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35 mins
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import { Middleware, ProtoCatCall } from '../call'
import { CallType } from '../../call-types'
import { Message } from 'google-protobuf'

export interface CacheImplementation<E = unknown> {
   * Create a unique cache key that will be used for response save and lookup.
   * Return falsy key if caching should be skipped
  hash: (
    call: ProtoCatCall<E, Message, Message, CallType.Unary>
  ) => Promise<string | undefined> | string | undefined
  /** Return buffer from cache. Returning falsy value is considered a cache miss. */
  get: (
    key: string,
    call: ProtoCatCall<E, Message, Message, CallType.Unary>
  ) => Promise<Buffer | undefined> | Buffer | undefined
  /** Set cache result. Result is not awaited and does not block the response nor subsequent requests */
  set: (
    key: string,
    value: Buffer,
    call: ProtoCatCall<E, Message, Message, CallType.Unary>
  ) => void

export const createCache =
  <E = unknown>(
    /** Response binary cache implementation */
    cache: CacheImplementation<E>,
    /** Optional callback to react on cache miss/hit. Called once per request ASAP after cache retrieval */
    cb?: (
      call: ProtoCatCall<E, Message, Message, CallType.Unary>,
      hit: boolean,
      hash: string
    ) => any
  ): Middleware<E> =>
  async (call, next) => {
    if (call.type !== CallType.Unary) return next()
    const key = await cache.hash(call)
    if (!key) return next()
    let cached = await cache.get(key, call)
    if (!cached) {
      // cache miss
      await cb?.(call, false, key)
      await next()
      cached = call.responseSerialize(call.response)
      cache.set(key, cached, call)
    } else {
      // cache hit
      await cb?.(call, true, key)
    call.bufferedResponse = cached