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package sql

import (


const (
    MaxSQLLengthSOQL = 99500
    MaxSQLLengthApex = 18000

var rxSplitLines = regexp.MustCompile(`(\r\n|\r|\n)`)

func SplitTextLines(text string) []string {
    return rxSplitLines.Split(text, -1)


func ReadCSVFileSingleColumnValuesString(filename string, sep rune, stripBOM, hasHeader, trimSpace bool, colIdx uint, condenseUniqueSort bool) ([]string, error) {


func ReadFileCSVToSQLs(sqlFormat, filename string, sep rune, hasHeader, trimSpace bool, colIdx uint) ([]string, []string, error) {
    values, err := csvutil.ReadCSVFileSingleColumnValuesString(
        filename, sep, hasHeader, trimSpace, colIdx, true)
    if err != nil {
        return []string{}, []string{}, err

    sqls := BuildSQLsInStrings(sqlFormat, values, MaxSQLLengthSOQL)
    return sqls, values, nil

func ReadFileCSVToSQLsSimple(filename, sqlFormat string, hasHeader bool) ([]string, error) {
    bytes, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
    if err != nil {
        return []string{}, err
    lines := stringsutil.SplitTextLines(string(bytes))
    if len(lines) == 0 {
        return []string{}, nil
    if hasHeader {
        lines = lines[1:]
    if len(lines) == 0 {
        return []string{}, nil
    values := stringsutil.SliceCondenseSpace(lines, true, true)
    sqls := BuildSQLsInStrings(sqlFormat, values, MaxSQLLengthSOQL)
    return sqls, nil

// BuildSQLsInStrings returns a SQL statement inserting SQL IN values.
// The supplied SQL fromat should have an IN clause like `IN (%s)`.
// For example `SELECT Id from Account WHERE Id IN (%s)`.
func BuildSQLsInStrings(sqlFormat string, values []string, maxInsertLength int) []string {
    sqls := []string{}
    sqlIns := SliceToSQLs(values, maxInsertLength)
    for _, sqlIn := range sqlIns {
        sqls = append(sqls, fmt.Sprintf(sqlFormat, sqlIn))
    return sqls

const SingleQuote = "'"

var rxSingleQuote = regexp.MustCompile(`'`)

func QuoteWord(s string) string {
    return SingleQuote +
        rxSingleQuote.ReplaceAllString(s, "''") +

func SliceToSQL(slice []string) string {
    newSlice := []string{}
    for _, el := range slice {
        newSlice = append(newSlice, QuoteWord(el))
    return strings.Join(newSlice, ",")

// SliceToSQLs returns a slice of string elements separated by
// commas without the surrounding parentheses `()`. This is useful for breaking up
// a long SQL IN clause into multiple SQL statements.
func SliceToSQLs(slice []string, maxInsertLength int) []string {
    if maxInsertLength <= 0 {
        maxInsertLength = MaxSQLLengthSOQL
    strIdx := 0
    newSlicesWip := [][]string{}
    newSlicesWip = append(newSlicesWip, []string{})
    for _, el := range slice {
        newStr := QuoteWord(el)
        if maxInsertLength > 0 &&
            (LenStringForSlice(newSlicesWip[strIdx], ",")+len(newStr)) > maxInsertLength {
            newSlicesWip = append(newSlicesWip, []string{})
            strIdx += 1
        newSlicesWip[strIdx] = append(newSlicesWip[strIdx], newStr)
    newSlices := []string{}
    for _, slice := range newSlicesWip {
        newSlices = append(newSlices, strings.Join(slice, ","))
    return newSlices

func LenStringForSlice(slice []string, sep string) int {
    return len(strings.Join(slice, sep))