( ([4ef1521](
* **order:** wrong cart ID GraphQL variable type ([#1067]( ([5007cb6](

### [0.11.1]( (2020-09-14)

### Features

* **cart:** add selector for whether the cart has out of stock items ([#1064]( ([138fb19](

## [0.11.0]( (2020-09-07)


* **cart, product:** stock_status is now a boolean called in_stock
* **cart, product:** cart item stock_status is now an in_stock boolean field

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add error for authorizenet config ([#1055]( ([0f7bcd9](
* **cart, product:** add in_stock field for products and cart items ([#1061]( ([15a4039](
* **product:** add selector for whether a composite product item is r… ([#1062]( ([6509e26](
* **product:** default composite product item options are completely determined by the platform ([#1059]( ([6e747bf](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** not all available shipping methods returned by update ([#1057]( ([3559d10](

## [0.10.0]( (2020-08-29)


* **product:** selectCompositeProductAppliedOptions selector now returns Dictionary<DaffCompositeProductItemOption>

### Features

* **cart:** add extra_attributes field on cart model ([#1052]( ([ead9eca](
* **product:** composite product applied options selector returns  a dictionary of DaffCompositeProductItemOption instead of DaffCompositeProductEntityItem ([#1051]( ([1fed7dc](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** fix bug where a null value caused a crash ([#1053]( ([0db25d8](

### [0.9.4]( (2020-08-28)

### Features

* **cart:** add a cart total for shipping cost ([#1049]( ([09ca283](
* **cart:** make cart totals individually selectable ([#1048]( ([9f5a33c](
* **cart:** provide extra cart fragments ([#1050]( ([2f8bc20](
* **core:** add GraphQL fragment utils ([#1045]( ([d4663aa](
* **product:** make composite product items have a default option if … ([#1046]( ([2b9c37d](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** fix bug where selected shipping methods were not included … ([#1047]( ([74e1e81](

### [0.9.3]( (2020-08-24)

### Features

* **product:** stock_status data is now available for composite product item options ([#1044]( ([c371e63](

### [0.9.2]( (2020-08-22)

### Features

* **cart:** add cart item out of stock state ([#1043]( ([7dc34e6](
* **cart:** add stock_status field to cart items ([#1041]( ([2a6d411](
* **product:** add out_of_stock state for products ([#1042]( ([7af5f24](
* **product:** add stock_status field to product model ([#1039]( ([2d746d7](

### [0.9.1]( (2020-08-20)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add state for verifying acceptJs has loaded ([#965]( ([efc24ae](
* **cart:** export all cart item input models ([#1035]( ([188eeb7](
* **core:** add backoff operator ([#965]( ([e76b58d](
* **core:** add ID type ([#1034]( ([62ef210](
* **core:** create memory storage service ([#1036]( ([95fbdea](
* **core:** create noop storage service ([#1032]( ([bba42bc](
* **design:** add theme and theme-contrast styles to button ([#1038]( ([7f22a4b](
* **product:** add facade field for hasDiscount ([#1037]( ([e14ec27](

## [0.9.0]( (2020-08-14)


* **order:** - addresses field has been removed
- order addresses selector has been removed
- order addresses facade field has been removed
* **cart:** DaffCompositeCartItemOption model has changed to DaffCompositeCartItemInputOption to avoid a naming collision

### Features

* **cart:** add cart item entities state ([#1020]( ([94a489e](
* **cart:** add magento cart item transformers and factories for different types ([#1025]( ([bd25b36](
* **cart:** add models and queries for configurable and composite cart items ([#1024]( ([71b49df](
* **cart:** add state for different cart item type attributes ([#1027]( ([7e68415](
* **cart:** change the DaffCompositeCartItemOption model to DaffCompositeCartItemInputOption ([#1026]( ([cc29f6e](
* **cart:** listen for resolve success and failure in cart guards ([#1028]( ([8ef16dc](
* **cart:** wait for cart resolution in cart guards ([#1023]( ([1a65ae0](
* **order:** separate billing and shipping address ([#1033]( ([65da510](
* **order:** update cart ID input key ([#1029]( ([85f7cda](
* **order:** use magento order_number for daffodil order ID ([#1031]( ([0a7a380](

### [0.8.4]( (2020-08-06)

### Features

* **order:** add facade methods for order subfields ([#1021]( ([40100c9](

### [0.8.3]( (2020-08-03)

### Features

* **order:** add order subfield selectors ([#1018]( ([c36f7a7](

### Bug Fixes

* **authorizenet:** export a needed injection token ([#1019]( ([284cc85](
* **cart:** set payment method with billing has high query complexity ([#1016]( ([3f99aa9](

