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package shape

import (


func NewArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2 int) *Line {
    head := NewTriangle()
    return &Line{
        Start: xy.Point{x1, y1},
        End:   xy.Point{x2, y2},
        Head:  head,
        class: "arrow",

func NewLine(x1, y1 int, x2, y2 int) *Line {
    return &Line{
        Start: xy.Point{x1, y1},
        End:   xy.Point{x2, y2},
        class: "line",

type Line struct {
    Start xy.Point
    End   xy.Point
    Tail  Shape
    Head  Shape

    class string

func (a *Line) WriteSVG(out io.Writer) error {
    w, err := nexus.NewPrinter(out)
    x1, y1 := a.Start.XY()
    x2, y2 := a.End.XY()
    var dashed string
    if strings.Contains(a.class, "dashed") {
        dashed = `stroke-dasharray="5,5" `
    w.Printf(`<path %sclass="%s" d="M%v,%v L%v,%v" />`, dashed, a.class, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    if a.Tail != nil {
        w.Printf(`<g transform="rotate(%v %v %v)">`, a.angle(), x1, y1)
        alignTail(a.Tail, x1, y1)
        a.Tail.SetClass(a.class + "-tail")
    if a.Head != nil {
        w.Printf(`<g transform="rotate(%v %v %v)">`, a.angle()+90, x2, y2)
        alignHead(a.Head, x2, y2)
        a.Head.SetClass(a.class + "-head")
    return *err

func alignTail(s Shape, x, y int) {
    s.SetY(y - s.Height()/2)

func alignHead(s Shape, x, y int) {
    s.SetX(x - s.Width()/2) // specific to triangle

// AbsAngle
func (a *Line) AbsAngle() int { return int(a.absAngle()) }

func (a *Line) absAngle() float64 {
    return math.Abs(float64(a.angle()))

// Angle returns value in degrees. Right = 0, down = 90, left: 180, up = -90
func (a *Line) Angle() int { return a.angle() }

// angle returns degrees the head of an arrow should rotate depending
// on direction
func (a *Line) angle() int {
    var (
        start = a.Start
        end   = a.End
        // straight arrows
        right = start.LeftOf(end) && start.Y == end.Y
        left  = start.RightOf(end) && start.Y == end.Y
        down  = start.Above(end) && start.X == end.X
        up    = start.Below(end) && start.X == end.X
    switch {
    case right: // most frequent arrow on top
    case left:
        return 180
    case down:
        return 90
    case up:
        return -90
    case a.DirQ1():
        a := float64(end.Y - start.Y)
        b := float64(end.X - start.X)
        A := math.Atan(a / b)
        return radians2degrees(A)
    case a.DirQ2():
        a := float64(end.Y - start.Y)
        b := float64(start.X - end.X)
        A := math.Atan(a / b)
        return 180 - radians2degrees(A)
    case a.DirQ3():
        a := float64(start.Y - end.Y)
        b := float64(start.X - end.X)
        A := math.Atan(a / b)
        return radians2degrees(A) + 180
    case a.DirQ4():
        a := float64(start.Y - end.Y)
        b := float64(end.X - start.X)
        A := math.Atan(a / b)
        return -radians2degrees(A)
    return 0

// DirQ1 returns true if the arrow points to the bottom-right
// quadrant.
func (a *Line) DirQ1() bool {
    start, end := a.endpoints()
    return start.LeftOf(end) && end.Below(start)

// DirQ2 returns true if the arrow points to the bottom-left
// quadrant.
func (a *Line) DirQ2() bool {
    start, end := a.endpoints()
    return start.RightOf(end) && end.Below(start)

// DirQ3 returns true if the arrow points to the top-left
// quadrant.
func (a *Line) DirQ3() bool {
    start, end := a.endpoints()
    return start.RightOf(end) && end.Above(start)

// DirQ4 returns true if the arrow points to the top-right
// quadrant.
func (a *Line) DirQ4() bool {
    start, end := a.endpoints()
    return start.LeftOf(end) && end.Above(start)

func (a *Line) endpoints() (xy.Point, xy.Point) {
    return a.Start, a.End

func radians2degrees(A float64) int {
    return int(A * 180 / math.Pi)

func (a *Line) Height() int {
    v := []int{intAbs(a.Start.Y - a.End.Y)}
    if a.Head != nil {
        v = append(v, a.Head.Height())
    if a.Tail != nil {
        v = append(v, a.Tail.Height())
    return maxOf(v...)

func (a *Line) Width() int {
    v := []int{intAbs(a.Start.X - a.End.X)}
    if a.Head != nil {
        v = append(v, a.Head.Width())
    if a.Tail != nil {
        v = append(v, a.Tail.Width())
    return maxOf(v...)

func maxOf(v int {
    var max int
    for _, v := range v {
        if v < max {
        max = v
    return max

// ----------------------------------------

func (a *Line) Position() (x int, y int) {
    x, y = a.Start.XY()
    if a.End.LeftOf(a.Start) {
        x = a.End.X
    if a.End.Above(a.Start) {
        y = a.End.Y

    return x, y

// CenterPosition returns the center x, y values
func (a *Line) CenterPosition() (x int, y int) {
    x, y = a.Position()
    return x + a.Width()/2, y + a.Height()/2

func (a *Line) SetX(x int) {
    diff := a.Start.X - x
    a.Start.X = x
    a.End.X = a.End.X - diff // Set X2 so the entire arrow moves

func (a *Line) SetY(y int) {
    diff := a.Start.Y - y
    a.Start.Y = y
    a.End.Y = a.End.Y - diff // Set Y2 so the entire arrow moves

// Direction returns vertical or horizontal direction, Other if at an angle.
// If Other, use arrow.DirQn() methods to check to which quadrant.
func (a *Line) Direction() Direction {
    return NewDirection(a.Start, a.End)

func (a *Line) SetClass(c string) { a.class = c }

func NewArrowBetween(a, b Shape) *Line {
    ax, ay := a.Position()
    bx, by := b.Position()

    // From center to center
    x1 := ax + a.Width()/2
    y1 := ay + a.Height()/2
    x2 := bx + b.Width()/2
    y2 := by + b.Height()/2
    arrow := NewArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    bs, ok := b.(Edge)
    if ok {
        p := bs.Edge(arrow.Start)
        arrow.End.X = p.X
        arrow.End.Y = p.Y
    as, ok := a.(Edge)
    if ok {
        p := as.Edge(arrow.End)
        arrow.Start.X = p.X
        arrow.Start.Y = p.Y

    return arrow