require "openssl"
require "zlib"
require "sandal/version"
require "sandal/claims"
require "sandal/enc"
require "sandal/json"
require "sandal/sig"
require "sandal/util"
# A library for creating and reading JSON Web Tokens (JWT), supporting JSON Web Signatures (JWS) and JSON Web Encryption
# (JWE).
# Currently supports draft-07 of the JWT spec, and draft-10 of the JWS and JWE specs.
module Sandal
# The base error for all errors raised by this library.
class Error < StandardError; end
# The error that is raised when a key provided for signing/encryption/etc. is invalid.
class KeyError < Error; end
# The error that is raised when there is a problem with a token.
class TokenError < Error; end
# The error that is raised when a token is invalid.
class InvalidTokenError < TokenError; end
# The error that is raised when a claim within a token is invalid.
class ClaimError < InvalidTokenError; end
# The error that is raised when the token has expired.
class ExpiredTokenError < ClaimError; end
# The error that is raised when a token is unsupported (e.g. the algorithm used to encrypt the token is not supported
# by this library or by the Ruby platform it is executing on).
class UnsupportedTokenError < TokenError; end
# The default options for token handling.
# ignore_exp::
# Whether to ignore the expiry date of the token. This setting is just to help get things working and should always
# be false in real apps!
# ignore_nbf::
# Whether to ignore the not-before date of the token. This setting is just to help get things working and should
# always be false in real apps!
# ignore_signature::
# Whether to ignore the signature of signed (JWS) tokens. This setting is just tohelp get things working and should
# always be false in real apps!
# max_clock_skew::
# The maximum clock skew, in seconds, when validating times. If your server time is out of sync with the token
# server then this can be increased to take that into account. It probably shouldn't be more than about 300.
# signature_policy::
# The policy for requiring signatures in tokens. The possible values are:
# - :strict (default) - The innermost token must be signed. This is the recommended policy.
# - :none - No signature is required. This _really_ isn't recommended.
# valid_iss::
# A list of valid token issuers, if validation of the issuer claim is required.
# valid_aud::
# A list of valid audiences, if validation of the audience claim is required.
ignore_exp: false,
ignore_nbf: false,
ignore_signature: false,
max_clock_skew: 0,
signature_policy: :strict,
valid_iss: [],
valid_aud: []
# Overrides the default options.
# @param defaults [Hash] The options to override (see {DEFAULT_OPTIONS} for details).
# @return [Hash] The new default options.
def self.default!(defaults)
# Checks whether a token is encrypted.
# @param token [String or Array] The token, or token parts.
# @return [Boolean] true if the token is encrypted; otherwise false.
def self.is_encrypted?(token)
if token.is_a?(String)
token.count(".") == 4
token.count == 5
# Checks whether a token is signed.
# @param token [String or Array] The token, or token parts.
# @return [Boolean] true if the token is signed; otherwise false.
def self.is_signed?(token)
if token.is_a?(String)
!token.end_with?(".") && token.count(".") == 2
token.count == 3 && !token[2].nil? && !token[2].empty?
# Creates a signed JSON Web Token.
# @param payload [String or Hash] The payload of the token. Hashes will be encoded as JSON.
# @param signer [#name,#sign] The token signer, which may be nil for an unsigned token.
# @param header_fields [Hash] Header fields for the token (note: do not include "alg").
# @return [String] A signed JSON Web Token.
def self.encode_token(payload, signer, header_fields = nil)
signer ||= Sandal::Sig::NONE
header = {}
header["alg"] =
header = header_fields.merge(header) if header_fields
header = Sandal::Json.dump(header)
payload = Sandal::Json.dump(payload) unless payload.is_a?(String)
sec_input = [header, payload].map { |p| Sandal::Util.jwt_base64_encode(p) }.join(".")
signature = signer.sign(sec_input)
[sec_input, Sandal::Util.jwt_base64_encode(signature)].join(".")
# Creates an encrypted JSON Web Token.
# @param payload [String] The payload of the token.
# @param encrypter [#name,#alg,#encrypt] The token encrypter.
# @param header_fields [Hash] Header fields for the token (note: do not include "alg" or "enc").
# @return [String] An encrypted JSON Web Token.
def self.encrypt_token(payload, encrypter, header_fields = nil)
header = {}
header["enc"] =
header["alg"] =
header = header_fields.merge(header) if header_fields
if header.has_key?("zip")
unless header["zip"] == "DEF"
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid zip algorithm."
payload = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(payload, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION)
encrypter.encrypt(Sandal::Json.dump(header), payload)
# Decodes and validates a signed and/or encrypted JSON Web Token, recursing into any nested tokens, and returns the
# payload.
# The block is called with the token header as the first parameter, and should return the appropriate signature or
# decryption method to either validate the signature or decrypt the token as applicable. When the tokens are nested,
# this block will be called once per token. It can optionally have a second options parameter which can be used to
# override the {DEFAULT_OPTIONS} on a per-token basis; options are not persisted between yields.
# @param token [String] The encoded JSON Web Token.
# @param depth [Integer] The maximum depth of token nesting to decode to.
# @yieldparam header [Hash] The JWT header values.
# @yieldparam options [Hash] (Optional) A hash that can be used to override the default options.
# @yieldreturn [#valid? or #decrypt] The signature validator if the token is signed, or the token decrypter if the
# token is encrypted.
# @return [Hash or String] The payload of the token as a Hash if it was JSON, otherwise as a String.
# @raise [Sandal::TokenError] The token is invalid or not supported.
def self.decode_token(token, depth = 16)
parts = token.split(".")
decoded_parts = decode_token_parts(parts)
header = decoded_parts[0]
options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.clone
decoder = yield header, options if block_given?
if is_encrypted?(parts)
payload = decoder.decrypt(parts)
if header.has_key?("zip")
unless header["zip"] == "DEF"
raise Sandal::InvalidTokenError, "Invalid zip algorithm."
payload = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(payload)
payload = decoded_parts[1]
unless options[:ignore_signature]
validate_signature(parts, decoded_parts[2], decoder)
if header.has_key?("cty") && header["cty"] =~ /\AJWT\Z/i
if depth > 0
if block_given?
decode_token(payload, depth - 1, &
decode_token(payload, depth - 1)
if options[:signature_policy] == :strict && !is_signed?(parts)
raise Sandal::UnsupportedTokenError, "The innermost token is not signed."
parse_and_validate(payload, options)
# Decodes and validates a signed JSON Web Token.
def self.validate_signature(parts, signature, validator)
raise UnsupportedTokenError, "Unsupported signature method." if validator.nil?
secured_input = parts.take(2).join(".")
unless validator.valid?(signature, secured_input)
raise InvalidTokenError, "Invalid signature."
# Decodes the parts of a token.
def self.decode_token_parts(parts)
parts = { |part| Sandal::Util.jwt_base64_decode(part) }
parts[0] = Sandal::Json.load(parts[0])
raise InvalidTokenError, "Invalid token encoding."
# Parses the content of a token and validates the claims if is JSON claims.
def self.parse_and_validate(payload, options)
claims = Sandal::Json.load(payload) rescue nil
if claims