### [0.8.2]( (2020-07-29)

### Features

* **product:** add ranged price selectors for composite products ([#1012]( ([cfe758c](

### Bug Fixes

* **authorizenet:** cannot read code of undefined on driver error ([#1014]( ([b1fdb0c](
* **cart:** driver failures cause effect obsevables to complete ([#1013]( ([f98a759](

### [0.8.1]( (2020-07-24)

### Features

* **cart:** add isBillingSameAsShipping selector ([#1011]( ([1f10da4](
* **geography:** add personal address and address comparators ([#1010]( ([de575b6](
* **order:** add placed order selectors and guard ([#1009]( ([c32091c](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** Magento cart address query fails from parameter type and complexity ([#1007]( ([86569e3](

## [0.8.0]( (2020-07-20)


* **cart:** the DaffCartItemAdd for composite products has changed

### Features

* **cart:** change DaffCartItemAdd payload for composite products ([#1006]( ([e49b1e4](
* **cart:** create new cart after successful order ([#993]( ([17f7563](
* **cart:** provide in-memory cart address driver ([#1004]( ([f63d583](
* **design:** add optional components to modal for consistent modal UI ([#921]( ([489f9a9](
* **order:** pass cart ID into state layer ([#996]( ([f84ecc6](
* **product:** add qty to composite product option state ([#1005]( ([e20e3a5](
* **product:** add state for composite products ([#986]( ([817e146](

### [0.7.2]( (2020-07-14)

### Features

* **cart:** provide for cart address service in magento driver ([#1002]( ([18a8dca](

### [0.7.1]( (2020-07-14)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** use the @daffodil/cart CartPaymentUpdateWithBilli… ([#988]( ([4586ac6](
* **cart:** add cart address driver ([#977]( ([02e6239](
* **cart:** add cart address testing drivers ([#983]( ([b7e6a3e](
* **cart:** add cart address update state ([#954]( ([7ec3edf](
* **cart:** add order result guard ([#999]( ([fa9ae6a](
* **cart:** add payment updateWithBilling state ([#984]( ([1adae8a](
* **cart:** add updateWithBilling method to payment driver ([#981]( ([2589e2a](
* **cart:** store cartId in order result ([#995]( ([9ae460e](
* **cart:** update email with Magento shipping address update ([#976]( ([cb4dcd3](
* **core:** add long arithmetic functions ([#997]( ([a99ed27](
* **design:** add `daff-nav-list` variant of a list ([#891]( ([941c2c4](
* **design:** add accesibility role to DaffListItemComponent ([#964]( ([ad31dbb](
* **design:** add focus styles to button and update general styles ([#973]( ([5d37747](
* **design:** add statusable as a core interface ([#982]( ([226b80d](
* **design:** added new modes, focus, and escape key closing to sidebar ([#949]( ([b5745df](
* **design:** implement sizeable interface on the button component ([#903]( ([3d4d778](
* **design:** update list-item to work with anchor tags ([#990]( ([fb1658d](
* **order:** add Magento guest orders driver ([#972]( ([cfee4c9](
* **order:** support guest orders in effects ([#975]( ([a837d2b](
* **product:** add is_default to the composite product model ([#980]( ([d7eeab8](

### Bug Fixes

* **all:** helper function returns false on ID of 0 ([#979]( ([27caa4e](
* **cart:** fix bug where DaffCartStorageFailure was passed the wrong argument ([#1001]( ([db48693](
* **cart:** trigger load state on DaffCartResolve action ([#992]( ([8648496](
* **design-land:** update component names in list imports ([#991]( ([7545b24](
* **product:** fix bug where the wrong magento field was assign to a Daffodil object ([#978]( ([d895b23](

## [0.7.0]( (2020-07-02)


* **order:** adds a peer dep

### Features

* **cart:** update the cart payment with the payment package-specific info object ([#969]( ([f21f97b](
* **geography:** add optional fields to address factories ([#966]( ([064eed7](
* **order:** add magento queries and models for guest orders ([#968]( ([7441c55](
* **order:** add optional cartId parameters to support guest orders ([#967]( ([64c8419](
* **order:** add order not found error ([#971]( ([8da48b8](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** fix bug where an invalid cart id would result in unresolvable errors ([#970]( ([bd6db11](

### [0.6.5]( (2020-07-01)

### Features

* **core:** add substream operator ([#960]( ([a28325d](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** hasPaymentMethod returns false for empty string method ([#958]( ([2542813](

### [0.6.4]( (2020-06-26)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** export all actions from authorizenet ([#959]( ([3c76454](
* **design:** added checkbox examples ([#915]( ([100e5dd](

