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Test Coverage
package shape

import (


// NewGroup returns a virtual group of shapes which can be moved
// together.
func NewGroup(shapes ...Shape) *Group {
    return &Group{
        Shapes: shapes,
        Pad:    draw.Padding{Top: 12, Left: 12, Bottom: 12, Right: 12},

type Group struct {
    Shapes []Shape
    Pad    draw.Padding

func (g *Group) Position() (x, y int) {
    return g.TopLeftPos()

// SetX moves all shapes withing a group.
func (g *Group) SetX(x int) {
    cx, _ := g.TopLeftPos()
    for _, s := range g.Shapes {
        Move(s, x-cx, 0)

// SetY moves all shapes withing a group.
func (g *Group) SetY(y int) {
    _, cy := g.TopLeftPos()
    for _, s := range g.Shapes {
        Move(s, 0, y-cy)

func (g *Group) Direction() Direction { return DirectionRight }

// SetClass is a noop
func (g *Group) SetClass(c string) {}

func (g *Group) WriteSVG(out io.Writer) error {
    w, err := nexus.NewPrinter(out)
    for _, s := range g.Shapes {
    return *err

func (g *Group) SetPad(pad draw.Padding) { g.Pad = pad }

func (g *Group) Height() int {
    _, minY := g.TopLeftPos()
    _, maxY := g.BottomRightPos()
    return maxY - minY

func (g *Group) Width() int {
    minX, _ := g.TopLeftPos()
    maxX, _ := g.BottomRightPos()
    return maxX - minX

func (g *Group) TopLeftPos() (x, y int) {
    for _, s := range g.Shapes {
        sx, sy := s.Position()
        if x == 0 || sx < x {
            x = sx
        if y == 0 || sy < y {
            y = sy
    x -= g.Pad.Left
    y -= g.Pad.Top


func (g *Group) BottomRightPos() (x, y int) {
    for _, s := range g.Shapes {
        sx, sy := s.Position()
        w, h := s.Width(), s.Height()
        if x == 0 || sx+w > x {
            x = sx + w
        if y == 0 || sy+h > y {
            y = sy + h
    x += g.Pad.Right
    y += g.Pad.Bottom


// Edge returns intersecting position of a line starting at start and
// pointing to the rect center.
func (g *Group) Edge(start xy.Point) xy.Point {
    return boxEdge(start, g)