import { DaffIdentifiable } from '@daffodil/core';
import { DaffProduct } from '@daffodil/product';
import { DaffProductReviewCustomer } from './product-review-customer.interface';
import { DaffReviewRating } from './rating.interface';
export interface DaffProductReview extends DaffIdentifiable {
* The overall rating of the product.
overallRating: number;
* A list of rating that apply to specific aspects of the product.
ratings: DaffReviewRating[];
* The ID of the product that this review targets.
productId: DaffProduct['id'];
* The date when this review was submitted in ISO 8601 format.
createdAt: string;
* The customer that wrote the review.
customer: DaffProductReviewCustomer;
* The title of the review.
title: string;
* The full text body of the review.
body: string;