# Toast
Toasts are small messages designed to mimic push notifications. They are used to provide users with application level information.
## Overview
Toasts should be used to display temporary messages about actions or events that occured or in need of attention, with no relation to content on a page. For messaging that provide context in close promixity to a piece of content within a page, use the [Notification](/libs/design/notification/ component.
## Basic Toast
<design-land-example-viewer-container example="default-toast"></design-land-example-viewer-container>
## Setting up the component
`provideDaffToast()` should be added as a provider either in your application's root component for global use or in a specific feature component.
import { provideDaffToast } from '@daffodil/design/toast';
providers: [
export class AppModule {}
### Configurations
Toast can be configured by using the `DaffToastService`.
The following is an example of a toast with a duration:
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@daffodil/design/toast';
selector: 'custom-toast',
templateUrl: './custom-toast.component.html',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
standalone: true,
export class CustomToastComponent {
private toast: DaffToast;
constructor(private toastService: DaffToastService) {}
open() {
this.toast ={
title: 'Update Complete',
message: 'This page has been updated to the newest version.',
duration: 5000,
The following is an example of a toast with actions:
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { DAFF_BUTTON_COMPONENTS } from '@daffodil/design/button';
import {
} from '@daffodil/design/toast';
selector: 'action-toast',
templateUrl: './action-toast.component.html',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
standalone: true,
imports: [
export class ActionToastComponent implements OnInit {
private toast: DaffToast;
constructor(private toastService: DaffToastService) {}
update = new EventEmitter<DaffToastAction>();
closeToast = new EventEmitter<DaffToastAction>();
open() {
this.toast ={
title: 'Update Available',
message: 'A new version of this page is available.',
actions: [
{ content: 'Update', color: 'theme-contrast', size: 'sm', eventEmitter: this.update },
{ content: 'Remind me later', type: 'flat', size: 'sm', eventEmitter: this.closeToast },
ngOnInit() {
this.update.subscribe(() => {
this.closeToast.subscribe(() => {
The following configurations are available in the `DaffToastService`:
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| -------- | ------ | ------------------------------- | ------- |
| title | string | A quick overview of the toast | -- |
| message | string | Additional details about the message that should be limited to one or two sentences | -- |
| actions | `DaffToastAction` | Adds a `daff-button` that allow users to perform an action related to the message. Actions should be limited to two buttons. | -- |
| dismissible | boolean | Allows a toast to be dismissible via a close button | true |
| duration | number | The duration in milliseconds that a toast is visible before it's dismissed | 5000 |
The `actions` configurations are based on the properties of the `DaffButtonComponent` (view [Button Documentation](/libs/design/button/ with the addition of `data` and `eventEmitter`.
## Dismissal
A toast can be dismissed via a timed duration, a close button, or the `ESC` key.
### Timed duration
A toast with actions will persist until one of the actions have been interacted with, or is dismissed by the close button or the `ESC` key. Actionable toasts should be persistent, but a duration is allowed to be set. If duration must be set, make sure it's long enough for users to engage with the actions.
By default, a toast without actions will be dismissed after `5000ms`. This can be updated by setting `duration` through the `DaffToastService`.
#### Toast with custom duration
<design-land-example-viewer-container example="toast-with-custom-duration"></design-land-example-viewer-container>
### Close button
The close button is shown by default but can be hidden by setting `dismissible: false` through the `DaffToastService`.
### Escape Key
A toast can be dismissed by using the `ESC` key if it has actions and is focus trapped.
## Stacking
A maximum of three toasts can be shown at a time. Toasts are stacked vertically, with the most recent toast displayed on top.
## Statuses
The status color of a toast can be updated by using the `status` property.
Supported statuses: `warn | critical | success`
### Toast with statuses
<design-land-example-viewer-container example="toast-status"></design-land-example-viewer-container>
## Positions
| Property | Value | Default |
| ------------ | ------------------------ | ------- |
| `vertical` | `top | bottom` | top |
| `horizontal` | `left | center | right ` | right |
To change the horizontal and vertical position of a toast, add the `provideDaffToastOptions` dependency key to the `providers` key in the module as shown below:
providers: [
position: {
vertical: 'bottom',
horizontal: 'center',
useParent: false,
The position of a toast on a mobile device will always be on the bottom center.
### Toast with configurable positions
<design-land-example-viewer-container example="toast-positions"></design-land-example-viewer-container>
## Accessibility
By default, toasts use a `role="status"` to announce messages. It's the equivalent of `aria-live="polite"`, which does not interrupt a user's current activity and waits until they are idle to make the announcement. When a toast has actions, a `role="alertdialog"` is used. The toast will be focus trapped and focus immediately moves to the actions.
Avoid setting a duration on toasts with actions because they will disappear automatically, making it difficult for users to interact with the actions.