### [0.6.3]( (2020-06-25)

### Features

* **authorizenet:** add inmemory and testing drivers ([#956]( ([19a6cc6](
* **authorizenet:** overhaul the authorizenet module to be platform agnostic and useable with @daffodil/cart ([#952]( ([8062c47](
* **cart:** add an action that payment modules can use to add payment info ([#951]( ([9be0c51](

### [0.6.2]( (2020-06-18)

### Features

* **cart:** add default urls for guard injection token urls ([#947]( ([fc1a5c1](
* **cart:** add testing drivers ([#946]( ([7d89739](
* **product:** add facade fields for configurable product discounts ([#950]( ([d311995](

### [0.6.1]( (2020-06-11)

### Features

* **cart:** add redirect url tokens for guards ([#939]( ([5ac9607](
* **cart:** add resolvers for loading the cart and checking if the cart is empty before navigation occurs ([9e378c4](
* **cart:** include cart coupon effects ([e92f37a](
* **cart:** transform region to string for cart address input ([27b0784](
* **design-land:** added card-examples using the code preview component ([#894]( ([bce31f9](
* **geography:** deprecate region_id ([5fa7823](
* **product:** expose the selectMatchingVariants selector to the DaffConfigurableProductFacade ([#940]( ([a786f75](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** incorrect coupon action names ([404e01d](

## [0.6.0]( (2020-06-08)


* **product:** the getPrice function on the DaffConfigurableProductFacade is now split into getMinimumPrice, getMaximumPrice, and isPriceRanged.

### Features

* **cart:** add empty cart guard ([#933]( ([959e70f](
* **geography:** track the fully loaded countries in state ([#931]( ([122e537](
* **product:** change configurable product prices to be a min and max price ([#932]( ([fe1069b](

### Bug Fixes

* **navigation:** add action argument to mock facade dispatch function ([226b34e](
* **product:** add action argument to mock facade dispatch function ([58a2c94](
* **product:** export all mocked product facades ([394e1b5](

### [0.5.6]( (2020-06-03)

### Features

* **cart:** add angular guards for usage in checkout ([#926]( ([5be33ce](
* **cart:** add billing and shipping address in-memory backends ([#906]( ([bea8769](
* **cart:** add canPlaceOrder selector ([#908]( ([fe06c8c](
* **cart:** add payment and shipping information in-memory backends ([#922]( ([ccf0fb7](
* **cart:** add resolver action and effect for loading the cart ([#923]( ([ddf84a4](
* **cart:** add shipping and payment methods in-memory backends ([#917]( ([296ecca](
* **design:** add Code Preview Component for demoing components in design-land ([#892]( ([cf0bb70](
* **design:** added article component examples ([#893]( ([4021c4e](
* **design:** created DaffCheckbox and DaffCheckboxSet components ([#864]( ([b21e47e](
* **design:** initialized DaffRadioComponent ([#815]( ([86b0894](
* **design:** move design examples docs gen to libs/design ([#918]( ([ef5c780](
* **design:** update container to use size interface ([#897]( ([5f8a8b1](
* **design:** use highlightjs at build time during docs gen ([#919]( ([0d5792e](
* **geography:** add testing driver ([#911]( ([85b3b37](
* **order:** add facade ([#927]( ([bc1c67b](
* **order:** add in-memory driver and backend ([#909]( ([9f390db](
* **order:** add reducers ([#881]( ([588492b](
* **order:** add selectors ([#925]( ([0e56603](
* **order:** add testing driver ([#912]( ([782bbf5](
* **product:** Add configurable product selectors and facade ([#887]( ([b22dd1c](
* **product:** change the type of DaffProduct.price to number ([#898]( ([1e28dc6](
* **product:** cover edge cases for configurable product state ([#914]( ([3b0d47a](

### [0.5.5]( (2020-05-21)

### Features

* **product:** add discount field to DaffProduct ([#905]( ([d92b07c](

### [0.5.4]( (2020-05-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** fix configurable product query ([#904]( ([f258560](

### [0.5.3]( (2020-05-19)

### Features

* **cart:** add selector for cart item discounted total ([#900]( ([5a5b65a](
* **design:** add sizeable as a core interface ([#896]( ([20b5b39](
* **geography:** add country and subdivision selectors ([#902]( ([674c09a](
* **order:** add effects for loading and listing orders ([#899]( ([8e28e29](

### [0.5.2]( (2020-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **product:** fix magento configurable product query ([#895]( ([3e1528d](

