import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import { DaffIdentifiable } from '@daffodil/core';
import { DaffStateError } from '@daffodil/core/state';
import { DaffPersonalAddress } from '@daffodil/geography';
import {
} from '@daffodil/payment';
* The payment action types enum.
export enum DaffPaymentActionTypes {
GenerateTokenSuccessAction = '[@daffodil/payment] Generate Token Success Action',
GenerateTokenFailureAction = '[@daffodil/payment] Generate Token Failure Action',
* Generates a payment token.
* @param query The payment query.
export interface DaffPaymentGenerateTokenPayload<T extends DaffPaymentRequest = DaffPaymentRequest> {
readonly request: T;
readonly address?: DaffPersonalAddress | DaffIdentifiable;
export interface DaffPaymentGenerateToken<T extends DaffPaymentRequest = DaffPaymentRequest> extends DaffPaymentGenerateTokenPayload<T>, Action {}
* Indicates a successful generation of a payment token.
export class DaffPaymentGenerateTokenSuccess<T extends DaffPaymentResponse = DaffPaymentResponse> implements Action {
readonly type = DaffPaymentActionTypes.GenerateTokenSuccessAction;
constructor(public payload: T) {}
* A failed payment with the error message.
export class DaffPaymentGenerateTokenFailure implements Action {
readonly type = DaffPaymentActionTypes.GenerateTokenFailureAction;
constructor(public payload: DaffStateError) {}
* A union of the payment action types.
export type DaffPaymentActions<
T extends DaffPaymentResponse = DaffPaymentResponse,
> =
| DaffPaymentGenerateTokenSuccess<T>
| DaffPaymentGenerateTokenFailure;