require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'
require 'digest'
require 'base64'
require 'sysrandom/securerandom'
require 'binary_struct'
require 'tss/version'
require 'tss/util'
require 'tss/hasher'
require 'tss/splitter'
require 'tss/combiner'
# Threshold Secret Sharing
# @author Glenn Rempe <>
module TSS
include Contracts::Core
C = Contracts
# Defined in TSS spec, two less than 2^16
# Max size minus up to 16 bytes PKCS#7 padding
# and 32 bytes of cryptographic hash
# When applying PKCS#7 padding, what block size in bytes should be used
# An unexpected error has occurred.
class Error < StandardError; end
# An argument provided is of the wrong type, or has an invalid value.
class ArgumentError < TSS::Error; end
# A secret was attmepted to be recovered, but failed due to invalid shares.
class NoSecretError < TSS::Error; end
# A secret was attempted to be recovered, but failed due to an invalid verifier hash.
class InvalidSecretHashError < TSS::Error; end
# Threshold Secret Sharing (TSS) provides a way to generate N shares
# from a value, so that any M of those shares can be used to
# reconstruct the original value, but any M-1 shares provide no
# information about that value. This method can provide shared access
# control on key material and other secrets that must be strongly
# protected.
# @param [Hash] opts the options to create a message with.
# @option opts [String] :secret takes a String (UTF-8 or US-ASCII encoding) with a length between 1..65_534
# @option opts [Integer] :threshold (3) The number of shares (M) that will be required to recombine the
# secret. Must be a value between 1..255 inclusive. Defaults to a threshold of 3 shares.
# @option opts [Integer] :num_shares (5) The total number of shares (N) that will be created. Must be
# a value between the `threshold` value (M) and 255 inclusive.
# The upper limit is particular to the TSS algorithm used.
# @option opts [String] :identifier (SecureRandom.hex(8)) A 1-16 byte String limited to the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z,
# the dash (-), the underscore (_), and the period (.). The identifier will
# be embedded in each the binary header of each share and should not reveal
# anything about the secret.
# If the arg is nil it defaults to the value of `SecureRandom.hex(8)`
# which returns a random 16 Byte string which represents a Base10 decimal
# between 1 and 18446744073709552000.
# @option opts [String] :hash_alg ('SHA256') The one-way hash algorithm that will be used to verify the
# secret returned by a later recombine operation is identical to what was
# split. This value will be concatenated with the secret prior to splitting.
# The valid hash algorithm values are `NONE`, `SHA1`, and `SHA256`. Defaults
# to `SHA256`. The use of `NONE` is discouraged as it does not allow those
# who are recombining the shares to verify if they have in fact recovered
# the correct secret.
# @option opts [String] :format ('BINARY') the format of the String share output, 'BINARY' or 'HUMAN'
# @option opts [Boolean] :padding Whether to apply PKCS#7 padding to secret
# @return an Array of formatted String shares
# @raise [ParamContractError, TSS::ArgumentError] if the options Types or Values are invalid
Contract ({ :secret => C::SecretArg, :threshold => C::Maybe[C::ThresholdArg], :num_shares => C::Maybe[C::NumSharesArg], :identifier => C::Maybe[C::IdentifierArg], :hash_alg => C::Maybe[C::HashAlgArg], :format => C::Maybe[C::FormatArg], :padding => C::Maybe[C::Bool] }) => C::ArrayOfShares
def self.split(opts)
# The reconstruction, or combining, operation reconstructs the secret from a
# set of valid shares where the number of shares is >= the threshold when the
# secret was initially split. All options are provided in a single Hash:
# @param [Hash] opts the options to create a message with.
# @option opts [Array<String>] :shares an Array of String shares to try to recombine into a secret
# @option opts [Boolean] :padding Whether PKCS#7 padding is expected in the secret and should be removed
# @option opts [String] :select_by ('FIRST') the method to use for selecting
# shares from the Array if more then threshold shares are provided. Can be
# upper case 'FIRST', 'SAMPLE', or 'COMBINATIONS'.
# If the number of shares provided as input to the secret
# reconstruction operation is greater than the threshold M, then M
# of those shares are selected for use in the operation. The method
# used to select the shares can be chosen using the following values:
# `FIRST` : If X shares are required by the threshold and more than X
# shares are provided, then the first X shares in the Array of shares provided
# will be used. All others will be discarded and the operation will fail if
# those selected shares cannot recreate the secret.
# `SAMPLE` : If X shares are required by the threshold and more than X
# shares are provided, then X shares will be randomly selected from the Array
# of shares provided. All others will be discarded and the operation will
# fail if those selected shares cannot recreate the secret.
# `COMBINATIONS` : If X shares are required, and more than X shares are
# provided, then all possible combinations of the threshold number of shares
# will be tried to see if the secret can be recreated.
# This flexibility comes with a cost. All combinations of `threshold` shares
# must be generated. Due to the math associated with combinations it is possible
# that the system would try to generate a number of combinations that could never
# be generated or processed in many times the life of the Universe. This option
# can only be used if the possible combinations for the number of shares and the
# threshold needed to reconstruct a secret result in a number of combinations
# that is small enough to have a chance at being processed. If the number
# of combinations will be too large then the an Exception will be raised before
# processing has started.
# @return a Hash containing the now combined secret and other metadata
# @raise [TSS::NoSecretError] if the secret cannot be re-created from the shares provided
# @raise [TSS::InvalidSecretHashError] if the embedded hash of the secret does not match the hash of the recreated secret
# @raise [ParamContractError, TSS::ArgumentError] if the options Types or Values are invalid
Contract ({ :shares => C::ArrayOfShares, :padding => C::Maybe[C::Bool], :select_by => C::Maybe[C::SelectByArg] }) => ({ :hash => C::Maybe[String], :hash_alg => C::HashAlgArg, :identifier => C::IdentifierArg, :process_time => C::Num, :secret => C::SecretArg, :threshold => C::ThresholdArg })
def self.combine(opts)