### [0.5.1]( (2020-05-14)

### Features

* **cart:** add coupon in-memory driver and backend ([#886]( ([5bcc80c](
* **cart:** add order in-memory driver ([#880]( ([085bcc0](
* **cart:** implement adding configurable products to cart ([#877]( ([a537365](
* **checkout:** deprecate checkout/order ([#868]( ([3b75e0c](
* **demo:** add auth module ([#866]( ([38de3fd](
* **geography:** add in-memory driver and backend ([#888]( ([ef996cb](
* **geography:** add personal address factory ([#873]( ([1e48abd](
* **order:** add actions for loading many and individual orders ([#879]( ([5adf0c0](
* **order:** add basic driver interface ([#878]( ([8f08415](
* **order:** add models and model factories ([#872]( ([d0f8558](
* **order:** add order package and module ([#870]( ([5199d6b](
* **product:** add configurable product actions and reducers ([#884]( ([49165e5](
* **product:** add configurable product transformer and factories ([#876]( ([fd761d8](
* **product:** add DaffProductFacade.getProduct method ([#889]( ([dd4c777](
* **product:** add models for magento and daffodil configurable produ… ([#874]( ([5d3fa52](
* **product:** add query fragments for magento configurable products ([#875]( ([820bd44](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** default available shipping methods value to an array ([#871]( ([d2729c0](

## [0.5.0]( (2020-05-04)


* **product, demo:** This removes containers from the `@daffodil/product` library. Please use the associated facade instead.

