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# Modal
Modal is a dynamically rendered element that floats above the rest of a page's content. It can be especially useful for interstitials that require additional user feedback.

## Basic Modal
<design-land-example-viewer-container example="basic-modal"></design-land-example-viewer-container>

## Usage

### Within a standalone component
To use modal in a standalone component, import `DAFF_MODAL_COMPONENTS` directly into your custom component:

  selector: 'custom-component',
  templateUrl: './custom-component.component.html',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [
export class CustomComponent {}

### Within a module (deprecated)
To use modal in a module, import `DaffModalModule` into your custom module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { DaffModalModule } from '@daffodil/design/modal';

    declarations: [
  exports: [
  imports: [
export class CustomComponentModule { }

> This method is deprecated. It's recommended to update all custom components to standalone.

## Supported Content Types
A modal includes minimally pre-styled components and directives to help structure the content in your modal.

### Header
Header can be added to a modal by using `<daff-modal-header>`. The header includes a title and an optional close button.

#### Title
Title can be added to the header by using the `[daffModalTitle]` directive.

#### Close Button
The close button in the header is shown by default but can be hidden by setting the `dismissible` property to `false` on the header.

### Content
Content can be added to a modal by using `<daff-modal-content>`. It should only be used once. It's a wrapper container that can be used to place all additional components and text content within a modal. The content container allows for a ton of control and customization because it's minimally pre-styled and serves as a wrapping and spacing container that is scrollable.

### Actions
Buttons can be added to a modal by using `<daff-modal-actions>`. This container will always be positioned at the bottom of a modal. The horizontal alignment of the actions is set to `end`.

## Dismissing a Modal
A modal can be dismissed via the close button or the `ESC` key. The close button is shown by default but can be hidden by setting the `dismissible` property to `false` on `<daff-modal-header>`. Additionally, the `[daffModalClose]` directive can be added to a `<button>` HTML element.

## Accessibility
Modal works with the ARIA `role="dialog"` and `aria-modal="true"` attributes to provide an accessible experience. The first tabbable element will receive focus when a modal is opened.

`aria-labelledby` is assigned the `[daffModalTitle]` string when it's used. If there is no title, `aria-labelledby` should be set in the configurations through the `DaffModalService`.

constructor(private modalService: DaffModalService) {}

showModal() {
    this.modal =
        { ariaLabelledBy: 'Modal Title' },

### Keyboard Interactions
A modal can be closed by choosing one of the actions buttons, the close button in the header, or it can be dismissed by pressing the `ESC` key.