module TSS
# Warning, you probably don't want to use this directly. Instead
# see the TSS module.
# TSS::Splitter has responsibility for splitting a secret into an Array of String shares.
class Splitter
include Contracts::Core
include Util
C = Contracts
attr_reader :secret, :threshold, :num_shares, :identifier, :hash_alg, :format, :padding
Contract ({ :secret => C::SecretArg, :threshold => C::Maybe[C::ThresholdArg], :num_shares => C::Maybe[C::NumSharesArg], :identifier => C::Maybe[C::IdentifierArg], :hash_alg => C::Maybe[C::HashAlgArg], :format => C::Maybe[C::FormatArg], :padding => C::Maybe[C::Bool] }) => C::Any
def initialize(opts = {})
@secret = opts.fetch(:secret)
@threshold = opts.fetch(:threshold, 3)
@num_shares = opts.fetch(:num_shares, 5)
@identifier = opts.fetch(:identifier, SecureRandom.hex(8))
@hash_alg = opts.fetch(:hash_alg, 'SHA256')
@format = opts.fetch(:format, 'HUMAN')
@padding = opts.fetch(:padding, true)
'a16', :identifier, # String, 16 Bytes, arbitrary binary string (null padded, count is width)
'C', :hash_id,
'C', :threshold,
'n', :share_len
# Warning, you probably don't want to use this directly. Instead
# see the TSS module.
# To split a secret into a set of shares, the following
# procedure, or any equivalent method, is used:
# This operation takes an octet string S, whose length is L octets, and
# a threshold parameter M, and generates a set of N shares, any M of
# which can be used to reconstruct the secret.
# The secret S is treated as an unstructured sequence of octets. It is
# not expected to be null-terminated. The number of octets in the
# secret may be anywhere from zero up to 65,534 (that is, two less than
# 2^16).
# The threshold parameter M is the number of shares that will be needed
# to reconstruct the secret. This value may be any number between one
# and 255, inclusive.
# The number of shares N that will be generated MUST be between the
# threshold value M and 255, inclusive. The upper limit is particular
# to the TSS algorithm specified in this document.
# If the operation can not be completed successfully, then an error
# code should be returned.
# @return an Array of formatted String shares
# @raise [ParamContractError, TSS::ArgumentError] if the options Types or Values are invalid
Contract C::None => C::ArrayOfShares
def split
num_shares_not_less_than_threshold!(threshold, num_shares)
# Append needed PKCS#7 padding to the string
secret_padded = padding ? Util.pad(secret) : secret
# Calculate the cryptographic hash of the secret string
secret_hash = Hasher.byte_array(hash_alg, secret)
# RTSS : Combine the secret with a hash digest before splitting. When
# recombine the two will be separated again and the hash will be used
# to validate the correct secret was returned.
# secret || padding || hash(secret)
secret_pad_hash_bytes = Util.utf8_to_bytes(secret_padded) + secret_hash
# For each share, a distinct Share Index is generated. Each Share
# Index is an octet other than the all-zero octet. All of the Share
# Indexes used during a share generation process MUST be distinct.
# Each share is initialized to the Share Index associated with that
# share.
shares = []
(1..num_shares).each { |n| shares << [n] }
# For each octet of the secret, the following steps are performed.
# An array A of M octets is created, in which the array element A[0]
# contains the octet of the secret, and the array elements A[1],
# ..., A[M-1] contain octets that are selected independently and
# uniformly at random.
# For each share, the value of f(X,A) is
# computed, where X is the Share Index of the share, and the
# resulting octet is appended to the share.
# After the procedure is done, each share contains one more octet than
# does the secret. The share format can be illustrated as
# +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
# | X | f(X,A) | f(X,B) | f(X,C) | ... |
# +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
# where X is the Share Index of the share, and A, B, and C are arrays
# of M octets; A[0] is equal to the first octet of the secret, B[0] is
# equal to the second octet of the secret, and so on.
secret_pad_hash_bytes.each do |byte|
# Unpack random Byte String into Byte Array of 8 bit unsigned Integers
r = SecureRandom.random_bytes(threshold - 1).unpack('C*')
# Build each share one byte at a time for each byte of the secret.! { |s| s << Util.f(s[0], [byte] + r) }
# build up a common binary struct header for all shares
header = share_header(identifier, hash_alg, threshold, shares.first.length)
# create each binary or human share and return it.! do |s|
binary = (header + s.pack('C*')).force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')
# Prefer unpadded Base64 output. The 'padding' option was
# only added to Ruby later and Ruby <= 2.2.x barfs on it still.
binary_b64 = begin
Base64.urlsafe_encode64(binary, padding: false)
# join with URL safe '~'
human = ['tss', 'v1', identifier, threshold, binary_b64].join('~')
format == 'BINARY' ? binary : human
return shares
# The num_shares must be greater than or equal to the threshold or it is invalid.
# @param threshold the threshold value
# @param num_shares the num_shares value
# @return returns true if num_shares is >= threshold
# @raise [ParamContractError, TSS::ArgumentError] if invalid
Contract C::ThresholdArg, C::NumSharesArg => C::Bool
def num_shares_not_less_than_threshold!(threshold, num_shares)
if num_shares < threshold
raise TSS::ArgumentError, "invalid num_shares, must be >= threshold (#{threshold})"
return true
# The total Byte size of the secret, including padding and hash, must be
# less than the max allowed Byte size or it is invalid.
# @param secret_bytes the Byte Array containing the secret
# @return returns true if num_shares is >= threshold
# @raise [ParamContractError, TSS::ArgumentError] if invalid
Contract C::ArrayOf[C::Int] => C::Bool
def secret_bytes_is_smaller_than_max_size!(secret_bytes)
if secret_bytes.size > TSS::MAX_SECRET_SIZE
raise TSS::ArgumentError, 'invalid secret, combined padded and hashed secret is too large'
return true
# Construct a binary share header from its constituent parts.
# @param identifier the unique identifier String
# @param hash_alg the hash algorithm String
# @param threshold the threshold value
# @param share_len the length of the share in Bytes
# @return returns an octet String of Bytes containing the binary header
# @raise [ParamContractError] if invalid
Contract C::IdentifierArg, C::HashAlgArg, C::ThresholdArg, C::Int => String
def share_header(identifier, hash_alg, threshold, share_len)
SHARE_HEADER_STRUCT.encode(identifier: identifier,
hash_id: Hasher.code(hash_alg),
threshold: threshold,
share_len: share_len)