### Features

* **auth:** add actions ([#758]( ([218d016](
* **auth:** add auth token storage service ([#865]( ([ec9ff81](
* **auth:** add effects ([#789]( ([64b165f](
* **auth:** add error handling to Magento drivers ([#782]( ([c73c264](
* **auth:** add facade ([#799]( ([6ea4b93](
* **auth:** add magento GraphQL driver ([#623]( ([560b82d](
* **auth:** add reducers ([#760]( ([596cc75](
* **auth:** add route guards for guests and members ([#822]( ([e92a7bd](
* **auth:** add selectors ([#790]( ([53bff5d](
* **auth:** remove transformer interfaces and move injection tokens to interface files ([#774]( ([5f4257e](
* **authorizenet:** add authorizenet testing module to test facade usage ([#812]( ([ebba457](
* **authorizenet:** update selectors to be actually memoized ([#773]( ([9f03cc2](
* **cart:** add apply/remove coupon magento mutation ([#825]( ([e1c2591](
* **cart:** add cart coupon actions ([#839]( ([b338be2](
* **cart:** add cart coupon driver service interface ([#824]( ([5a61abd](
* **cart:** add cart list coupons query ([#832]( ([ef17e46](
* **cart:** add cart order result model ([#830]( ([e04c3c4](
* **cart:** add cart-order service interface ([#814]( ([b1cc992](
* **cart:** Add Composite Product to Cart ([#834]( ([074cd0e](
* **cart:** add coupon effects ([#845]( ([553ee65](
* **cart:** add coupon errors selector and facade field ([#846]( ([a0b0409](
* **cart:** add coupon reducer ([#840]( ([35d49df](
* **cart:** add Magento cart coupon driver ([#862]( ([f805d74](
* **cart:** add Magento cart coupon transformer ([#860]( ([1e9f516](
* **cart:** add Magento GraphQL response models ([#855]( ([7913704](
* **cart:** add place order actions ([#826]( ([e5a0bdf](
* **cart:** add place order effects ([#828]( ([28b3d89](
* **cart:** add place order facade fields ([#835]( ([56382f1](
* **cart:** add place order Magento driver ([#823]( ([97e3391](
* **cart:** add place order reducers ([#827]( ([35ee9e4](
* **cart:** add place order selectors ([#833]( ([b21e9c6](
* **cart:** default known generic types to the base type ([#797]( ([421d55e](
* **cart:** make cart package generic ([#751]( ([d5f69f1](
* **cart:** provide a testing module for mocking facade usage ([#808]( ([2ac278a](
* **cart:** provide cart order driver ([#836]( ([54d5ecf](
* **cart:** remove some deprecated exports ([#796]( ([168a09e](
* **cart,product:** add introspection for Magento driver apollo tests ([#858]( ([e516b90](
* **category:** add testing module for mocking facade ([#807]( ([d48556f](
* **category:** make category page configuration model generic ([#783]( ([6722e48](
* **category:** make the category package generic ([#759]( ([be3c3a0](
* **category:** provide default values for generics ([#800]( ([32972e1](
* **checkout:** update order interface ([#861]( ([57d9df7](
* **contact:** add testing module with mock facades ([#811]( ([d768a51](
* **daffio:** add guides to left nav on docs ([#769]( ([218bd90](
* **demo:** add driver variant environments ([#755]( ([ece596e](
* **demo:** implement IntrospectionFragmentMatcher ([#778]( ([de9cd28](
* **design:** add heading mixin to set font standards ([#761]( ([bdf5d92](
* **design:** add theming option to card ([#768]( ([2cce96c](
* **design:** create article component ([#777]( ([6566f45](
* **design:** fix style rendering for container component ([#757]( ([e15a702](
* **design:** update callout to use heading mixin and typography variables ([#765]( ([7195968](
* **design:** update gray palette with accessibility considerations ([#767]( ([b0e270c](
* **design:** update hero to use heading mixin ([#764]( ([54dcdde](
* **dgeni:** expanded dgeni tools for to generate docs for examples in design-land ([#847]( ([8c00398](
* **driver:** add introspection schema for Magento v2.3.4 GraphQl to exports ([#852]( ([7924851](
* **driver:** add magento error transformer ([#785]( ([318a99b](
* **driver:** hoist magento into subpackage ([#794]( ([2726dbb](
* **driver, cart:** move MagentoMoney from cart into driver/magento ([#664]( ([3549b12](
* **geography:** add actions and reducers ([#735]( ([862e050](
* **geography:** add effects ([#780]( ([14a22fc](
* **geography:** add error handling for unknown countries to Magento driver ([#791]( ([cd013dc](
* **geography:** add facade ([#792]( ([131e1f0](
* **geography:** add geography testing module to mock facade usage ([#810]( ([dbc7668](
* **geography:** add selectors ([#766]( ([51c3ce8](
* **geography:** add street2 field to DaffAddress ([#712]( ([5ff4783](
* **navigation:** make the navigation package generic ([#748]( ([d950044](
* **navigation:** prefix selectors implementation with "get" ([#776]( ([ec20c8c](
* **newsletter:** add newsletter testing module for mock facades ([#809]( ([fa75b94](
* **paypal:** add paypal testing module to test facade usage ([#813]( ([78e1963](
* **paypal:** provide default values for generics ([#802]( ([9f89a6d](
* **paypal:** update selectors to be memoized ([#772]( ([5802dee](
* **product:** add a testing module for easily mocking the facades ([#803]( ([759b81b](
* **product:** add factories for different product types ([11b32a4](
* **product:** add transformers for Magento bundle and simple products ([#867]( ([4fc1a75](
* **product:** finalize composite product models ([#821]( ([01c16b1](
* **product:** provide default values for generics ([#801]( ([b7c65c1](
* **product:** remove DaffProductUnion ([#798]( ([4004592](
* **product:** remove deprecated __typename value from DaffProduct ([#817]( ([0299d51](
* **product:** rename product-node to magento-product ([#818]( ([fbd77f5](
* **product:** support generics in state ([#762]( ([cf8bb63](
* **product:** update product type models ([9693ec2](
* **product, category:** remove unneeded and unused models ([#819]( ([2d7713a](
* **product, demo:** remove references to daff product template containers ([#756]( ([0c2b691](
* **tools:** add generate fragment types builder ([#752]( ([7d7f1c5](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** fix a broken reference ([#843]( ([d4c5515](
* **cart:** Magento GraphQL cart address update fails ([#857]( ([397fc35](
* **cart:** malformed Magento place order and coupon queries ([#859]( ([3f6edca](
* **category:** fix bug where some effects would not properly make a get call with a generic request ([#784]( ([1d7ecad](
* **demo, design:** stylelint cannot find any files ([#754]( ([2434c3a](
* **driver:** the driver package is failing the build locally because … ([#793]( ([8433666](

### [0.4.22]( (2020-03-27)

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** allow clearing a Magento cart with more than one item ([#745]( ([fd8dde1](
* **cart, product:** magento cart item has bad image URL ([#744]( ([9db323b](

### [0.4.21]( (2020-03-26)

### Bug Fixes

* **category:** fix category product query ([#743]( ([d0b94ae](

### [0.4.20]( (2020-03-26)

### Features

* **cart:** throw error when in memory cart does not exist ([#737]( ([5c109e2](
* **category:** add the isCategoryEmpty selector ([#741]( ([0c54e47](
* **core, cart:** add interface for in memory angular web api services ([#739]( ([809debd](
* **geography:** export magento driver ([#736]( ([5a1d65f](
* **product:** add price to magento product responses ([#742]( ([2decb85](

