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package design

import (


// NewGanttChart returns a GanttChart spanning days from the given
// date. Panics if date cannot be resolved.
func NewGanttChart(from date.String, days int) *GanttChart {
    return newGanttChart(from.Time(), days)

// newGanttChart returns a chart showing days from optional
// start time. If no start is given, time.Now() is used.
func newGanttChart(start time.Time, days int) *GanttChart {
    d := &GanttChart{
        Diagram:  NewDiagram(),
        start:    start,
        days:     days,
        tasks:    make([]*Task, 0),
        padLeft:  16,
        padTop:   10,
        colSpace: 4,
        Mark:     time.Now(),
    return d

type GanttChart struct {
    start time.Time
    days  int
    tasks []*Task

    padLeft, padTop int
    colSpace        int // between day or week

    // Set a marker at this date.
    Mark time.Time

    Weeks bool

func (g *GanttChart) MarkDate(yyyymmdd date.String) {
    g.Mark = yyyymmdd.Time()

// isToday returns true if time.Now matches start + ndays
func (g *GanttChart) isToday(ndays int) bool {
    t := g.start.AddDate(0, 0, ndays)
    sameYear := t.Year() == g.Mark.Year()
    sameDay := t.YearDay() == g.Mark.YearDay()
    return sameYear && sameDay

// Add new task from start spanning 3 days. Default color is green.
func (g *GanttChart) Add(txt string) *Task {
    task := NewTask(txt)
    g.tasks = append(g.tasks, task)
    return task

// Add new task. Default color is green.
func (g *GanttChart) Place(task *Task) *GanttAdjuster {
    return &GanttAdjuster{
        start: g.start,
        task:  task,

type GanttAdjuster struct {
    start time.Time
    task  *Task

func (a *GanttAdjuster) At(from date.String, days int) {
    a.task.from = from.Time() = from.Time().AddDate(0, 0, days)

func (a *GanttAdjuster) After(parent *Task, days int) {
    a.task.from = =, 0, days)

func (d *GanttChart) WriteSVG(w io.Writer) error {
    columns := d.addHeader()
    bars := make([]*shape.Rect, len(d.tasks))
    start := d.padLeft + d.taskWidth()
    lineHeight := d.Diagram.Font.LineHeight
    headerHeight := d.padTop + lineHeight*3
    for i, t := range d.tasks {
        rect := shape.NewRect("")
        bars[i] = rect
        d.drawTask(i, t)
        y := i*lineHeight + headerHeight
        d.Diagram.Place(rect).At(start, y)
    // adjust the bars

    for j, t := range d.tasks {
        var width int
        for i := 0; i < d.days; i++ {
            now := d.start.AddDate(0, 0, i)
            var col *shape.Label
            if d.Weeks {
                col = columns[i/7]
            } else {
                col = columns[i]
            switch {
            case now.Equal(t.from):
                d.VAlignLeft(col, bars[j])
            case now.After(t.from) && now.Before( || now.Equal(
                if !d.Weeks || (d.Weeks && now.Weekday() == time.Sunday) {
                    width += col.Width()
                    width += d.colSpace
        if !d.Weeks {
            width -= d.colSpace

    return d.Diagram.WriteSVG(w)

func (d *GanttChart) addHeader() []*shape.Label {
    now := d.start
    year := shape.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%v", now.Year()))
    d.Diagram.Place(year).At(d.padLeft, d.padTop)
    offset := d.padLeft + d.taskWidth()

    var lastDay *shape.Label
    columns := make([]*shape.Label, 0)
    var col *shape.Label
    for i := 0; i < d.days; i++ {
        day := now.Day()
        colName := day
        if d.Weeks {
            _, colName = now.ISOWeek()
        wday := now.Weekday()
        if day == 1 || d.Weeks && wday == 1 || !d.Weeks {
            col = newCol(colName)
            columns = append(columns, col)

            if !d.Weeks && now.Weekday() == time.Saturday {
                bg := shape.NewRect("")
                bg.SetWidth((col.Width() + d.colSpace) * 2)
                bg.SetHeight(len(d.tasks)*col.Font.LineHeight + d.padTop + d.Diagram.Font.LineHeight + d.colSpace)
                d.Diagram.Place(bg).RightOf(lastDay, d.colSpace)
                shape.Move(bg, -d.colSpace/2, d.colSpace)
            if i == 0 {
                d.Diagram.Place(col).Below(year, d.colSpace)
            } else {
                d.Diagram.Place(col).RightOf(lastDay, d.colSpace)
            if day == 1 {
                monthName := now.Month().String()
                if d.Weeks {
                    monthName = monthName[:3]
                label := shape.NewLabel(monthName)
                d.Diagram.Place(label).Above(col, d.colSpace)
            lastDay = col
        if d.isToday(i) {
            x, y := col.Position()
            mark := shape.NewLine(x, y, x+10, y)
        now = now.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
    return columns

func (d *GanttChart) drawTask(i int, t *Task) {
    label := shape.NewLabel(t.txt)
    lineHeight := d.Diagram.Font.LineHeight
    headerHeight := d.padTop + lineHeight*3
    x := d.padLeft
    y := i*lineHeight + headerHeight - lineHeight/3
    d.Diagram.Place(label).At(x, y)

func newCol(day int) *shape.Label {
    col := shape.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%02v", day))
    col.Font.Height = 10
    return col

func (d *GanttChart) SaveAs(filename string) error {
    return saveAs(d, d.Diagram.Style, filename)

// Inline returns rendered SVG with inlined style
func (d *GanttChart) Inline() string {
    return inline(d, d.Diagram.Style)

// String returns rendered SVG
func (d *GanttChart) String() string { return toString(d) }

func (d *GanttChart) taskWidth() int {
    x := 0
    for _, t := range d.tasks {
        w := d.Diagram.Font.TextWidth(t.txt)
        if w > x {
            x = w
    return x + d.padLeft

// NewTask returns a green task.
func NewTask(txt string) *Task {
    return &Task{
        txt:   txt,
        class: "span-green",

// Task is the colorized span of a gantt chart.
type Task struct {
    txt      string
    from, to time.Time
    class    string

// Red sets class of task to span-red
func (t *Task) Red() *Task { t.class = "span-red"; return t }

// Blue sets class of task to span-blue
func (t *Task) Blue() *Task { t.class = "span-blue"; return t }