### [0.4.19]( (2020-03-25)

### Features

* **geography:** add Magento GraphQL driver ([#731]( ([2e29491](

### [0.4.18]( (2020-03-24)

### Features

* **cart:** add cart item in-memory driver and backend ([#718]( ([b8d3674](
* **cart:** add error handling and specific error for cart not found ([#717]( ([da06b44](
* **cart:** add in-memory drivers ([#724]( ([08fef81](
* **cart:** add total_discount to DaffCartItem ([#720]( ([5beb1ff](
* **core:** add DaffErrorCodeMap to enable error transformation and mapping ([#715]( ([d9dc4ca](
* **geography:** add testing factories for subdivision and country ([#729]( ([75516a7](
* **geography:** make driver service interface generic and observable ([#728]( ([d44ffb1](
* **geography:** outline basic driver model and types ([#716]( ([dcc4d69](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** fix cart in-memory service ([#733]( ([e7ac069](
* **category:** allow categories to be sorted based on platform response ([#727]( ([39fc180](
* **category:** allow magento price filters with a wildcard "*" ([#726]( ([9d5e7a9](
* **category:** applied filters are now an empty array instead of null ([#730]( ([dc9eed3](

### [0.4.17]( (2020-03-20)

### Features

* **cart:** add a selector for whether the cart is empty ([#714]( ([0ad387c](
* **cart:** add cart in-memory driver ([#645]( ([9464455](

### [0.4.16]( (2020-03-19)

### Features

* **category:** differentiate applied filters and filter requests ([#711]( ([8b1465b](
* **product, category:** add product type to DaffProduct ([#713]( ([fe39515](

### [0.4.15]( (2020-03-18)

### Features

* **cart:** add image and abridged_description to the cart item ([#706]( ([bcf7ceb](
* **core, cart:** add core storage service, catch storage errors in cart during SSR ([#710]( ([539bf43](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** fix paths to use public_api instead of index ([#709]( ([6835e05](
* **cart:** return proper types to accommodate cart with no items ([#707]( ([ae7a640](

### [0.4.14]( (2020-03-17)

### Features

* **category:** coerce Magento product attribute input types to DaffCategoryFilter types ([#704]( ([87921e1](

### [0.4.13]( (2020-03-16)

### Features

* **cart:** add effects to state module and fix cart transformer ([#699]( ([ca8fb16](
* **category:** add a productsLoading state to category for when a fu… ([#702]( ([6898f9e](
* **category:** add description field to the category ([#705]( ([ccc22e9](

### [0.4.12]( (2020-03-12)

### Features

* **cart:** handle empty and null responses in Magento driver ([#696]( ([1423747](
* **category:** add product_ids and total_products to the category state ([#698]( ([a18dc01](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** Magento GraphQL requests use wrong fragment types ([#695]( ([3d3dab1](

### [0.4.11]( (2020-03-12)

### Features

* **category:** export all selectors and actions ([#692]( ([0d1a95d](

### Bug Fixes

* **cart:** importing magento driver module breaks builds ([#691]( ([6d7d40a](
* **category:** set the product ids on the categoryPageConfigState instead of the category in the in memory api ([#693]( ([2a072b4](

### [0.4.10]( (2020-03-11)

### Features

* **category:** add ability to process range type filters ([#690]( ([814356a](
* **category:** add enums for CategoryFilterActions ([#689]( ([f929462](

### [0.4.9]( (2020-03-10)

### Features

* **cart:** add redux state ([#681]( ([ce0beb3](
* **product, cart, category:** clean up magento models/factories/queries ([#682]( ([5647daa](

### [0.4.8]( (2020-03-10)

### [0.4.7]( (2020-03-09)

### Features

* **category:** add action for toggling a category filter ([#685]( ([85b6e78](
* **category:** make category accessory actions dispatch DaffCategoryLoad ([#686]( ([360486e](

### [0.4.6]( (2020-03-09)

### Features

* **category:** add category actions for applying filters and a sorting option ([#684]( ([18efc8b](

### [0.4.5]( (2020-03-08)

### Features

* **category:** add selectors for applied filters, sort option, and s… ([#683]( ([7ce06eb](

### [0.4.4]( (2020-03-07)

### Features

* **cart:** add cart driver ([#677]( ([ae9f206](
* **cart:** add Magento GraphQL cart item driver ([#676]( ([946adb1](

### [0.4.3]( (2020-03-06)

### Features

* **cart:** add Magento 2 GraphQl output models ([#651]( ([d735c2a](
* **cart:** add magento driver model factories ([#661]( ([c59db3d](
* **cart:** add Magento GraphQL billing address driver ([#671]( ([e69ef34](
* **cart:** add Magento GraphQL driver transformers ([#668]( ([60931ab](
* **cart:** add Magento GraphQl payment methods driver ([#654]( ([ce98101](
* **cart:** add Magento GraphQL shipping address driver ([#670]( ([aef1f16](
* **cart:** add Magento GraphQL shipping information driver ([#673]( ([21abba3](
* **cart:** add Magento GraphQL shipping methods driver ([#657]( ([3cc14aa](
* **cart:** add payment driver ([#672]( ([cb802f3](
* **cart:** add shipping address driver models ([#659]( ([05b4000](
* **cart:** add shipping and payment methods fields on cart ([#669]( ([0650cc8](
* **category:** add models for upcoming category queries ([#660]( ([cd08981](
* **category:** add transformers for a magento category request's sor… ([#662]( ([2ec7556](
* **category:** replace deprecated magento category call; update mage… ([#663]( ([2cf962c](
* **product:** add magento query fragment for retrieving bundled products ([#666]( ([b64677e](
* **product:** add MagentoProduct testing factory ([#665]( ([495f7e9](
* **product:** remove product transformer interface and injection token ([#667]( ([978df58](

### Bug Fixes

* **design:** fix daff-image padding-top calculation ([#655]( ([00cb54e](

### [0.4.2]( (2020-02-26)

### Features

* **cart:** add create method to cart driver ([#643]( ([0c3aade](
* **cart:** make cart clear API return the new cart ([#573]( ([8c92a85](

### Bug Fixes

* **contact, newsletter:** sets proper testing driver types  ([#647]( ([1715e83](

### [0.4.1]( (2020-02-24)

### Features

* **auth:** add auth service interface with check method ([#636]( ([7107907](
* **auth:** change register interface to return DaffLoginInfo ([#640]( ([2fef88b](
* **cart:** add interfaces to expand cart driver capabilities ([#616]( ([3fee926](
* **design-land:** update theme file and import daff-util into design land ([#638]( ([af1be2b](
* **newsletter, hubspot, driver:** prefer composition over inheritance ([#635]( ([37388de](

### Bug Fixes

* **demo:** add @daffodil/geography module to demo-dev tsconfig ([#644]( ([1fdff76](

## [0.4.0]( (2020-02-17)


* **design:** This explicitly breaks the old `daff-modal` implementation and replaces it with a simpler service-based dynamically rendered version.

### Features

* **auth:** add logout method to login service ([#624]( ([696e3b5](
* **auth:** remove DaffAccountRegistration generic ([#634]( ([fc7b68d](
* **design:** add image component ([#621]( ([0a48bbe](
* **design:** implement DaffFormFieldControl methods on input and select components ([#584]( ([249d249](
* **design:** rework modal to be dynamically rendered ([#517]( ([54823c9](
* **geography:** publish new geography package! ([#632]( ([10fc31f](

### Bug Fixes

* **auth:** logout observables not emitting ([#628]( ([dbb79c7](
* **contact:** exported contact backend service ([#630]( ([71cdf31](
* **newsletter:** exported backend service and testing module ([#629]( ([3c51e7b](

### [0.3.3]( (2020-02-12)

### Features

* **auth:** add testing driver ([#592]( ([a684f82](
* **auth:** add testing in-memory drivers ([#591]( ([c8ec452](
* **auth:** remove aliased types ([#614]( ([c9f8a66](
* **auth:** remove publish script from package.json ([#605]( ([8a6c24b](
* **cart:** remodel DaffCart ([#610]( ([92775f6](
* **checkout:** replace DaffCart type with Order type ([#608]( ([7ec003b](
* **demo:** replace bad tax calculation code with stub ([#606]( ([3c54727](
* **design:** expand id type on qty-dropdown to allow for strings ([#607]( ([c563e2a](
* **paypal:** add the paypal package ([#569]( ([faaf630](

### Bug Fixes

* **category, core:** fix bug where category inmemory service would delete produ... ([#611]( ([a94c146](

### [0.3.2]( (2020-02-05)

### Features

* **auth:** add driver interfaces ([#600]( ([c9a0548](
* **auth:** add testing factories ([#590]( ([ad3cd58](
* **auth:** basic package w/ interfaces ([#599]( ([8eb8d29](
* **authorizenet:** add Accept.js package ([#566]( ([8c081b1](
* **category:** make inmemory api capable of taking page_size and current_page ([#588]( ([73185e0](
* **demo:** add angular compiler options to the tsconfig and fix errors ([#586]( ([1dd9a49](
* **design:** remove generic on DaffFormFieldControl ([#581]( ([9ed5a75](
* **design:** remove hostbinding from input component ([#582]( ([a7135f4](
* **design:** update input styles ([#583]( ([b2e4c00](

### [0.3.1]( (2020-02-01)

### Features

* **driver:** make driver module publishable ([#587]( ([a1b7a83](

## [0.3.0]( (2020-01-31)


* **cart, demo, checkout:** this makes the `DaffCartServiceInterface` generic, so client dependencies will need to implement the generic.

### Features

* **all:** automated release process for [@daffodil]( packages ([#502]( ([d50220c](
* **all:** bump dependencies for http-proxy-agent and handlebars security advisories ([5201744](
* **backdrop:** add fullscreen flag to backdrop ([#515]( ([16f7991](
* **cart:** add cart id storage mechanism for persistent state ([#571]( ([9942cc3](
* **cart, demo, checkout:** make cart semi-generic ([#572]( ([6e83704](
* **category:** add actions and effects for category pagination([#513]( ([05f0fd9](
* **category:** add selectors for selecting multiple categories ([#578]( ([78baa59](
* **checkout:** add checkout order facade and update Daff prefix ([#535]( ([84b02e4](
* **checkout:** add driver tokens, interfaces, and models for payments ([#549]( ([01f981f](
* **checkout:** drop unused containers and add facades ([#532]( ([e734683](
* **checkout:** update action names and add facade ([#534]( ([eca3814](
* **contact:** added actions and reducers ([#519]( ([6dff579](
* **contact:** added driver interface layer and testing driver ([f0e4c8c](
* **contact:** added hubspot driver  ([#545]( ([9765dc0](
* **contact:** added in-memory backend and driver ([e3897c4](
* **contact:** added ngrx effects to contact ([a16a8af](
* **contact:** added selectors and facades for @daffodil/contact ([#520]( ([95b17e3](
* **contact:** created @daffodil/contact library ([#518]( ([8cf6b32](
* **contact:** made contact library publishable ([#540]( ([80fa917](
* **contact:** updated index and tsconfig ([70e8fdf](
* **core:** add daff persistence API with localstorage implementation ([#570]( ([460941b](
* **demo:** make demo AOT compatible by removing `getDriverVariant` ([#504]( ([dfe6db5](
* **demo:** use @daffodil/newsletter in demo newsletter feature ([d7c74d8](
* **design:** add form label directive ([#529]( ([a23b9ee](
* **design:** add prefix/suffix directives to @daffodil/design ([#527]( ([87f909c](
* **design:** add prefix/suffix to button ([#539]( ([ab91736](
* **design:** add themablility to daff-modal ([#516]( ([c23d10c](
* **design:** remove chevron mixin and update component usage ([#542]( ([3e400a3](
* **design:** remove error message dependency on form-field ([#553]( ([6c4ca03](
* **design:** update accordion class to use HostBinding ([#558]( ([b26fd72](
* **design:** update button-set class to use HostBinding ([#559]( ([4a7979f](
* **design:** update card class to use HostBinding ([#560]( ([e50d0a5](
* **design:** update container classes to use HostBinding ([#555]( ([d57a9cf](
* **design:** update feature class to use HostBinding ([#561]( ([7cb1d63](
* **design:** update image-list class to use HostBinding ([#562]( ([d1bffb6](
* **design:** update list classes to use HostBinding ([#563]( ([68364ba](
* **design:** update list icon implementation to use prefix/suffix ([#528]( ([09a073b](
* **design:** update loading icon to use HostBindings over `host` ([#556]( ([e3e49cf](
* **design:** update progress indicator class to use HostBinding ([#557]( ([5b234f8](
* **driver:** added driver base for interacting with Hubspot Forms ([#544]( ([ac33325](
* **driver:** removed unused files from driver for repurposing of library ([#547]( ([2ab60b9](
* **geography:** add  @daffodil/geography package ([#577]( ([27009a1](
* **geography, core:** add DaffAddress types and deprecate core Types ([#585]( ([b17e983](
* **newsletter:** add support for the @angular/in-memory-web-api ([#512]( ([c3c6d3f](
* **newsletter:** added hubspot driver ([#526]( ([7eda259](
* **newsletter:** hide unnecessarily exported tokens from api ([#543]( ([6aae3be](
* **newsletter:** updated newsletter hubspot driver to use @daffodil/driver ([#546]( ([f7645ee](

### Bug Fixes

* **all:** resync base package version with version in package.json ([b634db1](
* **category:** make in-memory backend work with a sensible current_page ([#510]( ([2c68d17](
* **category:** persists category configuration state on subsequent DaffCategoryLoad ([b399358](
* **demo:** add a missing config path to the demo-dev tsconfig ([#552]( ([9c81a05](
* **demo:** add proper deps for demo to build via lerna ([1a4ab4f](